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Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University
Center for Theoretical Study
Environment Centre
Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Catholic Theological Faculty
Protestant Theological Faculty
Hussite Theological Faculty
Faculty of Law
First Faculty of Medicine
Second Faculty of Medicine
Third Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Faculty of Humanities
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies
Central Library of Charles University
Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education
Akademická poradna (41-AP)
Centrum celoživotního vzdělávání (41-CCV)
Děkanát (41-DEKAN)
Department for international affairs (41-OZV)
Kabinet výuky cizích jazyků (41-KVCJ)
Katedra andragogiky a managementu vzdělávání (41-KAMV)
Katedra anglického jazyka a literatury (41-KAJL)
Katedra biologie a environmentálních studií (41-KBES)
Katedra české literatury (41-KCL)
Katedra českého jazyka (41-KCJ)
Katedra dějin a didaktiky dějepisu (41-KDDD)
Katedra francouzského jazyka a literatury (41-KFJL)
Katedra germanistiky (41-KG)
Katedra hudební výchovy (41-KHV)
Katedra chemie a didaktiky chemie (41-KCHDCH)
Katedra informačních technologií a technické výchovy (41-KITTV)
Katedra matematiky a didaktiky matematiky (41-KMDM)
Katedra občanské výchovy a filosofie (41-KOVF)
Katedra pedagogiky (41-KPG)
Katedra preprimární a primární pedagogiky (41-KPPP)
Katedra psychologie (41-KPSY)
Katedra rusistiky a lingvodidaktiky (41-KRL)
Katedra speciální pedagogiky (41-KSP)
Katedra tělesné výchovy (41-KTV)
Katedra výtvarné výchovy (41-KVV)
Oddělení pro vědeckou činnost (41-OVC)
Středisko pedagogické praxe (41-SPP)
Studijní oddělení (41-STUD)
Ústav profesního rozvoje pracovníků ve školství (41-UPRPS)
Ústav výzkumu a rozvoje vzdělávání (41-UVRV)
Special Education - Individuals with Behavioral Disorders II - OBPS18919
Special Education - Individuals with Multiple Handicap II. - OBPS18920
Therapy in SE - OB2318330
Special Education - Individuals with Specific Learning Disabilities - OB2318335
Integrative Special Educatin - OB7218309
Romistic Studies - OB7218317
Special Education - OCDC23SS05
Philosophy of Education - OCDS18SS01
Theory of education and new trends in education I. - OCDS18SS02
Theory of education and new trends in education II. - OCDS18SS03
General and developmental psychology I. - OCDS18SS04
General and developmental psychology II. - OCDS18SS05
Special Education Propedeutics I. - OCDS18SS06
Special Education Propedeutics II. - OCDS18SS07
Specific learning disorders - OCDS18SS08
1. Man and arts: music education - OCDS18SS09
Man and work: crafts - OCDS18SS10
Development of individualized education plans and educational support plans - OCDS18SS11
Educational and social psychology I. - OCDS18SS12
Educational and social psychology II. - OCDS18SS13
Pathopsychology - OCDS18SS14
Special educational diagnostics - OCDS18SS15
Alternative Communication I. - OCDS18SS16
Alternative Communication II. - OCDS18SS17
Social legal protection - OCDS18SS18
Profession of teacher assistants and their work I. - OCDS18SS19
Profession of teacher assistants and their work II. - OCDS18SS20
Introduction to ethopaedy and its methodology I. - OCDS18SS21
Introduction to ethopaedy and its methodology II. - OCDS18SS22
Introduction to psychopaedy and its methodology I. - OCDS18SS23
Introduction to psychopaedy and its methodology II. - OCDS18SS24
Introduction to studies and seminar for the final thesis - OCDS20AP01
Pedagogy - OCDS20AP02
Psychology - OCDS20AP03
System of support for pupils with special educational needs - OCDS20AP04
Rights and duties of a teaching assistant - OCDS20AP05
Propedeutics of Special Education - OCDS20AP06
Specifics of work with pupils with special educational needs - OCDS20AP07
Practice in Pedagogy - OCDS20AP08
Final Thesis Seminar - OCDS21SS01
Special Education Course - OCRN17UC57
Special educational course I. - OCRN20UC06
Special educational course II. - OCRN20UC20
Philosophy I - OCRS18UC01
Philosophy II - OCRS18UC02
Theory of education and new trends in education - OCRS18UC03
Educational and social psychology - OCRS18UC04
Special Education Propedeutics - OCRS18UC05
Special educational diagnostics and counselling - OCRS18UC06
Pathopsychology - OCRS18UC08
Introduction to ethopaedy - OCRS18UC09
Introduction to psychopaedy - OCRS18UC10
Introduction to speech therapy - OCRS18UC11
Introduction to typhlopaedy - OCRS18UC12
Introduction to surdopedy - OCRS18UC13
