Final Exams
(version: 179)
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Institute of the History of Charles University and Archive of Charles University
Center for Theoretical Study
Environment Centre
Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Charles University
Catholic Theological Faculty
Protestant Theological Faculty
Hussite Theological Faculty
Faculty of Law
First Faculty of Medicine
Second Faculty of Medicine
Third Faculty of Medicine
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen
Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Science
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
Faculty of Humanities
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies
Central Library of Charles University
Centre for Economic Research and Graduate Education
Academic Department of Internal Medicine (15-400)
Academic Department of Surgery (15-440)
Astronomical Institute of Charles University (32-AUUK)
Centre for Ibero-American Studies (21-SIAS)
Computer Science Institute of Charles University (32-IUUK)
Computer Technology Center (15-760)
Czech Institute of Egyptology (21-CEGU)
Dean´s Office (13-900)
Dean´s Office (11-00900)
Deans Office (21-DEK)
Dean´s Office - Science and Research Administration Division (12-OAVV)
Dean's Office - Study Division (12-STUD)
Dean's Office KTF (26-KTF)
Dep. of Physiology and Develop. Biology (obsolete) (31-150)
Departement of Theatre Studies (21-KDV)
Department of Adapted Physical Education and Sport Medicine (51-300300)
Department of Addictology First Faculty of Medicine Charles University and General University Hospital in Prague (11-00611)
Department of Administrative Law and Administrative Science (22-KSP)
Department of Adult Education and Personnel Management (21-KANPR)
Department of Aestetics (21-KEST)
Department of Algebra (32-KA)
Department of Analytical Chemistry (16-16140)
Department of Analytical Chemistry (31-230)
Department of Anatomy (15-110)
Department of Anglophone Literatures and Cultures (21-UALK)
Department of Anthropology and Human Genetics (31-110)
Department of Applied Geoinformatics and Cartography (31-370)
Department of Applied Mathematics (32-KAM)
Department of Athletics and Outdoor Sports (51-300500)
Department of Atmospheric Physics (32-KFA)
Department of Auxiliary Historical Sciences and Archive Studies (21-KPVHAS)
Department of Biblical Sciences and ancient languages (26-KBV)
Department of Biochemical Sciences (16-16160)
Department of Biochemistry (31-250)
Department of Biological and Medical Sciences (16-16150)
Department of Biology and Medical Genetics (13-716)
Department of Biology Education (31-180)
Department of Biomedical Foundation in Kinanthropology (51-300200)
Department of Botany (31-120)
Department of Business Law (22-KOBCHP)
Department of Cell Biology (31-151)
Department of Central European Studies (21-KSES)
Department of Civil Law (22-KOP)
Department of Clinical Biochemistry (15-620)
Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergology (15-630)
Department of Clinical Microbiology (15-560)
Department of Condensed Matter Physics (32-KFKL)
Department of Constitutional Law (22-KUP)
Department of Criminal Law (22-KTP)
Department of Culturology (21-KTK)
Department of Czech and Comparative Literature (21-UCLK)
Department of Demography and Geodemography (31-360)
Department of Dental Medicine First Faculty of Medicine Charles University and General University Hospital in Prague (11-00770)
Department of Dentistry (15-550)
Department of Diagnostic Radiology (15-531)
Department of Distributed and Dependable Systems (32-KDSS)
Department of Ecclesiastical History and Literary History (26-KCD)
Department of Ecology (31-162)
Department of Economics and Empirical Legal Studies (22-KNH)
Department of Education (21-KPED)
Department of Environmental Law (22-KPZP)
