Nursing practice II. - DA1105102
Anglický název: Nursing practice II.
Zajišťuje: Ústav ošetřovatelství (13-342)
Fakulta: 2. lékařská fakulta
Platnost: od 2023
Semestr: letní
Body: 3
E-Kredity: 3
Způsob provedení zkoušky: letní s.:
Rozsah, examinace: letní s.:0/80, Z [HS]
Rozsah za akademický rok: 2 [týdny]
Počet míst: neurčen / neurčen (neurčen)
Minimální obsazenost: neomezen
4EU+: ne
Virtuální mobilita / počet míst pro virtuální mobilitu: ne
Stav předmětu: vyučován
Jazyk výuky: angličtina
Způsob výuky: prezenční
Garant: PhDr. RNDr. Daniel Jirkovský, Ph.D., MBA
Kategorizace předmětu: Lékařství > Praktická cvičení
Korekvizity : DA1105454
Prerekvizity : DA1103363, DA1104364
Je korekvizitou pro: DA1105454
Termíny zkoušek   Rozvrh LS   Nástěnka   
Anotace -
The subject is outlined as practical. Summer experience runs at the internal or chirurgical departments where the healthcare is provided to adult, paeditric or physiological newborns patients. The nursing practice will take place in hospitals in home countries. The practice is focused on enhancing and consolidation of previously gained knowledge and skills in nursing procedures.
Poslední úprava: Neugebauer Jan, Mgr., Ph.D., MBA (26.09.2024)
Cíl předmětu - angličtina

Strengthening the knowledge and skills necessary for safe practice in meeting individual patient needs.

Mastering manual skills to perform individual nursing tasks.

Providing basic nursing care through the nursing process.

Mastering assessment of needs and levels of patient self-sufficiency.

Understanding the importance of a holistic approach to the patient in nursing care.

Mastering educational skills in meeting the needs of patients.

Understanding the importance of teamwork of medical team members in providing nursing care.

Poslední úprava: Neugebauer Jan, Mgr., Ph.D., MBA (26.09.2024)
Podmínky zakončení předmětu - angličtina



80 hours of internship

Submitting a certificate from the supervisor ( the head/ward nurse) confirming completion of the practice in full.

The conditions for the implementation practice:

Passing exam in the Nursing II subject is the condition required for successful completing the summer nurse practice. It is the student´s duty to arrange these practice in the country of origin or in place, where the student can communicate with the patient in mother language. Moreover health eligibility to execution of practical tuition in a health care facility and immunization against communicable diseases under applicable law. Summer holiday experience that can be done only on the medical standard wards or surgical standard wards (eg: Department of Internal Medicine, Department of Cardiology, Department of Neurology, Pneumological department, Surgical department, Orthopedics department, Trauma department or Urology department).

Poslední úprava: Neugebauer Jan, Mgr., Ph.D., MBA (26.09.2024)
Literatura -


  • JIRKOVSKÝ, D. a kol. Ošetřovatelské postupy a intervence: učebnice pro bakalářské a magisterské studium. vyd. 1. Praha: Fakultní nemocnice v Motole, 2012. 411 s. ISBN 978-80-87347-13-3.
  • JIRKOVSKÝ, D. et al. Nursing procedures and interventions: textbook for bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes [DVD-ROM]. 1st English ed. Prague: Motol University Hospital, 2014. Požadavky na systém: Adobe Acrobat Reader. ISBN 978-80-87347-16-4.
  • ŠAMÁNKOVÁ, M. et al. Lidské potřeby ve zdraví a nemoci: aplikované v ošetřovatelském procesu. 1. vyd. Praha: Grada, 2011. 134 s. Sestra. ISBN 978-80-247-3223-7.