Introduction to somatopedy - OCRS18UC14
Development of individualized education plans and educational support plans - OCRS18UC15
Inclusive education - OCRS18UC16
Social legal protection - OCRS18UC17
Management of education - OCRS18UC18
Profession of teacher assistants and their work - OCRS18UC19
Special educational practice I. - OCRS18UC20
Special educational practice II. - OCRS18UC21
Introduction to ORL, phoniatrics and audiology. - OCRS18UC22
Introduction to neurology and psychiatry - OCRS18UC23
Introduction to ophtalmology - OCRS18UC24
Ethopaedy and its methodology I. - OCRS18UC25
Ethopaedy and its methodology II. - OCRS18UC26
Psychopaedy and its methodology I. - OCRS18UC27
Psychopaedy and its methodology II. - OCRS18UC28
Speech therapy and its methodology I. - OCRS18UC29
Speech therapy and its methodology II. - OCRS18UC30
Typhlopedy and its methodology I. - OCRS18UC31
Typhlopedy and its methodology II. - OCRS18UC32
Somatopaedy and its methodology II. - OCRS18UC36
Examination - all pedias - OCRS18UC37
Final Thesis Seminar - OCRS21UC35
Pedagogy and new directions in special education - OCRS24UC01
Pedagogy and new directions in special education - OCRS24UC02
Propaedeutics of special education - OCRS24UC03
Strategies and interventions in the education of students with SPU - OCRS24UC04
Special education diagnostics and counseling - OCRS24UC05
Strategies and interventions in the education of students with behavioral disorders I - OCRS24UC06
Strategies and interventions in the education of students with intellectual disabilities I - OCRS24UC07
Strategies and interventions in the education of students with impaired communication skills I - OCRS24UC08
Strategies and interventions in the education of students with hearing impairments I - OCRS24UC09
Strategies and interventions in the education of students with physical disabilities I - OCRS24UC10
Strategies and interventions in the education of students with visual disabilities I - OCRS24UC11
The role of a teaching assistant - OCRS24UC12
Strategies and interventions in the education of socially disadvantaged students - OCRS24UC13
Final thesis seminar - OCRS24UC14
Inclusive pedagogy - OCRS24UC15
Strategies and interventions in the education of students with autism spectrum disorder - OCRS24UC16
Fundamentals of neurology - OCRS24UC17
Basics of psychiatry - OCRS24UC18
Strategies and interventions in the education of students with behavioral disorders II - OCRS24UC19
Strategies and interventions in the education of students with intellectual disabilities II - OCRS24UC20
Strategies and interventions in the education of students with impaired communication skills II - OCRS24UC21
Strategies and interventions in the education of students with visual impairments II - OCRS24UC22
Strategies and interventions in the education of students with hearing impairments II - OCRS24UC23
Strategies and interventions in the education of students with physical disabilities II - OCRS24UC24
Professional practice I - OCRS24UC25
Professional practice II - OCRS24UC26
Pervasive Developmental Disorder - OCSS18AU01
Diagnostcs of Autistic Spectrum Disorders - OCSS18AU02
Psychoeducational profiles and Behavioural problems in children with Autistic spectrum disorder - OCSS18AU03
Education of pupils with autism spectrum disorders - OCSS18AU04
IQ, Emotional development of pupils with autistic spectrum disorder and coordination of care for people with autistic spectrum disorder - OCSS18AU05
Youth and Adult Clients with Autistic Spectrum Disorder - OCSS18AU06
Preparation of individual education plans and pedagogical support plans - OCSS18AU07
Professional Practice - OCSS18AU08
Propedeutics of Special Education - OCSS18AU09
New Trends in Education and Care of Pupils and Adults with Autistic Spectrum Disorder - OCSS18AU10
Ph.D. state examination - ODSZSP1
Doctoral Dissertation - ODSZ0DISSP
Special educational support in development of children in early and pre-school age - OD0218001
People with an intellectual disability in the current world - OD0218003
Individuals with a disability in society - OD0218004
International Context of Disability Discourses - OD0218006
Education, diagnostics and therapy of speech and language disorders - OD0218009
Actual problematic hearing impairment - OD0218010
Methodological aspects of inclusive education - OD0218012
Didactic aspects of developing health literacy in the context of inclusive education - OD0218014
Education of pupils with specific learning disabilities - OD0218015
