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Life-long education courses
Catholic Theological Faculty (16)
Protestant Theological Faculty (25)
Hussite Theological Faculty (53)
Faculty of Law (31)
First Faculty of Medicine (100)
Second Faculty of Medicine (67)
Third Faculty of Medicine (63)
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen (87)
Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové (32)
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové (89)
Faculty of Arts (246)
Faculty of Science (308)
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics (255)
Faculty of Education (330)
Faculty of Social Sciences (90)
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport (45)
Faculty of Humanities (62)
Form of study:
distance (9)
combined (645)
full-time (1245)
Type of study:
Bachelor's (363)
doctoral (1092)
Master's (22)
Master's (post-Bachelor) (422)
Study programme:
Slavic Philology - doctoral - P0232D090065 (1)
Russian Studies (study programme named after Boris Nemtsov) - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0312A120002 (1)
Addiction: Specialization in Health Care - doctoral - P0988D360002 (1)
Addictology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0988A360001 (1)
Addictology - Bachelor's - B0988P360001 (2)
Addiction: Specialization in Health Care - doctoral - P0988D360001 (2)
Algebra, number theory, and mathematical logic - doctoral - P0541D170019 (4)
Algebra, number theory, and mathematical logic - doctoral - P0541D170020 (4)
Analytical Chemistry - doctoral - P0531D130036 (4)
Analytical Chemistry - doctoral - P0531D130035 (4)
Analytical Chemistry - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0531A130017 (1)
Anatomy, Histology and Embryology - doctoral - P0912D350015 (7)
Anatomy, Histology and Embryology - doctoral - P0912D350016 (7)
Adult education and educational management - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0111A190001 (2)
Adult Education and Personnel Management - Bachelor's - B0111A190004 (1)
Adult Education and Personnel Management - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0111A190006 (1)
English Language and Linguistics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0231A090063 (1)
English Language - doctoral - P0232D090075 (1)
English Language and Literature in a Didactic Perspective - doctoral - P0232D300001 (2)
English Language and Literature for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - B0114A090012 (1)
English Language for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - B0114A090013 (10)
English and American Studies - Bachelor's - B0288A090003 (1)
Anglophone Literatures and Cultures - doctoral - P0232D090056 (2)
Anglophone Literatures and Cultures - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0231A090059 (1)
Anglophone Literatures and Cultures - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0231A090066 (1)
Anglophone Literatures and Cultures - doctoral - P0232D090057 (2)
Animal Physiology - doctoral - P0511D030032 (2)
Inorganic Chemistry - doctoral - P0531D130039 (4)
Inorganic Chemistry - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0531A130018 (1)
Anthropology and Human Genetics - doctoral - P0511D030036 (2)
Anthropological studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0314A250004 (1)
Anthropology and Human Genetics - doctoral - P0511D030035 (2)
Anthropology and Human Genetics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0511A030016 (1)
Applied Ethics - doctoral - P0223D100024 (2)
Applied Ethics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0223A100005 (2)
Applied Ethics - doctoral - P0223D100025 (2)
Applied physics and mathematics in medicine and pharmacy - doctoral - P0988D350010 (4)
Applied physiotherapy - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0915P360002 (1)
Applied Physiotherapy - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0915P360007 (1)
Applied Physiotherapy - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0915A360004 (1)
Applied Geography - Bachelor's - B0532A330007 (2)
Applied Geology - doctoral - P0532D330016 (2)
Applied Geology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0532A330022 (1)
Applied Linguistics for Language Teaching - doctoral - P0232D300003 (1)
Adapted Physical Education and Sport - Bachelor's - B1014A280003 (1)
Adapted Physical Education and Sport - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N1014A280004 (2)
Applied Sport Science - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N1014A280006 (1)
Applied Geology - doctoral - P0532D330017 (2)
Applied physics and mathematics in medicine and pharmacy - doctoral - P0988D350011 (2)
Applied Physiotherapy - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0915A360005 (1)
Applied Sport Science - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N1014A280007 (1)
Area Studies - doctoral - P0312D200011 (2)
Archaelogy of Prehistory and Middle Ages - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0222A120010 (1)
Archaeology of Prehistory and Middle Ages - doctoral - P0222D120015 (2)
Archaelogy of Prehistory and Middle Ages - Bachelor's - B0222A120010 (1)
Archive Studies and Auxiliary Historical Sciences - Bachelor's - B0322A120003 (2)
Archive Studies and Auxiliary Historical Sciences - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0322A120002 (2)
Asian History and Culture - doctoral - P0288D090002 (2)
Asian Studies - Bachelor's - B0231A090069 (2)
Asian Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0231A090053 (2)
Astronomy and Astrophysics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0533A110009 (1)
Atmospheric physics, meteorology and climatology - doctoral - P0533D110010 (4)
Atmospheric Physics, Meteorology and Climatology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0533A110011 (1)
Auxiliary Historical Sciences - doctoral - P0322D120002 (2)
Balkan, Eurasian and Central European Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0312A200014 (1)
Balkan, Eurasian and Central European Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0312A120001 (2)
International Security Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0312A200032 (1)
Biblical Theology - doctoral - P0221D100015 (2)
Biblical Theology - doctoral - P0221D100014 (2)
Bioanalytical methods - doctoral - P0914D360004 (4)
Bioanalyticla laboratory diagnostics in health care - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0914P360004 (1)
Bioanalytical methods - doctoral - P0914D360003 (4)
Bioethics - doctoral - P0223D100016 (2)
Biophysics and Chemical Physics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0533A110012 (1)
Biophysics, Chemical and Macromolecular Physics - doctoral - P0533D110023 (4)
Biochemistry - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0512A130010 (1)
Biochemistry - doctoral - P0512D130015 (4)
Biochemistry - Bachelor's - B0531A130018 (1)
Biochemistry and Pathobiochemistry - doctoral - P0512D350003 (9)
Biochemistry - doctoral - P0512D130016 (4)
Biochemistry and Pathobiochemistry - doctoral - P0512D350004 (7)
Bioinformatics and computational biology - doctoral - P0688D140011 (8)
Bioinformatics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0688A140004 (1)
Bioinformatics - Bachelor's - B0688A140003 (1)
Bioinformatics and computational biology - doctoral - P0688D140010 (8)
Biology - Bachelor's - B0511A030007 (1)
Cell Biology and Pathology - doctoral - P0511D350004 (7)
Biology, Geology and Environmental Studies for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - B0114A030006 (7)
Biology for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - B0114A030005 (5)
Biomedical Informatics - doctoral - P0988D350008 (3)
Biomedical Sciences - doctoral - P0912D35A4497 (2)
Biomedical Informatics - doctoral - P0988D350007 (5)
Biomedical Sciences - doctoral - P0912D35A4338 (4)
Bioorganic Chemistry - doctoral - P0531D130007 (4)
Bioorganic Chemistry - doctoral - P0531D130008 (4)
Biophysics and Chemical Physics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0533A110013 (1)
Biophysics, Chemical and Macromolecular Physics - doctoral - P0533D110024 (4)
Middle Eastern Studies - doctoral - P0222D120003 (2)
Middle Eastern Studies - Bachelor's - B0231A090021 (1)
Middle Eastern Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0288A120001 (1)
Bohemistics for Foreigners - Bachelor's - B0231A090001 (1)
Bohemistics for Foreigners - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0231A090062 (1)
Botany - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0511A030017 (1)
Botany - doctoral - P0511D030028 (4)
Botany - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0511A030018 (1)
Botany - doctoral - P0511D030024 (4)
Cell Biology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0511A030019 (1)
Cardiovascular Science - doctoral - P0912D350020 (4)
Cell Biology and Pathology - doctoral - P0511D350003 (5)
Church and General History - doctoral - P0222D120021 (2)
Classical Archaeology - doctoral - P0222D120019 (2)
Clinical and social pharmacy - doctoral - P0916D080006 (4)
Coach - Bachelor's - B1014A280005 (1)
Computational linguistics - doctoral - P0619D140002 (4)
Computational mathematics - doctoral - P0541D170009 (4)
Computational Mathematics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0541A170011 (1)
Computer Science - Bachelor's - B0613A140007 (1)
Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0619A140002 (1)
Computer Science - Discrete Models and Algorithms - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0688A140010 (1)
Computer Science - Language Technologies and Computational Linguistics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0688A140011 (1)
Computer Science - Software and Data Engineering - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0613A140011 (1)
Computer Science - Software Systems - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0613A140012 (1)
Computer Science - Software Systems - doctoral - P0613D140010 (4)
Computer Science - Theoretical Computer Science - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0688A140017 (1)
Computer Science - Theory of Computing, Discrete Models and Optimization - doctoral - P0613D140008 (4)
Computer Science - Visual computing and computer games - doctoral - P0613D140011 (4)
Computer Science - Visual Computing and Game Development - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0613A140014 (1)
Contemporary European Cultural History - doctoral - P0222D120012 (2)
Corporate Strategy and Finance in Europe - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0311A050033 (1)
Particle and Nuclear Physics - doctoral - P0533D110022 (4)
Particle and Nuclear Physics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0533A110014 (1)
Czech History - doctoral - P0222D120040 (2)
Czech-German Studies - Bachelor's - B0312A200012 (1)
Czech Language - doctoral - P0232D090058 (2)
Czech Language and Literature - Bachelor's - B0232A090001 (1)
Czech Language and Literature - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0232A090013 (1)
Czech Language and Literature for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - B0114A090006 (1)
Czech Language for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - B0114A090014 (10)
History for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - B0114A120003 (9)
Asian History and Culture - doctoral - P0288D090001 (2)
History of Ancient Civilization - doctoral - P0222D120042 (2)
History of Czech Literature and Literary Theory - doctoral - P0232D090046 (1)
History of European Culture - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0222A120016 (1)
History of European Culture - Bachelor's - B0222A120011 (1)
History of Christian Art - Bachelor's - B0213A320008 (1)
