Therapeutical, social, work and pedagogical rehabilitation, ergotherapy. Rehabilitational nursing. Diagnostic and therapeutic methods. Basic joints and spine investigation in practice. Rehabilitation in cardiology, traumatology, orthopaedics, neurology, paediatrics, rheumatology, pneumology. Poslední úprava: HABET (09.12.2003)
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation – Group 2 Academic year 2022/2023
Lessons: Stážovna č. 2, -1st Floor, Block D (if not specified otherwise) The credit: Minimum 80% attendance is necessary to receive the credit (2 absence) Exam: written multiple choice test at the end of the course Poslední úprava: Pecharová Michaela (06.02.2024)
+Bromley, I.: Tetraplegia and paraplegia: Churchill Livingstone, 1998 +Burns, Y. R.: Physiotherapy and the growing child : W. B. Saunders company, 1996 (B) +Carriere, B.: Swiss ball : Springer-Verlag, 1998 Davies, P. M.: Steps to follow : guide to the treatment of adult hemiplegia : Springer, 2000 (B)Davies, P. M.: Starting again : Springer-Verlag, 1998 Grant, R.: Physiotherapy of the cervical and thoracic spine: Churchill Livingstone, 2002 L ewit, K.: Manipulative therapy in rehabilitation of the locomotor system: Butherworth, 1999 (B) Liebenson, C.: Rehabilitation of the spine : a practitioner's manual: Williams & Wilkins, 2007 (B) Morris, C. E.: Low back syndromes : integrated clinical management: McGraw-Hill, 2005 Richardson, C.: Therapeutic exercise for spinal segmental stabilization in low back pain : Churchill Livingstone, 1999 +Strong, J.: Pain : a textbook for therapists: Churchill Livingstone, 2002 Travell, J. G.: Travell & Simons`myofascial pain and dysfunction : the trigger point manual, vol. 1+2 : William Wilkins, 1999Umphred, D.: Neurological rehabil.: Mosby, 2001 +Vojta, V.: Vojtův princip : Grada, 1995 (A) Webber, B. A.: Physiotherapy for respiratory and cardiac problems : Churchill Livingstone,1993 or 1998 (B) +West, J. B.: Respiratory physiology : the essentials : Lippincott, 2005 Poslední úprava: HABET (24.01.2014)
An exam will be done by written multiple choice test at the end of Rehabilitation block Poslední úprava: Pecharová Michaela (11.12.2019)