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Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University
Centre for Theoretical Study;
Environment Centre
Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Catholic Theological Faculty
Protestant Theological Faculty
Hussite Theological Faculty
Faculty of Law
First Faculty of Medicine
Second Faculty of Medicine
Third Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Faculty of Humanities
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies
Central Library of Charles University
Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education
Akademická poradna (41-AP)
Centrum celoživotního vzdělávání (41-CCV)
Děkanát (41-DEKAN)
Department for international affairs (41-OZV)
Kabinet výuky cizích jazyků (41-KVCJ)
Katedra andragogiky a managementu vzdělávání (41-KAMV)
Katedra anglického jazyka a literatury (41-KAJL)
Katedra biologie a environmentálních studií (41-KBES)
Katedra české literatury (41-KCL)
Katedra českého jazyka (41-KCJ)
Katedra dějin a didaktiky dějepisu (41-KDDD)
Katedra francouzského jazyka a literatury (41-KFJL)
Katedra germanistiky (41-KG)
Katedra hudební výchovy (41-KHV)
Katedra chemie a didaktiky chemie (41-KCHDCH)
Katedra informačních technologií a technické výchovy (41-KITTV)
Katedra matematiky a didaktiky matematiky (41-KMDM)
Katedra občanské výchovy a filosofie (41-KOVF)
Katedra pedagogiky (41-KPG)
Katedra preprimární a primární pedagogiky (41-KPPP)
Katedra psychologie (41-KPSY)
Katedra rusistiky a lingvodidaktiky (41-KRL)
Katedra speciální pedagogiky (41-KSP)
Katedra tělesné výchovy (41-KTV)
Katedra výtvarné výchovy (41-KVV)
Oddělení pro vědeckou činnost (41-OVC)
Středisko pedagogické praxe (41-SPP)
Studijní oddělení (41-STUD)
Ústav profesního rozvoje pracovníků ve školství (41-UPRPS)
Ústav výzkumu a rozvoje vzdělávání (41-UVRV)
Dissertation - ODSZDIS01
Preparation of a Bachelor Thesis - OESZBBP01
Preparation of the Diploma Thesis - OESZNDP01
Dialogical Communication I. - OLPKT056
International Perspectives on Professional Practice in Education - OMP001
APEL ERM015L006 - OMP002
Research Methodology and Enquiry in Education ERM 020L001 - OMP003
Dissertation ERM030L003 - OMP004
ERM015L011A - International Perspectives in Special and Inclusive Education (Roehampton University) - OMP007
ERM015L013S - Special and Inclusive Education for Learners with Special Needs (University of Oslo) - OMP008
ERM015L012S - Inclusive Society - Inclusive Education (Charles University) - OMP009
Optional 1-Inclusion NL ERM015L004 - OMV001
Optional 2-Inclusive Society CZ ERM015L005 - OMV002
ERM015L010A - Research Methodology (Joint module) - OMV003
ERM015L010A - Research Methodology (Joint module) - OMV004
Dissertation Defence (Joint module) - OMV005
x - OOSZN198
a - OPD010031A
x - OSCZ170
x - OSRZ001
x - OSRZ002
x - OSRZ003
x - OSRZ004
x - OSRZ005
theory of instruction czech language - OSRZ006
x - OSRZ007
theory of preschool education and care - OSRZ008
x - OSRZ009
x - OSRZ010
x - OSRZ011