History of Christian Art - doctoral - P0213D320007 (2)
History of Christian Art - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0213A320007 (1)
History of Medicine - doctoral - P0222D120036 (2)
History of Modern European Culture - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0222A120002 (1)
History of Art - Bachelor's - B0213A320009 (1)
History of Art - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0213A320004 (1)
History of Visual Arts - doctoral - P0213D320002 (2)
Demography - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0314A330006 (1)
Demography - doctoral - P0532D330014 (2)
Demography - Bachelor's - B0314A330001 (3)
Demography - doctoral - P0532D330015 (2)
Demography - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0314A330007 (1)
Dental Hygiene - Bachelor's - B0911P360002 (1)
Dentistry - Master's - M0911A350006 (1)
Dentistry - Master's - M0911A350003 (1)
Dentistry - Master's - M0911A350001 (1)
Dentistry, Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery - doctoral - P0912D35A4526 (2)
Dermatology - doctoral - P0912D350071 (6)
Germanic and Slavic Studies - doctoral - P0232D090038 (1)
German Language and Litterature with Didactics - doctoral - P0111D300008 (2)
German and French Philosophy - doctoral - P0223D100005 (2)
German and French Philosophy - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0223A100010 (1)
Developmental and Cell Biology - doctoral - P0511D030046 (6)
Didactics of Art Education - doctoral - P0111D300025 (2)
Didactics of Geography - doctoral - P0532D330027 (2)
Didactics of Chemistry - doctoral - P0111D300004 (4)
Didactics of Biology - doctoral - P0111D300035 (2)
Didactics of Czech Language - doctoral - P0111D300033 (2)
Physics Education and General Problems of Physics - doctoral - P0111D110002 (3)
Didactics of Geography - doctoral - P0532D330026 (2)
Didactics of Chemistry - doctoral - P0111D300003 (4)
Mathematics Education - doctoral - P0111D300005 (2)
Didactics of Art Education - doctoral - P0111D300026 (2)
Digital Social Science - doctoral - P0312D200030 (5)
Theatre Studies - Bachelor's - B0215A320011 (1)
Theatre Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0215A320002 (1)
Early Christian Studies - doctoral - P0221D100028 (1)
Ecology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0511A030035 (1)
Ecology - doctoral - P0511D030025 (4)
Economics and Econometrics - doctoral - P0311D050006 (2)
Economics and Finance - doctoral - P0311D050002 (2)
Economics and Finance - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0311A050032 (1)
Economics and Finance - Bachelor's - B0311A050018 (1)
Education - doctoral - P0111D190005 (2)
Educational and School Psychology - doctoral - P0313D230010 (2)
Heritage Education and Interpretation - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0288A120002 (1)
Egyptology - doctoral - P0222D120018 (2)
Egyptology - doctoral - P0222D120017 (2)
Ecological and Evolutionary Biology - Bachelor's - B0511A030013 (1)
Ecology - doctoral - P0511D030023 (4)
Ecology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0511A030034 (1)
Master in Economic Research - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0311A050010 (1)
Economics and Econometrics - doctoral - P0311D050005 (2)
Economics and Finance - Bachelor's - B0311A050017 (1)
Economics and Finance - doctoral - P0311D050001 (2)
Economics and Finance - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0311A050031 (1)
Electronic Culture and Semiotics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0321A180002 (1)
Empirical and Comparative Linguistics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0239A090001 (1)
English Language and Literature in a Didactic Perspective - doctoral - P0232D300002 (2)
English Language for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - B0114A090021 (2)
Environmental Science - doctoral - P0521D030008 (4)
Environmental Science - doctoral - P0521D030007 (4)
Occupational Therapy - Bachelor's - B0915P360002 (1)
Occupational Therapy for Adults - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0915A360003 (1)
Aesthetics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0223A320001 (1)
Aesthetics - Bachelor's - B0213A320004 (1)
Aesthetics - doctoral - P0213D320004 (2)
Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology - doctoral - P0314D250007 (2)
Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0314A250006 (1)
Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology - Bachelor's - B0314A250007 (1)
Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology - doctoral - P0314D250006 (2)
Contemporary European Cultural History - doctoral - P0222D120010 (2)
European Politics and Society: Vaclav Havel Joint Master Programme - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0312A200018 (1)
Protestant Theology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0221A100015 (2)
Protestant Theology - Bachelor's - B0221A100016 (2)
Evolutionary Biology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0511A030011 (1)
Experimental and Clinical Oncology - doctoral - P0912D350152 (4)
Experimental Plant Biology - doctoral - P0511D030034 (4)
Experimental Surgery - doctoral - P0912D350029 (4)
Experimental Surgery - doctoral - P0912D350050 (4)
Experimental and Clinical Oncology - doctoral - P0912D350151 (5)
Experimental Plant Biology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0511A030022 (1)
Experimental Plant Biology - doctoral - P0511D030033 (4)
Experimental Surgery - doctoral - P0912D350028 (4)
Experimental Surgery - doctoral - P0912D350049 (6)
Pharmaceutical Analysis - doctoral - P0916D080007 (4)
Pharmaceutical Chemistry - doctoral - P0916D080008 (4)
Pharmaceutical Technology - doctoral - P0916D080004 (4)
Pharmacy - Master's - M0916A080001 (1)
Pharmacognosy and Nutraceuticals - doctoral - P0916D080002 (4)
Pharmacology and Toxicology - doctoral - P0916D080025 (4)
Pharmacology and Toxicology - doctoral - P0916D350001 (7)
Pharmacology and Toxicology - doctoral - P0916D080009 (2)
Film Studies - Bachelor's - B0215A320012 (1)
Film Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0215A320010 (1)
Film Studies - doctoral - P0211D320001 (2)
Philosophy and Ethics - Bachelor's - B0223A100011 (1)
Philosophy in the context of humanities - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0223A100008 (1)
Philosophy - Bachelor's - B0223A100007 (1)
Philosophy - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0223A100013 (1)
Philosophy - doctoral - P0223D100018 (2)
Philosophy and History of Science - doctoral - P0223D030001 (2)
Philosophy of Religion - doctoral - P0223D100014 (2)
Philosophy in Jewish and Christian Contexts - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0223A100003 (3)
Philosophy in Jewish and Christian Contexts - Bachelor's - B0223A100001 (3)
Philosophy of Education - doctoral - P0111D190015 (2)
Finance and Data Analytics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0311A050027 (1)
Financial and Insurance Mathematics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0541A170012 (1)
Financial and Insurance Mathematics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0541A170013 (1)
Financial Mathematics - Bachelor's - B0542A170001 (1)
Fitness Coach - Bachelor's - B1014A280007 (1)
Phonetics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0232A090011 (1)
Phonetics - doctoral - P0232D090052 (1)
Phonetics - Bachelor's - B0232A090013 (1)
French Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0231A090064 (1)
French Studies - Bachelor's - B0231A090080 (1)
French Language and Literature for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - B0114A090007 (1)
French for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - B0114A090015 (7)
Physical Geography and Geoecology - doctoral - P0532D330020 (4)
Physical Geography and Geoecology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0532A330029 (1)
Physics - Bachelor's - B0533A110001 (1)
Atmospheric Physics, Meteorology and Climatology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0533A110015 (1)
Atmospheric physics, meteorology and climatology - doctoral - P0533D110009 (4)
Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials Research - doctoral - P0533D110028 (4)
Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0533A110016 (1)
Physics of nanostructures and nanomaterials - doctoral - P0533D110025 (4)
Physics of Plasmas and Ionized Media - doctoral - P0533D110014 (4)
Surface and Plasma Physics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0533A110017 (1)
Physics of Surfaces and Interfaces - doctoral - P0533D110015 (4)
Physics for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - B0114A110001 (2)
Physics of the Earth and Planets - doctoral - P0533D110011 (4)
Physical Chemistry - doctoral - P0531D130038 (4)
Physical Chemistry - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0531A130019 (1)
Human Physiology and Pathophysiology - doctoral - P0912D350069 (6)
Physiology and Pathological Physiology - doctoral - P0912D350084 (4)
Animal Physiology - doctoral - P0511D030031 (2)
Animal Physiology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0511A030023 (1)
Physiotherapy - Bachelor's - B0915P360020 (1)
Physiotherapy - Bachelor's - B0915P360019 (1)
Physioterapy - Bachelor's - B0915P360001 (1)
Physiotherapy - Bachelor's - B0915A360005 (1)
Gender Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0314A250011 (1)
Gender Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0314A250012 (2)
General Anthropology - doctoral - P0314D030002 (2)
General Geography - doctoral - P0532D330019 (2)
General Linguistics - doctoral - P0232D090020 (2)
General Medicine - Master's - M0912A350006 (1)
General Medicine - Master's - M0912A350004 (1)
General Medicine - Master's - M0912A350010 (1)
General Medicine - Master's - M0912A350013 (1)
General Medicine - Master's - M0912A350009 (1)
General Questions of Mathematics and Computer Science - doctoral - P0541D170014 (4)
Genetics, Molecular Biology and Virology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0511A030042 (1)
Geobiology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0532A330006 (1)
Geophysics and Planetary Science - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0533A110018 (1)
Geography and Cartography - Bachelor's - B0532A330027 (1)
Geography for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - B0114A330001 (4)
Geoinformatics, Cartography and Remote Sensing - doctoral - P0532D330023 (4)
Geoinformatics, Cartography and Remote Sensing - doctoral - P0532D330022 (4)
Geoinformatics, Cartography and Remote Sensing - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0532A330032 (1)
Geology - doctoral - P0532D330012 (2)
Geology - Bachelor's - B0532A330015 (2)
Geology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0532A330016 (1)
Geology for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - B0114A330004 (2)
Geology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0532A330013 (1)
Geology - doctoral - P0532D330013 (2)
Geometry, topology, and global analysis - doctoral - P0541D170017 (4)
Geometry, topology, and global analysis - doctoral - P0541D170018 (4)
Geopolitical Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0312A200012 (1)
Geotechnology - Bachelor's - B0532A330006 (1)
Germanic and Nordic Languages and Literatures - doctoral - P0232D090040 (2)
Germanic and Slavic Studies - doctoral - P0232D090036 (1)
Germanic and Slavic Studies - doctoral - P0232D090037 (1)
Germanic and North European Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0231A090067 (2)
Germanic and North European Studies - Bachelor's - B0231A090075 (3)
Germanic and Nordic Languages and Literatures - doctoral - P0232D090039 (2)
Global Migration and Development Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0532A330017 (1)
