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Předmět, akademický rok 2024/2025
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Dermatovenereology - B80080 (Všeobecné lékařství - AP)
Anglický název: Dermatovenereology
Zajišťuje: Dermatovenerologická klinika 1. LF UK a VFN (11-00580)
Fakulta: 1. lékařská fakulta
Platnost: od 2024
Semestr: zimní
Body: 3
E-Kredity: 3
Způsob provedení zkoušky: zimní s.:
Rozsah, examinace: zimní s.:0/50, Z+Zk [HS]
Rozsah za akademický rok: 50 [hodiny]
Počet míst: neomezen
Minimální obsazenost: neomezen
4EU+: ne
Virtuální mobilita / počet míst pro virtuální mobilitu: ne
Stav předmětu: vyučován
Jazyk výuky: angličtina
Způsob výuky: prezenční
Vysvětlení: doc. MUDr. Ondřej Kodet, Ph.D., ondrej.kodet@lf1.cuni.cz Please, take your white coat with You even on the first day.
Další informace: http://kozni.lf1.cuni.cz/, e - mail: kozni@lf1.cuni.cz , Tel.+420224962400, Fax: +420224962401
Staré označení: 80
Garant: MUDr. Lukáš Lacina, Ph.D.
Patří mezi: Compulsory for GM 4.y._24/25
Atributy: Lékařství
Předmět pro elearning
Klinický předmět
Prerekvizity : {Prerekvizity pro zápis Mikrobiologie 2 pro ALEK}, B83161, B83162
Anotace - angličtina
The courses will provide basic information on epidemiology, diagnostics and therapeutics of common skin and sexually transmitted diseases such as mycoses, bacterial and viral skin infections, diseases caused by disturbance of keratinization, allergic and autoimmune dermatoses, skin tumours, syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases.
Poslední úprava: STO03636 (14.04.2008)
Literatura - angličtina

Sterry, W., Paus, R., Burgdorf, WHC: Dermatology. 1. angl. vyd., brož, 2006, Thieme Verlagsgruppe, s. 754, 345 bar. obr., , cena 49,95 Eur., ISBN: 3-13-13511-0

Weller RPBJ, Hunter JAA, Savin JA, Dahl MV, Clinical Dermatology, Fourth Edition, 2008 ISBN: 978-1-405-14663-0

Rocken, M.,Schaller, M.,Sattler, E.,Burgdorf, W. Color Atlas of Dermatology, Thieme, ISBN 978-3-13-132341-5

Štork a kol. Dermatovenerologie , Galén, 2013 ISBN 978-80-7262-898-8.

to consult also czech textbooks according the provided list of questions. Venereal diseases and mucosal disorders are often neglected in english textbooks of dermatology.

Poslední úprava: STO03636 (22.09.2016)
Požadavky ke zkoušce - angličtina

Credit is awarded for meeting attendance at lectures and practical teaching at the clinic. 2 absences are possible, without the need for an excuse. The exam is conducted for the 1st and 2nd term in the form of a test. The multiple choice test (A, B, C, D - several options are correct, no answer is possible - no) has 20 questions that are based on the individual above-mentioned areas. To successfully pass the test (examination), you must have a min. 14 correct answers (i.e. max. 6 mistakes = 70%), The test result is rated - excellent 20-18, very good 17-16, good 15-14 - correct answers. Only a complete answer is evaluated as a correctly answered question. E.g. if ABC is correct, answer AB cannot be accepted, if A is correct, answer AB cannot be accepted, etc. The maximum interval to complete the test is 30 min.

The 3rd term is an oral exam - 2 questions from dermatology, 1 question from venereology, 1 clinical picture of the basic diagnosis - clinical description.

