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Předmět, akademický rok 2024/2025
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Anatomy, Histology and embryology - DA1101338
Anglický název: Anatomy, Histology and embryology
Zajišťuje: Ústav anatomie (13-320)
Ústav histologie a embryologie (13-715)
Fakulta: 2. lékařská fakulta
Platnost: od 2024
Semestr: zimní
Body: 22
E-Kredity: 22
Způsob provedení zkoušky: zimní s.:
letní s.:
Rozsah, examinace: zimní s.:84/84, Z [HS]
letní s.:84/84, Z+Zk [HS]
Rozsah za akademický rok: 28 [týdny]
Počet míst: zimní:neomezen / neomezen (neurčen)
letní:neomezen / neomezen (neurčen)
Minimální obsazenost: neomezen
4EU+: ne
Virtuální mobilita / počet míst pro virtuální mobilitu: ne
Stav předmětu: vyučován
Jazyk výuky: angličtina
Způsob výuky: prezenční
Garant: prof. MUDr. David Kachlík, Ph.D.
Vyučující: MUDr. Azzat Al-Redouan, Ph.D.
MUDr. Petra Dvořáková
prof. MUDr. David Kachlík, Ph.D.
MUDr. Kamila Procházková, Ph.D.
MUDr. Pavel Roštok
Miki Shavit, M.Sc.
MUDr. Jiří Uhlík, Ph.D.
Záměnnost : DA0101337, DA1101337, DA1102337
Je prerekvizitou pro: DVA01257, DVA01235, DA1104339, DVA01258, DA1103337, DVA11001
Anotace - angličtina
Anatomy, Histology and Embryology is a principal component of compulsory subjects. It informs students in detail on the structure of the human body and its Latin and English terminology and nomenclature. It consists of systemic anatomy (description and function of organ system and individual organs and its parts, their blood, lymph and nerve supply, microscopic structure, and development), topographic anatomy (description of regions, their contents and mutual relationships), imaging anatomy (imaging of individual parts of the human body by means of various imaging methods in vivo), clinical anatomy (application of anatomical knowledge in clinical medicine), general histology (composition of human tissues), and general embryology (intrauterine development of human being).
Poslední úprava: Kovář Jan (30.06.2022)
Cíl předmětu - angličtina

The aim of the subject is:

a)To gain knowledge on macroscopic and microscopic anatomy, histology, embryology, and anatomy of organ systems of the human body.

b)To gain knowledge on the arrangement of region and spaces of the human body and on the mutual relationships of individual organs and other structures, mainly those clinically relevant.

c)To gain knowledge on the imaging anatomy of organs and vessels using X-ray, computer tomography, magnetic resonance, angiography and ultrasound techniques.

d)To learn the anatomical nomenclature in its latest Latin and English versions.

e)To gain knowledge about anatomy and its relation to following medical subjects.

Poslední úprava: Kovář Jan (30.06.2022)
Podmínky zakončení předmětu - angličtina

To conclude the subject, it is necessary to obtain credit in both semesters to be allowed to pass the final exam.

Winter semester credits are obtained at the end of the winter semester.

Summer semester credits are obtained at the end of the summer semester.

Only after gaining credits from both semesters can the student go to the exam.

Conditions for acquiring credits

  • Attendance at the practical classes. Two absences are allowed per semester. If a student misses 3–4 classes in one semester he/she has to contact the head of the department, who will decide what they can do to make up the missed classed. If a student misses 5 or more classes in one semester, the student will not be able to get the credit and will have to repeat the entire subject.
  • Pass all tests occurring during the semesters. Each student has the right to attempt each test three times: one attempt during the practical classes and up to two retakes. Re-takes of winter semester tests occur during the winter examination period. Dates for retaking winter semester tests are posted at the end of the winter semester. Re-takes of summer semester tests occur during the summer examination period. Dates for retaking summer semester tests are posted at the end of the summer semester. If a student, for whatever reason, does not attempt a test during the semester or its retakes in the examination period, he/she is not entitled to arrange a new term. If the student does not pass a test on the third attempt or does attempt the retakes, he/she cannot receive the credit.
  • Attendance at the dissection courses. No absences are allowed during the dissection courses. If a student cannot attend the entire dissection course for a serious unavoidable reason, he/she should contact the main teacher of his/her group.
  • Passing the examinations of topographic anatomy. These exams are held at the end of each dissection course. Each student has three attempts to pass this exam (one attempt at the end of the course and up to two attempts to retake it). The retakes occur in the winter/summer semester or in the examination period. If a student does not pass the examination on the third attempt or does attempt to retake the exam, he/she cannot receive the credit.

