Study programme in all fields of paediatrics. Enteral and parenteral nutrition, medical antropology, psychological problems in paediatrics.
Poslední úprava: HABET (01.08.2003)
90% participation in lessons Poslední úprava: Bendová Helena (01.11.2017)
povinná: Hay, W. W. Jr.: Current diagnosis and treatment in pediatrics : McGraw-Hill, 2009 (B) (2016 – available as ebook)
Lebl Jan.: Klinická pediatrie (A) Nelsons Essentials of Pediatrics – Karen J. Marcdante, Robert M. Kliegman; Elsevier Inc. 2021, 8th edition, September 2021 Oxford handbook of Pediatrics – Robert C. Tasker, Carlo L. Acerini, Edward Holloway, Asma Shah, Pete Lilitos; Oxford University Press; 3rd edition, January 2021
Blueprints Pediatrics – Bradley S. Marino, Katie S. Fine; Qolters Kluwer, 7th edition, February 2019
Burg, F. D.: Current pediatric therapy : W. B. Saunders company, 2006 (B) Barkin, R. M.: Emergency pediatrics : Mosby, 2003 (B) Pohunek, P.:Global strategy for asthma management and prevention. Global initiative for asthma (GINA) 2014. Available from: http://www.ginasthma.org/ Denis Gill, Niall Ó Brien: Paediatric Clinical Examination. Made Easy. Elsevier, 2018. Sixth edition. Nevoral, J.: Výživa v dětském věku (A) Nevoral, J.: Praktická pediatrická gastroenterologie, hepatologie a výživa (A) Bláhová, K.: Kazuistictiky z pediatrie (A) Lebl, J.: Preklinická pediatrie (A), (e-prezenčka) Seeman, T.: Dětská nefrologie (A) Lebl J.: Dětská endokrinologie a diabetologie
Poslední úprava: Borecká Klára (08.11.2021)
Test questions: Community-acquired pneumonia Acute bronchitis and bronchiolitis Acute laryngitis and epiglottitis Cystic fibrosis and primary ciliary dyskinesia Asthma Aspiration of foreign body Tuberculosis Functional gastrointestinal disorders Cow's milk protein allergy Inflammatory bowel disease Celiac disease Acute diarrhea Biliary atresia and neonatal cholestasis Infectious and immune liver disease Metabolic liver diseases Hepatic failure and transplantation Endocarditis and pericarditis Irregular heart rhythm Heart Failure Congenital heart defect Kawasaki disease a PIMS-TS Acute kidney injury hemolytic uremic syndrome and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura Nephrotic syndrome Urinary tract infections Disorders of consciousness Intoxication Dehydration - therapy Precocious and delayed puberty Hypoglycemia Type 1 diabetes Adrenal glands disorders Acute complication of diabetes Polyuria and polydipsia - diff. dg. Growth failure Iron deficiency anemia Leukemia and bone marrow failure Macrophage activation syndrome Hemolytic anemia Bleeding disorders Deep vein thrombosis and thromboembolism Poslední úprava: Čechová Jana, Mgr. (08.10.2021)
5th year Syllabus of Paediatrics
Overview of seminars and practicals: (Please note! Haematology lessons start at 8.00 am already! Other lessons at 8.30 am)
Seminar I 8.30 - 9.45 (haematology 8.00 - 10.00) Clinical training 10.00 - 11.15 (haematology 10.30 - 12.00) Seminar II 11.30 - 12.45 (haematology 12.00 - 13.00)
3 days haematology 1 day diabetology 1 day endocrinology 4 days nephrology 1 day allergology
Order and timetable of seminars and practicals can be changed, program content is always kept unchanged.
Haematology: Red blood cells, part 1 Ward Neutropenia, aplastic anemia
Coagulation Ward MG in Haematology
Red blood cells, part 2 Transfusiology Transfusiology
Diabetology: Etiopathogenesis of IDDM Ward Acute complications of IDDM
Endocrinology: Polyuria - diff. diagnosis Ward Hypoglycemia
Nephrology: Renal functions Ward Urinary tract infection, Anomalies of uropoetic tract in children, vesicouretheral reflux, chronic pyelonephritis
Acute renal failure Ward Hypertension in childhood values, blood pressure measurement, ABPM, interpretation of values, management
Chronic renal failure Ward Nephrotic syndrome
Glomerulonephritis Ward Renal replacement therapy in children
Pneumology: Asthma and allergic rhinitis - epidemiology, pathogenesis, classification Diagnosis of asthma, focusing on early childhood Treatment of asthma in childhood
Poslední úprava: HABET (27.01.2014)