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Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University
Center for Theoretical Study
Environment Centre
Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Catholic Theological Faculty
Protestant Theological Faculty
Hussite Theological Faculty
Faculty of Law
First Faculty of Medicine
Second Faculty of Medicine
Third Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Faculty of Humanities
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies
Central Library of Charles University
Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education
Akademie věd ČR (51-900730)
Anatomie a biomechanika (51-500100)
Centrum CŽV a služeb (51-902530)
Centrum profesní přípravy a kariérního poradenství (51-140004)
Department of Adapted Physical Education and Sport Medicine (51-300300)
Department of Athletics and Outdoor Sports (51-300500)
Department of Biomedical Foundation in Kinanthropology (51-300200)
Department of Gymnastics and Combat Sports (51-300600)
Department of Physiotherapy (51-300400)
Department of Social Sciences Foundation in Kinanthropology (51-300000)
Department of Sport Games (51-300700)
Department of Sport Management (51-300100)
Department of Swimming, Water and Technical Sports (51-300800)
doktorand na FTVS (51-900710)
Fyziologie (51-500200)
Gymnastika (51-600200)
Kabinet pedagogických praxí (51-400300)
Katedra jazyků (51-400400)
Kinantropologie (51-400100)
Laboratory of Sport Motorics (51-300900)
Laboratoř sportovní motoriky (51-600800)
Management (51-400110)
Pedagogická fakulta UK (51-900720)
Pedagogika, psychologie a didaktika (51-400200)
Science app. (51-100200)
Sportovní hry (51-600300)
Sporty v přírodě (51-600400)
Studijní oddělení (51-100100)
Technické a úpolové sporty (51-600600)
Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportu (51-100101)
Vojenská tělovýchova (51-600700)
Zdravotní TV a tělovýchovné lékařství (51-500300)
1. lékařská fakulta UK (51-900600)
2. lékařská fakulta UK (51-900400)
3. lékařská fakulta UK (51-900500)
Bachelor's Thesis Setting - PBAK001
Bachelor's Thesis Setting - PBAK001C
Bachelor's thesis - Defence - PBAK003
Bachelor's thesis - Colloquium - PBAK003C
Thesis - Defence (PE-Bi) - PBPB002
Thesis - Defence (PE - Ch) - PBPC002
Thesis - Defence (PE-G) - PBPG002
Thesis - Defence (PE-M) - PBPM002
Thesis - Defence (PE-SP) - PBPS002
Thesis - setting - PDIP001
Thesis - setting - PDIP001C
Diploma thesis - Colloquium - PDIP003N
Diploma thesis - Colloquium - PDIP003NC
Diploma thesis - Colloquium - PDIP004N
Thesis - Defence (PE-E) - PDPA002
Thesis - Defence (PE-Bi) - PDPB002
Thesis - Defence (PE - Ch) - PDPC002
Thesis - Defence (PE-F) - PDPF002
Thesis - Defence (PE-G) - PDPG002
Thesis - Defence (PE-M) - PDPM002
Thesis - Defence (PE-Ps) - PDPP002
English for - PJAS009
German language - PJAS012
Portuguese Language Course - PJAS016
Portuguese - PJAS017
Finnish language for foreingners - PJAS023
Latvian language - PJAS025
Portuguese - PJAS026
Survival Finnish - PJAS037
Russian laguage - PJAS038
English (B1/B2) - PJAS040
Communication in English for Exchange Students - PJAS042
German language - conversation - PJAS043
German language - communicative grammar - PJAS044
German language - listening and reading - PJAS045
Dutch course for foreigners - PJAS046
Slovenian language - PJAS047
Practical Estonian A1 - PJAS048
Russian for beginners II - PJAS049
English - PJAS050
French - didactics and contant of languages - PJAS052
French - reading and writing - PJAS053
German Course - PJAS054
German language practice - intensive course - PJAS055
German language practice - conversation - PJAS056
German language practice - grammar training - PJAS057
Basic knowledge of English - PJAS058
French - upper intermed. level - PJAS059
French - expression oral - PJAS060
Sport specific English - sport management and communication - PJAS061
Lithuanian language course - PJAS062
Polish (Basic) - PJAS063
Latvian language for foreigners - PJAS064
English for Erasmus - PJAS065
English as second language III. - PJAS066
English as second language IV. - PJAS067
English for special purposes C 1.2 - PJAS068
Communication in English I. - PJAS069
Communication in English II. - PJAS070
Big and small talk about Finland - PJAS071
Spanish for tourism - PJAS073
Finnish language - PJAS074
Basics of Spanish - PJAS075
German - science language - PJAS078
Pedagogy and Psychology - PSZZ001
Physical Education with Didactics - PSZZ002
