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Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University
Centre for Theoretical Study;
Environment Centre
Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Catholic Theological Faculty
Protestant Theological Faculty
Hussite Theological Faculty
Faculty of Law
First Faculty of Medicine
Second Faculty of Medicine
Third Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Faculty of Humanities
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies
Central Library of Charles University
Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education
Akademie věd ČR (51-900730)
Anatomie a biomechanika (51-500100)
Centrum CŽV a služeb (51-902530)
Centrum profesní přípravy a kariérního poradenství (51-140004)
Department of Adapted Physical Education and Sport Medicine (51-300300)
Department of Athletics and Outdoor Sports (51-300500)
Department of Biomedical Foundation in Kinanthropology (51-300200)
Department of Gymnastics and Combat Sports (51-300600)
Department of Physiotherapy (51-300400)
Department of Social Sciences Foundation in Kinanthropology (51-300000)
Department of Sport Games (51-300700)
Department of Sport Management (51-300100)
Department of Swimming, Water and Technical Sports (51-300800)
doktorand na FTVS (51-900710)
Fyziologie (51-500200)
Gymnastika (51-600200)
Kabinet pedagogických praxí (51-400300)
Katedra jazyků (51-400400)
Kinantropologie (51-400100)
Laboratory of Sport Motorics (51-300900)
Laboratoř sportovní motoriky (51-600800)
Management (51-400110)
Pedagogická fakulta UK (51-900720)
Pedagogika, psychologie a didaktika (51-400200)
Science app. (51-100200)
Sportovní hry (51-600300)
Sporty v přírodě (51-600400)
Studijní oddělení (51-100100)
Technické a úpolové sporty (51-600600)
Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportu (51-100101)
Vojenská tělovýchova (51-600700)
Zdravotní TV a tělovýchovné lékařství (51-500300)
1. lékařská fakulta UK (51-900600)
2. lékařská fakulta UK (51-900400)
3. lékařská fakulta UK (51-900500)
Applied biomechanics in physiotherapy - PDSB040
Evaluation of Physiotherapeutic Approaches in Rehabilitation - PDSK041
Modern Model of Rehabilitation According to WHO - PDSK042
Special Physiotherapeutic Conceptions and Methods - PDSK043
Bachelor's thesis - Setting (ORT) - PFPB001
Bachelor's Thesis - Defence - PFPB002
Developmental Kinesiology - PFYZ001
Developmental Kinesiology - PFYZ001C
General Psychology for Orthotics and Prosthetics - PFYZ003K
Basics of Pharmacology - PFYZ005
Basics of Pharmacology - PFYZ005C
Occupational Therapy - PFYZ006
Occupational Therapy - PFYZ006C
Clinical Practice (Demonstration) III - PFYZ007
Clinical Practice (Demonstration) III - PFYZ007C
Clinical Practice V - PFYZ009
Clinical Practice V - PFYZ009C
Surgery for Orthotics and Prosthetics - PFYZ014K
Clinical Kinesiology for Orthotics and Prosthetics - PFYZ018K
Pediatrics for Orthotics and Prosthetics - PFYZ020K
PNF and Movement Analysis I - PFYZ021
PNF and Movement Analysis I - PFYZ021C
Occupational Therapy for Orthotics and Prosthetics - PFYZ022K
Social and Occupational Rehabilitation for Orthotics and Prosthetics - PFYZ026K
Ortotics - PFYZ032K
Special Kinesiology I - PFYZ034
Special Kinesiology I - PFYZ034C
Pharmacology - PFYZ037
Diploma Specialization I - PFYZ038
Diploma Specialization I - PFYZ038C
Applied Techniques of PNF - PFYZ040
Applied Techniques of PNF - PFYZ040C
Clinical Work Placement - PFYZ043
Clinical Work Placement - PFYZ043C
Ortopaedic Prosthetics - PFYZ045
Orthopedic Prosthetics - PFYZ045C
Organization of Educational Actions - PFYZ049
Organization of Educational Actions - PFYZ049C
Internship in Physiotherapeutical Practice - PFYZ050
Internship in Physiotherapeutical Practice - PFYZ050C
Kinesiologic Relations in Reflex Locomotion According Vojta - PFYZ061
Kinesiologic Relations in Reflex Locomotion According Vojta - PFYZ061C
Basics of Psychotherapy - PFYZ062
Basics of Psychotherapy - PFYZ062C
Clinical Practice VI - PFYZ063
Clinical Practice VI - PFYZ063C
