Pediatric Dentistry SE - EA0910361
Anglický název: |
Pediatric Dentistry SE |
Zajišťuje: |
Stomatologická klinika (14-470) |
Fakulta: |
Lékařská fakulta v Plzni |
Platnost: |
od 2023 |
Semestr: |
letní |
Body: |
0 |
E-Kredity: |
0 |
Způsob provedení zkoušky: |
letní s.: |
Rozsah, examinace: |
letní s.:0/0, SZ [HT] |
Počet míst: |
neurčen / neurčen (neurčen)![](../img/div_tip.gif) |
Minimální obsazenost: |
neomezen |
4EU+: |
ne |
Virtuální mobilita / počet míst pro virtuální mobilitu: |
ne |
Kompetence: |
Stav předmětu: |
vyučován |
Jazyk výuky: |
angličtina |
Způsob výuky: |
prezenční |
Úroveň: |
Pro druh: |
Poznámka: |
odhlásit z termínu zkoušky při nesplněné rekvizitě |
Požadavky ke zkoušce - angličtina | |
The requirements for the state examination: to fulfil all exams (4 an 5 year of the study) and the clinical dentistry credit.
Poslední úprava: Dundová Jitka (29.10.2019)
- Sealing of the pits and fissures of teeth. Preventive fillings, procedures, materials
- Stomatological examination and the plan of treatment in children
- Radiological examination in paediatric dentistry
- Development and eruption of temporary and permanent teeth, complications of the teething
- Developmental anomalies of the teeth ( anomalies of the number, shape and size )
- Disturbances of the formation of the dental hard tissues
- Oral hygiene in the children ( requisites and methods )
- Psychoprophylaxis in paediatric dentistry and the stomatological treatment of the uncooperating children
- Dental caries in the sucklings and toddlers, caries prevention and therapy
- Recall-system in paediatric dentistry. Battered child syndrome (CAN)
- Temporary teeth: their importance, the possible consequences of their premature loss, prevention of their loss
- Dental caries in the temporary teeth; diagnosis, therapy
- Pulpitis in temporary teeth; diagnosis, therapy
- Gangrene of the pulp and periodontitis in temporary teeth; diagnosis, therapy
- Morphological differencies of the temporary and permanent teeth, differencies in their treatment
- The permanent teeth with the unfinished development: their characteristics, treatment of the dental caries, pulpitis and periodontitis
- Filling materials in paediatric dentistry
- The nutrition of the child in relation to the prevention and prophylaxis of the dental caries
- Local and regional anaesthesia in paediatric dentistry
- Extractions of the temporary and permanent teeth in children: indications, contraindications, technique
- Traumatic injuries of the dental hard tissues in children, diagnosis, therapy
- Traumatic injuries of the periodontal tissues of the teeth in children, diagnosis, therapy
- Inflammation of the perimandibular and perimaxillar soft tissues in children
- Minor surgical procedures in paediatric dentistry
- Inflammations of the oral mucosa in children; diagnosis, therapy
- The diseases of the periodontal tissues in children; diagnosis, therapy
- The infectious diseases symptoms in the oral cavity of children
- Lymphadenopathies in the orofacial region of children; diagnosis, therapy
- Osteomyelitis of the jaws in children; diagnosis, therapy
- Differential diagnosis of the swellings and asymmetries in the orofacial region of children
- Prenatal and postnatal prevention of stomatological diseases in children
- Prevention of the dental caries in children by means of fluorides: methods of systemic application
- Prophylaxis of the dental caries in children by means of fluorides: methods of exogenic application
- Fixed prosthetic restorations in children
- Removable prosthetic restorations and the therapeutical appliances in children
Poslední úprava: Hošková Marcela, Mgr. (18.09.2020)