  • FARKAŠOVÁ, D. Ošetřovatelství: teorie. 1. čes. vyd. Martin: Osveta, 2006, 211 s., ISBN 80-8063-227-8.
  • MASTILIAKOVÁ, D. Úvod do ošetřovatelství: systémový přístup 1. vyd. Praha: Karolinum, 2002, 2 sv. (187, 160 s.), díl 1-2, ISBN 80-246-0429-9 (sv. 1), 80-246-0428-0 (sv. 2).
  • STAŇKOVÁ, M. Základy teorie ošetřovatelství: učební texty pro bakalářské a magisterské studium 1. vyd. Praha: Karolinum, 1996, 193 s. ISBN 80-7184-243-5.
  • BEARE,P.G., MYERS, J.L.: Principles and Practice of Adult Health Nursing. 2 ed. St. Louis: Mosby 1994 p.1933-1976 ISBN 0-8016-6856-5.
  • ELKIN,M.K., PERRY,A.G., POTTER, A.P.: Nursing Interventions and Clinical Skills. 2nd ed. St.Louis: Mosby, 2000 ISBN 0-323-00802-X.
  • SMITH-TEMPLE,J., JOHNSON, J.Y.: Nurses´ Guide to Clinical Procedures. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven Publishers, 1997 ISBN 0-397-55464-8.
  • MASTILIAKOVÁ, D. Holistické přístupy v péči o zdraví. 2. vyd. Brno: Národní centrum ošetřovatelství a nelékařských zdravotnických oborů, 2007, 164 s. ISBN 978-80-7013-457-3.
  • TRACHTOVÁ,E. Potřeby nemocného v ošetřovatelském procesu. Brno: DV PZ, 1999.
  • STAŇKOVÁ, M. Hodnocení a měřící techniky v ošetřovatelské praxi. IDVPZ Brno, 2001 ISBN 80-7013-323-6.

Poslední úprava: Neugebauer Jan, Mgr., Ph.D., MBA (26.09.2024)
Požadavky ke zkoušce -

2-week, 80 hours in total Summer Holiday Training in Nursing

Poslední úprava: Neugebauer Jan, Mgr., Ph.D., MBA (26.09.2024)

The subject is outlined as practical. Summer experience runs at the internal or chirurgical departments where the healthcare is provided to adult, paeditric or physiological newborns patients. The nursing practice will take place in hospitals in home countries. The practice is focused on enhancing and consolidation of previously gained knowledge and skills in nursing procedures.

Content focus - Adult Patient Care:

Familiarization with the sanitary-epidemiological regime of the workplace (incl. ensuring disinfection and sterilization);

Familiarization with the management of medical documentation;

Familiarization with the health information system of the health service provider;

Familiarization with the dietary system of the health service provider;

Familiarization with programs of social participation of seniors offered by the health care service provider;

Familiarization with activities related to admission, relocation and discharge of patients;

Monitoring and evaluation of the patient's physical and psychological condition;

Evaluation of self-sufficiency of patients, their symptoms, risk factors, using measurement techniques (e.g. self-sufficiency tests, risk of bedsores, measurement of pain intensity, nutritional status);

Comprehensive hygienic care for the patient;

Measurement and evaluation of physiological functions (body temperature, blood pressure, pulse and breathing);

Assessment of the ability of the patient to eat, assessment of nutritional status and implementation of related measures;

Monitoring of compliance with drinking regime, incl. monitoring of fluid balance;

Stoma care;

Urinary drainage systems, hygiene care;

Bowel elimination;

Wound assessment;

Monitoring and evaluation of skin integrity disorders;

Prevention of the development of decubits;

Performances of rehabilitative nursing (e.g. positioning, sitting, basic passive, breathing and fitness exercises, Physioterapy, training to increase self-sufficiency of the patient and methods of basal stimulation with regard to prevention and correction of functional disorders, incl. prev. other disorders resulting from reduced mobility or immobility);

Peripheral venous access care;

Administration of medicinal products except intravenous injections, infusions or epidural catheter applications;

Extraction of secretions from the upper respiratory tract of conscious patient;

Collection of capillary and venous blood and other biological material;

Indicative examination of biological material obtained by non-invasive route;

Care for the deceased;

Insertion of a peripheral venous catheter and treatment of central venous entrances;

Preparation and administration of intravenous injections or infusions;

Treatment of acute and surgical wounds, including treatment of drains, drainage systems;

Removal of sutures in primarily healing wounds and drains (excluding thoracic and head drains);

Male indwellling and stright cathetrization;

Replacement and treatment of tracheostomy cannula;

Nasogastric tube insertion and care;

Administration of enteral tube nutrition;

Gastric lavage;

Assistance during blood transfusion and the patient care during the proceedure;

Female indwellling and stright cathetrization;

Intravenous application of blood derivatives under direct supervision of the physician;

Physical examination of the patient under the direction of the physician;

Interpretation of the results of laboratory examinations under the guidance of the physician.

