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Předmět, akademický rok 2024/2025
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Imaging Methods and Nuclear Medicine - DA0108056
Anglický název: Imaging Methods and Nuclear Medicine
Zajišťuje: Klinika zobrazovacích metod (13-461)
Fakulta: 2. lékařská fakulta
Platnost: od 2024
Semestr: zimní
Body: 4
E-Kredity: 4
Způsob provedení zkoušky: zimní s.:
Rozsah, examinace: zimní s.:0/30, Z+Zk [HT]
Rozsah za akademický rok: 4 [týdny]
Počet míst: neurčen / neurčen (neurčen)
Minimální obsazenost: neomezen
4EU+: ne
Virtuální mobilita / počet míst pro virtuální mobilitu: ne
Stav předmětu: vyučován
Jazyk výuky: angličtina
Způsob výuky: prezenční
Je zajišťováno předmětem: DA1108056
Garant: prof. MUDr. Ing. Lukáš Lambert, Ph.D.
Vyučující: prof. MUDr. Miloslav Roček, CSc.
prof. MUDr. Petr Vlček, CSc., MHA
Prerekvizity : DA0105439
Je prerekvizitou pro: DA0110016, DA0110308, DA0110068, DA0110018, DA0110036, DA0110608
Podmínky zakončení předmětu - angličtina

The course consists of 3 weeks seminar sessions. This is followed by block teaching of nuclear medicine (see nuclear medicine clinic website).

The term of oral exam:

The clerkship begins on the first day at seminar room of radiology department (Blue building –1P). Keys to the room are available at the secretariat of the clinic.

White coat and student Id card are necessary.

Part of the course takes place in radiology department of Central Military Hospital (prim Belšan).


During the course of Imaging methods only one absences is tolerated due to disease or serious reason. These absence is not necessary to document.

More absences must be documented in written form and must be substituted. (Substitution occurs in the afternoon after regular training – extent and form will depend on the head of clinic.) – (Dean's provision No. 1/2011)

Conditions for acquiring the credit are

adequate presence during practical training and

successful passing of practical test – which takes place on the last day of the third week teaching (reporting 2 plain films and one Ct/MRI – description, basic anatomical structures)


Student have to write a seminar work on a selected topic of radiology. Please choose specific topic, not one of the test questions.

Topic is necessary to consult with the head of the department or his representative.

You have to report the name of topic to secretary of department during internships on KZM.

The paper:

Introduction – Analysis – The end – literature (minimum 3 literal source).

The scope of work, at least 3 pages, including image documentation, which can not outweigh over the text.

Please send the work by e-mail (at least two days before the exam) – seminarni.prace.kzm@lfmotol.cuni.cz – and ALSO bring it printed to final examiantion.

Topic of work is the third questions at the final exam.

Final examination:

Final examination consists of two questions and essay exam.

Examiation begins at 8.00 pm.

Poslední úprava: Suchánek Vojtěch, MUDr. (17.10.2017)
Literatura - angličtina

Gunderman, R. B.: Essential radiology : Thieme, 2006 (B)

Rogers, P.: Pocket radiologist interventional

Periodical: Radiology, Radiographics and European Radiology

Herring, W.: Learning radiology.Recognizing the Basics. Elsevier 2019

Poslední úprava: Havlová Marie (28.05.2019)
Požadavky ke zkoušce - angličtina

Imaging methods - principles, division according to source of signal, detector, demands on patient, hazards of different methods, history

X ray equipment, X ray tube, characteristics of X ray radiation, X ray film and its characteristics

Radiography and fluoroscopy, principle of image enhancement (image intensifier) - description of the source, detector, radiation load

Hazards of X ray examination, prevention against radiation

Contrast media, reaction on their application, treatment of allergic reactions

Digital image - basic characterization, digital radiography – sorts of detectors, possibilities of image postprocessing, communication and archiving

Process of description of radiological examination, basic described structures and formulations - radiological semiology, formulation of radiological report of images of peripheral bones, chest, paranasal sinuses, ultrasonographic examination of abdomen, CT examination of brain, chest and abdomen, MR examination of brain and spine

Angiography (including DSA) – technics, description of methodology of examination, preparation of patient, main indications and contraindications, basic anatomical structures, diagnostic and interventional procedures

Non-invasive vessel imaging – technique, description of methodology of examination, preparation of patient, main indications and contraindications

Principle of ultrasonography – technique, description of methodology of examination, preparation of patient, main indications and contraindications

Principle of CT–technique, description of methodology of examination, preparation of patient, main indications and contraindications

Principle of MRI–technique, description of methodology of examination, preparation of patient, main indications and contraindications

Ultrasonography of abdomen – technique, description of methodology of examination, preparation of patient, main indications and contraindications, basic anatomic structures

Diagnostic imaging of bones – technique, description of methodology of examination, preparation of patient, main indications and contraindications, basic anatomic structures

Diagnostic imaging of bone fractures – technique, description of methodology of examination, preparation of patient, main diagnostic signs, basic anatomic structures

Diagnostic imaging of inflammatory involvement of bones and joints – indications and limitations of individual imaging methods, main diagnostic signs, basic anatomic structures

Diagnostic imaging of bone tumours – indications and limitations of individual imaging methods, main diagnostic signs, basic anatomic structures

Diagnostic imaging of degenerative involvement of joints – indications and limitations of individual imaging methods, main diagnostic signs, basic anatomic structures

Diagnostic imaging by involvement of spinal column and spinal cord – indications and limitations of individual imaging methods, main diagnostic signs, basic anatomic structures

Imaging methods in traumatology – indication of individual imaging methods, their sequence and significance

Imaging methods in neurology – indication of individual imaging methods, their sequence and significance

Diagnostic imaging of CNS injury – indications and limitations of individual imaging methods and their significance

Diagnostic imaging of CNS tumours (brain and spine) – indications and limitations of individual imaging methods, their sequence, main diagnostic signs, basic anatomic structures of brain, spinal column and spinal cord

Normal X ray and CT picture of thoracic organs, normal wording of report, radiological picture of most common pathological involvement of chest.

