The aim of the course of Biology and Genetics is to provide the students with the essential knowledge on cellular and molecular biology and genetics. The accent is put on the pathobiological processes and human biological and genetic variations as they relate to health and disease, causes and inheritance of genetic disorders and the application of the basic principles of biology and genetics to medicine and to the study of subsequent subjects in the Dentistry study program.
Poslední úprava: Křížková Zdenka (14.11.2017)
Completing a subject:
Winter semester credit:
Sommer semester credit:
Information for students with learning disabilities, etc.: inform your teachers at the beginning of the year/semester; later requirements (during the day of test/exam) cannot be taken into account Poslední úprava: Ludvíková Marie, doc. MUDr., Ph.D. (02.10.2023)
Literature: Compulsory: 1. Young I.D: Medical genetics. Oxford University Press 2005 Recommended: 1. Jorde L.B, Carey J.C: Bamshad M.J.: Medical Genetics. Mosby Elsevier, 2010 2. Cagle P.T., Allen T.C.: Basic Concepts of Molecular Pathology. Springer 2009 Poslední úprava: Křížková Zdenka (14.11.2017)
Final Exam – Biology
Poslední úprava: Křížková Zdenka (22.05.2018)
Syllabus of Lectures on Genetics
Syllabus of PRACTICALS on Genetics
Topics: 3rd semester - GENETICS 1. Molecular genetics Types of mutations (deletion, insertion, duplication, substitution; non-sense/miss-sense mutations, null mutations; frame shift mutations and in frame mutations), mutations in coding and non-coding sequences; Genetic code; Codone; Replication, Transcription, Translation; SNP 2. Mendelian genetics Mendel’s laws; P, F1 and F2 generations; Segregation ratios; Genotype; Phenotype Monohybridism and polyhybridism; Codominance, incomplete and complete dominance; Recessiveness; Back cross; Lethal genes; Punnett square; Forked-line method; Imprinting 7. Gene linkage Linkage of genes, Morgan; Gene maps; Segregation ratios; Lod Score; Three-point test cross 6. Heredity and sex X and Y chromosomes; X-inactivation (dose compensation); Sex-linked inheritance (gonosomal dominant and recessive traits); Pseudoautosomal inheritance; Pseudodominance; Hemizygotes; Sex-influenced and sex-limited inheritance; Examples 5. Gene interactions and Complex inheritance Basic types of gene interactions (epistasis, complementarity, gene duplicity/multiplicity…); Polygenic inheritance; Quantitative traits; Heritability; Twins studies; Edwards formula; Relative risk; Heredity and quantitative traits; Selected examples of complex human disorders 8. Genealogy Genealogy schemes (pedigrees) – drawing and analysis; Symbols and rules used; Autosomal dominant and recessive inheritance; X-linked dominant and recessive inheritance; Y-linked inheritance; sex-influenced inheritance; Mitochondrial inheritance; Incomplete penetrance and genetic heterogeneity; Expressivity 9. Multiple allele Multiple alleles; Immunogenetics; Antigen; Antibody; Examples; ABO, H, Se, Rh blood group systems; HLA alleles 10. Population genetics Allele frequencies; Hardy-Weinberg law, and its definition criteria; Gene pool; Panmixia; Linkage disequilibrium; Forces changing allelic frequencies; Genetic drift, selection, migration, new mutations; Heterozygotic advantage; Examples: human monogenic traits/diseases 12. Genetic prognosis Genetic prognosis; Penetrance; Expressivity; Coefficient of kinship; Coefficient of inbreeding; Risk calculation 13. DNA diagnostics DNA denaturation, hybridization; DNA probes; Genetic markers; Direct and indirect DNA-diagnostics; Restriction endonucleases; RFLP; Electrophoresis; DNA amplification; PCR; Southern blotting; Genomic probe; Reverse transcription; Northern blotting; Western blot; Insertion polymorphism; Microsatellites; Trinucleotide expansions; Prenatal diagnostics. 13. Selected issues in cancer genetics Cancer; oncogene; protooncogene; Tumour suppressor gene; Comparative genomic hybridization; Gene expression profiling; Examples 14. Basics of statistics Population; Probability distribution; Variability; Descriptive statistics; Point estimation; Estimation by confidence intervals; Hypothesis testing; Coefficient of variation; Box-plot; Parametric tests; Nonparametric tests; Chi - square test
Poslední úprava: Křížková Zdenka (14.11.2017)
Completing a subject:
Winter semester credit:
Sommer semester credit:
Information for students with learning disabilities, etc.: inform your teachers at the beginning of the year/semester; later requirements (during the day of test/exam) cannot be taken into account Poslední úprava: Ludvíková Marie, doc. MUDr., Ph.D. (02.10.2023)