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Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University
Center for Theoretical Study
Environment Centre
Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Catholic Theological Faculty
Protestant Theological Faculty
Hussite Theological Faculty
Faculty of Law
First Faculty of Medicine
Second Faculty of Medicine
Third Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Faculty of Humanities
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies
Central Library of Charles University
Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education
Centrum PATOS KNL, a.s.(Kraj. nem. Liberec) (12-KNL)
Dean´s Office - Science and Research Administration Division (12-OAVV)
Dean's Office - Study Division (12-STUD)
Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine 3FM CU and UHKV (12-ARO)
Department of Anaesthesia, Intensive and Urgent Care Medicine 3FM CU and UHB (12-ANIME)
Department of Anatomy 3FM CU (12-ANAT)
Department of Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology 3FM CU (12-BIOC)
Department of Burns Medicine 3FM CU and UHKV (12-POP)
Department of Cardiac Surgery 3FM CU and UHKV (12-KARD)
Department of Cardiology 3FM CU and UHKV (12-3INK)
Department of Dermatovenerology 3FM CU and UHKV (12-DERM)
Department of ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat) and Maxilofacial Surgery 3FM CU and MUH (12-VNORL)
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics 3FM CU (12-EPID)
Department of Forensic Medicine 3FM CU and UHKV (12-USOL)
Department of General Surgery 3FM CU and UHKV (12-CHIR)
Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics 3FM CU and IMCHC (12-GYM)
Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics 3FM CU and UHKV (12-GYN)
Department of Gynecology 3FM CU and MUH (12-GYV)
Department of Hematology 3FM CU and UHKV (12-IHK)
Department of Histology and Embryology 3FM CU (12-HIST)
Department of Hygiene 3FM CU (12-HYG)
Department of Children and Adolescents 3FM CU and UHKV (12-KDD)
Department of Immunology and Clinical Biochemistry 3FM CU (12-IMUN)
Department of Infectious Diseases 3FM CU and UHB (12-INF)
Department of Internal Medicine 3FM CU and UHKV (12-2INK)
Department of Internal Medicine 3FM CU and UTH (12-INTTN)
Department of Languages and Medical Terminology 3FM CU (12-UCJA)
Department of Medical Biophysics and Informatics 3FM CU (12-ULBI)
Department of Medical Ethics and Humanities 3FM CU (12-UET)
Department of Medical Genetics 3FM CU (12-GEN)
Department of Microbiology 3 FM CU, FHKV and NIPH (12-MIK)
Department of Neurology 3FM CU and UHKV (12-NEUR)
Department of Neurology 3FM CU and UTH (12-NEUTN)
Department of Neurosurgery 3FM CU and UHKV (12-NEUCH)
Department of Nursing 3FM CU (12-UOS)
Department of Occupational and Travel Medicine 3FM CU and UHKV (12-PRAC)
Department of Oncology 3FM CU and UHKV (12-ONKO)
Department of Ophthalmology 3FM CU and UHKV (12-OFTK)
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology 3FM CU and UHKV (12-ORTO)
Department of Otorhinolaryngology 3FM CU and UHKV (12-ORL)
Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine 3FM CU and UTH (12-PATTN)
Department of Pathology 3FM CU and UHKV (12-PATO)
Department of Pathophysiology 3FM CU (12-UFYP)
Department of Pediatric and Trauma Surgery 3FM CU and UTH (12-KDCH)
Department of Pharmacology 3FM CU (12-FARM)
Department of Physical Education (12-UTVY)
Department of Physiology 3FM CU (12-UFYN)
Department of Plastic Surgery 3FM CU and UHKV (12-PLAS)
Department of Pneumology 3FM CU and UHB (12-PNEU)
Department of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology 3FM CU and NIMH (12-PCHI)
Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine 3FM CU and UHKV (12-RADK)
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine 3FM CU and UHKV (12-REHA)
Department of Stomatology 3FM CU and UHKV (12-STOM)
Department of Urology 3FM CU and UHKV (12-URO)
Department of Urology 3FM CU and UTH (12-UROTN)
Division of General Practice 3FM CU (12-KBPL)
Division of Public Health 3FM CU (12-KVZ)
Katedra preventivního lékařství (12-KPL)
Basal stimulation in nursing care - CCOCB0003
Communication and the role of the clown in healthcare - CCOCB0053
Basics of acute and chronic wounds care - CCOCB0066
Nursing Care Coordination - CCOCB0067
GIT Ostomy Care - CCOCB0076
Clinical Placement at Central Operating Rooms, Military University Hospital Prague - CCOCB0080
Fundamentals of Perioperative Care at Military University Hospital - CCOCB0082
Basics of acute and chronic wounds care - CCOCB0083
Interdisciplinary course on palliative and end of life care - CCOCB0087