Special educational approaches to selected groups of socially disadvantaged individuals - OD0218016
People with Special Needs - OENSS1802Z
Service Placement - OENSS1803Z
Visits in schools and institutions - OENSS1805Z
Basics of Special Education - OIBZ1S004A
Special education of individuals with hearing impairment I. - OKBS1S109A
Special Education - Individuals with Visual Impairment I - OKBS1S111A
Special Educational Practice II. - OKBS1S113A
Supervised Reflection Program for Special Educators II. - OKBS1S114A
Development of Individualized Education Plans - OKBS1S115A
Medical Propedeutics II. - OKBS1S116A
Phonetics and Phonology - Introduction - OKBS1S117A
Special education of individuals with behavioral disorders I. - OKBS1S120A
Special education Intellectual Disability II - OKBS1S121A
Special education of individuals with physical handicap II. - OKBS1S122A
Special education of individuals (persons) with hearing impairment II. - OKBS1S125A
Special Education of Individuals (persons) with Speech Disorders II. - OKBS1S126A
Special Education - Individuals with Visual Impairment II. - OKBS1S127A
Special education of persons with behavioral disorders II. - OKBS1S128A
Special education of individuals with multiple handicaps II. - OKBS1S129A
Special education of persons with learning impairment - OKBS1S130A
Practice in Special Eduction III - OKBS1S131A
Supervised Reflection Program for > Special Educators III. - OKBS1S132A
Support measures for pupils with special educational needs I - OKBS1S133A
Bc. Theses II. - OKBS1S134A
Special Educational Support of Individuals with Autistic Spectrum Disorders - OKBS1S135A
Introduction to Study of Language and Linguistics - OKBS1S136A
Education of pupils from socially disadvantaged minorities - OKBS1S137A
Support measures for pupils with SEN II. - OKBS1S138A
Therapy in special education - Bibliotherapy - OKBS1S140B
Therapy in special education- Occupational Therapy - OKBS1S142B
Therapies in special education II. Bibliotherapy - OKBS1S144B
Therapies in special education II. Ergotherapy - OKBS1S146B
Basics of communication of individuals with partial and acquired hearing loss - OKBS1S150B
Social policy and social administration - OKBS1S152B
Introduction to Pedagogy - OKBS3S102A
Propedeutics of Special Education - OKBS3S103A
Special Education of Individuals with Intellectual Disability - OKBS3S104A
Special Education of Individuals with Physical Disability - OKBS3S105A
Special Educational Practice I. - OKBS3S106A
Supervised Reflection Program for Special Educators I - OKBS3S107A
Ethics of Helping Proffesions - OKBS3S108A
Research Methodology in Education - OKBS3S109A
Special Education of Individuals with Hearing Impairment - OKBS3S110A
Special Education of Individuals with Speech and Language Disorders - OKBS3S111A
Special Education of Individuals with Visual Impairment - OKBS3S112A
Special Education of Individuals with Behavioural Disorders - OKBS3S113A
Medical Propedeutics I - OKBS3S114A
Introduction to Special Educational Diagnostics - OKBS3S116A
Medical Propedeutics II - OKBS3S117A
Special Educational Practice II. - OKBS3S118A
Supervised Reflection Program for Special Educators II - OKBS3S119A
Special Education of Individuals with Specific Learning Disabilities - OKBS3S121A
Life Context of Individuals with Intellectual Disability and Autism Spectrum Disorders - OKBS3S122A
Life Context of Individuals with Visual Impairment and Multiple Disability - OKBS3S123A
Life Context of Individuals with Physical and Multiple Disability - OKBS3S124A
Life Context of Individuals with Behavior Disorders - OKBS3S125A
Special Educational Practice III. - OKBS3S126A
SupervisedReflection Program for Special Educators III - OKBS3S127A
Inclusive Education - OKBS3S128A
Support measures for pupils with special educational needs - OKBS3S129A
Education of Minorities - OKBS3S130A
Bachelor Thesis Seminar I - OKBS3S131A
Bachelor Thesis Seminar II - OKBS3S132A
Treatment and Submission of Bachelor Thesis - OKBS3S133A
Therapy in Special Education – Art Therapy - OKBS3S134B
Therapy in Special Education - Bibliotherapy - OKBS3S135B
Therapy in Special Education – Dramatherapy - OKBS3S136B
Therapy in Special Education – Ergotherapy - OKBS3S137B
Extension Course of Expressive Therapy A - OKBS3S139C
Inclusive education - OKBZ0P106A
Special Education - Basics - OKBZ1S004A
Assistant practice - OKBZ1S004B
Integration and inclusion of children in kindergarten - OKB01S131A
Speech therapy prevention - OKB01S132A
Speech Therapy - OKB01S134A