Department of Ethnology and Central European and Balkan Studies (21-UESEBS)
Department of European Law (22-KEP)
Department of European Studies (23-KZS)
Department of Experimental Plant Biology (31-130)
Department of Financial Law and Finances (22-KFP)
Department of General Surgery 3FM CU and UHKV (12-CHIR)
Department of Genetics and Microbiology (31-140)
Department of Geophysics (32-KG)
Department of German and Austrian Studies (23-KNRS)
Department of Gymnastics and Combat Sports (51-300600)
Department of Gynaecology, Obstetrics and Neonatology First Faculty of Medicine Charles University and General University Hospital in Prague (11-00790)
Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics 3FM CU and UHKV (12-GYN)
Department of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine (15-150)
Department of Hygiene 3FM CU (12-HYG)
Department of Chemical Physics and Optics (32-KCHFO)
Department of Chemistry Education (31-280)
Department of Children and Adolescents 3FM CU and UHKV (12-KDD)
Department of Church History (27-CD)
Department of Inorganic Chemistry (31-240)
Department of Internal Medicine (13-341)
Department of Internal Medicine 3FM CU and UHKV (12-2INK)
Department of International Relations (23-KMV)
Department of Journalism (23-KZ)
Department of Labor Law and Social Security Law (22-KPP)
Department of Legal History (22-KPD)
Department of Legal Theory and Legal Doctrines (22-KTPPU)
Department of Logic (21-KLOG)
Department of Marketing Communication and Public Relations (23-KMKPR)
Department of Mathematical Analysis (32-KMA)
Department of Mathematics Education (32-KDM)
Department of Media Studies (23-KMS)
Department of Medical Biochemistry (15-180)
Department of Medical Biology and Genetics (15-120)
Department of Medical Biophysics (15-170)
Department of Medical Chemistry and Clinical Biochemistry (13-352)
Department of Middle Eastern Studies (21-KBV)
Department of Neurology (15-460)
Department of Non - Medical Studies (15-210)
Department of North American Studies (23-KAS)
Department of Numerical Mathematics (32-KNM)
Department of Nursing (13-342)
Department of Nursing 3FM CU (12-UOS)
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (13-390)
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (15-510)
Department of Old Testament Studies (27-SZ)
Department of Oncology and Radiotherapy (15-532)
Department of Ophthalmology (15-470)
Department of Organic And Bioorganic Chemistry (16-16120)
Department of Organic Chemistry (31-270)
Department of Paediatrics (13-350)
Department of Parasitology (31-161)
Department of Pastoral Theology and Law Sciences (26-KPAO)
Department of Pediatrics (15-500)
Department of Pediatrics and Inherited Metabolic Disorders First Faculty of Medicine Charles University and General University Hospital in Prague (11-00650)
Department of Pharmaceutical Botany (16-16130)
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Analysis (16-16190)
Department of Pharmaceutical Technology (16-16210)
Department of Pharmacognosy (16-16180)
Department of Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical Botany (16-16230)
Department of Pharmacology (15-310)
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology (16-16170)
Department of Philosophy (27-F)
Department of Philosophy (26-KF)
Department of Philosophy (24-KF)
Department of Philosophy and History of Science (31-107)
Department of Philosophy and Law (26-KFP)
Department of Physical and Macromolecular Chemistry (31-260)
Department of Physical Geography and Geoecology (31-330)
Department of Physics Education (32-KDF)
Department of Physics of Materials (32-KFM)
Department of Physiology (15-130)
Department of Physiology (31-152)
Department of Physiotherapy (51-300400)
Department of Political Science (23-KP)
Department of Politology and Sociology (22-KPS)
Department of Practical Theology (27-PT)
