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Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University
Center for Theoretical Study
Environment Centre
Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Catholic Theological Faculty
Protestant Theological Faculty
Hussite Theological Faculty
Faculty of Law
First Faculty of Medicine
Second Faculty of Medicine
Third Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Faculty of Humanities
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies
Central Library of Charles University
Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education
Department of Administrative Law and Administrative Science (22-KSP)
Department of Business Law (22-KOBCHP)
Department of Civil Law (22-KOP)
Department of Constitutional Law (22-KUP)
Department of Criminal Law (22-KTP)
Department of Economics and Empirical Legal Studies (22-KNH)
Department of Environmental Law (22-KPZP)
Department of European Law (22-KEP)
Department of Financial Law and Finances (22-KFP)
Department of Foreign Languages (22-KJ)
Department of Labor Law and Social Security Law (22-KPP)
Department of Lawyering Skills (22-KPDO)
Department of Legal History (22-KPD)
Department of Legal Theory and Legal Doctrines (22-KTPPU)
Department of Medical Law (22-KZP)
Department of Physical Education (22-KTV)
Department of Politology and Sociology (22-KPS)
Department of Public International Law (22-KMP)
International Office (22-ZO)
Study and Students' Affairs Department (22-SO)
Czech Constitutional System as a Part of European Constitutional Tradition - HASC1
Theory and practice of the European convention on human rights - HASC10
Recent Trends in European Copyright Law - HASC11
International protection of Human Rights - universal and regional standards - HASC5
International Administrative Law - HASC8
Islam in Europe - ECHR Case Law - HASC9
Financial market regulation in the light of financial crisis - HASO10
Studies of the ICC Case-Law - HASO11
Theories of Legal Personhood and Juristic Person - HASO12
Common European Asylum System (in the time of the refugee crisis - HASO13
International Peace and Security in Cyberspace - HASO14
Environmental Law of the Sea - HASO15
International Double Taxation - HASO16
Introduction to Public International Law in the Czech Legal Context - HASO2
Jurisprudence - HASO3
Natural Resources Law - HASO4
Czech Legal History - HASO5
Introduction into Central European Legal Culture - HASO6
Emerging Legal Disciplines - Medical and Sport Law - HASO8
Legal Reasoning: First Amendment Case Law - HASO9
LL.M. - Introduction to Sports Law - HLLMSP01
LL.M. - Contracts in Sport - HLLMSP02
LL.M. - Legal Regulation of Doping - HLLMSP03
LL.M. - Legal Entities in Sport - HLLMSP04
LL.M. - Sport in the International and EU Law Context - HLLMSP05
LL.M. - Legal Liability in Sport - HLLMSP06
LL.M. - Sport and Marketing - HLLMSP07
LL.M. - Sport and Sport Fans - HLLMSP08
LL.M. - Public Finance and Sport - HLLMSP09
LL.M. - Dispute Resolution in Sport - HLLMSP10
LL.M. - Sport Law - Methodological Seminar - HLLMSP28
LL.M. - Sport Law - Thesis defense and final exam - HLLMSP29
LL.M. - Správa daní v judiaktuře - HLLM0001
LL.M. - Digitální ekonomika, virtuální aktiva a právo - HLLM0002
LL.M. - English Language for Tax Law I - HLLM0003
LL.M. - Soudní ochrana ve správě daní - HLLM0004
LL.M. - Správa daní - HLLM0005
LL.M. - Mezinárodní zdanění příjmů - HLLM0006
LL.M. - Zdanění příjmů - HLLM0007
LL.M. - Základy práva a právních dovedností - HLLM0008
LL.M. - English Language for Tax Law II - HLLM0009
LL.M. - Value Added Tax - HLLM0010
LL.M. - EU Tax Law - HLLM0011
LL.M. - Social Security Law - HLLM0012
LL.M. - Transfer Pricing - HLLM0013
LL.M. - Practical Aspects of Corporate Governance of Capital Companies - HLLM0014
LL.M. - Practical Studies in Administrative Judiciary in Tax Matters - HLLM0015
LL.M. - Tax Law - Methodological Seminar - HLLM0028
LL.M. - Tax Law - Thesis defense and final exam - HLLM0029
Environmental Law and Policy - HSSC1
European Law in the Czech-EU Context - HSSC2
Business Law and International Business Transactions - HSSC3
Crime and Criminal Law in European and International Context - HSSC4
International Aviation Law - HSSO11
Contracts and Torts - HSSO2
Law and Economics - HSSO3
Labour Law and Social Security Law - HSSO4
Out-of-Court Dispute Resolution - HSSO5
Intellectual Property Law - HSSO8
Constitutional Review in Central European Context - HSSO9
Erasmus Practical Internship - HV3819
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