It is necessary to know a terminology and physical examination of a patient for successful credit. You must to obtain a credit before an examination (it is a condition sine qua non).
Basic information about ophthalmology education: the lectures and practical education last two weeks and are located in Clinic (Blue building, part B, 3rd floor).
For organization of education is responsible doc. MUDr. Pavel Pochop, Ph.D.
Poslední úprava: Čechová Jana, Mgr. (21.02.2019)
It is necessary to know a terminology and physical examination of a patient for successful credit . You must to obtain a credit before an examination (it is a condition sine qua non). Poslední úprava: Faltová Dana (12.02.2018)
Kanski J.: Clinical Ophthalmology, 2011, Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd. ISBN 0 7506 1886 8 Riordan-Eva, P.: Vaughan & Asbury's general ophthalmology: McGraw-Hill medical, 2018 Poslední úprava: Kovář Jan (10.06.2022)
The receiving of the credit is necessary for examination to start. We suppose a knowledges of usual terms in ophthalmology. The examination for the credit will be based on ability to describe anterior eye segment and adnexa and differentiate between physiological and pathological conditions. 1. proptosis, enopthalmos 2. preseptal cellulitis, orbital cellulitis, orbital abscess 3. entropion, ektropion 4. ptosis, lagophthalmos, blepharospasm 5. acute and chronic blepharitis 6. dacryocystitis, dycryoadenitis 7. obstruction of the lacrimal drainage system 8. neonatal conjunctivitis, prevention 9. acute and chronic conjunctivitis 10. adenoviral keratoconjunctivitis, chlamydial conjunctivitis 11. allergic conjunctivitis 12. corneal degenerations and dystrophies 13. superficial and interstitial keratitis 14. viral keratitis (herpes simplex keratitis, herpes zoster ophthalmicus) 15. differential diagnosis of low corneal transparency 16. keratoplasty, indications 17. acute and chronic uveitis 18. ocular tumors in adults 19. primary open-angle glaucoma 20. glaucoma in children (congenital, infantile, juvenile) 21. secondary glaucomas 22. antiglaucomatic drugs 23. glaucoma surgery 24. differential diagnosis of acute angle-closure glaucoma, iritis and conjunctivitis 25. disorders of the lens position, aphakia and secondary cataract 26. management of congenital cataract 27. age-related cataract 28. differential diagnosis of the ‘red eye’: superficial and deep redness (=injection) 29. pacient´s symptoms in eye diseases 30. examination of anterior segment of the eye 31. hyperopia 32. myopia 33. astigmatism, surgical correction of refractive errors 34. accommodation, disorders of accomodation, presbyopia 35. retinopathy of prematurity 36. hereditary retinal dystrophies 37. diabetic retinopathy, treatmen 38. hypertensive retinopathy 39. retinal vein occlusion, retinal artery occclusion 40. ischemic optic neuropaty 41. age-related macular degeneration 42. rhegmatogenous (=primary) retinal detachement 43. secondary retinal detachment (tractional, exsudative, subretinal tumors) 44. central serous retinopathy 45. optic neuritis (retrobulbar, intraocular) 46. optic disc swelling (papiledema) 47. differential diagnosis of papiledema and intraocular optic neuritis 48. differential diagnosis of optic disc atrophy 49. ocular malignancies in childhood (retinoblastoma, rhabdomyosarkoma) 50. leukokoria in childhood, developmental anomalies of the eye 51. concomitant strabismus 52. paralytic strabismus 53. amblyopia - types and therapy 54. blunt ocular trauma 55. corneal erosion, conjunctival foreign body, corneal foreign body 56. penetrating ocular injury 57. enucleation of the eye - indications 58. pars plana vitrectomy, indications 59. chemical burn of the eye 60. ocular burn by ultraviolet radiation 61. sudden visual loss 62. slow and progressive visual loss 63. disorders of the visual pathway, visual field defects 64. examination of vision, low vision, blindness and compensatory devices 65. urgent ophthalmology (emergency medicine in ophthalmology) 66. systemic diseases and the eye 67. examination of the posterior segment of the eye 68. the use of lasers in ophthalmology Poslední úprava: Kovář Jan (10.06.2022)
Syllabus of Ophthalmology
Scheme of the basic ophthalmic examination (biomicroscopy on the slit lamp, ophthalmoscopy, retinoscopy) practical training in eversion of the upper eyelid
refractive errors of the eye: myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, presbyopia
of the orbit (proptosis, inflamation, tumors) of the lacrimal system (malfunction, inflamation, tumors) of the lids (ptosis, inflamation, tumors) of the conjunctive (inflamation, degeneration) of the cornea (inflamation, dystrophia, degeneration, keratoconus) of the uvea (inflamation, tumors) of the lens (ectopia, subluxation, cataract, aphakia, pseudophakia) of the retina (retinopathy, vascular disorders, detachment, tumors, degeneration, dystrophia) of the optic nerve (atrophy, inflamation, vascular disorder)
glaucomas of the various origin, hydrophthalmos
pediatric ophthalmology (development of the vision, developmental abnormalities of the eyeball, congenital and infantile cataract and glaucoma, strabismus, amblyopia
ocular injuries (blunt, perforating, chemical burns, ophthalmia photoelectrica)
Poslední úprava: HABET (13.01.2014)