Social Science Disciplines in Physical Education and Sport - PSZZ003
Biomedical Science Disciplines in Physical Education and Sport - PSZZ004
Didactics (teaching) of Physical Education and Sport - PSZZ005
Didactics of Military Physical Education - PSZZ006
Economy - PSZZ007
Management and Marketing - PSZZ008
Social Science Disciplines in Physical Education and Sport. - PSZZ009
Biomedical Subjects Bc. - PSZZ010
Applied Physical and Occupational Education - PSZZ011
Social Science Subjects Mgr. - PSZZ012
Biomedical Science Disciplines in Physical Education and Sport - PSZZ013
Applied Physical and Occupational Education - PSZZ014
Human Biomechanics - PSZZ020
Special and Developmental Kinesiology - PSZZ021
Remedial Rehabilitation - PSZZ022
Pedagogy for the Mentally Challenged - PSZZ024
Pedagogy for the Disabled - PSZZ025
Pedagogy for the Sight-Impaired - PSZZ026
Pedagogy for the Hearing-Impaired - PSZZ027
Pedagogy for the Incorrigible persons - PSZZ028
Sociosciential Rudiments of Physical Education and Sport - PSZZ029
Biomedical Rudiments of Physical Education and Sport - PSZZ030
Theory and Didactics of Health's supporting Activities - PSZZ031
Theory and Didactics of Outdoor Activities - PSZZ032
Didactics of Applied Physical Education and Sport for Persons with Special Needs - PSZZ034
Theory and Didactics of Military Physical Education - PSZZ035
Theory and Didactics of Physical Education and Sport - PSZZ040
Physical Education and Basics of Didactics - PSZZ041
State exam of Health's supporting Activities specialization - PSZZ042
State exam of Outdoor Activities specialization - PSZZ043
State exam of Inhabitant Protection specialization - PSZZ044
Marketing - PSZZ045
Management of Sport - PSZZ046
Theory and Basics of Inhabitant Protection - PSZZ047
Theory and Didactics of Applied Physical Education and Sport for Persons with Special Needs - PSZZ048
Clausury Theses - Coaching - PSZZ049
Theory and Didactics of Physical Education and Sport for Persons with Special Needs - PSZZ050
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Athletics - PSZZ051
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - basketball - PSZZ052
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Biathlon - PSZZ053
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Martial Sports - PSZZ054
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Cycling - PSZZ055
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Florball - PSZZ056
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Football - PSZZ057
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Gymnastics - PSZZ058
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Handball - PSZZ059
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Canoeing - PSZZ060
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Figure Skating - PSZZ061
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Ice Hockey - PSZZ062
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Cross country skiing - PSZZ063
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Sky Diving sports - PSZZ064
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Softball and Baseball - PSZZ065
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Sport Climbing - PSZZ066
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Diving - PSZZ067
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Shooting - PSZZ068
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Squash - PSZZ069
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Tennis - PSZZ070
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Triathlon - PSZZ071
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Volleyball - PSZZ072
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Swimming - PSZZ073
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Badminton - PSZZ074
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Alpine skiing - PSZZ075
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Rowing - PSZZ076
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Athletics - PSZZ077
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Basketball - PSZZ078
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Biathlon - PSZZ079
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Martial Sports - PSZZ080
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Cycling - PSZZ081
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Florball - PSZZ082
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Football - PSZZ083
