It is a compulsory study subject, which belongs to the subjects of profiling basis. By completing it, the student acquires knowledge and skills in the field of bioethics and psychology in health care, which are a prerequisite for further successful study in higher years. A holistic approach to the patient in the pursuit of his/her health includes not only the somatic dimension but also other dimensions (e.g. psychological, social, ethical), which are the focus of this course. Within the psychological dimension, students will be introduced to general (e.g., basic psychological phenomena), clinical psychology (e.g., disorders of emotion and behavior), personality psychology (e.g., intersubjective differences in personality structure), and psychosomatics. Within the social and ethical dimension, students will learn in particular about basic dilemmas concerning the life of the individual (e.g. birth, death, resource allocation, organ donation) and about legal and ethical standards in the provision of health care (e.g. informed consent, the institution of advance directives, principles of medical ethics). In this course, increased emphasis is placed on considering all dimensions (i.e., somatic, psychological, social, ethical) simultaneously through critical work with ethically controversial case studies drawn from the Czech health care system. Patient Centred Care (PCC) represents a shift in healthcare delivery where healthcare professionals should take significant account of the needs of their patients. In this course, students will learn about the psychosocial needs of patients, including their family systems. These needs are shaped and evolve with respect to sociodemographic criteria (e.g., age, gender, religion, ethnicity), psychosocial development (e.g., childhood, old age, gender), or value systems (e.g., normative ethics, current legislation). For physicians, the above-mentioned developments are compounded by the maxim to provide health care lege artis (e.g., informed consent, advance directives, code of ethics) in an effort to identify and articulate the needs of their patients in accordance with the principles of medical ethics of nonmaleficence, beneficence, autonomy, and justice). The goal is to jointly develop a treatment plan for the patient while making every effort to meet the patient's needs (he/she knows best what he/she wants) and maintaining all standards for health care delivery (the physician should know best how to achieve this). This goal is most easily achieved in the context of an excellent doctor-patient relationship (e.g., trust, empathy, truthful information). Poslední úprava: Zielina Martin, Mgr. et Mgr., Ph.D. (12.10.2023)
Course objective in WS: The emphasis is on introducing different approaches in contemporary society with relation to medicine. For successful completion, students must submit a high quality essay on a very specific topic in one of the bioethical areas offered (e.g., the individual's responsibility for the health of self and the whole, ethical aspects of transplantation, end-of-life decision-making, or ethical issues related to reproductive decision-making) and follow a set procedure (e.g., submit essay in a binding template, draw on at least three relevant sources, cite according to APA style). Additionally, upon acceptance of this paper, each student will defend his or her work to an instructor from the Ethics Department. Each student will thus become more familiar with the ethical topic of his or her choice and become familiar with the basic argument.
Course objective in SS: Emphasis is placed on a deeper understanding of basic (bio)ethical issues through discussions where different opinions are often expressed. Students learn how to cultivate their opinions and how to present appropriate argumentative approaches, which they should already have experience with in their essay writing. There is thus mutual enrichment, where in discussions students can present ideas supported by reading relevant sources and discuss these further with others. The lecturers then sponsor and moderate these discussions in the core areas of bioethics. For a successful conclusion, students choose one of the required classical ethics texts, especially on the core areas of bioethics presented, and may choose an additional source of their choice to accompany these texts (a work of art may also be chosen if the student can defend it). Examiners ensure that students can present these classic ethical texts in a functional way, including the arguments used. Poslední úprava: Zielina Martin, Mgr. et Mgr., Ph.D. (12.10.2023)
Be proactive, honest and conscientious.
To complete the WS, submit a high quality essay in a template (see Moodle How to write academic essays ZS 2023 - it is advisable to edit the word version for use).
Lenght: 3600 to 5400 characters including spaces.
Sources: at least 3 relevant sources.
Essay submission: 14 days before the exam deadline. Poslední úprava: Zielina Martin, Mgr. et Mgr., Ph.D. (12.10.2023)
Beauchamp T. L., Childress J. F. Principles of Biomedical Ethics. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2013. Marcum, J. A. An Introductory Philosophy of Medicine: Humanizing Modern Medicine. Springer Science & Business Media, Berlin, 2008. Mitchell, T. W. Medical psychology and psychical research. Routledge, London, 2018. Singer, P. A., VIENS, A. M. (Eds.). The Cambridge textbook of bioethics. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2008. Steinbock, B. The Oxford Handbook of Bioethics. Oxford University Press, New York, 2007. Taylor, J.S. Practical Autonomy and Bioethics. Routledge, New York, 2009. Vaughn L. (ed.). Bioethics: Principles, Issues, and Cases. Oxford University Press, New York, 2010. Veatch R. M. (ed.). Medical Ethics. James Bartletts, Boston, 1989.
Poslední úprava: Kovář Jan (30.06.2022)
The course is concerning the basics of philosophy, medical ethics, medical psychology, sociology, introduction to humanities and social sciences related to medicine and healthcare. Students are introduced to psychological thinking in medicine, especially in medical practice. The goal of the lectures is to create a sufficient ethical reflection of various contemporary issues. While there are many such issues, we concentrate on topics concerning access to patient autonomy and informed consent, disability and biomedical enhancements, genetic testing, and reproductive ethics, human dignity, doctors and their role, evidence-based medicine, palliative medicine.
Poslední úprava: Kovář Jan (30.06.2022)