Students acquire knowledge of carcinogenesis, prevention, diagnosis, treatment modalities and psychosocial
aspects of the complex oncological care as well as they get acquainted with most of cancer types and their
specifics. Apart from acquiring the oncological knowledge the course focuses on the crucial communication and
social skills, attitudes and values that are important in the contact with the oncological patient.
Poslední úprava: Kolářová Jana (10.02.2021)
Poslední úprava: Matějů Martin, MUDr., Ph.D. (29.05.2019)
The course is a part of the 4th year´s curriculum and takes 1 week. The online seminars will be held by profesionals from 4 oncology departments of the First Faculty of Medicine. Poslední úprava: Matějů Martin, MUDr., Ph.D. (12.01.2022)
Questions covering topics for graded test: a/ Principles of oncology:
1. Primary and secondary prevention, screening in oncology 2. Tumour epidemiology 3. Biology of cancer growth 4. Molecular biology in oncology 5. Diagnostic procedures in oncology 6. Tumour verification - histopathology, cytology, biopsy 7. Staging - principles of staging, TNM system 8. General principles of cancer treatment 9. Performance status, quality of life - nutrition, cachexia, systemic signs and symptoms of malignancy 10. Rehabilitation in oncology - physical, social, and psychological rehabilitation 11. Follow-up of cancer patients - overview and purpose of follow-up care, relapse, minimal residual disease, evaluation of treatment results b/ Practice of oncology - answer structure in oncology diagnosis a)epidemiology and risk factors, b) signs and symptoms, c) diagnosis and clinical staging , d) treatment overview: 1. Head and neck cancers 2. Thyroid cancer 3. Oesophageal cancer, gastric cancer, gastroesophageal junction cancer 4. Colorectal cancer 5. Prostate cancer 6. Breast cancer 7. Melanoma, basalioma and cutaneous squamous cell cancer 8. Gynecological malignancies 9. Alergic reaction in oncology 10. CINV in oncology 11. Pain management in oncology 12. Nutrition in oncology 13. Paliative care in oncology Poslední úprava: Matějů Martin, MUDr., Ph.D. (26.06.2019)
Priciples of Oncology
1. Tumour epidemiology 2. Biology of cancer growth, molecular biology in oncology and process of metastasis 3. Primary and secondary prevention, screening programs in oncology 4. Diagnostic imaging in oncology 5. Tumour verification and classification 6. General principles of cancer treatment 7. Radioteraphy 8. Dispensarization and follow up in oncology 9. Psychooncology and comunication Practise of oncology 1. Breast cancer 2. Lung cancer 3. Colorectal cancer 4 Gynecological malignancies 5. Prostate cancer 6. Head and neck tumors 7. Symptomatic and paliative oncology Poslední úprava: Kolářová Jana (10.02.2021)
Poslední úprava: Matějů Martin, MUDr., Ph.D. (29.05.2019)
Dear Stomatology Students,. the oncology lecture starts on Monday 20th January 2025 at 9 AM at the lecture hall at Fakultní poliklinika (FP) in VFN - Karlovo náměstí 32, building A - middle part, door no. P.21 all the info about adresses and open sources is available at: https://goo.gl/7ydRUd
Credit To gain the credit you need to pass an online graded test in Moodle. The key for student registration is the code of the subject: "B81185" I hope you will find our course useful and I'm looking forward to our first lecture. Sincerely, Head of Education at Oncology Clinic: MUDr. Martin Matějů, PhD.; contact: martin.mateju@vfn.cz Secretary: jana.hulova@vfn.cz Poslední úprava: Matějů Martin, MUDr., Ph.D. (19.01.2025)