Special Education - OKB03S403A
Integrative Special Educatin - OKB7318309
Speech therapy prevention - OKB7318310
Logopedic Care - OKB7318311
Romistic Studies - OKB7318317
Pupils with Special Educational Needs II - OKMN0S149A
Inclusive and special education - OKMN0S155A
Research Metodology I. (qualitative) - OKNSP18211
Research Metodology I. Quantitative Methods - OKNSP18212
Research Methodology II. - Qualitative - OKNSP18221
Special Therapeutic Maintenance - Drama therapy - OKNSP18232
Problems of education specific minorities persons - ethnic minorities - OKNSP18251
Inclusive education - OKNSP18310
Historic and philosophic contex of the handicaped persons state - OKNSP18320
Romistic studies - OKNSP18330
Genetics - OKNSP18420
Orthopedy - OKNSP18470
Practics in special edu. field II - OKNSP18902
Practice reflection II. - OKNSP18912
Special education at school age - methodology and didactics - OKNS2S102A
Special Education Assessment and Counseling - School Age - OKNS2S103A
Education of selected minorities - OKNS2S104A
Special Educational Practice - Continual I - OKNS2S105A
Methodology of inclusive pedagogy - OKNS2S107A
Individualization of educative procedures and design of Individual Educational Plans - OKNS2S108A
Historic and philosophic contex of the handicaped persons status - OKNS2S109A
Research Methodology in Special Education - OKNS2S110B
Expressive therapies in special education- Variant A - OKNS2S112B
Expressive therapies in special education- Variant B - OKNS2S113B
Special Education of Early and Preschool Age - OKNS3S103A
Educational Characteristics of Early and Preschool Age - OKNS3S104A
Special Educational Assessment and Intervention I - OKNS3S105A
Pediatry for Special Educators - OKNS3S106A
Special Educational Practice I - OKNS3S107A
Methodology of Inclusive Education - OKNS3S108A
Special Education of School Age - OKNS3S109A
Educational Characteristics of School Age - OKNS3S110A
Special Educational Diagnostics II - OKNS3S111A
Neurology for Special Educators - OKNS3S112A
Ophtalmology for Special Educators - OKNS3S113A
Orthopedics for Special Educators - OKNS3S114A
Special Educational Practice II - OKNS3S115A
Historic and Philosophic Contex of the Handicaped Persons State - OKNS3S116A
Special Education of Adults and Seniors - OKNS3S117A
Education of Individuals with Intellectual and Multiple Disability - OKNS3S118A
Special Educational Diagnostics III - OKNS3S119A
Didactics of Teaching at Special Primary School - OKNS3S120A
Special Educational Practice III - OKNS3S121A
Continuous Special Educational Practice - OKNS3S122A
Research Methodology I - OKNS3S123A
Research Methodology II - OKNS3S124A
Treatment and Submission of Diploma Thesis - OKNS3S125A
Family in the Context of Otherness - OKNS3S130B
Low Vision Therapy - OKNS3S131B
Specific educational practices in special education - OKNS4S012A
Special-educational Assessment and Counseling - OKNS4S021A
Dodactics of inclusive pedagogy - OKNS4S022A
Continuous Practice at Primary School with Reflection - OKNS4S023A
Social Status of Individuals with Disability in the Educational Context - OKNS4S031A
Deepening Course for Teachers of Special Education - OKNS4S031B
Special Educational Care Methodology - OKNS4S032A
Continuous Practice at Secondary School and Reflection - OKNS4S033A
Communication at the school counseling workplace - OKNS4S041A
Safety issues in schools - OKNZ1S042B
Special Education Counseling - OKN01S126A
Special education at early and preschool age - OKN03S105B
Special educational diagnostics, counselling and therapy - OKN03S203B
Special and Inclusive Education - OKN03S303B
Special Therapy Support -Dramatherapy - OKN2318111
Methodology in Special Education Research - var. B - OKN2318114
Preparation and elaboration of a bachelor thesis - OK0218BCP
Introduction to Pedagogy - OK0218001
Special Education - Individuals with Behavioral Disorders I - OK0218117
Special Education - Individuals with Mental Handicap II - OK0218211
Special Education - Individuals with Physical Handicap II - OK0218212
Special Education - Individuals with Auditory Impairment II - OK0218213
Special Education - Individuals with Multiple Handicap II - OK0218215
Special Education - Individuals with Behavioral Disorders II - OK0218217
Special Education - Individuals with Specific Learning Disabilities - OK0218218
Legal Protection of Disadvantaged Individuals - OK0218220
Psychology of Handicap - OK0218250
Methodology of Practically Oriented Research - OK0218270
Initial Literacy and Its Development - OK0218280
