CDP-History of Christian Doctrine - RETA3004
An introductory course, providing a definition of the subdiscipline of the history of dogma and presenting its
material from the beginning to the present, with regard to all main branches of Christianity. His goal is: a) to familiarize the students with the basic facts of the history of Christian dogma b) to critically orientate in the problem of the view of dogma and the relationship between the denominational and the ecumenical dimension of Christianity c) To offer a logical axis for organizing a more extensive independent study of church history. The main topics discussed: 1. The concept of dogma. 2. The formation of the biblical canon and its relation to the creeds; the early Christian symbola. 3. The ecumenical councils; the Trinitarian teaching; the christological questions; the controversy about icons. 4. The medieval councils; the development of the concept of sacraments from early church to Hussites. 5. The causes of the Reformation; the doctrine of sin, grace and justification, with the preconditions in the conflict between Augustine and Pelagianism. 6. The internal split of the reformation theology over the understanding of the sacrament; the Protestant creeds. 7. The dogmatic development of Roman Catholicism from the Tridentine to the Second Vatican Council. Poslední úprava: Gallus Petr, doc., Ph.D. (02.09.2024)
GONZÁLEZ J. L. A History of Christian Thought 1-3. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 19872, 400 + 362 + 496 p. ISBN 0-687-17185-7. PELIKAN J. The Christian Tradition: A History of Development of Doctrine 1-5. Chicago-London: The University of Chicago Press, 1971-1989 (and later), 395 + 331 + 335 + 425 + 363 p. ISBN 0-226-65371-4, 0-226-65373-0, 0-226-65375-7, 0-226-65376-5, 0-226-65380-3. Poslední úprava: Vančová Eliška, Mgr. (29.05.2020)