Content focus - Paediatric department (except newborns): max one week plus one week at Adult Patient care

· Familiarization with the duties of the paediatrics department;

· Introduction to infection prevention and control (including desinfection and sterilization);

· Familiarization with the management of medical documentation;

· Familiarization with the information systém of the healthcare service provider

· Familiarization with the childrens activization in the health care facility

· Familiarization with activities related to admition, transfer and discharge of the patients

· Familiarization with the issue of educating children and parents (and will actively participate in it if possible)

· Observation and evaluation of the physical and mental state of the child

· Monitoring and evaluation of the psychomotor development of the child

· Evaluation of symptoms of childhood disease, risk factors, even using measurement techniques used in nursing practice suitable for the age category (e.g. measurement of pain intensity using scales and scoring systems, nutrition status tests, risk of falling, risk of bedsores)

· Comprehensive hygienic care for children of various ages

· Measurement and evaluation of physiological functions (body temperature, blood pressure, pulse, respiration, O2 saturation in the blood)

· Respiratory care (e.g. coughing instructions, inhalation, aspiration from the upper respiratory tract)

· Feeding children of different ages, incl. feeding of infants and toddlers

· Monitoring of compliance with drinking regime, incl. monitoring of fluid balance

· Care of urinary elimination

· Urinary drainage systems, hygiene care

· Bowel elimination

· Monitoring and evaluation of skin condition

· Prevention of the development of decubits

· Performances of rehab nursing (e.g. positioning, sitting, basic passive, breathing and fitness exercises)

· Care of peripheral venous access points

· The administration of prescribed medicinal products with the exception of IV injections, infusions or epidural catheter applications

· Biological material sampling (excluding blood sampling)

· Indicative examination of biological material obtained by non-invasive route

· Educational employment of children, assistance in the use of leisure time

· Capillary and venous blood sample collection

· Insertion of a peripheral venous catheter in children over 3 years of age, or assistance in the insertion of a peripheral venous catheter

· Preparation and administration of intravenous injections or infusions

· Treatment of acute and surgical wounds, including treatment of drains, drainage systems

· Bladder catheterization assistance

· Assistance with gastric lavage in patients who are conscious

· Assistance in initiating the application of transfusion products and treating the patient during the application

· Application of blood derivatives, intravenously, only under the direct guidance of a physician

· Physical examination of the patient, only under the direct direction of the physician

· Interpretation of the results of laboratory examinations, only under the direct guidance of the physician.

Content focus - Paediatric department (except newborns): max one week plus one week at Adult Patient care

· getting acquainted with the organization and specifics of work in the neonatal department

· acquaintance with the hygienic-epidemiological regime of the workplace (incl. disinfection and sterilization at the workplace)

· getting acquainted with the management of medical documentation

· acquaintance with the health information system of the health service provider

· acquaintance with activities related to the reception, transfer and release of the newborn

· acquaintance with the proper holding of the child and the principles of safe care for newborns

· getting acquainted with the issue of educating mothers

· acquaintance with the hygiene care of newborns and participation in the education of the mother in this area

· measurement and evaluation of physiological functions (body temperature, blood pressure, pulse, respiration, O2 saturation in the blood)

· Lactation education, monitoring the amount milk consumed

· preparation of food and feeding the newborn - alt. methods (e.g. finger syringe, finger catheter, from beaker) or teat

· monitoring of urine and faeces emptying

· monitoring and evaluation of skin condition

· umbilical stump care

· Capillary and venous blood samples (incl. neonatal laboratory screening samples)

· Newborn screening (e.g. auditory defect screening, congenital cataract screening)

· assistance with the insertion of a peripheral venous catheter

· feeding a newborn baby using a nasogastric probe

· monitoring and evaluation of postnatal adaptation of the newborn

· first treatment of a newborn

· APGAR SCORE evaluation

· thermostability care (also work with an incubator or heating bed if possible)

· assistance in bearing the umbilical stump and care for the umbilical scar (if performed on the ward)

· administration of prescribed medicinal products with the exception of intravenous injections, infusions

· collecting samples of biological material with the exception of blood samples

· transcutaneous icterometry

· care of a newborn baby treated with phototherapy

· care of peripheral venous access points

· intravenous injection or infusion - under direct medical supervision only

· application of intravenous blood derivatives - only under the direct guidance of a physician

· physical examination of the newborn - only under the direct supervision of the doctor

· Interpretation of the results of laboratory examinations - only under the direct guidance of a physician.

Poslední úprava: Neugebauer Jan, Mgr., Ph.D., MBA (26.09.2024)