X ray picture of inflammatory involvement of lungs, its differential diagnosis.

Diagnostic imaging of tumours of lungs and pleura - indications and limitations of individual imaging methods, main diagnostic signs, basic anatomic structures

Diagnostic imaging of tuberculosis, pneumoconiosis and pulmonary fibrosis - main dg. signs, basic anatomy of thorax

Diagnostic imaging of pulmonary emphysema - indications and limitations of individual imaging methods, main diagnostic signs, basic anatomic structures of pulmonary parenchyma

Diagnostic imaging of trauma of thorax - indications and limitations of individual imaging methods, main diagnostic signs, basic anatomic structures of chest wall and lungs.

Diagnostic imaging of expansive processes of mediastinum - indications and limitations of individual imaging methods, main diagnostic signs, basic anatomic structures

Diagnostic imaging of inborn errors of lungs, neonatal pneumopathies - main diagnostic signs, basic anatomic structures, differences compared with adults.

Changes of X ray picture in inborn and acquired heart diseases - indications and limitations of individual imaging methods, main diagnostic signs, basic anatomic structures of heart and great vessels

Diagnostic imaging of GIT obstructions - indications and limitations of individual imaging methods, main diagnostic signs, basic anatomic structures of GIT and peritoneal cavity

Diagnostic imaging of GIT perforation - indications and limitations of individual imaging methods, main diagnostic signs, basic anatomic structures of GIT and peritoneal cavity

Contrast examination of GIT – description of methodology, patient’s preparation, main indication and contraindication, basic anatomical structures of GIT and peritoneal cavity

Vascular and nonvascular methods of interventional radiology by GIT diseases, main anatomical structures of GIT and peritoneal cavity

Diagnostics and conservative treatment of invagination - indications and contraindications, possible radiological approaches, basic diagnostic signs

Diagnostic imaging of liver, gallbladder and billiard tract - indications and limitations of individual imaging methods, main diagnostic signs, basic anatomic structures

Diagnostic imaging of retroperitoneal involvement – particularly of pancreas and adrenal glands - indications and limitations of individual imaging methods, main diagnostic signs, basic anatomic structures of retroperitoneum

Diagnostic imaging of acute abdomen - indications and limitations of individual imaging methods, main diagnostic signs, basic anatomic structures of GIT and peritoneal cavity

Diagnostic imaging of uropoetic system indications and limitations of individual imaging methods, main diagnostic signs, basic anatomic structures

Imaging methods in gynaecology and obstetrics - indications and limitations of individual imaging methods, main diagnostic signs, basic anatomic structures

Diagnostic imaging of inborn errors of anorectal and urogenital region - indications and limitations of individual imaging methods, main diagnostic signs, basic anatomic structures

Interventional radiology by liver and biliary tract involvement – indications and contraindications, names and description of individual methods, description of methodology of examination, basic diagnostic signs

Imaging methods in ENT involvement - indications and limitations of individual imaging methods, main diagnostic signs, basic anatomical structures in head and neck area

Diagnostic imaging of breast - indications and limitations of individual imaging methods, main diagnostic signs, basic anatomical structures, normal description

Diagnostic imaging of abdominal expansions - indications and limitations of individual imaging methods, main diagnostic signs, basic anatomy of intraabdominal organs, peritoneal and retroperitoneal spaces

Specialities of diagnostic imaging in childhood, fractures typical for children age - indications and limitations of individual imaging methods, anatomy of small bone soft hand and foot

Diagnostic imaging of acute thorax involvement - indications and limitations of individual imaging methods, main diagnostic signs, basic anatomy of heart and coronary arteries

Diagnostic imaging of bone expansion – indications and limitations of individual imaging methods, main diagnostic signs, basic anatomical structures of individual bones

1. Nuclear cardiac imaging

2. Role of the nuclear imaging methods in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD)

3. Perfusion and ventilation pulmonary scan

4. Pulmonary embolism – methods in NM

5. Radionuclide renal evaluation

6. Role of diuretic renography in patients with dilatation of the upper urinary tract

7. Role of renal cortical scintigraphy (99mTc-DMSA scan) in patients with


8. GIT examination in NM – principle of the method, radiopharmaceuticals, indications

9. Brain perfusion SPECT – principle of the method, radiopharmaceuticals, indications

10. Dementia – role of radionuclide examinations (PET ligands, DAT examination)

11. Bone scintigraphy – principle of the method, radiopharmaceuticals, indications

12. Diagnostics of the osteomyelitis in NM

13. Localization diagnostics of inflammations in NM

14. PET, PET/CT – principle of the method, radiopharmaceuticals, indications

15. Lymphoscintigraphy, Sentinel node localization – principle of the method, indication

16. Diagnostics and treatment of neuroendocrine tumors in NM

17. Radionuclide examination of thyroid and parathyroid gland

18. Radionuclide therapy – principles of the methods, radiopharmaceuticals, indications

Poslední úprava: Suchánek Vojtěch, MUDr. (17.10.2017)
Sylabus - angličtina
Klinika nukleární medicíny a endokrinologie

odkaz na přednášky Moodle - https://dl1.cuni.cz/course/view.php?id=6780 (vstup pro studenty až po zadání hesla)

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Poslední úprava: Procházková Helena, Bc. (03.10.2024)
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