First, basics of the institutional and legal system of the enlarged European Union and fundamental principles of its operation and evolution are presented.
Then, summary of EU law of internal market and related policies will follow. Towards this background the institutional and legal aspects of the Czech EU membership shall be introduced. The course will focus also on the role of the ECJ and the effects of EU law within legal and judicial systems of the EU Member States. In this respect special attention shall also be paid to relevant Czech case law. The changes introduced by the Treaty of Lisbon will be discussed, too. The students shall be invited to reflect on their EU citizenship status and on the impact of EU law on the legal systems of their countries of origin. Therefore, the discussion in the class is welcome. Poslední úprava: Chromá Marta, doc. PhDr., Ph.D. (23.10.2019)
Exam: Written closed books test on topics and subtopics covered on lectures. Poslední úprava: Marešová Svatava, Ing. (04.01.2023)
Outline of the Course
Course Goals: To gain good understanding of the role, objectives and structure of the EU. To gain solid orientation in the sources and effects of EU Law. Means of communication: On site lectures MS Teams Reading list
Poslední úprava: Marešová Svatava, Ing. (07.08.2023)