Individual student outcomes in the training of selected athletic skills, the composition of the teaching unit with athletic focus, the rules of athletics and the practical organization of athletic competition.
Last update: Rotková Hana, Mgr. (30.04.2019)
Synthesize the skills and knowledge gained during athletics teaching. Last update: Rotková Hana, Mgr. (30.04.2019)
Přímá výuka 12 hodin Dovednostní příprava 15 hodin Samostudium 10 hodin Příprava na zápočet 10 hodin Last update: Hájková Jana, PaedDr. (08.02.2022)
Dostál, E., Velebil, V. Didactics of School Athletics. Prague: UK, 1992. Kaplan, A. Bartůněk, D. Neuman, J. We jump, run and play on the playground and under the roof. Prague: Portal, 2003. Valkova, H. Athletics is also a game. Olomouc: Hanex, 1992. Vinduskova, J. Kaplan, A., Metelkova, T. Athletics. Prague: Svoboda, 1998. Journal of Physical Education and Sport of Youth. Last update: Rotková Hana, Mgr. (30.04.2019)
Application of didactic styles, solving of didactic situations, outdoor athletics, athletic events and suitable methodological processes, athletic games, teaching practice of students. Last update: Rotková Hana, Mgr. (30.04.2019)
Active participation in exercises. Conducting a teaching unit with an athletic focus based on a predetermined topic. Active participation in decision making of selected athletic competition. Last update: Rotková Hana, Mgr. (30.04.2019)