The list of topics for dermatology and venereology examination
1. Anatomy of the skin; the skin appendages
2. Physiological functions of the skin
3. Dermatological history, primary and secondary skin lesions, examples of diseases
4. Physical examination and its description, configurations of lesions, examples of diseases
5. Histopathological changes in the skin
6. Topical therapy in dermatology, indications, side effects of topical steroids
7. Physical therapy in dermatology, phototherapy, laser, indications
8. Chronic venous insufficiency and venous leg ulcers, differential diagnosis, therapy
9. Skin diseases due to mechanical and thermal causes
10. Photodermatoses, phototoxic dermatitis, porphyria cutanea tarda
11. Diseases caused by parasites, scabies (clinical picture, diagnosis, therapy), pediculosis,
12. Tinea corporis, tinea pedum et manuum (Ringworm, athlete´s foot, tinea of the hand
diagnosis, therapy)
13. Onychomycosis, mycoses of the scalp and beard region, diagnosis, therapy
14. Pityriasis versicolor, erythrasma
15. Candidosis
16. Pyodermas of the adnexal structures, superficial pyodermas, impetigo -
17. Deep pyodermas, erysipelas
18. Mycobacterioses -tuberculosis of the skin
19. Skin manifestations of Lyme disease
20. Skin diseases caused by human papillomaviruses
21. Herpes simplex, herpes zoster (shingles)
22. Irritant contact dermatitis
23. Allergic contact dermatitis, investigation methods, important allergens
24. Microbial (infectious)/nummular eczema, varicous dermatitis
25. Atopic dermatitis
26. Seborrhoeic dermatitis
27. Drug eruptions, diagnosis, therapy
28. Urticaria, Quincke oedema
29. Psoriasis vulgaris, clinical picture, therapy (topical, systemic)
30. Lichen (ruber) planus
31. Pityriasis rosea
32. . Pemphigus
33. Pemphigoid
34. Dermatitis herpetiformis Duhring
35. Erythema exsudativum multiforme, toxic epidermal necrolysis
36. Erythroderma
37. Scleroderma
38. Dermatomyositis
39. Erythematodes (lupus erythematosus)
40. Necrobiotic granulomatous processes
41. Sarcoidosis
42. Disorders of pigmentation
43. Disorders of hair growth, alopecia
44. Acne vulgaris
45. Rosacea, perioral dermatitis
46. Cheilitis, aphthous stomatitis – relation to systemic diseases
47. Functional angiopathies – Raynaud phenomenon, acrocyanosis
48 Vasculitis
49. Pruritus –examples of systemic causes, prurigo
50. Melanocytic naevi
51. Precanceroses, Bowen ´s disease, Paget ´s disease
52. Basal cell carcinoma
53. Squamous cell carcinoma
54. Seborrheic wart, syringoma,, keratoacanthoma, fibrous histiocytoma, keloid
55. Cutaneous lymphomas and pseudolymphomas, mycosis fungoides
56. Malignant melanoma
57. Vascular nevi and tumors
58. Dermatitis artefacta


1. Venereal diseases – a review, their social significance
2. Syphilis, etiology, basic classification, therapy, follow-up, prevention
3. Microscopic and serological diagnosis of syphilis
4. Primary syphilis, clinical picture, localization, differential diagnosis
5. Secondary syphilis, clinical picture, differential diagnosis, mucosal lesions
6. Tertiary syphilis, cutaneous mucosal nervous system and internal organs manifestations
7. Syphilis congenita recens and tarda
8. Gonorrhoea, therapy, criteria of cure
9. Measures to be taken by doctor and patient in the case of sexually transmitted disease
10. Chancroid (ulcus molle), lymphogranuloma venereum
11. Skin diseases of the external genitalia (except for venereal diseases and urethritis)
12. Non-gonococcal urethritis
13. AIDS

Poslední úprava: Kodet Ondřej, doc. MUDr., Ph.D. (20.09.2024)
Sylabus - angličtina

Topics of seminars in dermatology and venereology

1. Introduction to dermatology - lesions, localisation, description

2. Histology - anatomy, histopathological changes and their clinical correlation

3. Bullous diseases - pemphigus, pemphigoid, dermatitis herpetiformis

4. Phlebology veins of lower extremities, varicosities, chronic venous insufficiency, leg ulcers ? investigation, therapy, cellulitis (erysipelas), lymphedema

5. Drug reactions - generally + clinical picture (angioedema, urticaria, erythema multiforme, corticosteroid side effects, vasculitis, fixed exanthema aj.)

6. Venereology I sexually transmitted infections

7. Venereology II - lues, gonorrhoea, chlamydia, bacterial vaginosis, AIDS

8. Precancerosis + tumors - solar keratosis, leucoplakia, carcinoma in situ, squamous and basal cell carcinoma, m. Bowen, m. Queyrat, m. Paget, lymphomas, paraneoplasia

9. Pigmented naevuses + malignant melanoma

10. Mycology - dermatophytosis, candidosis, pityriasis versicolor

11. Bacterial diseases a tbc - pyodermias, tbc, actinomycosis

12. Viral a parasitic diseases herpes, warts, molluscum contagiosum, scabies, trombidiasis, pediculosis, borreliosis.

13. Eczemas overview, patch tests, professional diseases

14. Psoriasis, lichen, erythrodermias

15. Adnexal diseases - acne, rosacea, alopecia, onychodystrophia

16. Connective tissue diseases ?scleroderma, lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis

17. Dermatological therapy topical, systemic

Poslední úprava: STO03636 (02.12.2010)
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