Gynaecology and Obstetrics - doctoral - P0912D350087 (2)
Gynaecology, Obstetrics and Pediatrics - doctoral - P0912D350156 (2)
Gynaecology and Obstetrics - doctoral - P0912D350086 (2)
Gynaecology and Obstetrics - doctoral - P0912D350054 (1)
Gynaecology, Obstetrics and Pediatrics - doctoral - P0912D350155 (2)
Hebrew and Jewish Studies - Bachelor's - B0231A090067 (1)
Hispanian Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0231A090065 (1)
Hispanian Studies - Bachelor's - B0231A090081 (1)
Historical and Systematic Theology - doctoral - P0221D100017 (2)
Historical Sociology - doctoral - P0314D250002 (2)
Historical and Systematic Theology - doctoral - P0221D100016 (2)
Historical Sociology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0314A250001 (2)
Historical Sociology - doctoral - P0314D250001 (2)
History - Bachelor's - B0222A120016 (1)
History - Czech History in European Context - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0222A120029 (1)
History – Economic and Social History - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0222A120024 (1)
History – General History - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0222A120025 (1)
History for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - B0114A120002 (1)
Public History - doctoral - P0222D120030 (2)
History/General History - doctoral - P0222D120038 (2)
History and Area Studies - Bachelor's - B0222A120017 (1)
History of Medicine - doctoral - P0222D120037 (1)
History of Visual Arts - doctoral - P0213D320003 (1)
History/General History - doctoral - P0222D120039 (1)
Management of Natural Resources - Bachelor's - B0532A330017 (1)
Playing Instrument for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - B0114A320003 (1)
Musical Theory and Education - doctoral - P0111D300016 (2)
Musicology - doctoral - P0215D320005 (2)
Musicology - Bachelor's - B0215A320010 (1)
Musicology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0215A320009 (1)
Music Education for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - B0114A320001 (6)
Human Physiology and Pathophysiology - doctoral - P0912D350070 (5)
Hussite Theology - Bachelor's - B0221A100007 (5)
Hussite Theology - doctoral - P0221D100020 (2)
Hussite Theology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0221A100008 (5)
Hussite Theology - doctoral - P0221D100021 (1)
Hydrology and Hydrogeology - Bachelor's - B0532A330029 (1)
Hydrology and Hydrogeology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0532A330014 (1)
Chemistry - Bachelor's - B0531A130005 (1)
Chemistry and Physics of Materials - Bachelor's - B0531A130007 (1)
Chemistry and Physics of Materials - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0531A130006 (1)
Chemistry for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - B0114A130005 (10)
Chemistry for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - B0114A130003 (5)
Surgery - doctoral - P0912D350030 (1)
Surgery - doctoral - P0912D350098 (2)
Choral Singing for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - B0114A320006 (1)
Ibero-American Studies - doctoral - P0222D120047 (2)
Ibero-American Studies - doctoral - P0222D120046 (2)
Ibero-American Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0222A120009 (1)
Imaging Methods in Medicine - doctoral - P0914D350006 (2)
Immunology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0511A030024 (1)
Immunology - doctoral - P0511D030041 (10)
Immunology - doctoral - P0511D030042 (11)
Immunology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0511A030025 (1)
Information, media and book culture - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0322A180001 (2)
Information Studies and Librarianship - Bachelor's - B0322A180001 (1)
Information and Communication Technology for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - B0114A140004 (10)
Information Science - doctoral - P0322D180001 (2)
Computer Science - Bachelor's - B0613A140006 (1)
Computer Science - Discrete Models and Algorithms - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0688A140012 (1)
Computer Science - Language Technologies and Computational Linguistics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0688A140013 (1)
Computer Science - Software and Data Engineering - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0613A140015 (1)
Computer Science - Software Systems - doctoral - P0613D140009 (4)
Computer Science - Software Systems - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0613A140016 (1)
Computer Science - Theoretical Computer Science - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0688A140018 (1)
Computer Science - Theory of Computing, Discrete Models and Optimization - doctoral - P0613D140007 (4)
Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0619A140003 (1)
Computer Science - Visual computing and computer games - doctoral - P0613D140012 (4)
Computer Science - Visual Computing and Game Development - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0613A140018 (1)
Information Science - doctoral - P0322D180002 (1)
Inorganic Chemistry - doctoral - P0531D130040 (4)
Intensive Care - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0913P360001 (1)
International Economic and Political Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0312A200148 (1)
International Relations - doctoral - P0312D200002 (2)
International Relations - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0312A200033 (1)
International Security Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0312A200031 (1)
Italian Studies - Bachelor's - B0231A090076 (1)
Italian Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0231A090015 (1)
Deaf Studies - Bachelor's - B0231A090072 (1)
Jewish Studies - doctoral - P0288D120002 (2)
Jewish Studies - doctoral - P0221D100022 (1)
Jewish Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0221A100001 (4)
Jewish Studies - Bachelor's - B0221A100001 (4)
Jewish Studies - doctoral - P0221D100023 (2)
Cardiovascular Science - doctoral - P0912D350021 (6)
Catholic Theology - Master's - M0221A100003 (1)
Catholic Theology - doctoral - P0221D100004 (2)
Kinanthropology - doctoral - P1014D280005 (2)
Kinanthropology - doctoral - P1014D280004 (2)
Kinesiology and Rehabilitation - doctoral - P0915D360002 (1)
Kinesiology and Rehabilitation - doctoral - P0915D360001 (2)
Classical Archaeology - Bachelor's - B0222A120024 (1)
Classical Archaeology - doctoral - P0222D120020 (2)
Classical Archaeology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0222A120030 (1)
Classical Philology - doctoral - P0231D090014 (1)
Clinical and social pharmacy - doctoral - P0916D080001 (4)
Clinical and Toxicological Analysis - Bachelor's - B0531A130027 (1)
Clinical and Toxicological Analysis - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0531A130037 (1)
Clinical Biochemistry - doctoral - P0912D350043 (1)
Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics - Bachelor's - B0232A09A4560 (1)
Clinical Oncology and Radiotherapy - doctoral - P0912D350060 (1)
Comparative Literature - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0232A090014 (1)
Communication Studies - Bachelor's - B0321A180005 (3)
Community, Crisis and Pastoral Work - Diaconia - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0221A100007 (1)
Fitness Coach - Bachelor's - B1014A280006 (2)
Corpus and Theoretical Linguistics - doctoral - P0232D090021 (2)
Landscape and Society - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0532A330033 (1)
Quantum Optics and Optoelectronics - doctoral - P0533D110017 (4)
Laboratory diagnostics in health care - Bachelor's - B0914A360002 (2)
Medieval and Neo-Latin Studies - doctoral - P0232D090054 (2)
Latin Language and Literature for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - B0114A090008 (1)
Medicinal plants and Nutraceutics - Bachelor's - B0519A030001 (1)
Medical and Pharmaceutical Microbiology - doctoral - P0912D350153 (3)
Medical Biophysics - doctoral - P0912D110001 (8)
Medical Biology and Genetics - doctoral - P0511D350002 (4)
Medical Pharmacology - doctoral - P0912D350088 (2)
Medical Immunology - doctoral - P0912D350047 (1)
Medical Microbiology - doctoral - P0912D350027 (2)
Medical Psychology and Psychopathology - doctoral - P0313D350001 (3)
Liberal Arts and Humanities - Bachelor's - B0288A120001 (1)
Logic - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0223A170001 (1)
Logic - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0223A170002 (1)
Logic - Bachelor's - B0223A170001 (1)
Speech Therapy - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0915A190002 (2)
Longevity Studies - doctoral - P0388D250002 (2)
Macromolecular Chemistry - doctoral - P0531D130042 (4)
Macromolecular Chemistry - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0531A130022 (1)
Macromolecular Chemistry - doctoral - P0531D130041 (4)
Sport Management - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0413A280002 (1)
Sports Management - Bachelor's - B0413A280001 (1)
Master in Area Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0312A200024 (1)
Master in Economic Research - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0311A050011 (1)
Master of Arts in Sports Ethics and Integrity - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0223A280001 (1)
Mathematical analysis - doctoral - P0541D170015 (4)
Mathematical Analysis - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0541A170014 (1)
Computational linguistics - doctoral - P0619D140001 (4)
Mathematical and computer modeling - doctoral - P0541D170012 (4)
Mathematical and Computational Modelling in Physics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0533A110020 (1)
Mathematical Modelling - Bachelor's - B0541A170014 (1)
Mathematical Modelling in Physics and Technology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0541A170015 (1)
Mathematical Structures - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0541A170016 (1)
Mathematics for Information Technologies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0541A170017 (1)
Mathematics for Information Technologies - Bachelor's - B0541A170003 (1)
Mathematics for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - B0114A170007 (14)
Mathematics for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - B0114A170004 (6)
Mathematical analysis - doctoral - P0541D170016 (4)
Mathematical Analysis - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0541A170018 (1)
Mathematical and computer modeling - doctoral - P0541D170011 (4)
Mathematical Modelling in Physics and Technology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0541A170019 (1)
Mathematical Structures - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0541A170020 (1)
Mathematics Education - doctoral - P0111D300006 (2)
Mathematics for Information Technologies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0541A170021 (1)
Media and Area studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0388A180002 (1)
Media and Communication studies - doctoral - P0321D180004 (2)
Media and Communication studies - doctoral - P0321D180005 (2)
Media Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0321A180003 (2)
Medical Biology and Genetics - doctoral - P0511D350001 (4)
Medical Biophysics - doctoral - P0912D110002 (7)
Medical Microbiology - doctoral - P0912D350026 (2)
Medical Pharmacology - doctoral - P0912D350089 (2)
Medical Psychology and Psychopathology - doctoral - P0313D350002 (2)
Medicinal Chemistry - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0531A130005 (1)
Medicinal Chemistry - Bachelor's - B0531A130006 (1)
Medieval and Neo-Latin Studies - doctoral - P0232D090055 (1)
Intercultural Communication: Czech and German for Translation and Interpreting - Bachelor's - B0231A090078 (1)
