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Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University
Center for Theoretical Study
Environment Centre
Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Catholic Theological Faculty
Protestant Theological Faculty
Hussite Theological Faculty
Faculty of Law
First Faculty of Medicine
Second Faculty of Medicine
Third Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Faculty of Humanities
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies
Central Library of Charles University
Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education
Centrum pro rozvoj komunikačních a pedagogických kompetencí (13-823)
Dean´s Office (13-900)
Department of Anaesthesiology and ICM (13-383)
Department of Anatomy (13-320)
Department of Biology and Medical Genetics (13-716)
Department of Biophysics (13-714)
Department of Cardiology (13-344)
Department of Dermatology (13-422)
Department of ENT (13-411)
Department of Epidemiology (13-472)
Department of Forensic Medicine (13-322)
Department of General Practice (13-822)
Department of Histology and Embryology (13-715)
Department of Immunology (13-722)
Department of Infectious Diseases (13-421)
Department of Infectious Diseases and Travel Medicine (13-423)
Department of Internal Medicine (13-341)
Department of Languages (13-821)
Department of Medical Ethics and Humanities (13-711)
Department of Medical Chemistry and Clinical Biochemistry (13-352)
Department of Medical Microbiology (13-323)
Department of Neurology (13-442)
Department of Nuclear Medicine and Endocrinology (13-810)
Department of Nursing (13-342)
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (13-390)
Department of Oncology (13-463)
Department of Ophtalmology (13-412)
Department of Orthopaedics (13-382)
Department of Paediatric Haematology and Oncology (13-462)
Department of Paediatric Neurology (13-441)
Department of Paediatric Psychiatry (13-443)
Department of Paediatric Surgery (13-381)
Department of Paediatrics (13-350)
Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine (13-321)
Department of Pathophysiology (13-312)
Department of Pharmacology (13-311)
Department of Physical Education (13-510)
Department of Physiology (13-710)
Department of Pneumology (13-820)
Department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine (13-471)
Department of Radiology (13-461)
Department of Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine (13-432)
Department of Science Information (13-760)
Department of Stomatology (13-413)
Department of Surgery (13-371)
Department of Surgery (Central Military Hospital) (13-370)
Department of Urology (13-372)
Geriatric internal clinic (13-346)
Children’s Heart Centre (13-345)
Units out of CU (13-999)
Ústav bioinformatiky (13-831)
Sports Medicine - DA0108028
Rehabilitation - DA0108067
Sports Medicine - DA1108028
Rehabilitation - DA1108067
Functional examination and therapy of patients with musculoskeletal pain - DS005
Physiological bases of functional examination and movement therapy in patients with civilization diseases - DS006
Individual orthotic prosthetic aids - DS007
Kinesiology of the lower limb and walking - DS008
WHO International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) - DS009
Pathophysiology and treatment of pain - DS011
Physical activity in obese patients - DS012
Advances in an inter-professional approach to the examination and rehabilitation of patients after brain injury - DS013
Advances in examination and multidisciplinary therapy of patients after spinal cord injury - DS014
Procedures and results of recent research in the fields of kinesiology and rehabilitation - DS015
Principles of neurorehabilitation - DS016
Respiratory physiotherapy in clinical contexts - DS017
Examination and treatment in patients with Parkinson's disease - DS018
Examination and rehabilitation of patients with stability disorders - DS019
Examination and therapy of patients with spastic paresis - DS020
Developmental kinesiology - DS021
Functional examination and rehabilitation of children - DS022
Central mechanisms of motor control - DS023
OS - Strength training in physiotherapy I - DV00001
OS - Nutrition in relation to civilisation diseases - DV00002
OS - Sports Nutrition - DV00003
OS - Strengthening in physiotherapy II - DV00005
OS - Introduction to sonography of the locomotor system for students of Physi and Applied Physio - DV00014
OS - Introduction to sonography of the musculoskeletal system for students of General Medicine - DV00018
OS - Hippotherapy - DV03001
OS - Data Management - DV03003
OS - Yoga in rehabilitation - DV03007
OS - Communication and relationship as a tool of physiotherapist II - DV07007
OS - Kinesiology of Running - DV13001
Sports Medicine - D0108028
Rehabilitation - D0108067
Sports Medicine - D0305028
Occupational Therapy - D0305201
Clinical Psychology - D0305202
PT and Sports of Disabled - D0305207
Social Rehabilitation - D0305214