Physiotherapeutic Methods and Procedures - PFYZ064
Physiotherapeutic Methods and Procedures - PFYZ064C
Clinical Work Placement III - PFYZ066
Clinical Work Placement III - PFYZ066C
Clinical Practice (Demonstration) IV - PFYZ069
Clinical Practice (Demonstration) IV - PFYZ069C
PNF and Movement Analysis II - PFYZ071
PNF and Movement Analysis II - PFYZ071C
Physical Therapy I - PFYZ072
Physical Therapy I - PFYZ072C
Physical Therapy II - PFYZ073
Physical Therapy II - PFYZ073C
Introduction to Rehabilitation - PFYZ074
Introduction to Rehabilitation - PFYZ074C
Examination and Basic Therapeutic Methods I - PFYZ075
Examination and Basic Therapeutic Methods I - PFYZ075C
Examination and Basic Therapeutic Methods II - PFYZ076
Examination and Basic Therapeutic Methods II - PFYZ076C
Latin and Greek - PFYZ077
Latin and Greek - PFYZ077C
Balneology - PFYZ081
Balneology - PFYZ081C
Clinical Practice I - PFYZ082
Clinical Practice I - PFYZ082C
Clinical Practice II - PFYZ083
Clinical Practice II - PFYZ083C
Clinical Work Placement I - PFYZ084
Clinical Work Placement I - PFYZ084C
Acupressure - PFYZ087
Demonstration - Clinical Practice I - PFYZ088
Demonstration - Clinical Practice I - PFYZ088C
Special Kinesiology II - PFYZ091
Special Kinesiology II - PFYZ091C
Diploma Specialization II - PFYZ093
Diploma Specialization II - PFYZ093C
Demonstration - Clinical Practice II - PFYZ095
Demonstration - Clinical Practice II - PFYZ095C
Special Clinical Intership I - PFYZ099
Special Clinical Intership I - PFYZ099C
Special Clinical Intership II - PFYZ100
Special Clinical Intership II - PFYZ100C
Examination and Basic Therapeutic Methods III - PFYZ104
Examination and Basic Therapeutic Methods III - PFYZ104C
Reflex Massage and Soft Tissue Techniques - PFYZ105
Reflex Massage and Soft Tissue Techniques - PFYZ105C
Clinical Practice (Demonstration) I - PFYZ106
Clinical Practice (Demonstration) I - PFYZ106C
Clinical Practice III - PFYZ107
Clinical Practice III - PFYZ107C
Clinical Neurophysiology - PFYZ108
Clinical Neurophysiology - PFYZ108C
Clinical Psychology - PFYZ109
Clinical Psychology - PFYZ109C
Pathological Anatomy - PFYZ110
Pathological Anatomy - PFYZ110C
Internal Medicine I - PFYZ111
Internal Medicine I - PFYZ111C
Orthopeadics and Traumatology - PFYZ112
Orthopedics and Traumatology - PFYZ112C
Neurology I - PFYZ113
Neurology I - PFYZ113C
Pediatrics - PFYZ114
Pediatrics - PFYZ114C
Manual Methods in Physiotherapy - PFYZ116
Manual Methods in Physiotherapy - PFYZ116C
Physiotherapeutic Methods in Clinical Fields - PFYZ117
Physiotherapeutic Methods in Clinical Fields - PFYZ117C
Clinical Practice IV - PFYZ118
Clinical Practice IV - PFYZ118C
Clinical Practice (Demonstration) II - PFYZ119
Clinical Practice (Demonstration) II - PFYZ119C
Clinical Kinesiology - PFYZ120
Clinical Kinesiology - PFYZ120C
Internal Medicine II - PFYZ121
Internal Medicine II - PFYZ121C
General Surgery Topics - PFYZ122
General Surgery Topics - PFYZ122C
Neurology II - PFYZ123
Neurology II - PFYZ123C
Clinical Work Placement II - PFYZ124
Clinical Work Placement II - PFYZ124C
Special Physiotherapeutical Methods I - PFYZ126
Special Physiotherapeutical Methods I - PFYZ126C
Differential Diagnostics - PFYZ128
Differential Diagnostics - PFYZ128C
Physiotherapeutic Methods - Special Chapters - PFYZ131
Physiotherapeutic Methods - Special Chapters - PFYZ131C
Lymphologic Physiotherapy - PFYZ133
Clinical Colloquium I - PFYZ137
Clinical Colloquium I - PFYZ137C
Taping in Physiotherapy - PFYZ139
Taping in Physiotherapy - PFYZ139C
Principles of Acupuncture - PFYZ143
Psychiatry - PFYZ153
Psychiatry - PFYZ153C
Special Practice I - PFYZ159K
Social and Occupational Rehabilitation - PFYZ160
Social and Occupational Rehabilitation - PFYZ160C
Psychosomatics - PFYZ162
Psychosomatics - PFYZ162C
Speech and Language Therapy - PFYZ168
Diploma Specialization III - PFYZ170
Diploma Specialization III - PFYZ170C
Diploma Specialization IV - PFYZ171
Diploma Specialization IV - PFYZ171C
Ergonomics - PFYZ176
Ergonomics - PFYZ176C
