V tomto předmětu získá student základní znalosti o struktuře a funkci imunitního systému, seznámí se s patogenezí, klinickými projevy a léčbou nejvýznamnějších imunopatologických chorob.
Poslední úprava: Nováková Lenka (14.11.2017)
Recommended literature: Abbas A. K., Lichtman A. H. H., Pillai S.: Basic Immunology: Functions and Disorders of the Immune Systém. Elsevier Health Sciences, 2012 Supplementary literature: Doan T., Melvold R., Viselli S., Valtenbaugh C: Immunology. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, (2nd Edition), 2012 Delves P.J., Martin S.J., Burton D.R., Roitt I.M.: Roitt's Essential Immunology (13th Edition), Wiley-Blackwell, 2017 Weaver C., Murphy K.: Jeneway's Immunobiology (9th Edition), Garland Science, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, 2017 Poslední úprava: Nováková Lenka (15.11.2017)
Course conditions:
Exam questions: 1. The immune system and its importance for homeostasis. Antigen. 2. Component parts of the immune system (organs, cells, substances) and their function. 3. Non-specific cellular and humoral immune mechanisms (characteristics, function). 4. Specific cellular and humoral immune mechanisms (characteristics, function). 5. Phagocytosis (phagocytes, their functions, and importance). 6. Complement, pathways of activation, biological significance. 7. Basophils and mast cells and their role in the immune reactions. 8. Immune mechanisms of inflammation (local and systemic reaction). 9. Natural killer cells, their characteristics, and their function. Interferons. 10. HLA system (classes, polymorphism, typing). 11. Binding of peptides to MHC. Antigen presentation (function, purpose). 12. T-lymphocytes (ontogenesis, selection, surface markers, subpopulations, functions). TCR. 13. Th1 based immune reaction. 14. Th2 based immune reaction. 15. Tc based immune reaction. 16. Physiological mechanisms of regulation of the immune system. 17. B-lymphocytes - ontogenesis, surface markers, function. Ontogenesis of antibody production. 18. Immunoglobulins (structure, classes). Genetic background of immunoglobulin production. 19. Immunoglobulins (functions of different isotypes). 20. Antibodies based immune reaction (primary, secondary). 21. Mucous and cutaneous immune system 22. External regulation of immune response (possibilities, purposes). 23. Defense against extracellular pathogens (bacteria and unicellular parasites). 24. Defense against intracellular pathogens (bacteria, fungi, and unicellular parasites). 25. Anti-viral defense. 26. Defense against multicellular parasites. 27. Tumor immunology - tumor antigens, mechanisms of defense. 28. Alloimmune reaction. Types of transplantations and immunological examination before 29. Types of graft rejection and their mechanisms. GvH disease. Principles of materno-foetal tolerance. 30. IgG and IgM based immunopathological reaction (reaction of hypersensitivity type II). 31. Immunocomplex based immunopathological reaction (reaction of hypersensitivity type III). 32. Acquired immunodeficiencies - causes, mechanisms involved. AIDS. 33. Primary immunodeficiencies - clinical manifestations, examples. 34. Hereditary angioedema (pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, treatment). 35. Examples of systemic autoimmune diseases. Significance of autoantibodies. 36. Examples of organ-specific autoimmune diseases and organoleptic autoimmune diseases. 37. Immunopatological reaction type IV (delayed-type). Cutaneous and mucous contact allergy. 38. IgE based immunopathological reaction (type I, atopy). 39. Allergens. Allergic diseases - causes, symptoms, and diagnostics. 40. Anaphylaxis (causes, symptoms, and treatment). 41. Examples of diseases based on immunopathological reaction type I. Treatment. 42. Drug allergy.
Poslední úprava: Nováková Lenka (18.05.2020)
Immunology - 3rd year - Dentistry SS 2024/2025 Seminars take place in the seminar room of the Department of Immunology and Allergology, entrance C, 2nd floor, room No 345, 9.00 – 10.40
21. 2. 2025 Mgr. Ochotná Jitka 1. The immune system and its importance for homeostasis. Antigen. 2. Component parts of the immune system (organs, cells, substances) and their function. 3. Non-specific cellular and humoral immune mechanisms (characteristics, function). 4. Specific cellular and humoral immune mechanisms (characteristics, function). 5. Phagocytosis (phagocytes, their functions and importance). 6. Complement, pathways of activation, biological significance. 7. Basophils and mast cells and their role in the immune reactions. 8. Immune mechanisms of inflammation (local and systemic reaction).
7. 3. 2025 Mgr. Ochotná Jitka 9. Natural killer cells, their characteristics, and their function. Interferons. 10. HLA system (classes, polymorphism, typing). 11. Binding of peptides to MHC. Antigen presentation (function, purpose). 12. T-lymphocytes (ontogenesis, selection, surface markers, subpopulations, functions). TCR. 13. Th1 based immune reaction. 14. Th2 based immune reaction. 15. Tc based immune reaction. 16. Physiological mechanisms of regulation of the immune system. Cytokines (classification according to the function).
21. 3. 2025 MUDr. Vachová Martina, Ph.D. 17. B-lymphocytes - ontogenesis, surface markers, function. BCR. Ontogenesis of antibody production. 18. Immunoglobulins (structure, classes). Genetic background of immunoglobulin production. 19. Immunoglobulins (functions of different isotypes). 20. Antibodies based immune reaction (primary, secondary). 21. Mucous and cutaneous immune system (Barrier functions of the human body and defense mechanisms). 22. External regulation of immune response (possibilities, purposes).
4. 4. 2025 Mgr. Ochotná Jitka 23. Defense against extracellular pathogens (bacteria and unicellular parasites). 24. Defense against intracellular pathogens (bacteria, fungi and unicellular parasites). 25. Anti-viral defense. 26. Defense against multicellular parasites. 27. Tumor immunology - tumor antigens, mechanisms of defense. 28. Alloimmune reaction. Types of transplantations and immunological examination before 29. Types of graft rejection and their mechanisms. GvH disease. Principles of materno-foetal tolerance. 30. IgG and IgM based immunopathological reaction (reaction of hypersensitivity type II). 31. Immunocomplex based immunopathological reaction (reaction of hypersensitivity type III).
2. 5. 2025 prof. MUDr. Panzner Petr, CSc. 32. Immunopatological reaction type IV (delayed-type). Cutaneous and mucous contact allergy. 33. IgE based immunopathological reaction (type I, atopy). 34. Allergens. Allergic diseases - causes, symptoms, and diagnostics. 35. Anaphylaxis (causes, symptoms, and treatment). 36. Examples of diseases based on immunopathological reaction type I. Treatment. 37. Drug allergy.
16. 5. 2025 MUDr. Liška Martin, Ph.D. 38. Acquired immunodeficiencies - causes, mechanisms involved. AIDS. 39. Primary immunodeficiencies - clinical manifestations, examples. 40. Hereditary angioedema (pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, treatment). 41. Examples of systemic autoimmune diseases. Significance of autoantibodies. 42. Examples of organ-specific autoimmune diseases and organoleptic autoimmune diseases.
Poslední úprava: Nováková Lenka (21.01.2025)
Course of Immunology and allergology in MOODLE: https://lms.lfp.cuni.cz/course/view.php?id=318 Poslední úprava: Nováková Lenka (25.02.2021)