zaměření na sporty a pobyt v přírodě
Poslední úprava: Topičová Vladěna (10.11.2008)
zaměření na sporty a pobyt v přírodě Poslední úprava: Topičová Vladěna (10.11.2008)
Summer training courses is an optional subject for second and higher grades of all study forms.
The subject is to acquire and improve movement skills in the natural environment. The education is about the importance of physical activity as a prevention of civilization diseases and the relaxation and regeneration effects of physical activity in nature.
Courses take place in different forms at weekly turnuses:
Students who are interested in this course will enroll the subject in the SIS at the beginning of summer semester according to the term listed for other optional subjects by Study department.
Enrolled students will receive an informative mail about signing and terms.
The subject LVK can be enrolled only once during one academic year.
Information and instructions are available at the beginning of the summer semester on UTV websites.
Courses are completed by credit. Poslední úprava: Holanová Marcela (10.07.2017)