Development of Individualized Education Plans - OK0218290
Sociology for Special Educators - OK0218299
Drama Therapy I - OK0218314
Ergotherapy II - OK0218323
Dramatherapy II - OK0218324
Basic Course in Social Management - OK0218401
Introduction to Sign Language - OK0218512
Subject Related Practice II - OK0218902
Subject Related Practice III - OK0218903
Directed Reflection Program for Special Educators III - OK0218913
Special Education Course - OK0418316
Handling and Facilitation, IC Technologies, Technical Devices in Special Education - OK0518227
Inclusive Education - OK0518228
Special Education - Basics - OK0618099
Special educational assessment and counselling III - ONSP18843
Gained Disability in Adult Age - ONSP18848
Practics in special edu. field II - ONSP18852
Therapy in Special Education - ONSP18855
Specifics of Adult Age Education - ONSP18859
Speech and Language Disorders in Adults - ONSP18876
Basics of Phonetics and Lingvodidactics - ONSP18878
Surdopedy III - ONSP18883
Practics in logo-surdo I. - ONSP18888
Introduction to Pedagogy - OPBO1S102A
Propedeutics of Special Education - OPBO1S103A
Special Education of Individuals with Intellectual Disability - OPBO1S104A
Special Education of Individuals with Physical Disability - OPBO1S105A
Special Educational Practice I. - OPBO1S106A
Supervised Reflection Program for Special Educators I - OPBO1S107A
Ethics of Helping Proffesions - OPBO1S108A
Research Methodology in Education - OPBO1S109A
Special Education of Individuals with Hearing Impairment - OPBO1S110A
Special Education of Individuals with Speech and Language Disorders - OPBO1S111A
Special Education of Individuals with Visual Impairment - OPBO1S112A
Special Education of Individuals with Behavioural Disorders - OPBO1S113A
Medical Propedeutics I - OPBO1S114A
Introduction to Special Educational Diagnostics - OPBO1S116A
Medical Propedeutics II - OPBO1S117A
Special Educational Practice II. - OPBO1S118A
Supervised Reflection Program for Special Educators II - OPBO1S119A
Special Education of Individuals with Specific Learning Disabilities - OPBO1S121A
Surdopedy A - OPBO1S122A
Speach Therapy A - OPBO1S123A
Surdopedy B - OPBO1S124A
Speach Therapy B - OPBO1S125A
Special Educational Practice III. - OPBO1S126A
Supervised Reflection Program for Special Educators III - OPBO1S127A
Inclusive Education - OPBO1S128A
Support Measures for Pupils with Special Educational Needs - OPBO1S129A
Education of Minorities - OPBO1S130A
Bachelor Thesis Seminar I - OPBO1S131A
Bachelor Thesis Seminar II - OPBO1S132A
Treatment and Submission of Bachelor Thesis - OPBO1S133A
Therapy in Special Education - Bibliotherapy - OPBO1S135B
Therapy in Special Education – Dramatherapy - OPBO1S136B
Therapy in Special Education – Occupational Therapy - OPBO1S137B
Introduction to Pedagogy - OPBO3S102A
Propedeutics of Special Education - OPBO3S103A
Ethics in the Helping Profession - OPBO3S104A
Special Education of Individuals with Intellectual Disability - OPBO3S105A
Special Educational Practice I. - OPBO3S106A
Supervised Reflection Program for Special Educators II - OPBO3S107A
Research Methodology in Education - OPBO3S201A
Special Education of Individuals with Physical Disability - OPBO3S202A
Special Education of Individuals with Hearing Impairment - OPBO3S203A
Special Education of Individuals with Speech and Language Disorders - OPBO3S204A
Special Education of Individuals with Visual Impairment - OPBO3S205A
Special Education of Individuals with Behavioural Disorders - OPBO3S206A
Medical Propedeutics I - OPBO3S207A
Special education of persons with hearing impairment II - OPBP1S154B
Special education of persons with speech disorders II - OPBP1S156B
Special education of persons with behavioral disorders II. - OPBP1S157B
Special education of persons with intellectual disability II - OPBP1S158B
Special education of persons with physical disability II - OPBP1S159B
Introduction to Expressive Therapy - OPBP3Q613B
Special education of disabled and physically handicapped individuals II. - OPBP3S105A
Special education of persons with mental disabilities - OPBP3S106A
Special Education of Individuals with Hearing impairment and Speech and Language Disorders - OPBP3S206A
Special Education - Individuals with Behavioral Disorders - OPBP3S307A
Special educational propedeutics - OPBP3S405A
Quality of Life of Persons with Disabilities - OPBP3S611B
Teaching Assistant - OPBP3S612B
Special educational approach to persons with combined disability - OPBP3S614B