Social-legal protection of children - CCOCB0088
Care for handicapped person - CCOCB0090
Sterilization - an important part of the prevention of nosocomial infections - CCOCB0091
Basic principles of perioperative care at the surgical clinic - CCOCB0092
Basic principles of perioperative care at the surgical clinic - CCOCB0093
Basics of perioperative care at Na Homolce Hospital - CCOCB0094
Sociology of medicine and healthcare - CDHSC1
Sociology of medicine and healthcare - CDH009P1
ERASMUS - Practice - Nursing - CERA0P0021
ERASMUS - Patients in the long term perspective - CERA0P0027
ERASMUS - Medical nursing practice - CERA0P0028
ERASMUS - Surgical nursing practice - CERA0P0061
ERASMUS - Intensive care nursing practice - CERA0P0062
Nursing Theory - CIP042P2
Seminar on Diploma Thesis - CIP044P2
Preparing of thesis - CIP045P2
Intensive Care - CIP046P2
Diploma Thesis - Defence - CIP047P2
Bachelor Thesis - Seminar II./EBP - CNSBW3
Baccalaureate thesis seminar II./EBP - CNSKBP3
Professional experience in Semester VI. - CNSK018P2
Nursing - CNSK023Z3
Humanities - CNSK024Z3
Nursing in clinical - CNSK025Z3
Holiday Practice II. - CNSPX2
Bachelor thesis I./EBP - CNS001P2
Nursing Procedures III. - CNS002P2
Nursing Procedures IV. - CNS003P2
Clinical Practice III. - CNS005P2
Clinical Practice IV. - CNS006P2
Research in Nursing/EBP - CNS007P2
Nursing - CNS023Z3
Humanities - CNS024Z3
Nursing in clinical - CNS025Z3
Sociology - CNT017P1
Basics of pedagogy and education - CNT023P2
Basics of Nursing - CNT025P2
Seminar of Bacheleor Thesis II - CNT059P3
. - CPVL019
Social-legal protection of children - CPVL137
Talking hands - CVOL0133
Taking of biological material - CVOL0153
Providing health care to homeless people - CVOL0154
Exam from Introduction to Clinical Medicine - CVOL0219
Educatinal work in preschool age - CVOL0223
Communication (not only) in palliative care - CVOL0227
Clinical Placement at Transplant Unit - CVOL0236
Interdisciplinary course on palliative and end of life care - CVOL0248
Training of selected practical skills - CVOL0315
Medical devices basics in nursing practice - CVOL0326
Methods and techniques for elderly care - CVOL0365
Pain treatment - CVOL0366
Accompanying patients in palliative care - CVOL0374
Basics of perioperative care at Na Homolce Hospital - CVOL0383
Perioperative nursing care for children - CVOL0386
Management in healthcare - CVO002P3
Man and his world. - CVO003P1
Clinical practice V. - CVO003P3
Clinical practice VI. - CVO004P3
Community care nursing - CVO005P1
Nursing procedures V. - CVO005P3
Nursing procedures VI. - CVO006P3
Clinical practice I. - CVO008P1
Clinical practice II. - CVO009P1
Nursing care in oncology and hematology - CVO009P3
Paliative care - CVO010P3
Preparation of bachelour thesis - CVO011P3
Nursing procedures I. - CVO012P1
Bachelor thesis seminar - CVO012P3
Nursing procedures II. - CVO013P1
Theory of nursing V. - CVO013P3
Theory of nursing VI. - CVO014P3
Holiday Practice I. - CVO016P1
Selective practice according to the student's interest - CVO016P3
Medical law - CVO017P3
Sociology of medicine and healthcare - CVO019P1
Theory of nursing I. - CVO020P1
Theory of nursing II. - CVO021P1
Nursing - CVO021P3
Health education - CVO022P1
Humanities - CVO022P3
Nursing ethics I. - CVO023P2
Nursing in clinical - CVO023P3
Nursing ethics II. - CVO024P2
Bachelor Thesis - defence - CVO024P3
Clinical practice III. - CVO028P2
Clinical practice IV. - CVO029P2
Nursing procedures III. - CVO030P2
Nursing procedures IV. - CVO031P2
Nursing care in pediatry - CVO040P2
Pedagogy in nursing - CVO043P2
Holiday Practice II. - CVO044P2
Bachelor thesis - CVO047P2
Theory of nursing III. - CVO048P2
Theory of nursing IV. - CVO049P2
Nursin Research I./EBP - CVO050P2
Nursing Research II./EBP - CVO051P2
Bachelor Thesis - defence - CVSBAK3PR
Introduction to Clinical Medicine I. - CVSE1P0004
Introduction to Clinical Medicine – Placement I. - CVSE1P0008
Introduction to Clinical Medicine II. - CVSE2P0031
Introduction to Clinical Medicine – Placement II. - CVSE2P0035
Differential test in Introduction to Clinical Medicine – Placement - CVSE4P00D
Sociology of medicine and healthcare - C1DH009
Introduction to Clinical Medicine I. - C1VL004
Introduction to Clinical Medicine – Placement I. - C1VL008
Introduction to Clinical Medicine – Placement II. - C2VL005
Introduction to Clinical Medicine II. - C2VL006
Bakusová Tereza, Mgr.
Bálková Lenka, Mgr.
Holečková Kristýna, Mgr.
Chalušová Petra, Mgr.
Kravcová Kateřina, Mgr.
Lišková Martina, Mgr., DiS.
Svobodová Hana, PhDr., Ph.D.
Vytejčková Renata, Mgr., Ph.D.
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