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Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University
Center for Theoretical Study
Environment Centre
Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Catholic Theological Faculty
Protestant Theological Faculty
Hussite Theological Faculty
Faculty of Law
First Faculty of Medicine
Second Faculty of Medicine
Third Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Faculty of Humanities
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies
Central Library of Charles University
Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education
Department of Administrative Law and Administrative Science (22-KSP)
Department of Business Law (22-KOBCHP)
Department of Civil Law (22-KOP)
Department of Constitutional Law (22-KUP)
Department of Criminal Law (22-KTP)
Department of Economics and Empirical Legal Studies (22-KNH)
Department of Environmental Law (22-KPZP)
Department of European Law (22-KEP)
Department of Financial Law and Finances (22-KFP)
Department of Foreign Languages (22-KJ)
Department of Labor Law and Social Security Law (22-KPP)
Department of Lawyering Skills (22-KPDO)
Department of Legal History (22-KPD)
Department of Legal Theory and Legal Doctrines (22-KTPPU)
Department of Medical Law (22-KZP)
Department of Physical Education (22-KTV)
Department of Politology and Sociology (22-KPS)
Department of Public International Law (22-KMP)
International Office (22-ZO)
Study and Students' Affairs Department (22-SO)
Introduction to court attendance - HDPV0001
Theory and Practice of Moot Courts - HDPV0002
Introduction to moot courts in the contexts of human rights - HDPV0017
Legal Writing - HDPV0102
ICT Law - private law aspects - HDPV0135
ICT Law - public law aspects - HDPV0136
New Technologies and Artificial Intelligence - HDPV0137
Human Rights Protection in Theory and Practice I - HDPV0142
Law of Electronic Communications - HDPV0169
Data Protection I - HDPV0170
Basics of legal skills I - HDPV0181
Basics of legal skills II - HDPV0184
Compliance – Theory and Practice - HDPV0185
Basics of Legal Writing - HDPV0186
Modern Lawyers: Innovation, Tech and Design in Practice - HDPV0196
Data Protection II: Application Practice - HDPV0197
Policy Clinic - HDPV0198
Legal Technology - HDPV0207
Cybersecurity - HDPV0208
Student Research: Lawyering Skills - HDPV0315
Student Research: ICT Law - HDPV0327
Academic writing and the foundations of academic work - HD119
Basics of the Didactics of Law I - HD128
Basics of the Didactics of Law II - HD129
Profiling Module: ICT Law - HMOD0025
Profiling Module: Street Law - HMOD0026
Profiling Module: Pro bono - HMOD0027
Profiling Module: Internship at courts - HMOD0028
Specialization Module: Lawyering Skills (in Czech) - HM0701
Specialization Module: ICT Law - HM3001
Diploma seminar I - HPOP0099
Introduction to the Study of Law - HPOP3000
Diploma seminar I - HPOP3099
Legal Writing - HP4125
ICT Law - private law aspects - HP4129
ICT Law - public law aspects - HP4130
New Technologies and Artificial Intelligence - HP4131
Law of Electronic Communications - HP4132
Human Rights Protection in Theory and Practice I - HP4133
Human Rights Protection in Theory and Practice II - HP4134
Street Law for advanced students - HP4135
International Moot Court at Secondary Schools (Street Law) - HP4136
Data Protection I - HP4137
Summer internships in courts I - HP4152
Summer internships in courts II - HP4153
Internship at metropolitan district offices in Prague or at the City of Prague Office - HP4157
Internship in the Electronic Legal Clinic - HP4160
Internship at secondary schools (Street Law) - HP4162
Internship at secondary schools (Street Law) II - HP4163
Internship regarding the protection of human rights - HP4165
Internship at the Ministry of Defence - HP4166
Internship at the State Institute for Drug Control - HP4167
Internship at the Law Centre of the City of Prague Office - HP4168
Student Research: Lawyering Skills (in Czech) - HP4177
Student research: ICT Law - HP4199
Basics of legal skills I - HP4234
Internship at ministries - HP4235
Internshhip in a law office - HP4236
Basics of legal skills II - HP4304
Compliance – Theory and Practice - HP4305
Internship at the Supreme Administrative Court - HP4306
Basics of Legal Writing - HP4307
Modern Lawyers: Innovation, Tech and Design in Practice - HP4337
Basics of the Law for Non-Lawyers - HV4108
Soft skills for lawyers - HV4206
Summer Preparation for Internship in Courts - HV4309
Summer School - European Convention on Human Rights in Practice - HV4320
Banking and financial services technology - HV4404
Internship at the National Security Authority - HV4405
Summer internships in courts I - HXPV0001
Summer internships in courts II - HXPV0002
Internship at metropolitan district offices in Prague or at the City of Prague Office - HXPV0016
Internship in the Electronic Legal Clinic - HXPV0022
Internship at secondary schools (Street Law) I - HXPV0026
Internship at secondary schools (Street Law) II - HXPV0027
Street Law for advanced students - HXPV0028
Internship regarding the protection of human rights - HXPV0032
Internship at the Ministry of Defence - HXPV0033
Human Rights Protection in Theory and Practice II - HXPV0035
Internship at the State Institute for Drug Control - HXPV0036
Internship at the Law Centre of the City of Prague Office - HXPV0037
International Moot Court at Secondary Schools (Street Law) - HXPV0039
Internship at ministries - HXPV0044
Internshhip in a law office - HXPV0045
Internship at the Supreme Administrative Court - HXPV0047
Kalíšek Jindřich, JUDr. Ing., Ph.D.
Kučera Zdeněk, JUDr., Ph.D.
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