Phonetics and Phonology. Introduction - OPBS1S117A
Seminary - Bachalor Theses - OPBS1S118A
Special education of individuals (persons) with hearing impairment II. - OPBS1S125A
Special education of individuals (persons) with speech disorders II. - OPBS1S126A
Special education of persons with behavioral disorders II. - OPBS1S128A
Bc. Theses II. - OPBS1S134A
Speced Support of Individuals with Autistic Spectrum Disorders - OPBS1S135A
Introduction to Study of Language and Linguistics - OPBS1S136A
Education of pupils from socially disadvantaged minorities - OPBS1S137A
Support measures for pupils with special educational needs I - OPBS1S138A
Therapies in special education II. Bibliotherapy - OPBS1S144B
Social policy and social administration - OPBS1S152B
Special education of individuals with behavior disorders I. - OPBS2S110A
Special education of individuals (persons) with physical disability II. - OPBS2S111A
Profession of teacher assistants and their work I. - OPBS2S112A
Special education of persons with behavioral disorders II. - OPBS2S113A
Individual Education Plans - OPBS2S114A
Profession of teacher assistants and their work II. - OPBS2S115A
Introduction to Inclusive Education - OPBS2S116A
Special education of individuals (persons) with intellectual disability II. - OPBS2S117A
Education of pupils from socially disadvantaged minorities - OPBS2S118A
The practice in the elementary and secondary schools for pupils with physical disability and health disadvantage - OPBS2S122B
The practice in the inclusive elementary school - OPBS2S124B
Introduction to Pedagogy - OPBS3S102A
Propedeutics of Special Education - OPBS3S103A
Special Education of Individuals with Intellectual Disability - OPBS3S104A
Special Education of Individuals with Physical Disability - OPBS3S105A
Special Educational Practice I. - OPBS3S106A
Supervised Reflection Program for Special Educators I - OPBS3S107A
Ethics of Helping Proffesions - OPBS3S108A
Research Methodology in Education - OPBS3S109A
Special Education of Individuals with Hearing Impairment - OPBS3S110A
Special Education of Individuals with Speech and Language Disorders - OPBS3S111A
Special Education of Individuals with Visual Impairment - OPBS3S112A
Special Education of Individuals with Behavioural Disorders - OPBS3S113A
Medical Propedeutics I - OPBS3S114A
Introduction to Special Educational Diagnostics - OPBS3S116A
Medical Propedeutics II - OPBS3S117A
Special Educational Practice II. - OPBS3S118A
Supervised Reflection Program for Special Educators II - OPBS3S119A
Special Education of Individuals with Specific Learning Disabilities - OPBS3S121A
Life Context of Individuals with Intellectual Disability and Autism Spectrum Disorders - OPBS3S122A
Life Context of Individuals with Visual Impairment and Multiple Disability - OPBS3S123A
Life Context of Individuals with Physical and Multiple Disability - OPBS3S124A
Life Context of Individuals with Behavior Disorders - OPBS3S125A
Special Educational Practice III. - OPBS3S126A
Supervised Reflection Program for Special Educators III - OPBS3S127A
Inclusive Education - OPBS3S128A
Support Measures for Pupils with Special Educational Needs - OPBS3S129A
Education of Minorities - OPBS3S130A
Bachelor Thesis Seminar I - OPBS3S131A
Bachelor Thesis Seminar II - OPBS3S132A
Treatment and Submission of Bachelor Thesis - OPBS3S133A
Therapy in Special Education - Bibliotherapy - OPBS3S135B
Therapy in Special Education – Dramatherapy - OPBS3S136B
Therapy in Special Education – Occupational Therapy - OPBS3S137B
Extension Course of Expressive Therapy A/B - OPBS3S139C
Current Trends in Special Education - OPBS3S143C
Basics of Special Education - OPBS4S011A
Special Education of Individuals with Intellectual Disability - OPBS4S012A
Special Education of Individuals with Physical Disability - OPBS4S013A
Application of Support Measures at School I - OPBS4S021A
Special Education of Individuals with Hearing Impairment - OPBS4S022A
Special Education of Individuals with Speech and Language Disorders - OPBS4S023A
Application of Support Measures at School II - OPBS4S031A
Special Education of Individuals with Visual Impairment - OPBS4S032A
Special Education of Individuals with Behavioural Disorders - OPBS4S033A
Inclusive Education Didactics I - OPBS4S041A
Practice in Special Education with Reflection - OPBS4S042A
Individual Education Plans - OPBS4S043A
Methods of Teacher Assistants' Work I - OPBS4S044A
Inclusive Education Didactics II - OPBS4S051A
Methods of Assistant Teachers Work II - OPBS4S052A