x - OSRZ012
x - OSRZ013
x - OSRZ014
x - OSRZ015
education and educational philosophy - OSRZ016
x - OSRZ017
x - OSRZ018
x - OSRZ019
x - OSRZ020
x - OSRZ021
x - OSRZ022
x - OSRZ023
x - OSRZ024
x - OSRZ025
x - OSRZ026
x - OSRZ027
x - OSRZ028
x - OSRZ029
Teaching Practice - OSRZ030
x - OSRZ031
x - OSRZ032
x - OSRZ033
x - OSRZ034
x - OSRZ035
x - OSRZ036
x - OSRZ037
x - OSRZ038
x - OSRZ039
x - OSRZ040
x - OSRZ041
x - OSRZ042
x - OSRZ043
x - OSRZ044
x - OSRZ045
x - OSRZ046
x - OSRZ047
x - OSRZ048
theory of preschool education and care - OSRZ049
Preparation and elaboration of a bachelor thesis - OSZBBP01
X - OSZC104
X - OSZC105
X - OSZC107
Speach Therapy - OSZC108
X - OSZC110
X - OSZC112
Psychology - OSZC116
a - OSZC117
X - OSZC118
X - OSZC120
X - OSZC121
x - OSZC122
X - OSZC123
Hearing Impairment Special Education - OSZC124
X - OSZC129
X - OSZC130
X - OSZC133
X - OSZC134
x - OSZC140
X - OSZC141
x - OSZC142
x - OSZC143
x - OSZC144
x - OSZC145
x - OSZC148
x - OSZC152
Physical Education and Didactics - OSZC169
x - OSZC170
x - OSZC178
x - OSZC179
x - OSZC180
German Language and Literature with Didactics - OSZC182
X - OSZC184
X - OSZC185
X - OSZC186
X - OSZC187
X - OSZC188
X - OSZC189
X - OSZC190
X - OSZC191
X - OSZC192
X - OSZC193
X - OSZC194
X - OSZC195
X - OSZC196
X - OSZC197
X - OSZC198
X - OSZC199
x - OSZD002
Bachelor thesis - OSZD004
Diploma Thesis - OSZD005
Somatopaedy - OSZM004
Ethopaedy - OSZM007
Physics and Didactics for Lower Secondary Schools - OSZM053
X - OSZNC107
Development of the Diploma Thesis - OSZNDP01
x - OSZN001
x - OSZN101
x - OSZN102
X - OSZN103
X - OSZN104
X - OSZN105
X - OSZN106
X - OSZN107
X - OSZN109
X - OSZN110
X - OSZN111
X - OSZN113
X - OSZN114
X - OSZN115
Psychology - OSZN116
X - OSZN117
X - OSZN118
X - OSZN119
X - OSZN120
X - OSZN121
x - OSZN122
X - OSZN123
X - OSZN125
X - OSZN126
X - OSZN128
X - OSZN129
X - OSZN130
x - OSZN132
X - OSZN133
X - OSZN134
X - OSZN135
X - OSZN136
X - OSZN137
X - OSZN138
X - OSZN139
x - OSZN140
X - OSZN141
x - OSZN142
x - OSZN143
x - OSZN144
x - OSZN145
x - OSZN146
x - OSZN147
x - OSZN148
Oral part of the Examination - OSZN149
French Literature - OSZN150
Written part of the Examination - OSZN151
x - OSZN152
x - OSZN153
x - OSZN154
x - OSZN155
x - OSZN156
x - OSZN157
x - OSZN158
x - OSZN159
x - OSZN160
x - OSZN161
x - OSZN162
x - OSZN163
x - OSZN164
x - OSZN165
x - OSZN166
x - OSZN167
x - OSZN168
Physical Education and Didactics - OSZN169
x - OSZN173
x - OSZN174
x - OSZN175
x - OSZN176
x - OSZN177
x - OSZN178
x - OSZN179
x - OSZN180
x - OSZN181
German Language and Literature with Didactics - OSZN182
x - OSZN183
X - OSZN184
X - OSZN185
X - OSZN186
X - OSZN187
X - OSZN188
X - OSZN189
X - OSZN190
X - OSZN191
x - OSZN192
x - OSZN193
x - OSZN194
x - OSZN195
x - OSZN196
x - OSZN197
x - OSZN198
x - OSZN199
Thesis defense - OSZN200
x - OSZR001
x - OSZR002
Preparation and elaboration of a thesis during foreign courses - OSZZPZ01
a - OYY1BP
only future
only the free ones
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