Practical course of genetics of prokaryotes - MB140C13
The course complements the theoretical lecture MB140P13. The three experimental tasks introduce selected principles and methods in bacterial genetics: spontaneous and induced mutagenesis, nonspecific insertional mutagenesis and conjugative mapping.
Last update: Nunvář Jaroslav, RNDr., Ph.D. (03.01.2024)
E-textbook with detailed descriptions of particular experiments are available on the MOODLE portal. Last update: Nunvář Jaroslav, RNDr., Ph.D. (03.01.2024)
Credits are given on the basis of active partipcipation of the course and presentation protocols of experiments. Protocols should be written up by each student and should have the standard scheme: the objective, principle and task execution, results and discussion of results. Last update: Nunvář Jaroslav, RNDr., Ph.D. (03.01.2024)
Task 1: Nonspecific insertional mutagenesis. Task 2: Spontaneous and induced mutagenesis. Task 3: Conjugative mapping.
Last update: Nunvář Jaroslav, RNDr., Ph.D. (03.01.2024)