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Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University
Center for Theoretical Study
Environment Centre
Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Catholic Theological Faculty
Protestant Theological Faculty
Hussite Theological Faculty
Faculty of Law
First Faculty of Medicine
Second Faculty of Medicine
Third Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Faculty of Humanities
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies
Central Library of Charles University
Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education
Astronomical Institute of Charles University (32-AUUK)
Blíže nespecifikované praxe (32-#PRX)
Computer Science Institute of Charles University (32-IUUK)
Department of Algebra (32-KA)
Department of Applied Mathematics (32-KAM)
Department of Atmospheric Physics (32-KFA)
Department of Condensed Matter Physics (32-KFKL)
Department of Distributed and Dependable Systems (32-KDSS)
Department of Geophysics (32-KG)
Department of Chemical Physics and Optics (32-KCHFO)
Department of Language Education (32-KJP)
Department of Low Temperature Physics (32-KFNT)
Department of Macromolecular Physics (32-KMF)
Department of Mathematical Analysis (32-KMA)
Department of Mathematics Education (32-KDM)
Department of Numerical Mathematics (32-KNM)
Department of Physical Education (32-KTV)
Department of Physics Education (32-KDF)
Department of Physics of Materials (32-KFM)
Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics (32-KPMS)
Department of Software and Computer Science Education (32-KSVI)
Department of Software Engineering (32-KSI)
Department of Surface and Plasma Science (32-KFPP)
Department of Theoretical Computer Science and Mathematical Logic (32-KTIML)
Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics (32-UFAL)
Institute of Mathematics CAS (32-MUAV)
Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics (32-UCJF)
Institute of Physics of Charles University (32-FUUK)
Institute of Theoretical Physics (32-UTF)
Laboratory of General Physics Education (32-KVOF)
Mathematical Institute of Charles University (32-MUUK)
Network and Labs Management Center (32-SISAL)
Student Affairs Department (32-STUD)
Optimisation with Applications to Finance - NMEK412
Computational Aspects of Optimisation - NMEK436
Econometrics Seminar 1 - NMEK450
Econometrics - NMEK511
Econometric Project Seminar - NMEK521
Mathematical Economics - NMEK531
Optimization and variational analysis - NMEK603
Chapters on modern optimization and equilibria - NMEK605
Chapters on modern optimization and equilibria - NMEK606
Stochastic Modelling in Economics and Finance - NMEK613
Stochastic Programming and Approximation - NMEK615
Accounting 1 - NMFM101
Introduction to Finance - NMFM104
Financial Management - NMFM201
Probability for Financial Mathematics - NMFM202
Introduction to Optimisation - NMFM204
Mathematics in Finance and Insurance - NMFM205
Mathematical Methods in Finance - NMFM207
Economics - NMFM260
Statistics for Financial Mathematics - NMFM301
Insurance Law - NMFM305
Public Finance - NMFM306
Computational Tools of Financial and Actuarial Mathematics - NMFM308
Banking and Risk Management - NMFM309
Introduction to Insurance - NMFM311
Mathematics in Finance - NMFM331
Statistics for Financial Mathematics 2 - NMFM332
Foundation of Regression - NMFM334
Financial-Insurance Praxis - NMFM336
Several Insurance-Mathematical Methods - NMFM338
Mathematics in Finance and Insurance - NMFM437
Mathematics in Finance and Insurance (E) - NMFM438
Some topics on insurance and financial mathematics - NMFM601
Mathematical methods in the solvency management and in the financial reporting of insurance companies - NMFM602
Advanced Topics on Non-life Actuarial Mathematics - NMFM611
Financial econometrics - NMFP401
Generalized Linear Models - NMFP402
Stochastic Processes 2 - NMFP403
Time Series - NMFP404
Probability for Finance and Insurance - NMFP405
