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Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University
Center for Theoretical Study
Environment Centre
Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Catholic Theological Faculty
Protestant Theological Faculty
Hussite Theological Faculty
Faculty of Law
First Faculty of Medicine
Second Faculty of Medicine
Third Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Faculty of Humanities
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies
Central Library of Charles University
Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education
Akademická poradna (41-AP)
Centrum celoživotního vzdělávání (41-CCV)
Děkanát (41-DEKAN)
Department for international affairs (41-OZV)
Kabinet výuky cizích jazyků (41-KVCJ)
Katedra andragogiky a managementu vzdělávání (41-KAMV)
Katedra anglického jazyka a literatury (41-KAJL)
Katedra biologie a environmentálních studií (41-KBES)
Katedra české literatury (41-KCL)
Katedra českého jazyka (41-KCJ)
Katedra dějin a didaktiky dějepisu (41-KDDD)
Katedra francouzského jazyka a literatury (41-KFJL)
Katedra germanistiky (41-KG)
Katedra hudební výchovy (41-KHV)
Katedra chemie a didaktiky chemie (41-KCHDCH)
Katedra informačních technologií a technické výchovy (41-KITTV)
Katedra matematiky a didaktiky matematiky (41-KMDM)
Katedra občanské výchovy a filosofie (41-KOVF)
Katedra pedagogiky (41-KPG)
Katedra preprimární a primární pedagogiky (41-KPPP)
Katedra psychologie (41-KPSY)
Katedra rusistiky a lingvodidaktiky (41-KRL)
Katedra speciální pedagogiky (41-KSP)
Katedra tělesné výchovy (41-KTV)
Katedra výtvarné výchovy (41-KVV)
Oddělení pro vědeckou činnost (41-OVC)
Středisko pedagogické praxe (41-SPP)
Studijní oddělení (41-STUD)
Ústav profesního rozvoje pracovníků ve školství (41-UPRPS)
Ústav výzkumu a rozvoje vzdělávání (41-UVRV)
Introduction into the Didactics of Art Education - OCDC23SS23
Didactics of Art Education - OCDC23SS45
Didactics of Art Education II - OCDC23SS62
Creation exploration in space I - OCRN17UC15
Gallery and Museum Education - OCRN17UC23
Didactics of Art Education - OCRN17UC42
Art Education: Portfolio assessment - OCRN20UC08
Art Education: Visual Culture - OCRN20UC22
Flat Formation and 3D Art Studio - OCRN20UC32
Digital Media Studio - OCRN20UC42
Ph.D. state examination - ODSZVV1
Doctoral Dissertation - ODSZ0DISVV
Critical Theories in Contemporary Art and Visual Culture - OD0721007
Contemporary Contexts of Draw and Graphic Art: Amongst Art and Teaching of Imitative Arts - OD0721008
Interdisciplinarity of the discourse of Arts Education´s theory - OD0721010
Comparative methods in theory of Art - OD0721014
Research approaches in Art Education 1 - OD0721015
Research approaches in Art Education 2 - OD0721016
Research skills - Training and Support of Skills for Successful Completion of Doctoral Studies - OD0721017
The Role of Author, Viewer, Teacher - Analysis of the Creative Process and the Spectator´s Experience as a Base for a Didactic Project - OD0721019
Academic writing - OD0721020
Creating an image in science and art. - OD0721021
Object and Landscape - OEBWV1701Z
Event-what happened - OEBWV1702Z
Self, drawing and contemporary art - OEBWV1703Z
Visual diary - OEBWV1704Z
Drawing - OEBWV1705Z
Photography - OEBWV1707Z