Department of Preventive Medicine (15-220)
Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics (32-KPMS)
Department of Psychiatry (15-520)
Department of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology 3FM CU and NIMH (12-PCHI)
Department of Psychology (21-KPS)
Department of Psychology and Life Sciences (24-KPVZ)
Department of Public and Social Policy (23-KVSP)
Department of Public Health and Preventive Medicine (13-471)
Department of Public International Law (22-KMP)
Department of Quality of Education and Accreditations (00-OKVA)
Department of Rehabilitation (15-461)
Department of Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine (13-432)
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine First Faculty of Medicine Charles University and General University Hospital in Prague (11-00640)
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine 3FM CU and UHKV (12-REHA)
Department of Religious Studies (27-R)
Department of Russian and East European Studies (23-KRVS)
Department of science and research (14-260)
Department of Security Studies (23-KBS)
Department of Sinology (21-KSI)
Department of Social and Clinical Pharmacy (16-16220)
Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology (24-KSKA)
Department of Social Geography and Regional Development (31-340)
Department of Social Medicine (15-190)
Department of Social Sciences Foundation in Kinanthropology (51-300000)
Department of Social Work (21-KSOCP)
Department of Social Work (27-PSP)
Department of Sociology (21-KSOC)
Department of Sociology (23-KS)
Department of Software and Computer Science Education (32-KSVI)
Department of Software Engineering (32-KSI)
Department of South Slavonic and Balkan Studies (21-KJBS)
Department of Sport Games (51-300700)
Department of Sport Management (51-300100)
Department of Stomatology 3FM CU and UHKV (12-STOM)
Department of Surface and Plasma Science (32-KFPP)
Department of Surgery (14-400)
Department of Surgery (13-371)
Department of Swimming, Water and Technical Sports (51-300800)
Department of Systematic and Pastoral Theology (26-KSPT)
Department of Systematic Theology (27-SYST)
Department of Systematic Theology and Philosophy (26-KST)
Department of the English Language and ELT Methodology (21-UAJD)
Department of Theological Ethics (27-TE)
Department of Theological Ethics and Theology of Spirituality (26-KTE)
Department of Theoretical Computer Science and Mathematical Logic (32-KTIML)
Department of Zoology (31-170)
Doctoral Study Administration Office (24-IDP)
Ecumenical Institute (27-EI)
Faculty Dean Office (16-77777)
Film Studies Department (21-KFS)
Futher Education Centre (31-643)
Institut of Deaf Studies (21-UJKN)
Institute for Classical Archeology (21-UKAR)
Institute for Environmental Studies (31-550)
Institute for Greek and Latin Studies (21-URLS)
Institute of Ancient Near Eastern Studies (21-USPV)
Institute of Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies (31-710)
Institute of Archaeology (21-UPRAV)
Institute of Art History (21-UDU)
Institute of Asian Studies (21-UAS)
Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism (23-IKSZ)
Institute of Czech and Comparative Literature and Literary Theory (21-UCLLV)
Institute of Czech and Deaf Studies (21-UBN)
Institute of Czech History (21-UCD)
Institute of Czech Language and Theory of Communication (21-UCJTK)
Institute of Czech Studies (21-UBS)
Institute of East European Studies (21-UVES)
Institute of Economic and Social History (21-UHSD)
Institute of Economic Studies (23-IES)
Institute of Ethnology (21-UETN)
Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics (32-UFAL)
Institute of General History (21-USD)
Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Mineral Resources (31-430)
Institute of Geology and Paleontology (31-420)
Institute of Germanic Studies (21-UGS)