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Gymnastics - PSZZ084
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Handball - PSZZ085
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Figure Skating - PSZZ086
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Ice Hockey - PSZZ087
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Cross country skiing - PSZZ088
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Softball and Baseball - PSZZ089
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Sport Climbing - PSZZ090
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Diving - PSZZ091
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Shooting - PSZZ092
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Tennis - PSZZ093
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Volleyball - PSZZ094
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Swimming - PSZZ095
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Alpine skiing - PSZZ096
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Canoeing - PSZZ097
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Rowing - PSZZ098
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Golf - PSZZ099
Bachelor's thesis - Defence - PSZZ1OBP
Master thesis - Defence - PSZZ1ODP
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - Snowboarding - PSZZ100
Sports manager - PSZZ101
Theory of Inhabitant Protection - PSZZ102
Didactics of Inhabitant Protection - PSZZ103
Theory of applied sports sciences - PSZZ113
Applied Physical and Occupational Education - Somatopaedia - PSZZ114
Biomedical background of sport - PSZZ115
Theory and didactics of sports training - PSZZ116
Theory and didactics of sports training - PSZZ116TSA
Theory and didactics of conditioning training - PSZZ117
Sociosciential Rudiments of Physical Education and Sport - PSZZ118
Biomedical Rudiments of Physical Education and Sport - PSZZ119
Theory of Adapted Physical Education and Sport - PSZZ120
Special Pedagogy - PSZZ121
Sociosciential Rudiments of Physical Education and Sport - PSZZ122
Biomedical Rudiments of Physical Education and Sport - PSZZ123
Theory and Basics of Didactics - PSZZ124
Sociosciential Rudiments of Physical Education and Sport - PSZZ129
Economy - PSZZ130
Theory and basics of didactics of physical education and sport - PSZZ131
Theory and didactics of military physical education - PSZZ132
Pedagogy and educational psychology - PSZZ133
Social science aspects of physical education - PSZZ134
Biomedical aspects of physical education - PSZZ135
Didactics of physical education - PSZZ136
Social Science Disciplines in Physical Education and Sport - PSZZ137
Biomedical Science Disciplines in Physical Education and Sport - PSZZ138
Theory of Adapted Physical Education - PSZZ139
Special Pedagogy - PSZZ140
Sociosciential Rudiments of Sport - PSZZ142
Theory and Didactics of Coaching Specialization - rugby - PSZZ145
Management - PSZZ146
Marketing - PSZZ147
Sport management - PSZZ148
Didactics of Physical Education - PSZZ149
Didactics of Military Physical Education - PSZZ150
Social science and biomedical aspects of physical education - PSZZ151
Didactics of Education in Nature - PSZZ152
Didactics of Health Education - PSZZ153
Didactics of Sport - PSZZ154
Pedagogy and educational psychology - PSZZ155
Biomedical and social science bases of sport - PSZZ156
Didactics of physical education - PSZZ157
Theory and didactics of physical education and health education - PSZZ158
Theory and didactics of physical education and education in nature - PSZZ159
Social science and biomedical aspects of physical education - PSZZ160
Theory and basics of didactics of physical education and sport, sports specialization - athletics - PSZZ162
Theory and basics of didactics of physical education and sport, sports specialization - Basketball - PSZZ163
Theory and basics of didactics of physical education and sport, sports specialization - combat sport - PSZZ164
Theory and basics of didactics of physical education and sport, sports specialization - florball - PSZZ165
Theory and basics of didactics of physical education and sport, sports specialization - Football - PSZZ166
Theory and basics of didactics of physical education and sport, sports specialization - Gymnastics - PSZZ167
Theory and basics of didactics of physical education and sport, sports specialization - Handball - PSZZ168