Specific Minorities in Education - OPBS4S053A
Preparation of Transit Programs for Pupils with SEN - OPBS4S061A
Inclusive education - OPBZ0P106A
Tutorial of children with need of support - OPBZ0S126C
Tutorial of children with need of support II - OPBZ0S127C
Special Education - Basics - OPBZ1S004A
Assistant practice - OPBZ1S004B
Integration and inclusion of children in kindergarten - OPB01S131A
Speech therapy prevention - OPB01S132A
Speech Therapy - OPB01S134A
Special Education - OPB03S403A
Actual problematic hearing impairment - OPDS1S103B
Didactic aspects of developing health literacy in the context of inclusive education - OPDS1S104B
Education, diagnostics and therapy of speech and language disorders - OPDS1S105B
Education of pupils with specific learning disabilities - OPDS1S106B
Methodological aspects of inclusive education - OPDS1S107B
Individuals with a disability in society - OPDS1S108B
Special educational support in development of children in early and pre-school age - OPDS1S109B
Special educational approaches to selected groups of socially disadvantaged individuals - OPDS1S110B
International Context of Disability Discourses - OPDS1S111B
Doctoral Seminar - OPDS1S112A
Conferences - summary - OPDZ1S006A
Publishing activity - summary - OPDZ1S007A
Internship abroad - summary - OPDZ1S008A
Professional Event - summary - OPDZ1S009A
Foreign Internship - summary - OPDZ1S010A
Pedagogical work - OPDZ1S011A
Project proposal - OPDZ1S012A
Pupils with Special Educational Needs II - OPMN0S149A
Inclusive and special education - OPMN0S155A
Planning teaching aid pupils with special educational needs using the learning media assesment form - OPMZ0Q124C
Special Education - OPND1S107A
Special Education - OPND3S042A
Special Education of Early and Preschool Age - OPNO1S103A
Speech Therapy I - OPNO1S104A
Surdopedy I - OPNO1S105A
Pediatry for Special Educators - OPNO1S106A
Professional Practice I - Speech Therapy - OPNO1S107A
Methodology of Inclusive Education - OPNO1S108A
Special Education of School Age - OPNO1S109A
Speach Therapy II - OPNO1S110A
Surdopedy II - OPNO1S111A
Neurology for Special Educators - OPNO1S112A
Otorhinolaryngology and Phoniatrics - OPNO1S113A
Professional Practice II – Hearing Impairment - OPNO1S114A
Historic and Philosophic Contex of the Handicaped Persons State - OPNO1S115A
Special Education of Adults and Seniors - OPNO1S116A
Speach Therapy III - OPNO1S117A
Surdopedy III - OPNO1S118A
Professional Practice III - Speech Therapy - OPNO1S119A
Continuous Special Educational Practice - OPNO1S120A
Research Methodology I - OPNO1S121A
Research Methodology II - OPNO1S122A
Treatment and Submission of Diploma Thesis - OPNO1S123A
Introduction to Phonetics and Czech Language Didactics - OPNO1S128B
Communication Systems for Deaf Individuals - OPNO1S129B
Quality of Life of Individulas with Hearing Impairment - OPNO1S132B
Special Education of Early and Preschool Age with Educational Characteristics - OPNO3S103A
Speech Therapy I - Neurodevelopmental disorders of speech and language, resonance disorders, voice disorders - OPNO3S104A
Surdopedy I - Visual-motor systems in deaf communication - OPNO3S105A
Communication Systems for Deaf Individuals I. - OPNO3S106A
Pediatry for Special Educators - OPNO3S107A
Professional Practice I - Speech Therapy - OPNO3S108A
Research Methodology I - OPNO3S109A
Methodology of Inclusive Education - OPNO3S201A
Special Education of School Age with educational specifics - OPNO3S202A
Speech therapy II - Speech fluency disorders, neurogenic disorders - OPNO3S203A
Surdopedy II - Written Czech in deaf communication - OPNO3S204A
Communication systems II - OPNO3S205A
Neurology for Special Educators - speech therapists - OPNO3S206A
Otorhinolaryngology and Phoniatrics - OPNO3S207A
Professional Practice II – Hearing Impairment - OPNO3S208A
Research Methodology II - OPNO3S209A
Human Being in History of Thought - OPNS1S104A
Special Education of Early and Preschool Age - OPNS3S103A
Educational Characteristics of Early and Preschool Age - OPNS3S104A
Special Educational Assessment and Intervention I - OPNS3S105A
Pediatry for Special Educators - OPNS3S106A
Special Educational Practice I - OPNS3S107A
Methodology of Inclusive Education - OPNS3S108A
Special Education of School Age - OPNS3S109A
Educational Characteristics of School Age - OPNS3S110A
Special Educational Diagnostics II - OPNS3S111A
Neurology for Special Educators - OPNS3S112A
Ophtalmology for Special Educators - OPNS3S113A
Orthopedics for Special Educators - OPNS3S114A