Poslední úprava: Kovář Jan (30.06.2022)
Literatura - angličtina

Compulsory literature:

Standring, S.: Gray's Anatomy: The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice. Elsevier Churchill Livingstone, 2021

or Williams, P. L.: Gray's Anatomy, Churchill Livingstone, 1999 (any edition from 37st to 42th)

Hudák, R., Kachlík, D., Volný, O.: Memorix Anatomy. 2nd edition, Triton, 2015

Mescher, A. L.: Junqueira’s Basic Histology. 15th ed., McGraw-Hill, 2018.

Balko, J., Tonar, Z., Varga, I. a kol.: Memorix Histology. 1st edition, Triton, 2018

Moore, K., Persaud T.V.N, Torchia, M.G.: The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology: 11th ed., Elsevier Health Sciences, 2019

Sadler, T. W.: Langman's Medical Embryology. 14th ed., Wolters Kluwer, 2019.

Recommended literature – textbooks:

Turlough Fitzgerald, M. J. et al.: Clinical Neuroanatomy and Neuroscience. 6th edition, Elsevier Saunders, 2012.

Nolte, J. The Human Brain. 6th edition, Mosby, 2009.

Snell, R. S.: Clinical Anatomy by Systems. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2007.

Moore, K. L.: Clinically Oriented Anatomy. 7th edition, Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2013.

Snell, R. S.: Clinical Neuroanatomy. 7th edition, Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2010.

Brodal, P.: Anatomy of the Human Central Nervous System. Oxford University Press, 1998.

Pawlina, W. (former Ross, M. H., Pawlina, W.): Histology: a Text and Atlas, 7th ed., Wolters Kluwer, 2015 (or older edition).

Lowe, J. S.: Stevens and Lowe's Human Histology. 4th ed., Elsevier, 2015.

Carlson, B. M.: Human Embryology and Developmental Biology. 6th ed., Elsevier, 2019.

Schoenwolf, G. a spol.: Larsen's human embryology, 6th ed., Elsevier, 2020

Recommended literature – atlases:

Putz, R., Pabst, R.: Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy. 15th edition, Elsevier Urban and Fischer, 2014.

Rohen, J. W.; Yokochi, Ch.; Lütjen-Drecoll, E.: Anatomy: A Photografic atlas. 8th edition, Wolters Kluwer, 2015.

Netter, F. H.: Atlas of Human Anatomy, 6th edition, Saunders, 2014.

The department website contains presentations of lectures and of imaging methods pictures which are considered as compulsory study material as well.

Poslední úprava: Kovář Jan (30.06.2022)
Metody výuky - angličtina

Information on education in summer semester 2020/2021


Remotely in the form of recordings via Moodle and 2.LF Anatomy YouTube channel.


Alternating between 2 forms as specified in the timetable:

• In person with adherence to COVID precaution regulation and capacity of 20 per classroom (number is subject to changing according to current situation updates).

• Remotely as online seminars via ZOOM and YouTube recordings.

Dissection II

9th week (12-16.4.2021) in person with adherence to COVID precaution regulation and capacity restrictions of each dissection hall.


in 2 format as following:

• Oral examination: Heart and CNS3 (Brain) in person with adherence to COVID precaution regulation and capacity of 10 per classroom (number is subject to changing according to current situation updates).

• Written tests: all remotely online, always on Monday 13.00 according to the timetable

Poslední úprava: Kovář Jan (30.06.2022)
Požadavky ke zkoušce - angličtina

It is necessary to fulfil only one condition to apply for the final exam: to gain credit in anatomy in both semesters.

The extent of examined knowledge is framed by both compulsory literature and presentations available on the department website.

Question for the final exam in anatomy: see http://anatomie.lf2.cuni.cz/en/general-medicine/final-exam/exam-questions.

Poslední úprava: Kovář Jan (30.06.2022)
Sylabus - angličtina
SP General Medicine
all study groups - 11. study week (SIS) from 13. 12. 2021
  • ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

See: http://anatomie.lf2.cuni.cz/en/general-medicine/schedule-of-lectures-and-practical-classes

Poslední úprava: Kovář Jan (30.06.2022)
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