Fundamentals of Orthotics and Prosthesis - PFYZ190K
Introduction to Rehabilitation for Orthotics and Prosthetics - PFYZ191K
Materials for the Production of Orthopaedic Aids - PFYZ192K
Prosthetic Construction - PFYZ193K
Technology of Orthopaedic Aids Production - PFYZ194K
Special Practice II - PFYZ195K
Special Practice III - PFYZ196K
Special Practice IV - PFYZ197K
Specail Practice V - PFYZ198K
Special Practice VI - PFYZ199K
Orthopaedics and Traumatology for Orthotics and Prosthetics - PFYZ201K
Neurology for Orthotics and Prosthetics I - PFYZ202K
Neurology for Orthotics and Prosthetics II - PFYZ203K
Prosthetics - PFYZ204K
Maintenance and Repair of Orthopedic Aids - PFYZ205K
School of the Gait - PFYZ207K
Orthotics and Prothetics for Children - PFYZ208K
Epithetics - PFYZ209K
Myoprosthetics - PFYZ211K
Ergonomics for Orthotics and Prosthetics - PFYZ214K
Massage - PFYZ215
Massage - PFYZ215C
Fundamentals of Orthotics and Prosthesis - PFYZ216
Fundamentals of Orthotics and Prosthesis - PFYZ216K
Orthopaedy - PFYZ217
Kinesiology - PFYZ219
Kinesiology - PFYZ219C
Kinesiology - PFYZ219K
Physical Therapy in Recondition - PFYZ220
Physical Therapy in Recondition - PFYZ220C
Physical Therapy in Recondition - PFYZ220K
Calceotics and Podiatry - PFYZ221K
Health Care Management - PFYZ222
Health Care Management - PFYZ222C
Imaging Methods - PFYZ224
Imaging Methods - PFYZ224C
Clinical Effectiveness in Physiotherapy - PFYZ225
Clinical Effectiveness in Physiotherapy - PFYZ225C
Differential Diagnostics in Physiotherapy - PFYZ226
Differential Diagnostics in Physiotherapy - PFYZ226C
Special Chapters from Clinical Fields - PFYZ227
Special Chapters from Clinical Fields - PFYZ227C
Management and Current Legal Standards in Health Care - PFYZ228
Management and Current Legal Standards in Health Care - PFYZ228C
Physiotherapy in Sport - PFYZ229
Physiotherapy in Sport - PFYZ229C
Ortopeadic Prosthetics - Special Chapters - PFYZ230
Ortopedic Prosthetics - Special Chapters - PFYZ230C
Preventive Programs in Physiotherapy and Nutrition Counseling - PFYZ231
Preventive Programs in Physiotherapy and Nutrition Counseling - PFYZ231C
Yoga in Physiotherapy - PFYZ233
Yoga in Physiotherapy - PFYZ233C
Therapy of Postural Disorders - Brügger Concept I - PFYZ234
Therapy of Postural Disorders - Brügger Concept I - PFYZ234C
Therapy of Postural Disorders - Brügger Concept II - PFYZ235
Therapy of Postural Disorders - Brügger Concept II - PFYZ235C
Oriental Methods - PFYZ236
Oriental Methods - PFYZ236C
Clinical Colloquium II - PFYZ238
Clinical Colloquium II - PFYZ238C
Evidence-based practice - PFYZ239C
Virtual Exchange Physiotherapy - PFYZ240C
Advanced Physiotherapy - summer school 3 ECTS - PFYZ241C
Review of Basic Physiotherapy - PFYZ242
Bachelor Thesis - Setting (FYZ) - PFZB001
Bachelor Thesis - Setting (FYZC) - PFZB001C
Bachelor Thesis - Defence - PFZB002
Diploma Thesis - Setting - PFZD001
Diploma Thesis - Defence - PFZD002
Clinical Kinesiology - PSZZ015
Physiotherapy - theoretical part - PSZZ016
Psychology - PSZZ017
Pathological Physiology and Sports Medicine - PSZZ018
Physiotherapy - practical part - PSZZ019
Physioterapy - practical part - PSZZ023
Practical State Exam Prosthetics-Orthotics - PSZZ036
Theoretical State Exam Kinesiology - PSZZ037
Theoretical State Exam Prosthetics - PSZZ038
Theoretical State Exam Orthotics - PSZZ039
Practical State Exam Physiotherapy - PSZZ128
Practical State Exam Physiotherapy - PSZZ144
Theoretical State Exam Kinesiology - PSZZ179
Theoretical State Exam Physiotherapy - PSZZ240
Theoretical State Exam Neurophysiology and Kinesiology - PSZZ241
Theoretical State Exam Physiology and Pathological Physiology - PSZZ242
Practical State Exam Physiotherapy - PSZZ243
Theoretical State Exam Exam Applied Physiotherapy - PSZZ244
Theoretical State Exam Clinical and Developmental Kinesiology - PSZZ245
Theoretical State Exam Biomechanics and Objectification Methods in Biomedicine - PSZZ246
Practical State Exam Applied Physiotherapy - PSZZ247
Marešová Zuzana, Bc.
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