Intercultural Communication: Translation and Interpreting - Bachelor's - B0231A090019 (5)
Area Studies - doctoral - P0312D200010 (2)
International Relations - doctoral - P0312D200001 (2)
International Relations - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0312A200034 (1)
Microbiology - doctoral - P0511D030030 (5)
Microbiology - doctoral - P0511D030029 (6)
Microbiology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0511A030027 (1)
Modelling of Chemical Properties on Nano- and Biostructures - doctoral - P0531D130044 (4)
Modelling of Chemical Properties on Nano- and Biostructures - doctoral - P0531D130043 (4)
Modern Economic and Social History - doctoral - P0222D120045 (2)
Modern history - doctoral - P0222D120013 (2)
Modern history - doctoral - P0222D120014 (2)
Modern Economic and Social History - doctoral - P0222D120044 (2)
Molecular and Cellular Biology, Genetics and Virology - doctoral - P0511D030040 (10)
Molecular and Cellular Biology, Genetics and Virology - doctoral - P0511D030039 (11)
Molecular Biology and Biochemistry of Organisms - Bachelor's - B0511A030015 (1)
Music Education for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - B0114A320007 (3)
Musical Theory and Education - doctoral - P0111D300017 (2)
Musicology - doctoral - P0215D320006 (1)
Museum studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0322P320001 (2)
Religion and Social Sciences for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - B0114A100002 (1)
German and French Philosophy - doctoral - P0223D100003 (2)
German and Central European Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0312A200016 (1)
German Language and Litterature with Didactics - doctoral - P0111D300007 (2)
German Language and Literature for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - B0114A090009 (1)
German Language for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - B0114A090016 (7)
Neurology - doctoral - P0912D350018 (1)
Neurology, Psychiatry and Mental Health - doctoral - P0912D350154 (2)
Neurosciences - doctoral - P0912D350105 (5)
Neurosciences - doctoral - P0912D350104 (6)
Computational mathematics - doctoral - P0541D170010 (4)
Computational Mathematics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0541A170022 (1)
Nutritional and Metabolic Sciences - doctoral - P0912D360001 (4)
Nutritional Therapy - Bachelor's - B0915P360003 (2)
Nutritional Therapy - Bachelor's - B0915P360012 (1)
Nutritional and Metabolic Sciences - doctoral - P0912D360002 (3)
General and Comparative Literature - doctoral - P0232D090050 (2)
General Anthropology - doctoral - P0314D030001 (2)
General Geography - doctoral - P0532D330018 (2)
General Linguistics - Bachelor's - B0232A090010 (1)
General Linguistics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0232A090010 (1)
General Linguistics - doctoral - P0232D090019 (2)
General Mathematics - Bachelor's - B0541A170011 (1)
General Questions of Mathematics and Computer Science - doctoral - P0541D170013 (4)
Ophthalmology - doctoral - P0912D350039 (1)
Environmental Protection - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0521A030006 (1)
Environmental Protection - Bachelor's - B0521A030006 (1)
Optics and Optoelectronics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0533A110022 (1)
Optics and Optoelectronics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0533A110023 (1)
Oral History - Contemporary History - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0222A120023 (2)
Organic Chemistry - doctoral - P0531D130034 (4)
Organic Chemistry - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0531A130024 (1)
Organic Chemistry - doctoral - P0531D130033 (4)
Orthopaedics - doctoral - P0912D350092 (6)
Parasitology - doctoral - P0511D030043 (5)
Parasitology and Infection Biology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0511A030047 (1)
Parasitology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0511A030029 (1)
Parasitology - doctoral - P0511D030044 (6)
Particle and Nuclear Physics - doctoral - P0533D110021 (4)
Particle and Nuclear Physics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0533A110024 (1)
Pastoral and Social Work - Bachelor's - B0923P240004 (2)
Pathology - doctoral - P0912D350095 (2)
Pathological Anatomy - doctoral - P0912D350032 (1)
Pathology - doctoral - P0912D350094 (2)
Educational and School Psychology - doctoral - P0313D230009 (2)
Education - doctoral - P0111D190006 (4)
Education - Bachelor's - B0111A190018 (7)
Education - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0111A190011 (2)
Education - Bachelor's - B0111A190010 (2)
Pedagogy of Pre-school Age - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0111A190017 (1)
Paediatric Nursing - Bachelor's - B0913P360003 (1)
Personalized Diagnostics and Therapy in Oncology - doctoral - P0912D350158 (2)
Personalized Diagnostics and Therapy in Oncology - doctoral - P0912D350157 (2)
Pharmaceutical Analysis - doctoral - P0916D080010 (4)
Pharmaceutical Chemistry - doctoral - P0916D080011 (4)
Pharmaceutical Sciences - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0916A080001 (1)
Pharmaceutical Technology - doctoral - P0916D080005 (4)
Pharmacognosy and Nutraceuticals - doctoral - P0916D080003 (4)
Pharmacology and Toxicology - doctoral - P0916D350002 (5)
Pharmacology and Toxicology - doctoral - P0916D080012 (2)
Pharmacology and Toxicology - doctoral - P0916D080026 (2)
Pharmacy - Master's - M0916A080002 (1)
German and French Philosophy - doctoral - P0223D100004 (2)
Philosophy - doctoral - P0223D100019 (2)
Philosophy and History of Science - doctoral - P0223D030002 (2)
Philosophy of Education - doctoral - P0111D190014 (2)
Philosophy of Religion - doctoral - P0223D100015 (2)
Phonetics - doctoral - P0232D090053 (1)
Physical Geography and Geoecology - doctoral - P0532D330021 (4)
Physical Chemistry - doctoral - P0531D130037 (4)
Physics Education and General Problems of Physics - doctoral - P0111D110003 (3)
Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0533A110025 (1)
Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials Research - doctoral - P0533D110027 (4)
Physics of nanostructures and nanomaterials - doctoral - P0533D110026 (4)
Physics of Plasmas and Ionized Media - doctoral - P0533D110013 (4)
Physics of Surfaces and Interfaces - doctoral - P0533D110016 (4)
Physics of the Earth and Planets - doctoral - P0533D110012 (4)
Physiology and Pathological Physiology - doctoral - P0912D350085 (4)
Physiotherapy - Bachelor's - B0915A360006 (1)
Playing Instrument for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - B0114A320005 (2)
Political Science - doctoral - P0312D200015 (2)
Political and Regional Geography - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0314A330003 (1)
Political Theories - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0312A200028 (1)
Politics, Philosophy and Economics - Bachelor's - B0312A200010 (1)
Political Science - doctoral - P0312D200014 (4)
Political Science - Bachelor's - B0312A200021 (1)
Political Science - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0312A200011 (1)
Political Science and International Relations - Bachelor's - B0312A200008 (1)
Political Science and Public Policy - Bachelor's - B0312A200009 (1)
Auxiliary Historical Sciences - doctoral - P0322D120001 (2)
Midwifery - Bachelor's - B0913P360014 (1)
Midwifery - Bachelor's - B0913P360042 (1)
Practical and Ecumenical Theology and Theological Ethics - doctoral - P0221D100019 (2)
Practical and Ecumenical Theology and Theological Ethics - doctoral - P0221D100018 (2)
Applied Geobiology - Bachelor's - B0532A330024 (1)
Probability and statistics, econometrics and financial mathematics - doctoral - P0542D170001 (4)
Probability, Mathematical Statistics and Econometrics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0541A170023 (1)
Law and Jurisprudence - Master's - M0421A220006 (1)
Orthodox Theology - Bachelor's - B0221A100010 (4)
Orthodox Theology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0221A100011 (4)
Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology - doctoral - P0912D350068 (4)
Preventive Medicine - doctoral - P0912D350149 (2)
Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology - doctoral - P0912D350067 (6)
Probability and statistics, econometrics and financial mathematics - doctoral - P0542D170002 (4)
Probability, Mathematical Statistics and Econometrics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0541A170024 (1)
Protestant Theology - Bachelor's - B0221A100017 (1)
Protistology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0511A030038 (1)
Translation Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0231A090070 (5)
Psychiatry - doctoral - P0912D350037 (1)
Psychology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0313A230003 (1)
Psychology - doctoral - P0313D23A4474 (2)
Psychology - Bachelor's - B0313A230006 (1)
Psychology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0313A230007 (1)
Psychology with special pedagogy extension - Bachelor's - B0313A230008 (1)
Psychology - doctoral - P0313D23A4476 (1)
Public and Social Policy - doctoral - P0312D250013 (2)
Public and Social Policy Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0314A250016 (1)
Public History - doctoral - P0222D120031 (2)
Quantum Optics and Optoelectronics - doctoral - P0533D110018 (4)
Radiological assistance - Bachelor's - B0914P360020 (1)
Radiology - doctoral - P0912D350035 (1)
Early Christian Studies - doctoral - P0221D100027 (2)
Regional and Political Geography - doctoral - P0532D330028 (2)
Regional and Political Geography - doctoral - P0532D330029 (2)
Religious Studies - Bachelor's - B0221A100014 (1)
Religious Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0221A100002 (3)
Religious Studies - Bachelor's - B0221A100002 (3)
Religious Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0221A100010 (1)
Religious Studies - doctoral - P0221D100024 (2)
Reproduction and Developmental Biology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0511A030010 (1)
Romance Languages - doctoral - P0232D090061 (1)
Romance Literatures - doctoral - P0232D090045 (1)
Romance Languages - doctoral - P0232D090060 (2)
Romance Literatures - doctoral - P0232D090044 (2)
Russian Language and Literature - Bachelor's - B0231A090024 (1)
Russian Language and Literature - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0231A090061 (1)
Russian Language for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - B0114A090017 (5)
Russian Language for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - B0114A090010 (1)
Greek and Latin Studies - Bachelor's - B0231A090022 (2)
Greek and Latin Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0231A090014 (1)
Management and Supervision in Social and Health Care Organizations - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0988A240002 (3)
Choral Singing for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - B0114A320004 (1)
Science - Bachelor's - B0588A130002 (1)
Semiotics and Philosophy of Communication - doctoral - P0223D100027 (2)
Semiotics and Philosophy of Communication - doctoral - P0223D100026 (2)
Chinese Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0231A090054 (1)
Chinese Studies - Bachelor's - B0231A090070 (1)
Slavic Philology - doctoral - P0232D090064 (1)
Slavic Literature Studies - doctoral - P0232D090048 (2)
Social Ecology - doctoral - P0388D030002 (2)
Social Geography and Regional Development - doctoral - P0532D330030 (2)
Social Sciences - Bachelor's - B0314A250014 (1)
Social and Charity Work - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0923A240001 (2)
Social and Charity Work - Bachelor's - B0923A240001 (1)
Social and Cultural Ecology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0319A250001 (1)
Social Ecology - doctoral - P0388D030001 (2)
