Speciální neurologie: Cévní onemocnění mozku. Nitrolební a spinální nádory. Kraniocerebrální a spinální poranění.
Epilepsie. Synkopy. Poruchy spánku. Neuroinfekce. Roztroušená skleróza mozkomíšní. Systémové autoimunitní a deficientní choroby. Degenerativní choroby. Vývojové a kongenitální abnormity. Poruchy periferních nervů a svalů. Vertebrogenní poruchy. Bolesti hlavy a kraniální neuralgie. Neurózy. Poslední úprava: Křikavová Lenka, Ing. (23.10.2019)
Student textbooks:R. Kotas, Z. Ambler: Essential General Neurology, Maxdorf, 2010. M. Mumenthaler, H. Matlte. Fundamentals of Neurology, Thieme Verlag, 2006. G. Fuller: Neurological examination. Made easy. Churchill Livingstone, 1993. Recommendation for further reading: I.M.S. Wilkinson: Essential Neurology. Blackwell Sci Publ, 2005. M. Donaghy. Neurology, 2nd ed., Oxford Univ. Press, 2005. 0. Devinsky, E. Feldmann, H.J. Weinreb, J.L. Wilterdink: Resident's Neurology Book. F.A.Davis, 1997.
Poslední úprava: Hrubá Hana (10.11.2017)
How to get the credit in practicals in Neurology? Practicals in the Neurology consist of 6-7 blocks, each 90 minutes long, during winter semester. For getting the credit is necessary to be present during all the practicals and to demonstrate the knowledge in the patient examination and in the creation of the diagnostic and therapeutic plan. Written part of the exam in Neurology is the test, that is containing 35 questions in general and special neurology, minimal number of correctly answered questions is 24. Oral part is containing 2 questions, 1 (out of 10) is from general neurology, 1 (out of 15) is from special neurology, both questions have to be answered correctly. For passing the exam in neurology is necessary to be successful in both the written and oral part. Poslední úprava: Hrubá Hana (25.05.2018)
General neurology: Nervous system, its function and dysfunction. Motor system – upper and lower motor neuron lesion. Sensitive system, its function and dysfunction. Pain, its types and painful syndromes. Extrapyramidal system and movement disorders. Cerebellum and coordination. Cranial nerves and its disorders. Symbolic functions. Altered states of consciousness. Delirium, coma, brain death.
Neurological examination and dignostic methods in neurology: Diagnostic methods In neurology. Cerebrospinal fluid analysis. Electroencephalography, electromyography, evoked potentials, diagnostic ultrasound. Imaging in neurological diseases. Computer tomography. Magnetic resonance.
Neurological diseases: Cerebrovascular diseases. Patophysiology of the brain circulation. Atherothrombosis. Arterial embolization. Ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes, its types. Treatment and prevention. Stroke centers. Epilepsy. Types of seizures. Status epilepticus. Therapy and prevention. Syncopes. Demyelinating disorders. Neurooncology. Intracranial tumors – primary and metastasis. Spinal tumors, paraneoplastic disorders. Craniocerebral trauma, injury of the spine and medulla. Central nervous system infection. Bacterial meningitis, brain abscess. Tuberculous meningitis. Spinal epidural abscess. Viral meningoencephalitis. Neuroborreliosis. Neurodegenerative diseases of the brain. Parkinson´s disease, Alzheimer´s disease. Neurodegnerative diseases of the spinal medulla. Motor neuron disease. Diseases of the spine and spinal medulla. Nutritional and metabolic diseases. Toxic injuries of the nervous system
Poslední úprava: Hrubá Hana (10.11.2017)