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Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University
Center for Theoretical Study
Environment Centre
Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Catholic Theological Faculty
Protestant Theological Faculty
Hussite Theological Faculty
Faculty of Law
First Faculty of Medicine
Second Faculty of Medicine
Third Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Faculty of Humanities
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies
Central Library of Charles University
Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education
Department of Administrative Law and Administrative Science (22-KSP)
Department of Business Law (22-KOBCHP)
Department of Civil Law (22-KOP)
Department of Constitutional Law (22-KUP)
Department of Criminal Law (22-KTP)
Department of Economics and Empirical Legal Studies (22-KNH)
Department of Environmental Law (22-KPZP)
Department of European Law (22-KEP)
Department of Financial Law and Finances (22-KFP)
Department of Foreign Languages (22-KJ)
Department of Labor Law and Social Security Law (22-KPP)
Department of Lawyering Skills (22-KPDO)
Department of Legal History (22-KPD)
Department of Legal Theory and Legal Doctrines (22-KTPPU)
Department of Medical Law (22-KZP)
Department of Physical Education (22-KTV)
Department of Politology and Sociology (22-KPS)
Department of Public International Law (22-KMP)
International Office (22-ZO)
Study and Students' Affairs Department (22-SO)
Moot Court in Roman Law - HDPV0019
Roman Law - Exegesis - HDPV0020
Roman-law fundamentals of rights in rem - HDPV0021
Student Research - Ecclesiastical Law - HDPV0302
Student Research: Legal History - HDPV0316
Student Research: Roman Law - HDPV0322
SDE Legal History and Roman Law - HD208
Doctoral seminar - Legal History and Roman Law - HD311
Theoretical and methodological specificity of the science of legal history and Roman law - HD331
Profiling Module: Roman Law - HMOD0012
Profiling Module: Legal History - HMOD0013
Profiling Module: Ecclesiastical Law - HMOD0014
Specialization Module: Legal History - HM0201
Profiling Module: Ecclesiastical Law - HM0301
Profiling Module: Roman Law - HM2801
Fundamentals of Church Law - HOPV0068
Religion Law - HOPV0070
Origins of Roman Law - HOPV0071
Matrimonial and Procedural Law of the Church - HOPV0072
Legal History of Churches - HOPV0073
Selected Chapters from the American Legal History - HOPV0074
Legal History of Charles University - HOPV0075
Church Administrative and Property Law - HOPV0076
Developments of Czechoslovak Law between 1948 and 1989 - HOPV0077
Development of English Law - HOPV0078
Origins of European Integration - HOPV0079
Role of Codification in Legal History - HOPV0080
Reception of Roman Law - HOPV0081
Public Roman Law - HOPV0085
Chapters in older legal history in the Czech Lands - HOPV0086
Minorities: An Historical Perspective - HOPV0087
Freedom of Religion in the European Context - HOPV0206
Selected Legal Institutes in the Legal System of the Bohemian Lands in History and in the Present Times 1 - HOPV0232
Selected Legal Institutes in the Legal System of the Bohemian Lands in History and in the Present Times 2 - HOPV0233
The history of philosophy of state and law - HOPV0237
The selected chapters from the history of the european continental law - HOPV0240
Development of large legal systems - HPOP0050
Roman Law and the Foundations of Modern Private Law I - HPOP0053
Roman Law and the Foundations of Modern Private Law II - HPOP0054
Historical foundations of Czech law I - HPOP0055
Historical foundations of Czech law II - HPOP0056
Diploma seminar II . Legal History - HPOP0109
Diploma seminar II - Roman Law - HPOP0114
Development of large legal systems - HPOP3050
Roman Law and the Foundations of Modern Private Law I - HPOP3053
Roman Law and the Foundations of Modern Private Law II - HPOP3054
Historical foundations of Czech law I - HPOP3055
Historical foundations of Czech law II - HPOP3056
Diploma seminar II . Legal History - HPOP3109
Diploma seminar II - Roman Law - HPOP3114
Diploma seminar I - Legal History - HP0004
Diploma seminar I - Roman Law - HP0008
Fundamentals of Church Law - HP0031
History of State and Law in Europe and the USA - HP0071
Religion Law - HP0191
Origins of Roman Law - HP0201
Matrimonial and Procedural Law of the Church - HP0231
Legal History of Churches - HP0321
Roman Law and the Foundations of Modern Private Law I - HP0401
Roman Law and the Foundations of Modern Private Law II - HP0402
Selected Chapters from the American Legal History - HP0561
Legal History of Charles University - HP0651
Czech and Czechoslovak Legal History I - HP0891
Czech and Czechoslovak Legal History II - HP0892
Church Administrative and Property Law - HP1081
Developments of Czechoslovak Law between 1948 and 1989 - HP1891
Development of English Law - HP1892
Origins of European Integration - HP2094
Role of Codification in Legal History - HP3089
Reception of Roman Law - HP3607
Minorities: An Historical Perspective - HP3631
Roman Law - Exegesis - HP3706
Freedom of Religion in the European Context - HP3928
Public Roman Law - HP4112
Roman-law fundamentals of rights in rem - HP4113
Moot Court in Roman Law - HP4114
Student Research: Legal History - HP4172
Student Research: Ecclesiastical Law - HP4173
Student Research: Roman Law - HP4198
Selected Legal Institutes in the Legal System of the Bohemian Lands in History and in the Present Times 1 - HP4322
Selected Legal Institutes in the Legal System of the Bohemian Lands in History and in the Present Times 2 - HP4323
The history of philosophy of state and law - HP4329
Legal History - Defence of the Diploma Thesis - HSZK0109
Roman Law - Defence of the Diploma Thesis - HSZK0114
Legal History – 2nd Part of the Final State Examination - HSZK0209
Roman Law - 2nd Part of the Final State Examination - HSZK0214
Roman Law - 2nd Part of the Final State Examination - HS0201
Legal History – 2nd Part of the Final State Examination - HS0202
Roman Law - Defence of the Diploma Thesis - HS1000
Legal History - Defence of the Diploma Thesis - HS1001
Selected Chapters from German Legal History - HV0571
Research Seminar in Church Law and Religion Law - HV1470
Scholarly Seminar: Reconstruction of Political Trials in the 1950s - HV1875
Scholarly Seminar: Roman Law - HV1981
Legal Systems of the Countries of Latin America, South Asia and Oceania - HV3604
Legal Systems of the Countries of Middle East and Africa - HV3605
Research Seminar: Law and Bible - HV3606
Research Seminar: Czech and Czechoslovak Legal History - HV3610
Comparative Law of Religion - HV3728
Scholarly Seminar to the Older Bohemian Legal History - HV3929
Horák Záboj, doc. JUDr. ICLic., LL.M., Ph.D.
Kindl Vladimír, doc. JUDr.
Kuklík Jan, prof. JUDr., DrSc.
Petráš René, JUDr. PhDr., Ph.D.
Seltenreich Radim, doc. JUDr.
Skřejpek Michal, prof. JUDr., DrSc.
Starý Marek, doc. JUDr., Ph.D.
Šouša Jiří, doc. JUDr., Ph.D.
Tretera Jiří Rajmund, prof. JUDr.
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