Compulsatory subject is dealing with teaching first aid on level trained layperson. Subject include teaching of BLS in theory and practice according to actual guidelines, teaching first aid in all common situations requiring first aid and information of first aid organisation system. Poslední úprava: Filaun Martin, MUDr., CSc. (27.04.2017)
Aim of the subject is to manage basic life support with practice on models inculing AED and to manage to provide first aid in theory and practice in individual situations. Poslední úprava: Filaun Martin, MUDr., CSc. (27.04.2017)
Subject is finished with oral exam, with need of credit before. To receive the credit it is necessary to attend seminars. Two absences is possible to tolerate during whole semestr. Oral exam include two questions and possible complementary questions from examiner according his consideration. Poslední úprava: Filaun Martin, MUDr., CSc. (27.04.2017)
First Aid Manual, revised 10th edition Publ.: Dorling Kindersley Ltd. 2016
Poslední úprava: Filaun Martin, MUDr., CSc. (19.04.2017)
Exam questions - First aid
1. Principle of first aid, organization 2. Cardiac arrest - cardiac and respiratory causes, differences in aproach 3. Causes of airways obstruction, methods of airways opening 4. Mouth to mouth breathing – principle, technique, modifications 5. Chest compressions – principle, technique 6. BLS – basic steps 7. BLS in child and newborn – basic steps 8. AED – principle, method of use 9. First aid in unconscious patient 10. Collapse, faintness 11. Seizures – causes, first aid 12. Shock – definition, types, basic steps in first aid 13. Wounds – types, treatment 14. Bandage – types, examples of using 15. Bleeding – types, practical aproach in stopping 16. Heat injury – burns, insolation, heatstroke 17. Cold injury – frostbite, undercooling 18. Chemical burns 19. Poisoning – first aid 20. Electric current injuries 21. Drowning and near drowning 22. Head injury 23. Face injury, eye injury, epistaxis 24. Spine column and spine cord injury 25. Chest injury, including pneumotorax, first aid 26. Abdominal injury 27. Bones and joint injuries 28. Allergic reactions 29. Chest pain – causes, first aid 30. Abdominal emergencies 31. Rapid delivery 32. First aid in mentally ill patients 33. Positioning and transport 34. Mass accident, basic steps in first aid Poslední úprava: Filaun Martin, MUDr., CSc. (01.10.2017)
Introduction in first aid, basic terms, history Basic life support according to ERC guidelines 2015 Automated external defibrilation First aid in shock Abdomen and chest injuries Bleeding Positioning, transport Bone and joint injuries, bandage and fixation First aid in comatose patient First aid in head, spine and spinal cord injuries First aid in optalmology, ENT and stomatology, small injuries First aid in thermal, cold and electric current injuries First aid in near drawning, poisoning and chemical injuries Mass accident Poslední úprava: Filaun Martin, MUDr., CSc. (27.04.2017)