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Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University
Center for Theoretical Study
Environment Centre
Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Catholic Theological Faculty
Protestant Theological Faculty
Hussite Theological Faculty
Faculty of Law
First Faculty of Medicine
Second Faculty of Medicine
Third Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Faculty of Humanities
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies
Central Library of Charles University
Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education
Astronomical Institute of Charles University (32-AUUK)
Blíže nespecifikované praxe (32-#PRX)
Computer Science Institute of Charles University (32-IUUK)
Department of Algebra (32-KA)
Department of Applied Mathematics (32-KAM)
Department of Atmospheric Physics (32-KFA)
Department of Condensed Matter Physics (32-KFKL)
Department of Distributed and Dependable Systems (32-KDSS)
Department of Geophysics (32-KG)
Department of Chemical Physics and Optics (32-KCHFO)
Department of Language Education (32-KJP)
Department of Low Temperature Physics (32-KFNT)
Department of Macromolecular Physics (32-KMF)
Department of Mathematical Analysis (32-KMA)
Department of Mathematics Education (32-KDM)
Department of Numerical Mathematics (32-KNM)
Department of Physical Education (32-KTV)
Department of Physics Education (32-KDF)
Department of Physics of Materials (32-KFM)
Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics (32-KPMS)
Department of Software and Computer Science Education (32-KSVI)
Department of Software Engineering (32-KSI)
Department of Surface and Plasma Science (32-KFPP)
Department of Theoretical Computer Science and Mathematical Logic (32-KTIML)
Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics (32-UFAL)
Institute of Mathematics CAS (32-MUAV)
Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics (32-UCJF)
Institute of Physics of Charles University (32-FUUK)
Institute of Theoretical Physics (32-UTF)
Laboratory of General Physics Education (32-KVOF)
Mathematical Institute of Charles University (32-MUUK)
Network and Labs Management Center (32-SISAL)
Student Affairs Department (32-STUD)
Physical and Chemical Diagnostics and Technology Quality Control - NBCM056
Application of Optothermal spectroscopy - NBCM145
Elastic Scattering of Light and its Applications - NBCM146
Physics I - NFOE001
Physics I - Basic Course - NFOE002
Physics II - NFOE003
Physics II - Basic Course - NFOE012
Overview of the Secondary School Physics I - NFOE013
Overview of Physics II - NFOE015
Overview of the Secondary School Physics II - NFOE026
Introduction to Measurement in Physics - NFUF102
Practical Course I - Mechanics and Molecular Physics - NFUF105
Practical Course II - Electricity and magnetism - NFUF203
Practical Course III - Optics and Atomic Physics - NFUF206
Practical Course for Lifelong Learning - NFUF901
Mathematical Analysis I - NMAF051
Mathematical Analysis II - NMAF052
Mathematics for Physicists I - NMAF061
Mathematics for Physicists II - NMAF062
Mathematics for Physicists III - NMAF063
Seminar on Mathematical Methods of Physics - NOFY002
Theoretical Mechanics - NOFY003
Introductory Seminar on Optics - NOFY010
Introductory Seminar on Electrodynamics - NOFY011
Electricity and magnetism - NOFY018
Mechanics and Molecular Physics - NOFY021
Optics - NOFY022
Special Theory of Relativity - NOFY023
Practical Course II - Electricity and magnetism - NOFY024
Practical Course III - Optics - NOFY028
Nuclear and Particle Physics - NOFY029
Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics - NOFY031
Methods of Physical Measurements Processing - NOFY034
Current Topics in Physics I - NOFY047
Current Topics in Physics II - NOFY048
Practical Course for Distance Learning - NOFY050
Measuring Technology in Physics - NOFY052
Introduction to Practical Physics - NOFY055
Programming for Physicists - NOFY056
Introductory Seminar on Modern Trends in Condensed Matter Physics - NOFY057
Experimental Methods in Physics I - NOFY059
Experimental Methods in Physics II - NOFY060
Probabilistic Methods in Physics - NOFY062
Computational Technology in Physical Experiments - NOFY064
Optional Practical Course in Electronics and Computer Technology - NOFY065
Practical Course I - Mechanics and Molecular Physics - NOFY066
Physics in Experiments I - NOFY067
Physics in Experiments II - NOFY068
Introductory Seminar on Theoretical Mechanics - NOFY069
Introductory Seminar on Theoretical Physics - NOFY070
Mechanics: Exercise Seminar - NOFY071
Quantum Theory I - NOFY075
Quantum Theory I - NOFY076
Introduction to Linux - NOFY077
Programming and data processing in Python - NOFY078
Quantum Theory II - NOFY079
Programming in Experimental Physics - NOFY080
Programming Practically - NOFY081
C++ for Physicists - NOFY082
Fortran for Physicists - NOFY083
Using Personal Computers in Physics - NOFY084
Introduction to Programming in Matlab, Octave and Scilab - NOFY085
Programming in IDL - Data Processing and Visualisation - NOFY086
Work with PC and introduction to programming - NOFY087
Practical Course in Physics for Non-Physicists I - NOFY088
Practical Course in Physics for Non-Physicists II - NOFY089
Atomic Physics and Electronic Structure of Matter - NOFY125
Classical Electrodynamics - NOFY126
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics - NOFY127
Practical Course IV - Atomic and Nuclear Physics - NOFY130
Linear Algebra I - NOFY141
Linear Algebra II - NOFY142
Mathematical Analysis I - NOFY151
Mathematical Analysis II - NOFY152
Mathematics for Physicists I - NOFY161
Mathematics for Physicists II - NOFY162
Equations of Mathematical Physics - NOFY163
Programming and data processing in Python - NOFY178
Optothermal Spectroscopy and Microscopy - NOOE020
Introduction to Physical and Molecular Acoustics - NOOE036
Fundamentals of Optical Radiometry, Photometry and Pyrometry - NOOE038
Methods of Acoustical, Optical and Thermal Spectroscopy - NOOE039
Light Diffraction and Its Measurement - NOOE040
Basic PC User Programmes I - NPRF024
Basic PC User Programmes II - NPRF025
Computer Input Output Communication I - NPRF037
Computer Input Output Communication II - NPRF038
Measurement on Computers I - NUFY005
Measurement on Computers II - NUFY006
Selected Topics on Physics II - NUFY037
Practical Course for Lifelong Learning - NUFY126
Selected parts of solid state physics I - NUFY128
Selected parts of solid state physics II - NUFY129
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