Social Epidemiology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0588A330001 (1)
Social Geography and Regional Development - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0314A330005 (2)
Social Geography and Regional Development - doctoral - P0532D330031 (2)
Social Pedagogy - Bachelor's - B0114P190001 (1)
Social Work - doctoral - P0923D240008 (2)
Social Work - Bachelor's - B0923A240003 (1)
Society, Communication and Media - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0314A250008 (1)
Sociology - Bachelor's - B0314A250005 (2)
Sociology - Bachelor's - B0314A250018 (1)
Sociology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0314A250017 (1)
Sociology - doctoral - P0314D250012 (2)
Sociology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0314A250005 (1)
Sociology - doctoral - P0314D250005 (2)
Sociology a Social Policy - Bachelor's - B0314A250004 (1)
Sociology - doctoral - P0314D250013 (1)
Sociology - doctoral - P0314D250004 (2)
Sociology of Contemporary Societies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0314A250018 (1)
Contemporary European Cultural History - doctoral - P0222D120011 (2)
Special Education - doctoral - P0111D190012 (2)
Special Education - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0111A190014 (2)
Special Education - doctoral - P0111D190013 (2)
Special Education - Bachelor's - B0111A190012 (2)
Special Education/Speech Therapy - Bachelor's - B0111A190014 (1)
Sport Management - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0413A280003 (1)
Stomatology - doctoral - P0911D350007 (2)
Dentistry - doctoral - P0911D350004 (1)
Stomatology - doctoral - P0911D350008 (2)
Strategic communication - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0414A180003 (1)
Central European Studies - Bachelor's - B0231A090023 (3)
Medieval Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0288A120003 (1)
Longevity Studies - doctoral - P0388D250001 (2)
New Media Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0321A180008 (1)
Studies of Civil Society - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0314A250013 (2)
Civil Sector Studies - doctoral - P0312D250001 (2)
Humanities and Social Sciences - Bachelor's - B0288A250001 (2)
Surface and Plasma Physics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0533A110026 (1)
School Management - Bachelor's - B0413A190001 (1)
Spanish Language and Literature for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - B0114A090011 (1)
Teacher Education of Educational Sciences for Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0114A300140 (2)
Teacher Education of English Language for Lower and Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0114A300136 (4)
Teacher Education of Choral Singing - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0114A300137 (1)
Teacher Education of Musics for Lower and Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0114A300138 (4)
Teacher Education of Playing Instrument - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0114A300141 (2)
Physical Education for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - B0114A280007 (5)
Physical Education and Sport for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - B0114A300050 (14)
Theological Studies - Bachelor's - B0221A100013 (1)
Theological Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0221A100012 (1)
Theology of Christian Traditions - Bachelor's - B0221A100018 (1)
Theoretical and Evolutionary Biology - doctoral - P0511D030037 (2)
Theoretical and Evolutionary Biology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0511A030040 (1)
Theoretical Physics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0533A110027 (1)
Theoretical Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics - doctoral - P0533D110019 (4)
Theoretical Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence - doctoral - P0619D140003 (4)
Theoretical Legal Sciences - European Law - doctoral - P0421D220007 (2)
Theoretical Legal Sciences - Financial Law and Financial Science - doctoral - P0421D220006 (2)
Theoretical Legal Sciences - International Law - doctoral - P0421D220010 (2)
Theoretical Legal Sciences - Private International Law and International Trade Law - doctoral - P0421D220009 (2)
Theoretical Legal Sciences - Civil Law - doctoral - P0421D220011 (2)
Theoretical Legal Sciences - Business Law - doctoral - P0421D220012 (2)
Theoretical Legal Sciences - Employment Law and Social Security Law - doctoral - P0421D220013 (2)
Theoretical Legal Sciences - History of Law and Roman Law - doctoral - P0421D220014 (2)
Theoretical Legal Sciences - Environmental Law - doctoral - P0421D220015 (2)
Theoretical Legal Sciences - Administrative Law and Administrative Science - doctoral - P0421D220008 (2)
Theoretical Legal Sciences – Theory, Philosophy and Sociology of Law - doctoral - P0421D220017 (2)
Theoretical Legal Sciences - Criminal Law, Criminology and Criminalistics - doctoral - P0421D220016 (2)
Theoretical Legal Sciences - Constitutional Law and Politics - doctoral - P0421D220018 (2)
Theoretical and Research Psychology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0313A230005 (1)
Area Studies - Bachelor's - B0312A200011 (3)
Area Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0312A200013 (5)
Theoretical and Evolutionary Biology - doctoral - P0511D030038 (2)
Theoretical Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence - doctoral - P0619D140004 (4)
Theoretical Legal Sciences - Law and Legal Theory in European Context - doctoral - P0421D220019 (2)
Theoretical Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics - doctoral - P0533D110020 (4)
Translation Studies - doctoral - P0231D090011 (1)
Translation Studies - doctoral - P0231D090008 (2)
Coach - Bachelor's - B1014A280004 (2)
Teaching - History Education - doctoral - P0111D300010 (2)
Teacher Education of English Language and Literature for Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0114A300057 (1)
Teacher Education of English Language for Lower and Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0114A300087 (10)
Teacher Education of Biology for Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0114A300109 (6)
Teacher Education of Biology for Lower and Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0114A300088 (5)
Teacher Education of Czech Language and Literature for Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0114A300058 (1)
Teacher Education of Czech Language for Lower and Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0114A300089 (12)
Teacher Education of Czech as a Second Language for Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0114A300144 (1)
Teacher Education of History for Lower and Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0114A300090 (9)
Teacher Education of Philosophy for Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0114A300143 (1)
Teacher Education of French Language and Literature for Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0114A300059 (1)
Teacher Education of French Language for Lower and Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0114A300091 (6)
Teacher Education of Physics for Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0114A110003 (1)
Teacher Education of Geography for Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0114A300003 (5)
Teacher Education of Geology for Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0114A300107 (3)
Teacher Education of History for Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0114A300060 (1)
Teacher Education of Playing Instrument - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0114A300120 (1)
Teacher Education of Musics for Lower and Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0114A300092 (6)
Teacher Education of Chemistry for Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0114A300108 (5)
Teacher Education of Chemistry for Lower and Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0114A300093 (4)
Teacher Education of Information and Communication Technology for Lower and Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0114A300094 (5)
Teacher Education of Latin Language and Literature for Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0114A300061 (1)
Teacher Education of Mathematics for Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0114A300066 (5)
Teacher Education of Mathematics for Lower and Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0114A300095 (11)
Teacher Education of Religion and Social Sciences for Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0114A100002 (1)
Teacher Education of German Language for Lower and Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0114A300096 (7)
Teacher Education of Educational Sciences for Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0114A300097 (8)
Teacher Training in Vocational Education and Training - Bachelor's - B0114P300002 (1)
Teacher Training for Nursery Schools - Bachelor's - B0112A300008 (2)
Teacher Training For Primary Schools - Master's - M0113A300005 (2)
Teacher Education of Russian Language for Lower and Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0114A300098 (3)
Teacher Education of Choral Singing - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0114A300121 (1)
Teacher Education of Spanish Language and Literature for Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0114A300063 (1)
Teacher Education of Physical Education and Military Physical Education for Upper Secondary School - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0114A300047 (2)
Teacher Education of Physical Education for Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0114A300048 (4)
Teacher Education of Physical Education for Lower and Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0114A300122 (5)
Teacher Education of Education towards Health for Lower and Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0114A300099 (6)
Teacher Education of Art Education for Lower and Upper Secondary Schools and Basic Art Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0114A300100 (6)
Teacher Education of Social Sciences for Lower and Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0114A300101 (6)
Earth Sciences - Bachelor's - B0532A330026 (1)
Public and Social Policy - doctoral - P0312D250012 (2)
Public and Social Policy - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0312A250002 (2)
Public Administration and Record Management - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0322P120001 (1)
Public Administration and Record Management - Bachelor's - B0322P120001 (1)
Public Health - doctoral - P0912D350019 (2)
Internal Medicine - doctoral - P0912D350065 (1)
Internal Medicine - doctoral - P0912D350102 (2)
Military Physical Education, Physical Education and Sport for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - B1014A280009 (2)
General Medicine - Master's - M0912A350003 (1)
General Medicine - Master's - M0912A350005 (1)
General Medicine - Master's - M0912A350008 (1)
General Medicine - Master's - M0912A350011 (1)
General Medicine - Master's - M0912A350012 (1)
General Nursing - Bachelor's - B0913P360002 (1)
General Nursing - Bachelor's - B0913P360027 (1)
General Nursing - Bachelor's - B0913P360001 (1)
General Nursing - Bachelor's - B0913P360041 (1)
East European Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0231A090013 (1)
East European Studies - Bachelor's - B0231A090020 (1)
Education towards Health for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - B0114A190002 (9)
Out-of-school upbringing - Bachelor's - B0111P190005 (1)
Art Education for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - B0114A320002 (6)
Developmental and Cell Biology - doctoral - P0511D030045 (7)
Child and Adult Nutrition - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0915A360006 (2)