Data Science 1 - NMFP406
Mathematics of Life Insurance 1 - NMFP407
Mathematics of Non-Life Insurance 1 - NMFP409
Mathematics of Life Insurance 2 - NMFP432
Mathematics of Non-Life Insurance 2 - NMFP434
Data Science 2 - NMFP436
Credit Risk in Banking - NMFP461
Demography - NMFP462
Practical Aspects of Financial Risk Measuring and Management - NMFP463
Financial Derivatives 2 - NMFP466
Seminar on Actuarial Science 1 - NMFP501
Risk Theory 1 - NMFP503
Stochastic Models in Finance 1 - NMFP505
Risk Theory 2 - NMFP531
Seminar on Actuarial Science 2 - NMFP532
Investment Analysis - NMFP533
Stochastic Models in Finance 2 - NMFP534
Data Science 3 - NMFP535
Accounting and Solvency of Insurance Companies - NMFP537
Diploma Thesis III in finance - NMFP556
Diploma Thesis III in Actuarial Mathematics - NMFP558
Probabilistic and statistical problems - NMSA170
Probability and Mathematical Statistics - NMSA202
Probability - NMSA211
Introduction to R programming - NMSA230
Principles of Statistical Reasoning - NMSA260
Proseminar on Probability and Mathematical Statistics - NMSA262
Mathematical Statistics 1 - NMSA331
Mathematical Statistics 2 - NMSA332
Probability Theory 1 - NMSA333
Stochastic Processes 1 - NMSA334
Probability Theory 2 - NMSA405
Linear Regression - NMSA407
Stochastic Processes 2 - NMSA409
Optimisation Theory - NMSA413
Stochastic Problems in Research and Practice - NMSA431
Colloquium of the Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics - NMSA600
Specialized seminar in probability and mathematical statistics - NMSA601
Advanced Topics of the Field - NMSA602
Advanced Topics of the Field - NMSA603
Generalized Linear Models - NMST412
Time Series - NMST414
Longitudinal and Panel data - NMST422
Mathematical Statistics 3 - NMST424
Bayesian Methods - NMST431
Survey Sampling - NMST438
Robust Statistical Methods - NMST444
Statistical Seminar 1 - NMST450
Censored Data Analysis - NMST511
Design and Analysis of Medical Studies - NMST532
Multivariate Analysis and Statistical Learning - NMST539
Statistical Quality Control - NMST541
Spatial Statistics - NMST543
Mathematical Statistics 4 - NMST545
Statistical Project Seminar - NMST551
Statistical Consultations - NMST552
Application of Statistics in Research Process - NMST564
Statistical Methods in Psychometrics - NMST570
Seminar in Psychometrics - NMST571
Advanced Course in Time Series - NMST605
Advanced Statistical Seminar - NMST611
Mathematical Statistics - NMST701
Statistical Methods for Data Analysis - NMST711
Stochastic Analysis - NMTP432
Invariance Principles - NMTP434
Spatial Modelling - NMTP438
Seminar on Probability 1 - NMTP450
Seminar on Probability 2 - NMTP521
Ergodic Theory - NMTP532
Applied Stochastic Analysis - NMTP533
Limit Theorems for Sums of Random Variables - NMTP537
Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods - NMTP539
Stochastic Differential Equations - NMTP543
Markov Processes - NMTP562
Selected Topics on Stochastic Analysis - NMTP567
Entropy in Probability Dynamical Systems - NMTP569
Conditional Independence Structures - NMTP576
Quantum Probability Theory - NMTP578
Advanced Theory of Stochastic Differential Equations - NMTP604
Seminar on Stochastic Evolution Equations - NMTP611
Antoch Jaromír, prof. RNDr., CSc.
Beneš Viktor, prof. RNDr., DrSc.
Branda Martin, doc. RNDr., Ph.D.
Cipra Tomáš, prof. RNDr., DrSc.
Dvořák Jiří, doc. RNDr., Ph.D.
Hlubinka Daniel, doc. RNDr., Ph.D.
Hudecová Šárka, RNDr., Ph.D.
Komárek Arnošt, prof. RNDr., Ph.D.
Kopa Miloš, doc. RNDr. Ing., Ph.D.
Kozmík Václav, RNDr., Ph.D.
Kříž Pavel, Mgr. Ing., Ph.D.
Kulich Michal, doc. Mgr., Ph.D.
Lachout Petr, doc. RNDr., CSc.
Mazurová Lucie, RNDr., Ph.D.
Mizera Ivan, prof. RNDr., CSc.
Nagy Stanislav, doc. Mgr., Ph.D.
Pawlas Zbyněk, doc. RNDr., Ph.D.
Pečená Magda, Mgr., Ph.D.
Pešta Michal, doc. RNDr., Ph.D.
Prokešová Michaela, RNDr., Ph.D.
Rusý Tomáš, RNDr., Ph.D.
Zichová Jitka, RNDr., Dr.
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