Theory and basics of didactics of physical education and sport, sports specialization - Canoeing - PSZZ169
Theory and basics of didactics of physical education and sport, sports specialization - Ice Hockey - PSZZ170
Theory and basics of didactics of physical education and sport, sports specialization - Cross country skiing - PSZZ171
Theory and basics of didactics of physical education and sport, sports specialization - Sport Climbing - PSZZ172
Theory and basics of didactics of physical education and sport, sports specialization - softball a baseball - PSZZ173
Theory and basics of didactics of physical education and sport, sports specialization - Tennis - PSZZ174
Theory and basics of didactics of physical education and sport, sports specialization - Volleyball - PSZZ175
Theory and basics of didactics of physical education and sport, sports specialization - Swimming - PSZZ176
Theory and basics of didactics of physical education and sport, sports specialization - alpine disciplin - PSZZ177
Theory and basics of didactics of physical education and sport, sports specialization - Rowing - PSZZ178
Theory and didactics of training - final exam - PSZZ182
Sports specialization - PSZZ182TSA
Theory and didactics of training - tennis - PSZZ183
Theory and didactics of training - combat sport - PSZZ184
Theory and didactics of training - volleyball - PSZZ185
Theory and didactics of training - football - PSZZ186
Theory and didactics of training - Gymnastic sports - PSZZ187
Theory and didactics of training - handball - PSZZ188
Theory and didactics of training - handball - PSZZ189
Theory and didactics of training - ice hockey - PSZZ190
Theory and didactics of training - athletics - PSZZ191
Theory and didactics of training - basketball - PSZZ192
Theory and didactics of training - canoeing - PSZZ193
Management - PSZZ194
Theory and didactics of training - alpine skiing - PSZZ195
Theory and didactics of sports training - Skiing - PSZZ196
Theory and didatics of sports training - Cycling - PSZZ197
Theory and didactics of sports training - Floorball - PSZZ198
Theory and didactics of sports training - Golf - PSZZ199
Theory and didactics of sports training - Snowboarding - PSZZ200
English Language and Literature with Didactics - PSZZ201
Biology - PSZZ202
French Language and Literature with Didactics - PSZZ203
Chemistry - PSZZ204
Teaching Chemistry - PSZZ205
Mathematics with Didactics - PSZZ206
Psychology - PSZZ207
Teaching Psychology - PSZZ208
Teaching Geography - PSZZ209
Geography - PSZZ210
Physical Education and Sport with Coaching Specialization - Alpine events - PSZZ211
Physical Education and Sport with Coaching Specialization - Athletics - PSZZ212
Physical Education and Sport with Coaching Specialization - Basketball - PSZZ213
Physical Education and Sport with Coaching Specialization - Biathlon - PSZZ214
Physical Education and Sport with Coaching Specialization - Gross-country skiing - PSZZ215
Physical Education and Sport with Coaching Specialization - Cycling - PSZZ216
Physical Education and Sport with Coaching Specialization - Gymnastics - PSZZ217
Physical Education and Sport with Coaching Specialization - Handball - PSZZ218
Physical Education and Sport with Coaching Specialization - Canoeing - PSZZ219
Physical Education and Sport with Coaching Specialization - Swimming - PSZZ220
Physical Education and Sport with Coaching Specialization - Sport climbing - PSZZ221
Physical Education and Sport with Coaching Specialization - Shooting - PSZZ222
Physical Education and Sport with Coaching Specialization - Triathlon - PSZZ223
Teaching Biology - PSZZ224
Mathematics - PSZZ229
Special Education - PSZZ230
Special Education - Individuals with Auditory Impairment - PSZZ231
Special Education - Individuals with Speech Disorder - PSZZ232
Special Education - Individuals with Mental Handicap - PSZZ233
Special Education - Individuals with Physical Handicap - PSZZ234
Special Education - Individuals with Visual Impairment - PSZZ235
Special Education - Individuals with Behavioral Disorders - PSZZ236
Special Education of School Age - PSZZ237
Methods and Didactics of Integrative Pedagogy - PSZZ238
Special Education - PSZZ239
Economics and economics of sport - PSZZ248
Sports management - PSZZ249
Sports marketing - PSZZ250
Biomedical and social science bases of sport - PSZZ251
Economics - PSZZ252
Management - PSZZ253
Sociosciential Rudiments of Sport - PSZZ254
Didactics of physical education - PSZZ255
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