Xenobiochemistry and Pathobiochemistry - doctoral - P0916D080013 (2)
Xenobiochemistry and Pathobiochemistry - doctoral - P0916D080023 (4)
Xenobiochemistry and Pathobiochemistry - doctoral - P0916D080014 (2)
Xenobiochemistry and Pathobiochemistry - doctoral - P0916D080024 (2)
Social Sciences for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - B0114A100003 (6)
Imaging and irradiating technologies in radiodiagnostics, nuclear medicine and radiotherapy - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0914P360006 (1)
Imaging Methods in Medicine - doctoral - P0914D350005 (4)
Zoology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0511A030036 (1)
Zoology - doctoral - P0511D030026 (4)
Zoology - doctoral - P0511D030027 (4)
Dentistry - Master's - M0911A350007 (1)
Dentistry - Master's - M0911A350002 (1)
Dentistry - Master's - M0911A350004 (1)
Dentistry, Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery - doctoral - P0912D35A4518 (2)
Jewish Studies - doctoral - P0288D120001 (2)
Journalism - Master's (post-Bachelor) - N0321A180007 (1)
Study programme/branch:
Slavic Philology - doctoral - 0232VD090065 (1)
Russian Studies (study programme named after Boris Nemtsov) - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0312TA120002 (1)
Addiction: Specialization in Health Care - doctoral - 0988VD360002 (1)
Addictology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0988TA360001 (1)
Addictology - Bachelor's - 0988RP360001 (2)
Addiction: Specialization in Health Care - doctoral - 0988VD360001 (2)
Algebra, number theory, and mathematical logic - doctoral - 0541VD170020 (4)
Algebra, number theory, and mathematical logic - doctoral - 0541VD170019 (4)
Analytical Chemistry - doctoral - 0531VD130036 (4)
Analytical Chemistry - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0531TA130017 (1)
Analytical Chemistry - doctoral - 0531VD130035 (4)
Anatomy, Histology and Embryology - doctoral - 0912VD350015 (7)
Anatomy, Histology and Embryology - doctoral - 0912VD350016 (7)
Adult education and educational management - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0111TA190001 (2)
Adult Education and Personnel Management - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0111TA190006 (1)
Adult Education and Personnel Management - Bachelor's - 0111RA190004 (1)
English Language - doctoral - 0232VD090075 (1)
English Language and Linguistics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0231TA090063 (1)
English Language and Literature in a Didactic Perspective - doctoral - 0232VD300001 (2)
English Language and Literature for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - 0114RA090012 (3)
English Language for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - 0114RA090013 (20)
English for Translation and Interpreting - Bachelor's - 0231RA0900190037 (1)
English and American Studies - Bachelor's - 0288RA090003 (1)
Anglophone Literatures and Cultures - doctoral - 0232VD090056 (2)
Anglophone Literatures and Cultures - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0231TA0900590000 (1)
Anglophone Literatures and Cultures - doctoral - 0232VD090057 (2)
Anglophone Literatures and Cultures - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0231TA0900660000 (1)
Animal Physiology - doctoral - 0511VD030032 (2)
Inorganic Chemistry - doctoral - 0531VD130039 (4)
Inorganic Chemistry - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0531TA130018 (1)
Anthropology and Human Genetics - doctoral - 0511VD030036 (2)
Anthropological studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0314TA2500040000 (1)
Anthropology and Human Genetics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0511TA030016 (1)
Anthropology and Human Genetics - doctoral - 0511VD030035 (2)
Applied Ethics - doctoral - 0223VD100024 (2)
Applied Ethics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0223TA100005 (2)
Applied Ethics - doctoral - 0223VD100025 (2)
Applied physics and mathematics in medicine and pharmacy - doctoral - 0988VD350010 (4)
Applied Physiotherapy - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0915TA360004 (1)
Applied Physiotherapy - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0915TP360007 (1)
Applied physiotherapy - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0915TP360002 (1)
Applied Geology - doctoral - 0532VD330016 (2)
Applied Geology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0532TA3300220000 (1)
Applied Linguistics for Language Teaching - doctoral - 0232VD300003 (1)
Adapted Physical Education and Sport - Bachelor's - 1014RA280003 (1)
Adapted Physical Education and Sport - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 1014TA280004 (2)
Applied Sport Science - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 1014TA280006 (1)
Applied Geology - doctoral - 0532VD330017 (2)
Applied physics and mathematics in medicine and pharmacy - doctoral - 0988VD350011 (2)
Applied Physiotherapy - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0915TA360005 (1)
Applied Sport Science - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 1014TA280007 (1)
Area Studies - doctoral - 0312VD200011 (2)
Archaelogy of Prehistory and Middle Ages - Bachelor's - 0222RA120010 (1)
Archaeology of Prehistory and Middle Ages - doctoral - 0222VD120015 (2)
Archaelogy of Prehistory and Middle Ages - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0222TA120010 (1)
Archive Studies and Auxiliary Historical Sciences - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0322TA120002 (2)
Archive Studies and Auxiliary Historical Sciences - Bachelor's - 0322RA120003 (2)
Asian History and Culture - doctoral - 0288VD090002 (2)
Astronomy and Astrophysics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0533TA110009 (1)
Atmospheric physics, meteorology and climatology - doctoral - 0533VD110010 (4)
Atmospheric Physics, Meteorology and Climatology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0533TA110011 (1)
Auxiliary Historical Sciences - doctoral - 0322VD120002 (2)
Balkan, Eurasian and Central European Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0312TA2000140000 (1)
Balkan and Central European Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0312TA1200010179 (1)
Balkan, Eurasian and Central European Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0312TA2000130086 (1)
International Security Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0312TA2000320000 (1)
Biblical Theology - doctoral - 0221VD100015 (2)
Biblical Theology - doctoral - 0221VD100014 (2)
Bioanalytical methods - doctoral - 0914VD360004 (4)
Bioanalyticla laboratory diagnostics in health care - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0914TP360004 (1)
Bioanalytical methods - doctoral - 0914VD360003 (4)
Bioethics - doctoral - 0223VD100016 (2)
Biophysics and Chemical Physics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0533TA1100120000 (1)
Biophysics, Chemical and Macromolecular Physics - doctoral - 0533VD110023 (4)
Biochemistry - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0512TA130010 (1)
Biochemistry - doctoral - 0512VD130015 (4)
Biochemistry - Bachelor's - 0531RA130018 (1)
Biochemistry and Pathobiochemistry - doctoral - 0512VD350003 (9)
Biochemistry - doctoral - 0512VD130016 (4)
Biochemistry and Pathobiochemistry - doctoral - 0512VD350004 (7)
Bioinformatics and computational biology - doctoral - 0688VD140011 (8)
Bioinformatics - Bachelor's - 0688RA140003 (1)
Bioinformatics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0688TA140004 (1)
Bioinformatics and computational biology - doctoral - 0688VD140010 (8)
Biology - Bachelor's - 0511RA030007 (1)
Cell Biology and Pathology - doctoral - 0511VD350004 (7)
Biology, Geology and Environmental Studies for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - 0114RA030006 (14)
Biology for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - 0114RA030005 (8)
Biomedical Informatics - doctoral - 0988VD350008 (3)
Biomedical Sciences - doctoral - 0912VD35A4497 (2)
Biomedical Informatics - doctoral - 0988VD350007 (5)
Biomedical Sciences - doctoral - 0912VD35A4338 (4)
Bioorganic Chemistry - doctoral - 0531VD130007 (4)
Bioorganic Chemistry - doctoral - 0531VD130008 (4)
Biophysics and Chemical Physics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0533TA1100130000 (1)
Biophysics, Chemical and Macromolecular Physics - doctoral - 0533VD110024 (4)
Middle Eastern Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0288TA1200010000 (1)
Middle Eastern Studies - doctoral - 0222VD120003 (2)
Middle Eastern Studies - Bachelor's - 0231RA0900210000 (1)
Bohemistics for Foreigners - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0231TA090062 (1)
Bohemistics for Foreigners - Bachelor's - 0231RA090001 (1)
Botany - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0511TA0300170000 (1)
Botany - doctoral - 0511VD030028 (4)
Botany - doctoral - 0511VD030024 (4)
Botany - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0511TA0300180000 (1)
Cell Biology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0511TA030019 (1)
Cardiovascular Science - doctoral - 0912VD350020 (4)
Cell Biology and Pathology - doctoral - 0511VD350003 (5)
Church and General History - doctoral - 0222VD120021 (2)
Classical Archaeology - doctoral - 0222VD120019 (2)
Clinical and social pharmacy - doctoral - 0916VD080006 (4)
Coach - Bachelor's - 1014RA280005 (1)
Computational linguistics - doctoral - 0619VD140002 (4)
Computational mathematics - doctoral - 0541VD170009 (4)
Computational Mathematics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0541TA170011 (1)
Computer Science - Bachelor's - 0613RA1400070000 (1)
Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0619TA140002 (1)
Computer Science - Discrete Models and Algorithms - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0688TA140010 (1)
Computer Science - Language Technologies and Computational Linguistics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0688TA140011 (1)
Computer Science - Software and Data Engineering - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0613TA140011 (1)
Computer Science - Software Systems - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0613TA140012 (1)
Computer Science - Software Systems - doctoral - 0613VD140010 (4)
Computer Science - Theoretical Computer Science - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0688TA140017 (1)
Computer Science - Theory of Computing, Discrete Models and Optimization - doctoral - 0613VD140008 (4)
Computer Science - Visual computing and computer games - doctoral - 0613VD140011 (4)
Computer Science - Visual Computing and Game Development - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0613TA140014 (1)
Contemporary European Cultural History - doctoral - 0222VD120012 (2)
Corporate Strategy and Finance in Europe - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0311TA050033 (1)
Particle and Nuclear Physics - doctoral - 0533VD110022 (4)
Particle and Nuclear Physics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0533TA110014 (1)
Czech History - doctoral - 0222VD120040 (2)
Czech-German Studies - Bachelor's - 0312RA200012 (1)
Czech Language - doctoral - 0232VD090058 (2)
Czech Language and Literature - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0232TA090013 (1)
Czech Language and Literature - Bachelor's - 0232RA090001 (1)
Czech Language and Literature for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - 0114RA090006 (3)
Czech Language for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - 0114RA090014 (19)
History for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - 0114RA120003 (19)
Asian History and Culture - doctoral - 0288VD090001 (2)
History of Ancient Civilization - doctoral - 0222VD120042 (2)