Film and Audiovisual Creation - OEBWV1708Z
3 D Work and Object Art - OEBWV1709Z
Art Workshop - OEBWV2110Z
Introduction to socially engaged arts - OEBWV2311Z
Transformation of Fine Arts - OKBUV21001
History of art - OKBUZ21001
Art Education for Educators I - OKBV1V112A
Art Education for Educators II - OKBV1V118A
Arts Education for Educators - OKBV3V026A
Art and Inclusive for Educators II - OKBV3V035A
Fundamentals of Art Culture - OKB01V1A2B
2D Art Explorations - OKB01V1A8B
3D Art Explorations - OKB01V1B3B
Didactics of Art Education I - OKB01V1B9B
Didactic of Art Education II - OKB01V1C7B
Presentation Art Work in Kindergartens - OKB01V1D3B
Fundamentals of Art Culture I - OKB01V1E0B
2D Art Explorations I - OKB01V1E1B
Fundamentals of Art Culture II - OKB01V1E5B
Creation exploration in space I - OKB01V1E6B
Fundamentals of Art Culture III - OKB01V1F1B
Didactics of Art Education I - OKB01V1F2B
Art Culture in Nursery Schools - OKB01V1F7B
Didactics of Art Education II - OKB01V1F8B
Reflective Teaching Practice in Art Education I - OKB01V1G2B
Reflective Teaching Practice in Art Education II - OKB01V1G3B
Elective Seminar of Art Education - OKB01V1G6B
Presenting Artworks in Nursery Schools - OKB01V1G7B
Art Media in Nursery Schools - OKB01V1I2C
Fundamentals of Art Culture - OKB01V136B
2D Art Explorations - OKB01V143B
3D Art Explorations - OKB01V149B
Didactics of Art Education I - OKB01V155B
Didactics of Art Education II - OKB01V162B
Fundamentals of Art Culture - OKB01V170B
2D Art Explorations - OKB01V175B
3D Art Explorations - OKB01V181B
Didactics of Art Education I - OKB01V187B
Didactic of Art Education II - OKB01V193B
Presentation Art Work in Kindergartens - OKB01V199B
Introduction to Aesthetic Education (music and art) - OKB03V106A
Didactics of Aesthetic Education (Music and Art Education) II - OKB03V305A
Theory and Practice of Art Education - OKB03V502B
Media of Expression in Nursery School - OKB03V610C
Introduction to Art Cultura I - OKB7321131
Introduction to Art Culture II - OKB7321132
Art Education Didactics I,II - OKB7321219
Applied Arts I Textiles, Paper, Wood and Other Media Workshops/ - OKB7321228
Introduction to Art Cultura I - OKB7321231
Art Education Didactics III - OKB7321234
Art Education Didactics III - OKB7321320
Art Education. Optional course - OKB7321327
Presenting the children artwork - OKB7321328
Art Education Module - OKMN0VV
Art, Culture and Education - OKMN0V111A
2D Art Explorations - OKMN0V120A
Spatial exploration - OKMN0V130A
Creative Transformations - OKMN0V140A
Practical course of Art education didactics - OKMN0V203B
Art Education: Introductory Course - OKMN0V224B
Art and Culture I - OKMN0V225B
Art Education Didactics and its broader contexts - OKMN0V226B
Explorations: drawing painting - OKMN0V227B
Visual Culture 2 / II - OKMN0V228B
Didactics Vv II: art and school - OKMN0V229B
exploration: sculpture and space - OKMN0V230B
Art and Culture III - OKMN0V231B
Art Education III: didactic analysis - OKMN0V232B
Portfolio in Art Education - OKMN0V233B
Reflective seminar for Art-Teaching Practice - OKMN0V234B
Art Culture IV - OKMN0V235B
Art Education Didactics IV: Reflection and Evaluation - OKMN0V236B
Exploration: Graphics and Printing - OKMN0V237B
Art Education Didactics V: Concept of Art Education - OKMN0V238B
