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Předmět, akademický rok 2023/2024
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Biophysics - DA1101332
Anglický název: Biophysics
Zajišťuje: Ústav biofyziky (13-714)
Fakulta: 2. lékařská fakulta
Platnost: od 2022
Semestr: zimní
Body: 4
E-Kredity: 4
Způsob provedení zkoušky: zimní s.:
Rozsah, examinace: zimní s.:28/28, Z+Zk [HS]
Rozsah za akademický rok: 14 [týdny]
Počet míst: neomezen / neomezen (neurčen)
Minimální obsazenost: neomezen
4EU+: ne
Virtuální mobilita / počet míst pro virtuální mobilitu: ne
Stav předmětu: vyučován
Jazyk výuky: angličtina
Způsob výuky: prezenční
Způsob výuky: prezenční
Garant: prof. RNDr. Evžen Amler, CSc.
Je prerekvizitou pro: DA1103337
Anotace - angličtina
Physical background of biological processes. Interaction of physical fields and ionizing radiation with organism. Basic medical instruments.
Poslední úprava: Tejral Gracian, Mgr., Ph.D. (30.09.2021)
Podmínky zakončení předmětu - angličtina

  • Credit — Credit requirements:
    • Attendance on practicals
    • Completion of Practice in Biophysics
    • Student presentation

  • Exam — Exam parts:
    • General test (Multiple choice test)
    • Answering two specific topics (1st term written, 2nd term written or oral, 3rd term oral)

Poslední úprava: Tejral Gracian, Mgr., Ph.D. (02.09.2022)
Literatura - angličtina

  1. AMLER, Evžen. Chapters from biophysics. Prague: Institute of Biophysics, Charles University, 2nd Faculty of Medicine, 2006. ISBN 978-80-239-8173-5.
  2. HRAZDIRA, Ivo, Vojtěch MORNSTEIN and Aleš BOUREK. Biophysical principles of medical technology. Brno: Masaryk University, Medical faculty, 2000. ISBN 978-80-210-2414-4.
  3. VÍTEK, František. Lectures on medical biophysics. Prague: Karolinum, 2004. ISBN 978-80-246-0893-8.
  4. JIRÁK, Daniel a František VÍTEK. Basics of medical physics. 2018. ISBN 978-80-246-3884-3.
  5. ALBERTS, Bruce et al. Essential Cell Biology. Fifth edition. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2019. ISBN 978-0-393-68037-9.
  6. general physics overview (e.g. YOUNG, Hugh D. and Roger A. FREEDMAN. University physics with modern physics. 15th edition. Hoboken, N.J.: Pearson Higher Education, 2020. ISBN 978-0-13-515955-2.)
  7. http://hyperphysics.gsu.edu/hbase/index.html
  8. Study sources in the Moodle system (password for access will be provided)

Poslední úprava: Tejral Gracian, Mgr., Ph.D. (02.09.2022)
Požadavky ke zkoušce - angličtina

Obtaining credit from practicals and knowledge in the range of lectures and exam questions.

Poslední úprava: Tejral Gracian, Mgr., Ph.D. (02.09.2022)
Sylabus - angličtina

Syllabus of Biophysics course 1st year of MD curriculum in general medicine follows:

  1. Biomechanical properties of connective tissues
  2. Harmonic motion (kinetics, dynamics, energy; Hooke's law)
  3. Mechanics of solid body (elasticity, elastic properties, Young's modulus)
  4. Ideal fluid Bernoulli's equation, equation of continuity, diffusion, osmosis
  5. Real fluids and blood circulation (hydrodynamics of blood circulation, blood flow)
  6. Viscosity of liquids and blood (laminar flow, Poiseuille's law, affecting factors)
  7. Blood pressure and methods of its measurement
  8. Mechanical oscillation, longitudinal and transverse oscillation, Fourier transform
  9. Principle of sound propagation, speed of sound propagation, acoustic speed, acoustic pressure
  10. Acoustic impedance, sound intensity, level of sound intensity, perception of intensity
  11. Biophysics of the auditory apparatus, audible area (threshold of hearing, threshold of pain)
  12. Infrasound, ultrasound; sources and effects on organism
  13. Principles of diagnostic and therapeutical application of ultrasound
  14. Propagation of ultrasound in the organism, behavior at the boundary
  15. Ultrasonic examination methods Doppler sonography, shock waves, principle of lithotripsy
  16. Electric field, electric current, effects of electric and magnetic field on organism
  17. Magnetic field and comparison of a magnetic and electric fields
  18. Interaction of magnetic field with living matter; magnetotherapy
  19. Physiological effect of electric current; iontophoresis and galvanization, galvanism, electrostimulation, high-frequency electrosurgery
  20. Nuclear magnetic resonance; principle, application, benefits
  21. Electromagnetic spectrum, propagation of light, transmission, absorption, reflection
  22. Quantum optic, photons, absorption and emission spectra
  23. Magnifying glass, optical microscopy principle, telescopes, optical fibers
  24. Eye as an optical system - physical characteristics optical eye defects and correction
  25. Eye as a light detector, biophysics of vision
  26. Color of light, perception and sensitivity
  27. Atom structure
  28. Forms of ionizing radiation, their origin X-ray (RTG) radiation, origin, properties and applications
  29. Characteristics of X-rays, possibility of their modification
  30. Natural and artificial sources of ionizing radiation
  31. Fundamental principles of interaction of radiation with the environment Interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter
  32. Biological effects of ionizing radiation, radionuclides in medicine
  33. Thermodynamic system, state quantities; internal energy, heat, work
  34. First and second law of thermodynamics Entropy in living organisms
  35. Measurement of temperature, thermometry, thermography, general types of thermometers, medical thermometers
  36. Thermal well-being of an organism, regulation of temperature in the organism, hyperthermia and cryotherapy
  37. Biophysical principle of energy transformation in the mitochondrial membrane
  38. Biophysical basis of ATP synthesis at the ATP synthase
  39. Structure of biomembranes
  40. Laser – principle, characteristics and properties of a beam Application of laser radiation, lasers in medicine
  41. Cytometry (flow cytotometry, cell-sorting, FACS)
  42. Endoscopy principle
  43. Optical microscopes (microscope for transmitted and incident light, phase contrast, polarization microscope, fluorescence microscope)
  44. Electron microscope
  45. Fluorescence spectroscopy (steady-state spectroscopy, quenching of fluorescence, lifetimes of the excited state, fluorescence polarization, fluorophores)
  46. Principle of imaging methods based on ionizing radiation (RTG, PET, SPECT, CT)
  47. Principle of imaging methods based on non-ionizing radiation (sonography, thermography, MRI)
  48. Biosignals
  49. Electrical manifestation of organism and their subsystems
  50. Electrodes; artefacts Native record, provocation and stimulation
  51. Biosignal processing and analysis; channel
  52. Differential amplifiers and integrations of inputs
  53. Electrocardiography Electroencephalography Cardiostimulation, defibrillation, electroconvulsive therapy
  54. Tissue engineering principle and controlled drug delivery

Poslední úprava: Tejral Gracian, Mgr., Ph.D. (30.09.2021)
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