Topografická anatomie se zabývá vzájemnými vztahy struktur a orgánů. Probírají se topografické prostory, orbita, struktura kůže a kožních derivátů, povrchní a hluboké krajiny hlavy a krku, krajiny hrudníku a projekce orgánů na stěnu hrudní, krajiny břicha a
projekce orgánů. Dutina peritoneální a extraperitoneální prostory. Topografie pánve a perineální krajiny, topografie zad a vertebromedulární topografie, topografie končetin.
Rozsah praktických dovedností zahrnuje makroskopickou identifikaci jednotlivých struktur a orgánů těla člověka a základy pitevní techniky.
Poslední úprava: Petrášek Michal, PhDr., Ph.D. (15.11.2017)
Topographical anatomy deals with mutual relations of structures and organs. Contents: topographical spaces, the orbit, structure of the skin and its derivatives, superficial and deep regions of the head and neck. Thoracic regions, superficial projection of the thoracic organs, abdominal regions and organ projection. Peritoneal cavity and extraperitoneal
spaces. Topography of the pelvis and perineal region. The back and the vertebromedullary topography. Topography of the extremities.
In the practical part the students should acquire the skills of dissection and macroscopic identification of the structures and organs of the human body.
Poslední úprava: Petrášek Michal, PhDr., Ph.D. (15.11.2017)
1. Valenta J., Fiala P.: Topographical Anatomy with Autopsy Guide and Clinical Notes.
Karolinum 2013
2. Kahle W., Frotscher M.: Color Atlas of Human Anatomy. Nervous System and Sensory
Organs. Thieme 2010
1. Moore K.L., Halley A.F.: Clinically Oriented Anatomy. Lippincot, Williams and Wilkins
2006 (or newer ed.)
2. Netter F.H.: Atlas of Human Anatomy. Saunders, Elsevier 2010
3. Sauerland E.K.: Grant ´s Dissector. Williams and Wilkins 2012
4. Stingl J., Grim M., Druga R.: Regional Anatomy. Karolinum. Galén 2012.
Poslední úprava: Petrášek Michal, PhDr., Ph.D. (15.11.2017)
Požadavky ke zkoušce - angličtina
The students can register for the exam only after obtaining credit which is including the dissection exam.
The exam consists of two parts:
Written test comprises: 25 questions (MCQ) – equal 100 marks. This part of exam take place at the computer room of dean's office UKLF, Husova 3, Plzeň.
The students should have valid username and password, otherwise could not sit for the exam.
Passing mark is 70 %.
The students who get 64 marks or less, are not allowed to sit for the exam earlier than after two weeks. The number of attempts is limited, after the third failure the student loses the term. This limitation is also valid for the following exams.
Oral exam comprising 3 questions (Student pick up the envelope containing the questions from the list of published questions) . This part follows the successfully completed parts one.
Failure in the part two results in losing the term!
The oral exam is held at Anatomy department ( Prochazkuv ústav building) at given time for each week (please always check the time in advance, not later than on Thursday of the week before the exam).
For technical reason not all the students passing the written test can be examined on the same day but during that week. (Postponing the oral exam to next week is not possible).
Use of any unauthorized aids (electeronic device, mobile phones, printed or written materials etc.) result in failure of the exam and disciplinary action (art. 19, subs. 10 of the Study rules and regulations).
In case of serious reasons the students can excuse from the exam by sending an e-mail to
Excuses to not attend an exam should be announced before commencement of the examination (for exceptional cases could be next day after exam date by submitting documents ( medical reports, etc.)
If there is no evidence of excuses by student for any part of exam he/she loses the term.
If the student passes the test and was not successful in oral exam, can ask for another date for reexamination, by writting an e-mail to
Poslední úprava: Švamberková Hana (25.05.2018)
Topographic Anatomy Syllabus of Lectures and Practical Sessions in Winter Semester Academic Year 2017/2018 2 nd Year of General Medicine
2. 10 . – 8. 10.
Topography of the head – neurocranium
Superficial regions of the head –review.
9. 10. – 15. 10.
Splanchnocranium – deep regions of the head
16.10. – 22.10.
Orbital region - eyball, the orbit
Deep regions of the head.
23.10. – 29.10.
Organs of hearing and balance
30.10. – 5.11.
Regions and triangles of the neck
Topography of the orbit, bulbus oculi. Organs of hearing and balance – review. Topography of the head – credit exam
6.11. – 12.11.
The thorax: regions, projection of organs, mammary gland
13.11. – 19.11.
Pleural cavityThe mediastinum
Neck regions. Sensory organs – credit exam
20.11. – 26.11.
Abdominal regions – Abdominal wall, projection of organs
27.11. – 3.12.
Abdomial cavity, intra- and extraperitoneal space
Pectoral regions and thoracic wall. The breast. The pleurae and mediastinum.
4.12. – 10.12.
Topography of the pelvis – perineal region
11.12. – 17.12.
Topography of the back
Abdominal regions, abdominal cavity. Trunk and neck – credit exam
18.12. – 24.12.
Topography of the upper extremity
3.1. – 7.1.
Topography of the lower extremity
Pelvis and perineum. Abdomen – credit exam
8.1. - 14. 1.
Skin, skin derivatives endocrine organs
Pilsen, 25.09.2017
doc. Dr. Pavel Fiala, CSc.
Department of Anatomy
Poslední úprava: Petrášek Michal, PhDr., Ph.D. (15.11.2017)