Institute of Hydrogeology, Engineering Geology and Applied Geophysics (31-450)
Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology First Faculty of Medicine Charles University and General University Hospital in Prague (11-00200)
Institute of Christian Art History (26-UDKU)
Institute of Information Studies and Librarianship (21-UISK)
Institute of Information Studies and Librarianship - New Media Studies (21-UISKNM)
Institute of International Studies (23-IMS)
Institute of Linguistics (21-ULING)
Institute of Linguistics (21-ULUG)
Institute of Musicology (21-UHV)
Institute of Nursing Theory and Practice First Faculty of Medicine Charles University (11-00250)
Institute of oecumenical studies (27-IES)
Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics (32-UCJF)
Institute of Petrology and Structural Geology (31-440)
Institute of Philosophy and Religious Studies (21-UFAR)
Institute of Phonetics (21-FU)
Institute of Physics of Charles University (32-FUUK)
Institute of Political Science (21-UPOL)
Institute of Public Health and Medical Law First Faculty of Medicine Charles University (11-00280)
Institute of Romance Studies (21-URS)
Institute of Slavonic and East European Studies (21-USVS)
Institute of Theoretical and Computational Linguistics (21-UTKL)
Institute of Theoretical Physics (32-UTF)
Institute of Translation Studies (21-UTRL)
IS/IT Division (22-PPT)
IS/IT Division (32-PSIK)
IT Office (24-LVT)
Jabok (27-J)
Laboratory of Sport Motorics (51-300900)
Mathematical Institute of Charles University (32-MUUK)
PhD Anthropology (24-DAN)
PhD Applied Ethics (24-DAE)
PhD Civil Society Studies (24-DSOS)
PhD Contemporary European History (24-DSED)
PhD Deutsche und französische Philosophie (24-DNFF)
PhD Environmental Studies (24-DES)
PhD General Anthropology (24-DIC)
PhD Historical Sociology (24-DHS)
PhD Longevity Studies (24-DSD)
PhD Semiotics and Philosophy of Communication (24-DSFK)
PhD Social Work (24-DSPSP)
Programme Anthropological studies (24-KOA)
Programme Civil Society Studies (24-KSOS)
Programme Deutsche und französische Philosophie (24-DFP)
Programme Electronic Culture and Semiotics (24-KEKS)
Programme Gender Studies (24-KGS)
Programme Historical Sociology (24-HS)
Programme History of Modern European Culture (24-EKDD)
Programme Liberal Arts and Humanities (24-SHVAJ)
Programme Management and Supervision (24-KRS)
Programme Oral History and Contemporary History (24-KOHSD)
Programme Philosophy in the context of humanities (24-FI)
Programme SHV (24-SBS)
Programme SHV - Historical Module (24-HM)
Programme SHV - Language and Literature Module (24-KO)
Programme SHV - Philosophical Module (24-FM)
Programme SHV - Social Sciences Module (24-SM)
Programme Social and Cultural Ecology (24-KSKE)
Programme Theoretical and Research Psychology (24-TVP)
Protestant theological faculty (27-ETF)
Student Administration Office (24-SO)
Student Admission and External Relations Office (21-OPRVV)
Student Affairs Department (32-STUD)
Student Affairs Division (31-640)
Study and Students' Affairs Department (22-SO)
Study department (27-STUD)
Study department (21-SO)
The Fingerland Department of Pathology (15-490)
1st Department of Internal Medicine (12-1INK)
1st Department of Medicine – Department of Hematology First Faculty of Medicine Charles University and General University Hospital in Prague (11-00510)
1st Department of Surgery – Department of Abdominal, Thoracic Surgery and Traumatology First Faculty of Medicine Charles University and General University Hospital in Prague (11-00660)
1st Department of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases First Faculty of Medicine Charles University and General University Hospital in Prague (11-00570)
3rd Department of Medicine – Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism First Faculty of Medicine Charles University and General University Hospital in Prague (11-00530)