History of Czech Literature and Literary Theory - doctoral - 0232VD090046 (1)
History of European Culture - Bachelor's - 0222RA120011 (1)
History of European Culture - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0222TA1200160000 (1)
History of Christian Art - doctoral - 0213VD320007 (2)
History of Christian Art - Bachelor's - 0213RA320008 (1)
History of Christian Art - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0213TA320007 (1)
History of Medicine - doctoral - 0222VD120036 (2)
History of Modern European Culture - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0222TA120002 (1)
History of Art - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0213TA320004 (1)
History of Art - Bachelor's - 0213RA320009 (1)
History of Visual Arts - doctoral - 0213VD320002 (2)
Demography - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0314TA330006 (1)
Demography - doctoral - 0532VD330014 (2)
Demography with History - Bachelor's - 0314RA3300010028 (1)
Demography with Social geography - Bachelor's - 0314RA3300010027 (1)
Demography with Sociology - Bachelor's - 0314RA3300010026 (1)
Demography - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0314TA330007 (1)
Demography - doctoral - 0532VD330015 (2)
Dental Hygiene - Bachelor's - 0911RP360002 (1)
Dentistry - Master's - 0911tA350001 (1)
Dentistry - Master's - 0911tA350003 (1)
Dentistry - Master's - 0911tA350006 (1)
Dentistry, Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery - doctoral - 0912VD35A4526 (2)
Dermatology - doctoral - 0912VD350071 (6)
Descriptive Geometry for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - 0114RA170005 (1)
Germanic and Slavic Studies - doctoral - 0232VD090038 (1)
German Language and Litterature with Didactics - doctoral - 0111VD300008 (2)
German and French Philosophy - doctoral - 0223VD100005 (2)
German and French Philosophy - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0223TA100010 (1)
Developmental and Cell Biology - doctoral - 0511VD030046 (6)
Didactics of Art Education - doctoral - 0111VD300025 (2)
Didactics of Geography - doctoral - 0532VD330027 (2)
Didactics of Chemistry - doctoral - 0111VD300004 (4)
Didactics of Biology - doctoral - 0111VD300035 (2)
Didactics of Czech Language - doctoral - 0111VD300033 (2)
Physics Education and General Problems of Physics - doctoral - 0111VD110002 (3)
Didactics of Geography - doctoral - 0532VD330026 (2)
Didactics of Chemistry - doctoral - 0111VD300003 (4)
Mathematics Education - doctoral - 0111VD300005 (2)
Didactics of Art Education - doctoral - 0111VD300026 (2)
Digital Social Science - doctoral - 0312VD200030 (5)
Theatre Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0215TA320002 (1)
Theatre Studies - Bachelor's - 0215RA320011 (1)
Early Christian Studies - doctoral - 0221VD100028 (1)
Ecology - doctoral - 0511VD030025 (4)
Ecology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0511TA0300350000 (1)
Economics and Econometrics - doctoral - 0311VD050006 (2)
Economics and Finance - doctoral - 0311VD050002 (2)
Economics and Finance - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0311TA050032 (1)
Economics and Finance - Bachelor's - 0311RA050018 (1)
Education - doctoral - 0111VD190005 (2)
Educational and School Psychology - doctoral - 0313VD230010 (2)
Heritage Education and Interpretation - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0288TA120002 (1)
Egyptology - doctoral - 0222VD120018 (2)
Egyptology - doctoral - 0222VD120017 (2)
Ecological and Evolutionary Biology - Bachelor's - 0511RA030013 (1)
Ecology - doctoral - 0511VD030023 (4)
Ecology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0511TA0300340000 (1)
Master in Economic Research - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0311TA050010 (1)
Economics and Econometrics - doctoral - 0311VD050005 (2)
Economics and Finance - Bachelor's - 0311RA050017 (1)
Economics and Finance - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0311TA0500310000 (1)
Economics and Finance - doctoral - 0311VD050001 (2)
Electronic Culture and Semiotics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0321TA180002 (1)
Empirical and Comparative Linguistics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0239TA090001 (1)
English Language and Literature in a Didactic Perspective - doctoral - 0232VD300002 (2)
English Language for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - 0114RA090021 (4)
Environmental Science - doctoral - 0521VD030008 (4)
Environmental Science - doctoral - 0521VD030007 (4)
Occupational Therapy - Bachelor's - 0915RP360002 (1)
Occupational Therapy for Adults - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0915TA360003 (1)
Aesthetics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0223TA320001 (1)
Aesthetics - doctoral - 0213VD320004 (2)
Aesthetics - Bachelor's - 0213RA320004 (1)
Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology - doctoral - 0314VD250007 (2)
Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology - Bachelor's - 0314RA250007 (1)
Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology - doctoral - 0314VD250006 (2)
Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0314TA250006 (1)
Contemporary European Cultural History - doctoral - 0222VD120010 (2)
European Politics and Society: Vaclav Havel Joint Master Programme - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0312TA200018 (1)
Protestant Theology - Bachelor's - 0221RA100016 (2)
Protestant Theology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0221TA100015 (2)
Evolutionary Biology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0511TA030011 (1)
European Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0312TA2000130087 (1)
Experimental and Clinical Oncology - doctoral - 0912VD350152 (4)
Experimental Plant Biology - doctoral - 0511VD030034 (4)
Experimental Surgery - doctoral - 0912VD350050 (4)
Experimental Surgery - doctoral - 0912VD350029 (4)
Experimental and Clinical Oncology - doctoral - 0912VD350151 (5)
Experimental Plant Biology - doctoral - 0511VD030033 (4)
Experimental Plant Biology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0511TA0300220000 (1)
Experimental Surgery - doctoral - 0912VD350028 (4)
Experimental Surgery - doctoral - 0912VD350049 (6)
Pharmaceutical Analysis - doctoral - 0916VD080007 (4)
Pharmaceutical Chemistry - doctoral - 0916VD080008 (4)
Pharmaceutical Technology - doctoral - 0916VD080004 (4)
Pharmacy - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0916TA080001 (1)
Pharmacy - Master's - 0916tA080001 (1)
Pharmacognosy and Nutraceuticals - doctoral - 0916VD080002 (4)
Pharmacology and Toxicology - doctoral - 0916VD350001 (7)
Pharmacology and Toxicology - doctoral - 0916VD080025 (4)
Pharmacology and Toxicology - doctoral - 0916VD080009 (2)
Film Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0215TA320010 (1)
Film Studies - Bachelor's - 0215RA320012 (1)
Film Studies - doctoral - 0211VD320001 (2)
Philosophy and Ethics - Bachelor's - 0223RA100011 (1)
Philosophy in the context of humanities - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0223TA100008 (1)
Philosophy - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0223TA100013 (1)
Philosophy - Bachelor's - 0223RA100007 (1)
Philosophy - doctoral - 0223VD100018 (2)
Philosophy and History of Science - doctoral - 0223VD030001 (2)
Philosophy of Religion - doctoral - 0223VD100014 (2)
Philosophy in Jewish and Christian Contexts - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0223TA100003 (6)
Philosophy in Jewish and Christian Contexts - Bachelor's - 0223RA100001 (6)
Philosophy of Education - doctoral - 0111VD190015 (2)
Finance and Data Analytics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0311TA050027 (1)
Financial and Insurance Mathematics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0541TA170012 (1)
Financial and Insurance Mathematics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0541TA170013 (1)
Financial Mathematics - Bachelor's - 0542RA170001 (1)
Fitness Coach - Bachelor's - 1014RA280007 (1)
Phonetics - Bachelor's - 0232RA090013 (1)
Phonetics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0232TA090011 (1)
Phonetics - doctoral - 0232VD090052 (1)
French Studies - Bachelor's - 0231RA090080 (1)
French Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0231TA090064 (1)
French Language and Literature for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - 0114RA090007 (3)
French for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - 0114RA090015 (14)
French for Translation and Interpreting - Bachelor's - 0231RA0900190038 (1)
Physical Geography and Geoecology - doctoral - 0532VD330020 (4)
Physical Geography and Geoecology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0532TA330029 (1)
Physical Geography and Geoinformatics - Bachelor's - 0532RA3300070024 (1)
Physics - Bachelor's - 0533RA110001 (1)
Atmospheric physics, meteorology and climatology - doctoral - 0533VD110009 (4)
Atmospheric Physics, Meteorology and Climatology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0533TA110015 (1)
Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials Research - doctoral - 0533VD110028 (4)
Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0533TA110016 (1)
Physics of nanostructures and nanomaterials - doctoral - 0533VD110025 (4)
Physics of Plasmas and Ionized Media - doctoral - 0533VD110014 (4)
Surface and Plasma Physics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0533TA110017 (1)
Physics of Surfaces and Interfaces - doctoral - 0533VD110015 (4)
Physics for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - 0114RA110001 (3)
Physics of the Earth and Planets - doctoral - 0533VD110011 (4)
Physical Chemistry - doctoral - 0531VD130038 (4)
Physical Chemistry - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0531TA1300190000 (1)
Human Physiology and Pathophysiology - doctoral - 0912VD350069 (6)
Physiology and Pathological Physiology - doctoral - 0912VD350084 (4)
Animal Physiology - doctoral - 0511VD030031 (2)
Animal Physiology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0511TA0300230000 (1)
Physiotherapy - Bachelor's - 0915RP360020 (1)
Physioterapy - Bachelor's - 0915RP360001 (1)
Physiotherapy - Bachelor's - 0915RP360019 (1)
Physiotherapy - Bachelor's - 0915RA360005 (1)
Gender Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0314TA250011 (1)
Gender Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0314TA250012 (2)
General Anthropology - doctoral - 0314VD030002 (2)
General Geography - doctoral - 0532VD330019 (2)
General Linguistics - doctoral - 0232VD090020 (2)
General Medicine - Master's - 0912tA350013 (1)
General Medicine - Master's - 0912tA350006 (1)
General Medicine - Master's - 0912tA350010 (1)
General Medicine - Master's - 0912tA350004 (1)
General Medicine - Master's - 0912tA350009 (1)
General Questions of Mathematics and Computer Science - doctoral - 0541VD170014 (4)
Genetics, Molecular Biology and Virology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0511TA0300420000 (1)
Geoarchaeology - Bachelor's - 0532RA3300150227 (1)
Geobiology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0532TA330006 (1)
Geophysics and Planetary Science - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0533TA110018 (1)
Geography and Cartography - Bachelor's - 0532RA330027 (1)
Geography for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - 0114RA330001 (6)
Geoinformatics, Cartography and Remote Sensing - doctoral - 0532VD330023 (4)
Geoinformatics, Cartography and Remote Sensing - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0532TA330032 (1)
Geoinformatics, Cartography and Remote Sensing - doctoral - 0532VD330022 (4)
Geology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0532TA3300160000 (1)
Geology - Bachelor's - 0532RA330015 (1)