Exploration: Concept and Ceramics - OKMN0V239B
Exploration: Photography and Film - OKMN0V240B
Studio: Book for Children - OKMN0V293C
Cooperative Artwork - OKMN0V372C
Gallery and Museum Education 2 - OKNW1V109A
Theory and History of Fine Art 2 - OKNW1V110A
Art Education Didactics 2 - OKNW1V111A
Theory and Research in Art Education - OKNW1V112A
Material Experiments 2 - Photography/ Video/ Animation - Creation and Reflection - OKNW1V113A
Studio 3 - 3D Art and Art Dramatics - OKNW1V114A
International Context of Art Pedagogy - OKNW1V115A
Continuous Teaching Experience in Art Education at Elementary School - OKNW1V116A
Workshop 2 - Sculpture and Ceramics - OKNW1V131B
Workshop 2 - Graphic Design and Illustration - OKNW1V132B
Theory and History of Fine Art II - OKNW2V106A
Comparative Didactics of Art Education - OKNW2V107A
Empirical Research in Art Education II - OKNW2V108A
Gallery and Museum Education - OKNW2V109A
Continuous Teaching Experience in Art Education a Primary School and Elementary School of Art - OKNW2V110A
Studio - Drawing, Painting, Printmaking II - OKNW2V121B
Studio - 3D Art, Action Art II - OKNW2V122B
Therapeutic Aspects of Art Education - OKN01V143B
Didactics of Art Education for Preschool Education - OKN01V171C
Applied didactics of Arts Education in pre-school - OKN03V203A
Art education and didactics of art education I. - OKO131126
Art Education and Didactics of Art Education II. - OKO131235
Art Education and Didactics of Art Education I. - specialization - OKO131431
Art education and didactics of art education II. - OKO131532
Art education and didactics of art education III. - OKO131633
Didactics of art education II - OKO321311
Outdoor Art Activities for Art Specialist - OK0621262
Continual pedagogical practice from art education 3 - ON9321A32
Continual pedagogical practice from art education 3 - ON9321032
Excursion - OPBV3V001C
Ceramics - OPBV3V002C
Research in Art Education - OPBV3V003C
Introduction to socially engaged arts - OPBV3V004C
Introduction to Art and Visual Culture - OPBV3V011A
Child's Art Expression - OPBV3V012A
Basics of Two-dimensional Art Creation I - OPBV3V013A
Basics of Spatial Art Creation I - OPBV3V014A
Art Course - OPBV3V015A
Starting a Portfolio - OPBV3V016A
Origins of European Culture - OPBV3V021A
Orbis Pictus I - OPBV3V022A
Basics of Two-dimensional Art Creation II - OPBV3V023A
Basics of Spatial Art Creation II - OPBV3V024A
Art Education Subject - OPBV3V025A
Seminar of Critical Reading - OPBV3V026A
Renaissance and Baroque art - OPBV3V031A
Orbis Pictus II - OPBV3V032A
Graphic Studio I - OPBV3V033A
Photography Studio I - OPBV3V034A
Presentation and Postproduction of Artistic Expression - OPBV3V035A
Art Education and Inclusion - OPBV3V036A
Didactics of Art Education I - OPBV3V041A
Art Education in Informal Types of Education Fields - OPBV3V042A
From the Beginnings of the 19th Century to Avant-Garde Art - OPBV3V043A
Analysis and Interpretation of an Art Piece - OPBV3V044A
Graphic Studio II - OPBV3V045A
Photography Studio II - OPBV3V046A
Subject Praxis I with a Reflection - OPBV3V047A
Subject Praxis II with a Reflection - OPBV3V048A
Seminar of bachelor‘s thesis - OPBV3V049A
Seminar for preparation of a bachelor thesis - OPBV3V050A
Didactics of Art Education II - OPBV3V051A
