PředmětyPředměty(verze: 964)
Předmět, akademický rok 2024/2025
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Specific Learning Disabalities and Behavioral Disorders - OINZ1Q026B
Anglický název: Specific Learning Disabalities and Behavioral Disorders
Zajišťuje: Katedra psychologie (41-KPSY)
Fakulta: Pedagogická fakulta
Platnost: od 2023
Semestr: letní
E-Kredity: 3
Způsob provedení zkoušky: letní s.:
Rozsah, examinace: letní s.:0/1, KZ [HT]
Počet míst: neurčen / neurčen (1)
Minimální obsazenost: neomezen
4EU+: ne
Virtuální mobilita / počet míst pro virtuální mobilitu: ne
Stav předmětu: vyučován
Jazyk výuky: angličtina
Způsob výuky: prezenční
Je zajišťováno předmětem: OENPQ1703Z
Garant: doc. PhDr. PaedDr. Anna Kucharská, Ph.D.
PhDr. Pavla Presslerová, Ph.D.
Anotace - angličtina
The course is a follow-up to Pedagogical and school psychology, where the basic theoretical aspects (definitions, clinical manifestations, legislation in relation to the intervention) of specific learning and behavioral difficulties were mentioned. The follow-up course deepens knowledge of the topic, especially in relation to specific approaches to students with learning difficulties. Topics: 1. Transition problems of pupils with learning difficulties and behavioral problems (1st grade vs. 2nd grade, primary school vs. secondary school, secondary school vs. university) 2. General forms of support and approaches to the students in higher levels of education, pedagogical support plan, individual educational plan 3. Teacher's approaches to students with persistent reading difficulties, methods and forms of support 4. Teacher's approaches to students with persistent writing difficulties, methods and forms of support 5. Teacher's approaches to students with persistent difficulties in mathematics, methods and forms of support 6. Manifestations of learning difficulties in language acquisition, science subjects, social science subjects 7. Teacher's approaches to students with specific behavioral disorders, individual educational plan 8. Teacher's role within the school support system- school counseling services, school management 9. Teacher's cooperation with parents and other professionals 10. Other forms of teacher support - education, methodical guidance, supervision
Poslední úprava: Battistová Eva, PaedDr. (07.03.2024)
Literatura - angličtina

ADAMS, M. J. Beginning to read : Thinking and Learning abour Print.Massachusetts, the MIT Press, 1994. 

CUMMINGS, R.; FISHER, G. The school survival Guide for Kids with LD. Mineapolis, Free Spirit Publishing, 1991.

Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-IV-TR.. Washington,DC: American Psychiatric Association, 2000.

Early Intervening Services. IDEA Regulations.U.S. Department of Education: Office of Special Education Programs, 2004 [online] [cit.2007-04-09]. Dostupné na WWW: http://idea.ed.gov/explore/view/p/ %2Croot%2Cdynamic %2CTopicalBrief%2C8%2C

ELBRO, C., BORSTRØM, I., PETERSEN, D.K. Predicting dyslexia from kindergarten : The importance of distinctness of phonological representations of lexical items. Reading Research Quarterly, vol. 33, no. 1, s. 36-60.

Fuchs, D., Fuchs, L. S. Introduction to Response to Intervention: What, why, and how valid is it? Reading Research Quarterly, 2006, vol. 41, no. 1, s. 93-99.

HORNSBY, B. Early identification and remediation. Dyslexia Contact., 1993, vol. 12, no. 2, s. 12-15.

HUFFMAN, L., MEHLINGER, S., KERIVAN, A. Risk factors for academic and behavioral problems at the beginnig of school. In Off to a good start. Research on the risk factors for early school problems and selected policies affecting children´s social and emotional development and their readiness for school. Chapel Hill:University ofNorth Carolina, 2000. 

Roderick I. Nicholson and Angela J. Fawcett (2008). Why Do Some Children Struggle to Read? Dyslexia, Learning, and the Brain. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 283 pp.

Seligman, M. Helplessness: On Depression, Development, and Death.San Francisco: W.H. Freeman, 1975.

Shaywitz, S.E., Shaywitz, B.A. Science Informing Policy: The National Institute of child Health and Human Development´s Contribution to Reading. Pediatrics, 2002, vol. 109, s. 519- 521.

SNOWLING, M.J. DYSLEXIA. Blackwell Publisher, 2007.

Snowling, M. (2019). Dyslexia: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford press.

Walker, H. M., & Gresham, F. M. (20AD). Handbook of Evidence-Based Practices for Emotional and Behavioral Disorders: Applications in Schools. New York: The Guilford Press.




Poslední úprava: Battistová Eva, PaedDr. (07.03.2024)
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