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Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University
Centre for Theoretical Study;
Environment Centre
Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Catholic Theological Faculty
Protestant Theological Faculty
Hussite Theological Faculty
Faculty of Law
First Faculty of Medicine
Second Faculty of Medicine
Third Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Faculty of Humanities
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies
Central Library of Charles University
Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education
Dean´s Office (13-900)
Department of Anaesthesiology and ICM (13-383)
Department of Anatomy (13-320)
Department of Biology and Medical Genetics (13-716)
Department of Biophysics (13-714)
Department of Cardiology (13-344)
Department of Dermatology (13-422)
Department of ENT (13-411)
Department of Epidemiology (13-472)
Department of Forensic Medicine (13-322)
Department of General Practice (13-822)
Department of Histology and Embryology (13-715)
Department of Immunology (13-722)
Department of Infectious Diseases (13-421)
Department of Infectious Diseases and Travel Medicine (13-423)
Department of Internal Medicine (13-341)
Department of Languages (13-821)
Department of Medical Ethics and Humanities (13-711)
Department of Medical Chemistry and Clinical Biochemistry (13-352)
Department of Medical Microbiology (13-323)
Department of Neurology (13-442)
Department of Nuclear Medicine and Endocrinology (13-810)
Department of Nursing (13-342)
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (13-390)
Department of Oncology (13-463)
Department of Ophtalmology (13-412)
Department of Orthopaedics (13-382)
Department of Paediatric Haematology and Oncology (13-462)
Department of Paediatric Neurology (13-441)
Department of Paediatric Psychiatry (13-443)
Department of Paediatric Surgery (13-381)
Department of Paediatrics (13-350)
Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine (13-321)
Department of Pathophysiology (13-312)
Department of Pharmacology (13-311)
Department of Physical Education (13-510)
Department of Physiology (13-710)
Department of Pneumology (13-820)
Department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine (13-471)
Department of Radiology (13-461)
Department of Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine (13-432)
Department of Science Information (13-760)
Department of Stomatology (13-413)
Department of Surgery (13-371)
Department of Surgery (Central Military Hospital) (13-370)
Department of Urology (13-372)
Geriatric internal clinic (13-346)
Children’s Heart Centre (13-345)
Units out of CU (13-999)
Ústav bioinformatiky (13-831)
Introduction to Clinical Medicine - DA0105454
Summer holidays training - Internal Medicine - DA0108103
Internal Medicine I - DA0108369
Internal Medicine II - DA0110369
Internal Medicine (STEX) - DA0112203
Internal Medicine III - DA0112303
Introduction to Clinical Medicine - DA1105454
Internal Medicine I - DA1108369
OS - Important States in Internal Medicine - DVA1014
OS - New technologies and examination methods in internal medicine - DVA1122
OS - Modern technologies in diagnostics and treatment of diabetes - DV01115
OS - Differential diagnostics, case reports and practical workshops - DV01119
OS - Internal medicine and addictions - DV011239
OS - New technologies and examination methods in internal medicine, with practical workshops - DV01135
OS - Changing the lifestyle of our patients - DV01156
OS - The basics of a scientific perspective not only on diabetes mellitus and other internal diseases - DV01157
OS - Acute states in internal medicine - DV01238
OS - Intensive care at metabolic care unit - DV01247
Introduction to Clinical Medicine - D0105454
Summer holidays training - Internal Medicine - D0108103
Internal Medicine I - D0108369
Internal Medicine II - D0110369
Internal Medicine - D0112203
Internal Medicine III - D0112303
Introduction to Clinical Medicine - D1105454
Internal Medicine I - D1108369
Internal Medicine and Gerontology - D1304069
Internal Medicine - D1503028
Introduction to Clinical Medicine - D19020009
Nursing Care of patients in internal medicine - D1903003
Nutrition and dietetics - D1904007
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