Studio of authorial creation - OPBV3V051B
Empirical Research in Art Education - OPBV3V052A
Modern and Contemporary Art - OPBV3V053A
Digital Media - OPBV3V053B
Art Piece in an Exhibition Space - OPBV3V054A
Action Art Creation - OPBV3V054B
Illustration and Book Design - OPBV3V055B
Applied Art Creation - OPBV3V056B
Audio-Visual Creation - OPBV3V057B
Preparation and submission of a bachelor thesis - OPBV3V060A
Art Education Discourse - OPBV3V061A
Introduction to Art and Visual Culture - OPBV4V011A
Excursion - OPBV4V011C
Basics of Two-dimensional and Spatial Creation I. - OPBV4V012A
Ceramics - OPBV4V012C
Art Course - OPBV4V013A
Research in Art Education - OPBV4V013C
Audio-Visual Creation - OPBV4V014C
Origins of European Culture - OPBV4V021A
Basics of Two-dimensional and Spatial Creation II. - OPBV4V022A
Art Expression and Education - OPBV4V023A
Renaissance and Baroque Art - OPBV4V031A
Graphics and Photography Studio I. - OPBV4V032A
Presentation and Postproduction of Art Creation - OPBV4V033A
Didactics of Art Education I. - OPBV4V041A
Subject Praxis - OPBV4V042A
From the Beginnings of the 19th Century to Avant-Garde Art - OPBV4V043A
Graphics and Photography Studio II. - OPBV4V044A
Didactics of Art Education II - OPBV4V051A
Digital Media - OPBV4V051B
Modern and Contemporary Art - OPBV4V052A
Painting, Drawing - OPBV4V052B
Seminar for Preparation of a Bachelor Thesis - OPBV4V053A
Graphic Art - OPBV4V053B
Spatial and Object Art Creation - OPBV4V054B
Preparation and Submission of a Bachelor Thesis - OPBV4V061A
Art Education Discourse - OPBV4V062A
Authorial Photography 2 - OPBW1V113A
Visual Arts and Culture 2 - OPBW1V116A
Art and Inclusive Education - OPBW1V117A
Realization of the Artwork in the Exhibition Space - OPBW1V119A
2D Studio 2 - Painting, Printmaking - OPBW1V121A
Audiovisual Expression 1 - Animation - OPBW1V123A
Visual Arts and Culture 3 - OPBW1V124A
Visual Arts, Culture and Visual Literacy - OPBW1V125A
Art Education in Social and Therapeutic Practice 1 - OPBW1V126A
Possibilities of Drawing 1 - OPBW1V127A
2D Studio 3 - Painting, Printmaking - OPBW1V128A
Bachelor's Thesis Seminar - Individual Projects 1 - OPBW1V131A
History of Live Action Film 1 - OPBW1V137A
History of Live Action Film 2 - OPBW1V139A
Course of Multimedia Presentation of Authorial Projects - OPBW1V141A
Dialogues with School 2 - OPBW1V142A
Orbis Pictus 2 - OPBW1V144A
Workshop - 3D Art 1 - OPBW1V145B
Painting III - Painting as a Realization of a Concept - OPBW2V116A
Course of Artistic Expression II - OPBW2V118A
Workshop - Photography II - OPBW2V128B
Fundamentals of Art Culture - OPB01V1A2B
2D Art Explorations - OPB01V1A8B
3D Art Explorations - OPB01V1B3B
Didactics of Art Education I - OPB01V1B9B
Didactics of Art Education II - OPB01V1C7B
Presentation Art Work in Kindergartens - OPB01V1D3B
Fundamentals of Art Culture I - OPB01V1E0B
2D Art Explorations I - OPB01V1E1B
Fundamentals of Art Culture II - OPB01V1E5B
3D Art Explorations - OPB01V1E6B
Fundamentals of Art Culture III - OPB01V1F1B
Didactics of Art Education I - OPB01V1F2B
Art Culture in Nursery Schools - OPB01V1F7B
Didactics of Art Education II - OPB01V1F8B
Reflective Teaching Practice in Art Education I - OPB01V1G2B
Reflective Teaching Practice in Art Education II - OPB01V1G3B
