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Forensic Dentistry - EA0909018
Anglický název: Forensic Dentistry
Zajišťuje: Ústav soudního lékařství (14-120)
Fakulta: Lékařská fakulta v Plzni
Platnost: od 2024
Semestr: zimní
Body: 1
E-Kredity: 1
Způsob provedení zkoušky: zimní s.:
Rozsah, examinace: zimní s.:7/7, Z [HS]
Počet míst: neomezen / neurčen (neurčen)
Minimální obsazenost: neomezen
4EU+: ne
Virtuální mobilita / počet míst pro virtuální mobilitu: ne
Stav předmětu: vyučován
Jazyk výuky: angličtina
Způsob výuky: prezenční
Pro druh:  
Garant: MUDr. Jan Netolický, Ph.D.
MUDr. et MUDr. Miroslav Dvořák
Vyučující: MUDr. et MUDr. Miroslav Dvořák
MUDr. Jitka Pažinová
Korekvizity : EA0905471, EA0905500, EA0908470
Je korekvizitou pro: EA0910361, EA0910477, EA0910483, EA0910481, EA0910485, EA0910479
Ve slož. prerekvizitě: EA0910361, EA0910477, EA0910479, EA0910481, EA0910483, EA0910485
Anotace -
"Forensic dentistry is the study and practice of aspects of dentistry that are relevant to legal problems." (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2009)
The work of a forensic dentist (odontologist) includes:
- Identification of unknown human remains through dental records.
- Assisting at the scene of a mass disaster.
- Analysis of bite marks found on victims of attack.
- Age estimations of both living and deceased persons.
Principles of Forensic Pathology are an indispensable basis of Clinical Forensic Medicine as well as Forensic Dentistry.

Poslední úprava: Hanzlová Jaroslava (10.10.2017)


Simpson´s Forensic Medicine, 12 th Edition, 2003,

                                                  13 th Edition, 2011


Poslední úprava: Dvořák Miroslav, MUDr. et MUDr. (14.11.2017)
Požadavky ke zkoušce - angličtina

Forensic Dentistry - Examination / Credit
(Dentistry – Year 5; Winter semester of the academic year 2022/2023)

Examination / credit - between 12th and 16th December 2022 (may still change); registration possible on SIS at the beginning of December. The date of opening the registration will be announced.
The examination is oral, there is no test. You will be assigned two questions (see List of examination questions below) and get time to prepare the answers. During the examination, you will also be awarded the credit.

Examination questions
1. The appearance of the body after death
2. Identification of the dead, Forensic dental identification
3. Blunt-force injury
4. Sharp-force injury
5. Gunshot injury
6. Child physical abuse
7. Shaken baby syndrom, Sudden infant death syndrome
8. Bite injury
9. Electrical injury
10. Injury caused by heat and cold
11. Carbon monoxide poisoning
12. Asphyxia – Hanging
13. Asphyxia – Ligature strangulation, Manual strangulation
14. Drowning
15. Road traffic injury
16. Head injury – brain injury, intracranial haemorrhage (topic that has to be prepared
from the assigned textbook)

Study materials for the examination
- Lectures / seminars
- Textbook Simpson´s Forensic Medicine, edition 2011 - only chapters dealing
with the topics of lectures and exam questions.


Poslední úprava: Hanzlová Jaroslava (11.10.2022)

 Forensic Dentistry

(Dentistry – Year 5; Winter semester of the academic year 2022/2023)

Lecturers: MUDr. et MUDr. Miroslav Dvořák – Department of Forensic Pathology
MUDr. Jan Netolický, Ph.D. – Department of Dentistry

Time of lectures/seminars: Tuesdays, every other week from 4:40 pm to 6:20 pm
Place: will be announced before each lecture/seminar
Contact with the lecturer/examiner in written form only - email address: miroslav.dvorak@lfp.cuni.cz

Textbook (at the faculty library or for free in pdf format available online): Simpson´s Forensic Medicine, 13th edition, 2011

Lectures / Seminars:

(1) 11th October 2022
Forensic medicine
The appearance of the body after death
Identification of the dead

(2) 25th October
Blunt force injury, Sharp force injury
Gunshot injury

(3) 8th November (may still change - the exact day and time will be announced
by MUDr. Netolický)
Forensic dental identification:
Identification of persons according to the teeth; Age estimation according to the teeth

(4 / 5) 22th November - double seminary
Child physical abuse, Shaken baby syndrome, Bite injury
SIDS (Sudden infant death syndrome)
Electrical injury
Injury caused by heat and cold
Carbon monoxide poisoning

(6 / 7) 6th December – double seminary
Asphyxia – Hanging, Ligature strangulation, Manual strangulation
Drowning; Road traffic injury


Poslední úprava: Hanzlová Jaroslava (11.10.2022)
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