Special Pedagogy - D0305227
Special Physiotherapy - D0305306
Seminary to Bachelor Thesis II - D0305308
Clinical Practice II - D0305317
Methods of Kinesiotherapy II - D0305606
Continuous clinical practice - D0306108
Pathophysiology and Sports Medicine (STEX) - D0306401
Kinesiology and Functional Anatomy (STEX) - D0306402
Physiotherapy (STEX) - D0306403
Psychology and Special Pedagogy (STEX) - D0306404
Final Bachelor´s Thesis - D0306405
Physical Training and Sports in Disabled Patients - D0701006
Exercise physiology and pathophysiology - D0701014
Myoskeletal techniques - D0701015
General Methods in Physiotherapy - D0701301
Kinesiology - D0701303
Methodology in Physiotherapy - D0701309
Social Rehabilitation - D0702004
Examination Device Methods in Physiotherapy - D0702011
Clinical Practice I - D0702013
Summer Holidays Training - D0702014
Special Pedagogics - D0703003
Psychosomatics - D0703005
Balneology and Physical Therapy - D0703006
Clinical Psychology - D0703008
Thesis Seminar - D0703016
Special Methods in Physiotherapy - D0703017
Physiotherapy in Clinical Disciplines - D0703021
Diploma Specialization - D0703023
Sports Medicine - D0703030
Pathophysiology and Therapy of Pain - D0704002
Applied Neurology - D0704011
Clinical Practice II - D0704012
Final Diploma´s Thesis - D0704031
Physiotherapy in clinical subjects (STEX) - D0704032
Balneology and Physical Therapy (STEX) - D0704033
General methods of physiotherapy (STEX) - D0704035
Sports Medicine, Heavy-duty physiology and pathophysiology (STEX) - D0704038
Rehabilitation in Nursing for children and adults - D0806001
Rehabilitation in Nursing Care - D0905004
Sports Medicine - D1108028
Rehabilitation - D1108067
Rehabilitation Propaedeutic - D1301162
Foundations of Physiotherapy and Examinational Methods - D1301302
Physiology - D1301337
Methodology of scientific research and data management - D1302012
Summer Professional Practice I - D1302102
Basic of Neurophysiology - D1302261
Foundations of Massage Techniques - D1302603
Physical Therapy I - D1302604
Pathological Physiology - D1303213
General Teaching Method in Physiotherapy - D1303305
Biomechanics and kinesiology - D1303307
Clinical Practice I - D1303317
Physical Therapy II - D1303604
Seminary to Bachelor Thesis I - D1304018
Summer Professional Practice II - D1304103
Methods of Kinesiotherapy I - D1304606
Health Physical Education - D1304609
Functional examination in clinical fields - D1304616
Sports Medicine - D1305028
Occupational Therapy - D1305201
Clinical Psychology - D1305202
PT and Sports of Disabled - D1305207
Social Rehabilitation - D1305214
Basics of pedagogy and special pedagogic - D1305228
Special Physiotherapy - D1305306
Seminary to Bachelor Thesis II - D1305308
Clinical Practice II - D1305317
Methods of Kinesiotherapy II - D1305606
Continuous clinical practice - D1306108
Pathophysiology and Sports Medicine (STEX) - D1306401
Kinesiology and Functional Anatomy (STEX) - D1306402
Physiotherapy (STEX) - D1306403
Psychology and Special Pedagogy (STEX) - D1306404
Final Bachelor´s Thesis - D1306405
Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization - D1701001
Physical Training and Sports in Disabled Patients - D1701006
Exercise physiology and pathophysiology - D1701014
Myoskeletal techniques I. - D1701015
General Methods in Physiotherapy I. - D1701301
General Methods in Physiotherapy II. - D1701302
Kinesiology I. - D1701303
Kinesiology II. - D1701304
Physiotherapy in pediatrics and neonatology - D1701308
Methodology in Physiotherapy I. - D1701309
Methodology in Physiotherapy II. - D1701310
Examination Device Methods in Physiotherapy - D1702011
Clinical Practice I - D1702013
Summer Holidays Training - D1702014
Myoskeletal techniques II. - D1702015
Orthotics, prosthetics, adjuvants - D1702300
Vojta's reflex locomotion - D1703000
Special Pedagogics - D1703003
Balneology and Physical Therapy - D1703006
Clinical Psychology and psychosomatics - D1703008
Thesis Seminar - D1703016
Special Methods in Physiotherapy - D1703017
Physiotherapy in Clinical Disciplines I. - D1703021
Physiotherapy in Clinical Disciplines II. - D1703022
Diploma Specialization I. - D1703023
Diploma Specialization II. - D1703024
Sports Medicine - D1703030
Pathophysiology and Therapy of Pain - D1704002
Applied Neurology - D1704011
Clinical Practice II - D1704012
Final Diploma´s Thesis - D1704031
Physiotherapy in clinical subjects (STEX) - D1704032
General methods of physiotherapy (STEX) - D1704035
Sports Medicine, Heavy-duty physiology and pathophysiology (STEX) - D1704038
Rehabilitation in Nursing Care - D1905004
Rehabilitation in Nursing Care - D2905004
Kobesová Alena, prof. MUDr., Ph.D.
Kučerová Klára, Mgr., Ph.D.
Mišinová Klára, Mgr. et Mgr.
Novák Jakub, PhDr., Ph.D.
Novotná Eliška, Mgr.
Oplatková Lenka, Mgr.
Radvanský Jiří, doc. MUDr., CSc.
Slabý Kryštof, MUDr.
Stackeová Daniela, doc. PhDr. Mgr., Ph.D.
Šafářová Marcela, PhDr., Ph.D.
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