Termíny zkoušek - přihlašováníTermíny zkoušek - přihlašování(verze: 231)
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KapacitaPředmětTyp SemestrDatumHodinaBudovaMístnost Garant termínuUčitelOdhlásit doZápis doPřihlašování od
detail 5/8
Nursing III. (DA1103363) zkouška zimní 16.01.2025 - Čtvrtek 14:30 13-342 Mgr. Jan Neugebauer, Ph.D., MBA 14.01.2025 20:00 14.01.2025 20:00

Dear students,

the exams will be at the Department of Nursing - up on the hill where we had lectures.


Good luck

Jan Neugebauer

detail 10/10
Nursing III. (DA1103363) zkouška zimní 20.01.2025 - Pondělí 13:30 13-342 Mgr. Jan Neugebauer, Ph.D., MBA 18.01.2025 20:00 18.01.2025 20:00

Dear students,

the exams will be at the Department of Nursing - up on the hill where we had lectures.


Good luck

Jan Neugebauer

detail 8/10
Nursing III. (DA1103363) zkouška zimní 23.01.2025 - Čtvrtek 13:30 13-342 Mgr. Jan Neugebauer, Ph.D., MBA 21.01.2025 20:00 21.01.2025 20:00

Dear students,

the exams will be at the Department of Nursing - up on the hill where we had lectures.


Good luck

Jan Neugebauer

detail 7/10
Nursing III. (DA1103363) zkouška zimní 24.01.2025 - Pátek 13:30 13-342 Mgr. Jan Neugebauer, Ph.D., MBA 22.01.2025 20:00 22.01.2025 20:00

Dear students,

the exams will be at the Department of Nursing - up on the hill where we had lectures.


Good luck

Jan Neugebauer

detail 2/10
Nursing III. (DA1103363) zkouška zimní 03.02.2025 - Pondělí 13:30 13-342 Mgr. Jan Neugebauer, Ph.D., MBA 01.02.2025 20:00 01.02.2025 20:00

Dear students,

the exams will be at the Department of Nursing - up on the hill where we had lectures.


Good luck

Jan Neugebauer

detail 3/8
Nursing III. (DA1103363) zkouška zimní 12.02.2025 - Středa 13:30 13-342 Mgr. Jan Neugebauer, Ph.D., MBA 10.02.2025 20:00 10.02.2025 20:00

Dear students,

the exams will be at the Department of Nursing - up on the hill where we had lectures.


Good luck

Jan Neugebauer

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