V přednáškách jsou studenti seznámeni se strukturou a základními mechanismy imunitního systému, s regulacemi a kooperací jednotlivých složek obranných mechanismů za fyziologických podmínek i patologických stavů. Výuka je zaměřena na pochopení komplexních interakcí různých typů buněk, tkání a molekul imunitního systému. V přednášce a seminářích jsou také probírány základní imunologické metody a jejich princip.
Poslední úprava: Petanová Jitka, MUDr. Mgr., CSc. (21.02.2019)
AIM: Explain basic structure, mechanisms and functions of the immune system. Poslední úprava: Petanová Jitka, MUDr. Mgr., CSc. (23.05.2019)
Credit: attendance at seminars (1 absence possible) Poslední úprava: Petanová Jitka, MUDr. Mgr., CSc. (10.09.2021)
Šterzl, I., a kol.: Základy imunologie pro zubní a všeobecné lékaře. Nakladatelství Karolinum, Praha, 2005. Krejsek a kol.: Imunologie člověka 2016 Poslední úprava: Petanová Jitka, MUDr. Mgr., CSc. (21.02.2019)
Lectures and seminars take place in person. Poslední úprava: Petanová Jitka, MUDr. Mgr., CSc. (10.09.2021)
Credit: attendance at seminars (1 absence possible) A 1. Immune system, characteristic, function, structure 2. Characteristic of the antigens 3. Cells in immunological reactions 4. Primary lymphoid organs and their functions 5. Secondary lymphoid organs and their functions 6. Recirculation of lymphocytes 7. The basic characteristic of the innate immunity 8. Effector cells of the innate immunity 9. Humoral components of the innate immunity 10. Mechanism of phagocytosis 11. Recognition molecules of phagocytic cells 12. Bactericidal mechanisms of phagocytic cells 13. Nonspecific cytotoxic reactions 14. Natural killer cells 15. Dendritic cells 16. Cytokines, basic characteristic 17. Proinflammatory cytokines 18. Interleukins 19. Chemokines 20. Interferons 21. Growth factors 22. Complement system, components, activation pathways 23. Role of complement system in the inflammation 24. Role of complement system in defense to infection 25. Role of complement system in autoimmune diseases 26. Complement receptors 27. Local inflammatory reaction 28. Systemic inflammatory response 29. Inflammatory cells and their activities 30. Mechanisms of leukocytes migration 31. Adhesive molecules and their functions 32. Phases of inflammatory reaction B 33. Primary and secondary immune response, immunological memory 34. Presentation of antigens, recognition of the antigen by T cells and by B cells 35. Properties of antigen presenting cells 36. MHC class I and II molecules 37. Role of costimulatory molecules in activation of lymphocytes 38. Interactions between T and B lymphocytes 39. T-dependent and T-independent antigens 40. Specific receptors for antigens on B and T lymphocytes 41. Activation and differentiation of B lymphocytes 42. Activation and differentiation of T lymphocytes 43. Subpopulations of T lymphocytes, functional activities 44. Role of cytokines in adaptive immunity 45. Specific cytotoxic reaction 46. Structure of immunoglobulins, human isotypes 47. Functions of antibodies 48. Monoclonal antibodies and their use 49. Structure and function of mucosal barriers 50. Lymphoid tissue of mucosal membrane 51. Oral tolerance 52. Common mucosal immune system 53. Mucosal lymphocytes 54. Secretory immunoglobulins, function 55. Phases of immune response 56. Central immunological tolerance 57. Peripheral immunological tolerance 58. Defense to extracellular pathogens 59. Defense to intracellular pathogens 60. Mechanisms of antigen elimination from organism 61. Regulation of the immune system 62. Passive and active immunization, adjuvans 63. Investigations of the component of cellular immunity 64. Investigations of the component of the humoral immunity C 65. Type I hypersensitivity reaction 66. Type II hypersensitivity reaction 67. Type III hypersensitivity reaction 68. Type IV hypersensitivity reaction 69. Hypersensitivity reaction mediated by anti-receptor antibodies 70. Atopy, allergy 71. Biological role of IgE 72. Receptors for IgE 73. Anaphylaxis and anaphylactoid reaction 74. Histamine, its function and receptors 75. Cells in hypersensitivity reaction 76. Allergic inflammation 77. Early phase of allergic reaction 78. Late phase of allergic reaction 79. Etiology and pathophysiology of autoimmune damage of tissue 80. Mechanisms of autoimmune damage of tissue 81. Role of autoantibodies in autoimmunity 82. Natural autoantibodies 83. Autoantigens 84. Role of autoreactive T lymphocytes in autoimmunity 85. Immunodeficiencies and their classification 86. Primary immunodeficiencies 87. Secondary immunodeficiencies 88. Anti-tumor immunity 89. Tumor antigens 90. Immunotherapy of tumors 91. Transplantation, definition and basic nomenclature 92. Transplantation antigens 93. Graft rejection and its prevention 94. Hyperacute and acute graft rejection 95. Chronic rejection 96. Graft versus host reaction Poslední úprava: Petanová Jitka, MUDr. Mgr., CSc. (10.09.2021)
struktura imunitního systému, jeho dělení, prezentace antigenu, kooperace mezi buňkami imunitního systému, zánět, imunoopatologické reakce, imunodeficience, autoimunita, alergie, nádorová imunologie, transplantace Poslední úprava: Petanová Jitka, MUDr. Mgr., CSc. (21.02.2019)
prerequisities Poslední úprava: Petanová Jitka, MUDr. Mgr., CSc. (10.09.2021)
prerequisities Poslední úprava: Petanová Jitka, MUDr. Mgr., CSc. (10.09.2021)