Elective Seminar of Art Education - OPB01V1G6B
Presenting Artworks in Nursery Schools - OPB01V1G7B
Art Media in Nursery Schools - OPB01V1I2C
Fundamentals of Art Culture - OPB01V136B
2D Art Explorations - OPB01V143B
3D Art Explorations - OPB01V149B
Didactics of Art Education I - OPB01V155B
Didactics of Art Education II - OPB01V162B
Presentation Art Work in Kindergartens - OPB01V168B
Fundamentals of Art Culture - OPB01V170B
2D Art Explorations - OPB01V175B
3D Art Explorations - OPB01V181B
Didactics of Art Education I - OPB01V187B
Didactics of Art Education II - OPB01V193B
Presentation Art Work in Kindergartens - OPB01V199B
Foundations of aesthetic education (music and art) - OPB03V106A
Didactics of Aesthetic Education (Music and Art Education) II - OPB03V305A
Theory and Practice of Art Education - OPB03V502B
Media in Visual Art Education - OPB03V610C
Interdisciplinary discourse of Art Education - OPDW1V101A
Research methodology in Art Education - OPDW1V104A
Critical Theories and approaches in Contemporary Arts, Visual Culture and Art Education - OPDW1V105B
Portfolio between Art Education Theory and Practice - OPDW1V106B
Image in Science and Art - OPDW1V107B
Artography - Methodology of Research by Arts - OPDW1V108B
Research Protocol and its Role in Research of Art Education - OPDW1V109B
Critical concepts and theories of interpretation of fine arts - OPDW1V110B
Genre Themes. Context of Art Education and Pop Culture. Visual Essay - OPDW1V111B
Fien Art Objects in Galeries and Outdoors - OPDW1V112B
Phenomenology - OPDW1V114B
Doctoral seminar I - OPDW1V115A
Doctoral seminar II - OPDW1V116A
Doctoral seminar III - OPDW1V117A
Doctoral seminar IV. - OPDW1V118A
Doctoral seminar V - OPDW1V119A
Doctoral seminar VI - OPDW1V120A
Conferences - summary - OPDZ1V006A
Publishing activity - summary - OPDZ1V007A
Internships - summary - OPDZ1V008A
Professional events - summary - OPDZ1V009A
Foreign Internship - Summary - OPDZ1V010A
Pedagogical work - OPDZ1V011A
Project proposal - OPDZ1V012A
Project proposal - OPDZ1V012V
Art Education Module - OPMN0VV
Art, Culture and Education - OPMN0V111A
2D Art Explorations - OPMN0V120A
3D Art Explorations - OPMN0V130A
Creative Transformations - OPMN0V140A
Practical course of Art education didactics - OPMN0V207B
Art Education: Introductory Course - OPMN0V301B
Art and Culture I - OPMN0V302B
Art Education Didactics I: contexts of Art Education - OPMN0V303B
Exploration: Drawing; Painting - OPMN0V304B
Art of Renaissance and Baroque - OPMN0V305B
Art Education Didactics II: Art and School - OPMN0V306B
Exploration: Sculpture and space - OPMN0V307B
Art and Culture III - OPMN0V308B
Art Education Didactics III: didactic analysis - OPMN0V309B
Portfolio in Art Education - OPMN0V310B
Reflective Practice in Art Education - OPMN0V311B
Art and Culture IV - OPMN0V312B
Art Education Didactics IV: Reflection and Evaluation - OPMN0V313B
Exploration: Graphics and Printing - OPMN0V314B
Art Education Didactics V: Concept of Art Education - OPMN0V315B
Exploration: Concept and Ceramics - OPMN0V316B
Exploration: Photography and Film - OPMN0V317B
Studio: Book for Children - OPMN0V370C
Cooperative Artwork - OPMN0V372C
Orbis Pictus I - OPND1V134B
Orbis Pictus II - OPND1V135B
Film Education - OPNV3V001C
Graphic Art - OPNV3V002C
