The specific problems of contemporary medical ethics are discussed in this course, with special attention to the issues taught in parallel modules of the fourth year. The seminaries are focused on case reports and consequent discussion, where students can prove their ability to think and argue. Poslední úprava: Malý Lukáš, MUDr. Mgr. (25.01.2023)
The students learn about some ethically controversial case reports and in the seminaries try to find acceptable solutions. These solutions are stemming from a theoretical knowledge received in the course of lectures. Poslední úprava: Malý Lukáš, MUDr. Mgr. (25.01.2023)
Dorff, E.N., (2003) Matters of Life and Death. The Jewish Publication Society, Philadelphia. Edge, R.S., Groves, J.R., (2006) Ethics of Health Care. Thomson Delmar Reading, New York. Elliot, C., (2010) White Coat Black Hat. Beacon Press, Boston. Mepham, B., (2008) Bioethics. An Introduction for the Biosciences. Oxford University Press, Oxford. Healy, D., (2004) The Creation of Psychopharmacology. Harvard University Press Healy, D., (2012) Pharmageddon. University of California Press. Berkeley and Los Angeles. Kaczor, C., (2011) The Ethics of Abortion. Women´s Rights, Human Life, And the Question of Justice. Routledge. New York. USA. Pierce, J., Randels, G., (2010) Contemporary Bioethics. Oxford University Press, Oxford. Plomin, R., (2001) Behavioral Genetics. Worth Publishers and W.H. Freeman and Company. Pozgar, G.D., (2005) Legal and Ethical Issues for Health Professionals. Jones and Bartlett Publishers. Richerson, P.J., Boyd, R., (2006) Not By Genes Alone. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London. Singer, P.A., Viens, A.M., (2008) The Cambridge Textbook of Bioethics. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Steinbock, B., (2009) The Oxford Handbook of Bioethics. Oxford University Press. Oxford Tauber, A.I., (2005) Patient Autonomy and the Ethics of Responsibility. The MIT Press, Cambridge. Poslední úprava: Malý Lukáš, MUDr. Mgr. (25.01.2023)
Lecture and seminaries. The topics of the lectures correspond with topics of paralle modules. The theoretical knowledge received in the course of lectures is used in seminaries in attempts to solve some highly questionable or problematic cases and with the help of the teachers are further reflected. Poslední úprava: Malý Lukáš, MUDr. Mgr. (25.01.2023)
Povinnosti k udělení zápočtu: 1. Povinná účast na 3 z 5 seminářů 2. Aktivní účast během seminářů.
Poslední úprava: Malý Lukáš, MUDr. Mgr. (25.01.2023)