Aim of the lectures is to explain the influence of anatomical interconnection of pulp and periodontium on the development of pulpoparodontal diseases.
Student is acquainted with the risks and complications in the treatment of root canals. Student will acquire knowledge about the late consequences of injuries of hard dental tissues and periodontal tissues. Poslední úprava: Dundová Jitka (30.10.2019)
Student understands the importance of anatomical interconnection of pulp and periodontium in the development of pulpoparodontal diseases and has theoretical background for their diagnosis. Student knows how to prevent complications in the treatment of root canals. Student is able to clinically and radiologically recognize resorptive processes of the dental root and obliteration of the root canal. Poslední úprava: Dundová Jitka (30.10.2019)
Endodontic Therapy, 6th Edition By Franklin S. Weine, Mosby Title Poslední úprava: Dundová Jitka (30.10.2019)
Lectures, videos, slideshows Poslední úprava: Dundová Jitka (30.10.2019)
Active participation in clinical practices at the Department of Restorative Dentistry Credit Oral exam, theoretical knowledge in the scope of the syllabus Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics I+II Poslední úprava: Netolický Jan, MUDr., Ph.D. (03.11.2022)
Ca (OH)2 in endodontics – using in healing of extensive periapikal leasions Clinical dignostic and treatment of endo-perio lesions Emergency in endodontics Results ot traumatic dental ijuries Possibilities of using laser in restorative dentistry Importance of intraoral X ray in restorative dentistry Complication during root canal treatment Poslední úprava: Dundová Jitka (30.10.2019)