Videoclub - Development of Didactics Knowledge - OPNV3V003C
Architecture in Art Education - OPNV3V004C
Ceramics - OPNV3V005C
Multimedia - OPNV3V006C
Excursion - OPNV3V007C
Curating - OPNV3V008C
Interdisciplinary Links of Art and Media Education - OPNV3V009C
Studio I - OPNV3V011A
Contexts of Art I - OPNV3V012A
Gallery and Museum Education - OPNV3V013A
Starting a Portfolio - OPNV3V014A
Sitting in on a class praxis - OPNV3V015A
Studio II - OPNV3V021A
Contexts of Art II - OPNV3V022A
Didactics of Art Education I - OPNV3V023A
Theory of Art Education - OPNV3V024A
Continuous Praxis at Primary School - OPNV3V025A
Studio III - OPNV3V031A
Contexts of Art 3 / III - OPNV3V032A
Didactics of Art Education II - OPNV3V033A
Research in Art Education - OPNV3V034A
Continuous Praxis at Secondary School - OPNV3V035A
Art Education Discourse - OPNV3V035B
Therapeutic Aspects of Art Education - OPNV3V036B
Orbis Pictus - OPNV3V037B
Profile Reflective Portfolio - OPNV3V041A
Preparation and submission of a diploma thesis - OPNV3V042A
Seminar for preparation of a diploma thesis - OPNV3V043A
Studio I - OPNV4V011A
Gallery and Museum Education - OPNV4V012A
Sitting-in on a Class Praxis - OPNV4V013A
Studio II: Contexts of Art - OPNV4V021A
Didactics of art education I. - OPNV4V022A
Continuous Praxis at Primary School - OPNV4V023A
Studio III. Reflected Art Creation - OPNV4V031A
Graphic Art - OPNV4V031B
Didactics of Art Education II. - OPNV4V032A
Ceramics - OPNV4V032B
Continuous Praxis at Secondary School - OPNV4V033A
Multimedia - OPNV4V033B
Lived Architecture - OPNV4V034B
Lived Architecture - OPNV4V035B
Profile Reflective Portfolio - OPNV4V041A
Preparation and Submission of a Diploma Thesis - OPNV4V042A
Seminar for Preparation of a Diploma Thesis - OPNV4V043A
Film Education - OPNV4V101C
Art Education Discourse - OPNV4V102C
Developing DidacticKknowledge of Content via Videoclub - OPNV4V103C
Research in Art Aducation and Its Theory - OPNV4V104C
Excursion - OPNV4V105C - OPNV4V105C
Curating - OPNV4V106C
Didactic aplications of Art Education in Nursery Schools - OPN01V117A
Therapeutic Aspects of Art Education - OPN01V143B
Didactics of Art Education for Preschool Education - OPN01V171C
Art Education - OSZB016
Art Education and Didactics - OSZB017
Art Culture - OSZB050
Art Theory and Education - OSZB051
Art Education for Educators - OSZB054
Art Education - OSZB135
Author's creation - OSZB136
Bachelor thesis - OSZD104VV
Diploma Thesis - OSZD105VV
Art Culture - OSZM035
Art Pedagogy - OSZM036
Art Education - OSZM037
Art Education and Didactics - OSZM038
Art Education and Didactics - OSZM0731ST
Art Education with Didactics - OSZNM132
Art Education and the Science of Art Didactics - OSZNM133
Reflected Authorial Creation - OSZNM134
Art Education and Didactics - OSZNM24
Theory and history of fine culture - OSZNM25
Theory and didactics of art education - OSZNM26
Applied arts II - O01321136
Didactics of Art Education II - O01321164
Fišerová Zuzana, Mgr., Ph.D.
Fulková Marie, doc. PhDr., Ph.D.
Jakubcová Hajdušková Lucie, Mgr., Ph.D.
Kafková Helena, Mgr., Ph.D.
Kitzbergerová Leonora, PhDr., Ph.D.
Melicharová Ryantová Zdislava, Mgr.
Novotná Magdalena, Mgr., Ph.D.
Vartecká Anna, doc. Mgr., Ph.D.
only future
only the free ones
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