4th Department of Medicine – Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology First Faculty of Medicine Charles University and General University Hospital in Prague (11-00540)
Pedagogika, psychologie a didaktika (51-400200)
Katedra hudební výchovy (41-KHV)
Katedra speciální pedagogiky (41-KSP)
Gynekologicko - porodnická klinika (14-480)
Anatomie a biomechanika (51-500100)
Katedra germanistiky (41-KG)
Katedra informačních technologií a technické výchovy (41-KITTV)
Katedra tělesné výchovy (41-KTV)
HTF - Katedra biblistiky a judaistiky (28-15)
Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta tělesné výchovy a sportu (51-100101)
Ústav hygieny a preventivní medicíny (14-130)
Katedra pedagogiky (41-KPG)
Sekce pro diplomové práce (16-16999)
Ústav výzkumu a rozvoje vzdělávání (41-UVRV)
HTF - Katedra systematické teologie, teologické etiky a teologické filozofie (28-01)
Katedra francouzského jazyka a literatury (41-KFJL)
Katedra chemie a didaktiky chemie (41-KCHDCH)
Katedra výtvarné výchovy (41-KVV)
Sekce pro státní závěrečné zkoušky (16-16900)
Oddělení doktorského studia a akademických kvalifikací (21-ODSAK)
HTF - Katedra historické teologie a církevních dějin (28-04)
Fyziologie (51-500200)
Atletika (51-600100)
Kinantropologie (51-400100)
Sportovní hry (51-600300)
Plavecké sporty (51-600500)
Katedra dějin a didaktiky dějepisu (41-KDDD)
Centrum celoživotního vzdělávání (41-CCV)
ostatní (28-11)
Biomedicínská laboratoř (51-500500)
Ústav anglistiky a amerikanistiky (21-UAA)
Vojenská tělovýchova (51-600700)
Zdravotní TV a tělovýchovné lékařství (51-500300)
Sporty v přírodě (51-600400)
Katedra matematiky a didaktiky matematiky (41-KMDM)
Katedra anglického jazyka a literatury (41-KAJL)
Dětská klinika (14-360)
II.interní klinika (14-320)
Katedra psychologie (41-KPSY)
Katedra andragogiky a managementu vzdělávání (41-KAMV)
Sekce pro státní závěrečné zkoušky (Zrušeno) (16-16909)
Katedra občanské výchovy a filosofie (41-KOVF)
Katedra české literatury (41-KCL)
Katedra českého jazyka (41-KCJ)
Stomatologická klinika (14-470)
Klinika zobrazovacích metod (14-440)
Studijní oddělení (51-100100)
Katedra preprimární a primární pedagogiky (41-KPPP)
Collegium Marianum - Týnská vyšší odborná škola (41-CM)
HTF - Katedra učitelství (28-08)
HTF - Katedra praktické teologie, ekumenismu a mezilidské komunikace (28-03)
Katedra rusistiky a lingvodidaktiky (41-KRL)
Katedra biologie a environmentálních studií (41-KBES)
Katedra českého jazyka a katedra české literatury (41-KCJL)
doktorand na FTVS (51-900710)
Management (51-400110)
Ústav profesního rozvoje pracovníků ve školství (41-UPRPS)
neurčeno (23-N)
Studijní oddělení (41-STUD)
Oddělení pro vědeckou činnost (41-OVC)
I.interní klinika (14-310)
Ústav sociálního a posudkového lékařství (14-140)
HTF - Katedra psychosociálních věd a etiky (28-07)
Gymnastika (51-600200)
Laboratoř sportovní motoriky (51-600800)
Technické a úpolové sporty (51-600600)
Fyzioterapie (51-500400)
Academic year:
SZZ - jarní termín
SZZ - zimní termín
SZZ - podzimní termín
1 – zimní období SZZ
2 – letní období SZZ
3 – podzimní období SZZ
Winter STEX term
Spring STEX term
Doctoral candidates, rigorous exams, LLE
Doktorandské období SZK
Státní ZK
Zimní období SZK
Jarní období SZK
Podzimní období SZK
Jarní termín pro MFF, FF
SZZ - letní termín
Summer term BSc
Summer term MSc
0 - celý rok
Jarní termín SZ
Podzimní termín SZ
Zimní termín SZ
Fall term BSc+MSc
Autumn STEX term
Jarní termíny
Podzimní termíny
Summer STEX term
Zimní termíny
Winter term BSc+MSc
Jarní termín pro DPS (Ped.psych).
Fall term BSc
SZZ - PHD celoroční
Fall term MSc
Type of study:
Master's (post-Bachelor)
Lifelong learning programme - Profession-oriented
Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented
Charles University
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