Basic notions of linear functional analysis. Applications of abstract analysis.
Last update: T_MUUK (21.04.2008)
An introductory course in functional analysis. Last update: T_MUUK (24.04.2008)
W. Rudin: Analýza v reálném a komplexním oboru, Academia, Praha, 2003
J. Lukeš: Úvod do funkcionální analýzy, skripta MFF
J. Lukeš: Zápisky z funkcionální analýzy, skripta MFF Last update: T_MUUK (28.04.2008)
lecture and exercises Last update: T_MUUK (21.04.2008)
1. Linear spaces algebraic version of Hahn-Banach theorem
2. Hilbert spaces (a survey of results from the course in mathematical analysis : orthogonal projection; orthogonalization; abstract Fourier series; representation of Hilbert space
3. Normed linear spaces; Banach spaces bounded linear operators and functionals; representation of bounded linear functionals in a Hilbert space; Hahn-Banach theorem; dual space; reflexivity; Banach-Steinhaus theorem; open map theorem and closed graph theorem; inverse operator; spectrum of the operator; compact operator; examples of Banach spaces and their duals (integrable functions, continuous functions)
4. Locally convex spaces Hahn-Banach theorem and separation of convex sets; weak convergence; weak topology; examples of locally convex spaces (continuous functions, differentiable functions) Last update: Netuka Ivan, prof. RNDr., DrSc. (05.09.2013)