Students work in all dental clinic departments, Students work under the supervision of an experienced dentist. Students can manage heavier dental treatment ( endodontic tratment, complicated extractions, preparation a impression for bridges). Students assist in the surgical room
In the individual departments, the operations below are recorded in MOODLE (Dentistry - overview of procedures 3rd - 5th year) The number of performances is recommended. Conservative dentistry: Fillings: - Composite (30) - Glass ionomer (10) Endodontics: - Definitive fulfillment (5) - Provisional filling and Preendodontics (10) Prosthetics: - Fabrication of a partial or total removable restoration (5) - Fabrication of fixed prosthetic work (5) Surgery: - Extraction (10) - Assistance in surgical procedure (10) Periodontology: - Assistance in surgical procedure (5) Poslední úprava: Netolický Jan, MUDr., Ph.D. (18.11.2024)
the accomplishment of the practical tasks defined in Sylabus. 100% participation on practice (1 absence allowed). Poslední úprava: Hošková Marcela, Mgr. (21.09.2020)
E.A.M. Kidd, B.G.N. Smith: Pickardś Manual of Operative Dentistry Valerie Clerehugh: Periodontology at a Glance Poslední úprava: Dundová Jitka (29.10.2019)
Diagnosis of pulpal and periapical disease Treatment methods in endodontics ( indirect and direct pulp capping, partial pulpotomy, pulpectomy, obturation of the root canal), Complicated extraction, periapical surgery Treatment of dental injuries Diagnosis and treatment of periodontal diseases Dental prosthetic treatment plan Preparation and impression for bridges, fixation of the prosthetic crowns and bridges Dental treatment in children Diagnosis and therapy of the oral mucous membrane disease Diagnosis and treatment of maxillofacial disease Diagnosis in orthodontics Diagnosis of orofacial pain Diagnosis of temporomandibular disorders Diagnosis of salivary glands diseasis Poslední úprava: Dundová Jitka (29.10.2019)