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Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University
Centre for Theoretical Study;
Environment Centre
Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Catholic Theological Faculty
Protestant Theological Faculty
Hussite Theological Faculty
Faculty of Law
First Faculty of Medicine
Second Faculty of Medicine
Third Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Faculty of Humanities
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies
Central Library of Charles University
Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education
Biomedical Center (14-560)
Centrální laboratoř pro imunoanalýzu (14-321)
Centre for Information Technology (14-172)
Centrum paliativní a podpůrné medicíny (14-403)
Department of Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation (14-430)
Department of science and research (14-260)
Department of Sports Medicine and Active Health Sciences (14-110)
Department of Surgery (14-400)
Dermatovenerologická klinika (14-370)
Dětská klinika (14-360)
Gynekologicko - porodnická klinika (14-480)
II.interní klinika (14-320)
I.interní klinika (14-310)
Klinika infekčních nemocí a cestovní medicíny (14-330)
Klinika ortopedie a traumatologie pohybového ústrojí (14-410)
Klinika pneumologie a ftizeologie (14-340)
Klinika zobrazovacích metod (14-440)
Neurochirurgická klinika (14-490)
Neurologická klinika (14-380)
Oční klinika (14-450)
Onkologická a radioterapeutická klinika (14-401)
Otorhinolaryngologická klinika (14-460)
Psychiatrická klinika (14-390)
Stomatologická klinika (14-470)
Studijní oddělení (14-250)
Šiklův ústav patologie (14-500)
Urologická klinika (14-420)
Ústav anatomie (14-10)
Ústav biofyziky (14-20)
Ústav biologie (14-30)
Ústav farmakologie (14-100)
Ústav fyziologie (14-80)
Ústav histologie a embryologie (14-40)
Ústav hygieny a preventivní medicíny (14-130)
Ústav imunologie a alergologie (14-520)
Ústav jazyků (14-50)
Ústav klinické biochemie a hematologie (14-540)
Ústav lékařské genetiky (14-550)
Ústav lékařské chemie a biochemie (14-70)
Ústav mikrobiologie (14-510)
Ústav patologické fyziologie (14-90)
Ústav sociálního a posudkového lékařství (14-140)
Ústav soudního lékařství (14-120)
Ústav tělesné výchovy (14-60)
Stomatology - EAP0104470
Preclinical Dentistry I - EAP0201470
Advanced Oral Surgery and Dental Implants – for Dentistry Students - EAV470X01
Preventive Dentistry and Cariology - EA0903050
Summer Practice I - EA0904250
Prothetic Technology - EA0904470
Preclinical Dentistry II - EA0904471
Clinical Dentistry I - EA0904473
Dental Radiology - EA0905471
Oral Biology - EA0906470
Clinical Dentistry II - EA0906471
Prosthodontics I - EA0906472
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery I - EA0906473
Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics I - EA0906474
Summer Practice II - EA0906475
Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics II - EA0907473
Pediatric Dentistry I - EA0907475
Stomatological Practice - EA0908046
Clinical Dentistry III - EA0908470
Prosthodontics - EA0908471
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery II - EA0908472
Orthodontics I - EA0908473
Periodontology I - EA0908474
Management in Dentistry - EA0909470
Oral Health Medicine - EA0909475
Pediatric Dentistry II - EA0910360
Pediatric Dentistry SE - EA0910361
Clinical Dentistry IV - EA0910475
Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics - EA0910476
Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics SE - EA0910477
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery III - EA0910478
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery SE - EA0910479
Orthodontics II - EA0910480
Orthodontics SE - EA0910481
Parodontology II - EA0910482
Parodontology SE - EA0910483
Prosthodontics II - EA0910484
Prosthodontics SE - EA0910485
Stomatology - EP0104470
Preclinical Dentistry I. - EP0201470
Pedostomatology - EV470X02
Preventive dentistry and cariology - E0203470
Prosthetic Technology - E0204045
Summer Practice I. - E0204052
Clinical Dentistry I. - E0204471
Preclinical Dentistry II. - E0204477
Dental Radiology - E0205472
Oral Biology - E0206096
Holiday Practices - E0206120
Clinical Dentistry II. - E0206470
Prothetic dental medicine - E0206473
Oral and Maxiofacial Surgery I. - E0206474
Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics - E0206475
Paediatric Dentistry I. - E0207471
Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics II. - E0207473
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery - E0207474
Summer Practice - E0208250
Clinical Dentistry III. - E0208472
Periodontology - E0208473
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery II. - E0208474
Orthodontics - E0208476
Prosthetics Dentistry - E0208477
Management - E0209470
Oral Health Medicine - E0209475
Pediatric Dentistry II. - E0210360
Pediatric Dentistry SE - E0210361
Clinical Dentistry IV. - E0210475
Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics - E0210476
Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics SE - E0210477
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery III. - E0210478
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery SE - E0210479
Orthodontics - E0210480
Orthodontics SE - E0210481
Parodontology - E0210482
Parodontology SE - E0210483
Prosthodontics - E0210484
Prosthodontics SE - E0210485
Houba Robert, MUDr., Ph.D.
Netolický Jan, MUDr., Ph.D.
Poleník Pavel, doc. MUDr., CSc.
Zicha Antonín, doc. MUDr., CSc.
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