Special Educational Practice II - OPNS3S115A
Historic and Philosophic Contex of the Handicaped Persons State - OPNS3S116A
Special Education of Adults and Seniors - OPNS3S117A
Education of Individuals with Intellectual and Multiple Disability - OPNS3S118A
Special Educational Diagnostics III - OPNS3S119A
Didactics of Teaching at Special Primary School - OPNS3S120A
Special Educational Practice III - OPNS3S121A
Continuous Special Educational Practice - OPNS3S122A
Research Methodology I - OPNS3S123A
Research Methodology II - OPNS3S124A
Treatment and Submission of Diploma Thesis - OPNS3S125A
Family in the Context of Otherness - OPNS3S130B
Low Vision Therapy - OPNS3S131B
School age issues in special education - OPNS4S011A
Specific educational practices in special education - OPNS4S012A
Special Educational Practice and Reflection - OPNS4S013A
Special-educational Assessment and Counseling - OPNS4S021A
Didactics of inclusive pedagogy - OPNS4S022A
Continuous Practice at Primary School and Reflection - OPNS4S023A
Social Status of Individuals with Disability in the Educational Context - OPNS4S031A
Deepening Course for Teachers of Special Education - OPNS4S031B
Special Educational Care Methodology - OPNS4S032A
Continuous Practice at Secondary School and Reflection - OPNS4S033A
Communication at School Counseling Workplace - OPNS4S041A
Tutorial of pupils with special needs - OPNZ0S169C
Preparation of teachers to create a supportive environment in an inclusive classroom - OPNZ0S170C
a - OPNZ0S171C
Special Education - Individuals with Auditory Impairment - OSZB034
Special Education - Individuals with Speech Disorder - OSZB035
Special Education - Individuals with Mental Handicap - OSZB036
Special Education - Individuals with Physical Handicap - OSZB037
Special Education - Individuals with Visual Impairment - OSZB038
Special Education - Individuals with Behavioral Disorders - OSZB039
Special Education - Individuals with Multiple Handicap - OSZB040
Special Education - OSZB041
Surdopedy - OSZB070
Logopedy - OSZB071
Special Education - OSZB131
Inclusive Education - OSZB147
Special Education - OSZB148
Logopedy - OSZB149
Surdopedy - OSZB150
Inclusive Education - OSZB151
Special Education - OSZB152
Special Education - Individuals with Mental Handicap - OSZB153
Special Education - Individuals with Multiple Handicap - OSZB154
Special Education - Individuals with Physical Handicap - OSZB155
Special Education - Individuals with Visual Impairment - OSZB156
Special Education - Individuals with Behavioral Disorders - OSZB157
Bachelor thesis - OSZD104LG
Bachelor thesis - OSZD104SP
Bachelor thesis - OSZD104SP1
Diploma Thesis - OSZD105LG
Diploma Thesis - OSZD105SP
Diploma Thesis - OSZD105SP1
Speach Therapy - OSZM014
Psychopaedy - OSZM024
Hearing Impairment Special Education - OSZM030
Typhlopaedy - OSZM034
Special Pedagogical Diagnostics and Councelling - OSZM040
Mathematics for teaching at schools for pupils with special needs - OSZM055
Czech language for teaching at schools for pupils with special needs - OSZM056
Drama Education - OSZM075SP
Pedagogical Psychology - OSZM076SP
Specical Pedagogy - OSZM077SP
Special pedagogy with didactics - OSZNM130
Special Education - OSZNM146
Logopedy - OSZNM147
Surdopedy - OSZNM148
Special Education - OSZNM149
Special Educational diagnostics and counselling - OSZNM150
Education of children and pupils with severe and concurrent disabilities - OSZNM151
Special Education - OSZNM29
Special Education - School Age - OSZNM30
Integrative Education Methods and Didactics - OSZNM31
Special Education - OSZNM32
Special Educational diagnostics and counselling - OSZNM33
Special Education - Early and Preschool Age - OSZNM34
Special Education - School Age - OSZNM35
Special Education - Adult Age - OSZNM36
Speach Therapy - OSZN108
Hearing Impairment Special Education - OSZN124
Optics and Visual System, Optical Aids - OSZV18013
Psychosocial Aspects - OSZV18021
Visual Schooling - OSZV18022
Bartoňová Miroslava, prof. PaedDr., Ph.D., mimořádný profesor Univerzity Karlovy
Felcmanová Lenka, PhDr., Ph.D.
Hádková Kateřina, doc. PhDr., Ph.D.
Hájková Vanda, doc. PaedDr., Ph.D.
Klenková Jiřina, doc. PaedDr., Ph.D.
Korandová Zuzana, Mgr.
Kotvová Miroslava, PhDr., Ph.D.
Květoňová Lea, doc. PhDr., Ph.D.
Maratová Klára, Mgr., Ph.D.
Mužáková Monika, doc. PhDr., Ph.D.
Němec Zbyněk, doc. PhDr., Ph.D.
Šiška Jan, prof. PhDr., Ph.D.
Šumníková Pavlína, PhDr. Mgr., Ph.D.
Tirpák Jan, PhDr. PaedDr. Ing., Ph.D., MBA
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