Geology - doctoral - 0532VD330012 (2)
Geology for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - 0114RA330004 (4)
Geology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0532TA3300130000 (1)
Geology - doctoral - 0532VD330013 (2)
Geometry, topology, and global analysis - doctoral - 0541VD170017 (4)
Geometry, topology, and global analysis - doctoral - 0541VD170018 (4)
Geopolitical Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0312TA200012 (1)
Geotechnology - Bachelor's - 0532RA330006 (1)
Germanic and Nordic Languages and Literatures - doctoral - 0232VD090040 (2)
German Studies - Bachelor's - 0231RA0900750162 (1)
German Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0231TA0900670202 (1)
Germanic and Slavic Studies - doctoral - 0232VD090037 (1)
Germanic and Slavic Studies - doctoral - 0232VD090036 (1)
Germanic and Nordic Languages and Literatures - doctoral - 0232VD090039 (2)
Global Migration and Development Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0532TA330017 (1)
Gynaecology and Obstetrics - doctoral - 0912VD350087 (2)
Gynaecology, Obstetrics and Pediatrics - doctoral - 0912VD350156 (2)
Gynaecology and Obstetrics - doctoral - 0912VD350054 (1)
Gynaecology and Obstetrics - doctoral - 0912VD350086 (2)
Gynaecology, Obstetrics and Pediatrics - doctoral - 0912VD350155 (2)
Hebrew and Jewish Studies - Bachelor's - 0231RA090067 (1)
Hispanian Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0231TA090065 (1)
Hispanian Studies - Bachelor's - 0231RA090081 (1)
Historical and Systematic Theology - doctoral - 0221VD100017 (2)
Historical Sociology - doctoral - 0314VD250002 (2)
Historical and Systematic Theology - doctoral - 0221VD100016 (2)
Historical Sociology - doctoral - 0314VD250001 (2)
Historical Sociology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0314TA250001 (2)
History - Bachelor's - 0222RA120016 (1)
History - Czech History in European Context - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0222TA120029 (1)
History – Economic and Social History - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0222TA120024 (1)
History – General History - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0222TA1200250000 (1)
History for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - 0114RA120002 (2)
Public History - doctoral - 0222VD120030 (2)
History/General History - doctoral - 0222VD120038 (2)
History and Area Studies - Bachelor's - 0222RA120017 (1)
History of Medicine - doctoral - 0222VD120037 (1)
History of Visual Arts - doctoral - 0213VD320003 (1)
History/General History - doctoral - 0222VD120039 (1)
Management of Natural Resources - Bachelor's - 0532RA330017 (1)
Playing Instrument for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - 0114RA320003 (2)
Musical Theory and Education - doctoral - 0111VD300016 (2)
Musicology - Bachelor's - 0215RA320010 (1)
Musicology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0215TA320009 (1)
Musicology - doctoral - 0215VD320005 (2)
Music Education for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - 0114RA320001 (12)
Human Physiology and Pathophysiology - doctoral - 0912VD350070 (5)
Hussite Theology - doctoral - 0221VD100020 (2)
Hussite Theology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0221TA100008 (8)
Hussite Theology - Bachelor's - 0221RA100007 (8)
Hussite Theology - doctoral - 0221VD100021 (1)
Hydrology and Hydrogeology - Bachelor's - 0532RA330029 (1)
Hydrology and Hydrogeology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0532TA330014 (1)
Chemistry - Bachelor's - 0531RA130005 (1)
Chemistry and Physics of Materials - Bachelor's - 0531RA130007 (1)
Chemistry and Physics of Materials - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0531TA130006 (1)
Chemistry for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - 0114RA130003 (8)
Chemistry for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - 0114RA130005 (20)
Surgery - doctoral - 0912VD350098 (2)
Surgery - doctoral - 0912VD350030 (1)
Choral Singing for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - 0114RA320006 (2)
Ibero-American Studies - doctoral - 0222VD120047 (2)
Ibero-American Studies - doctoral - 0222VD120046 (2)
Ibero-American Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0222TA120009 (1)
Imaging Methods in Medicine - doctoral - 0914VD350006 (2)
Immunology - doctoral - 0511VD030041 (10)
Immunology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0511TA030024 (1)
Immunology - doctoral - 0511VD030042 (11)
Immunology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0511TA030025 (1)
Information, media and book culture - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0322TA180001 (2)
Information Studies and Librarianship - Bachelor's - 0322RA180001 (1)
Information and Communication Technology for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - 0114RA140004 (18)
Information Science - doctoral - 0322VD180001 (2)
Computer Science - Bachelor's - 0613RA1400060000 (1)
Computer Science - Discrete Models and Algorithms - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0688TA140012 (1)
Computer Science - Language Technologies and Computational Linguistics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0688TA140013 (1)
Computer Science - Software and Data Engineering - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0613TA140015 (1)
Computer Science - Software Systems - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0613TA140016 (1)
Computer Science - Software Systems - doctoral - 0613VD140009 (4)
Computer Science - Theoretical Computer Science - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0688TA140018 (1)
Computer Science - Theory of Computing, Discrete Models and Optimization - doctoral - 0613VD140007 (4)
Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0619TA140003 (1)
Computer Science - Visual computing and computer games - doctoral - 0613VD140012 (4)
Computer Science - Visual Computing and Game Development - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0613TA140018 (1)
Computer Science for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - 0114RA140002 (3)
Information Science - doctoral - 0322VD180002 (1)
Inorganic Chemistry - doctoral - 0531VD130040 (4)
Intensive Care - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0913TP360001 (1)
International Economic and Political Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0312TA2001480000 (1)
International Relations - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0312TA200033 (1)
International Relations - doctoral - 0312VD200002 (2)
International Security Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0312TA2000310000 (1)
Italian Studies - Bachelor's - 0231RA090076 (1)
Italian Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0231TA090015 (1)
Japanese Studies - Bachelor's - 0231RA0900690103 (1)
Japanese Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0231TA0900530109 (1)
Deaf Studies - Bachelor's - 0231RA090072 (1)
Jewish Studies - doctoral - 0288VD120002 (2)
Jewish Studies - doctoral - 0221VD100022 (1)
Jewish Studies - doctoral - 0221VD100023 (2)
Jewish Studies - Bachelor's - 0221RA100001 (8)
Jewish Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0221TA100001 (8)
Cardiovascular Science - doctoral - 0912VD350021 (6)
Catholic Theology - Master's - 0221tA100003 (1)
Catholic Theology - doctoral - 0221VD100004 (2)
Kinanthropology - doctoral - 1014VD280005 (2)
Kinanthropology - doctoral - 1014VD280004 (2)
Kinesiology and Rehabilitation - doctoral - 0915VD360002 (1)
Kinesiology and Rehabilitation - doctoral - 0915VD360001 (2)
Classical Archaeology - Bachelor's - 0222RA120024 (1)
Classical Archaeology - doctoral - 0222VD120020 (2)
Classical Archaeology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0222TA120030 (1)
Classical Philology - doctoral - 0231VD090014 (1)
Clinical and social pharmacy - doctoral - 0916VD080001 (4)
Clinical and Toxicological Analysis - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0531TA130037 (1)
Clinical and Toxicological Analysis - Bachelor's - 0531RA130027 (1)
Clinical Biochemistry - doctoral - 0912VD350043 (1)
Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics - Bachelor's - 0232RA09A4560 (1)
Clinical Oncology and Radiotherapy - doctoral - 0912VD350060 (1)
Comparative Literature - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0232TA090014 (1)
Community, Crisis and Pastoral Work - Diaconia - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0221TA100007 (1)
Fitness Coach - Bachelor's - 1014RA280006 (2)
Korean Studies - Bachelor's - 0231RA0900690104 (1)
Korean Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0231TA0900530110 (1)
Corpus and Theoretical Linguistics - doctoral - 0232VD090021 (2)
Landscape and Society - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0532TA330033 (1)
Quantum Optics and Optoelectronics - doctoral - 0533VD110017 (4)
Laboratory diagnostics in health care - Bachelor's - 0914RA360002 (2)
Medieval and Neo-Latin Studies - doctoral - 0232VD090054 (2)
Latin Language and Literature for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - 0114RA090008 (2)
Medicinal plants and Nutraceutics - Bachelor's - 0519RA030001 (1)
Medical and Pharmaceutical Microbiology - doctoral - 0912VD350153 (3)
Medical Biophysics - doctoral - 0912VD110001 (8)
Medical Biology and Genetics - doctoral - 0511VD350002 (4)
Medical Pharmacology - doctoral - 0912VD350088 (2)
Medical Immunology - doctoral - 0912VD350047 (1)
Medical Microbiology - doctoral - 0912VD350027 (2)
Medical Psychology and Psychopathology - doctoral - 0313VD350001 (3)
Liberal Arts and Humanities - Bachelor's - 0288RA120001 (1)
Logic - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0223TA170001 (1)
Logic - Bachelor's - 0223RA170001 (1)
Logic - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0223TA170002 (1)
Speech Therapy - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0915TA190002 (2)
Longevity Studies - doctoral - 0388VD250002 (2)
Macromolecular Chemistry - doctoral - 0531VD130042 (4)
Hungarian Studies - Bachelor's - 0231RA0900230062 (1)
Macromolecular Chemistry - doctoral - 0531VD130041 (4)
Macromolecular Chemistry - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0531TA130022 (1)
Sports Management - Bachelor's - 0413RA280001 (1)
Sport Management - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0413TA280002 (1)
Marketing Communication and Public Relations - Bachelor's - 0321RA1800050013 (1)
Master in Area Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0312TA200024 (1)
Master in Economic Research - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0311TA050011 (1)
Master of Arts in Sports Ethics and Integrity - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0223TA280001 (1)
Mathematical Analysis - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0541TA170014 (1)
Mathematical analysis - doctoral - 0541VD170015 (4)
Computational linguistics - doctoral - 0619VD140001 (4)
Mathematical and computer modeling - doctoral - 0541VD170012 (4)
Mathematical and Computational Modelling in Physics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0533TA110020 (1)
Mathematical Modelling - Bachelor's - 0541RA170014 (1)
Mathematical Modelling in Physics and Technology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0541TA170015 (1)
Mathematical Structures - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0541TA170016 (1)
Mathematics for Information Technologies - Bachelor's - 0541RA170003 (1)
Mathematics for Information Technologies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0541TA170017 (1)
Mathematics for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - 0114RA170004 (11)
Mathematics for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - 0114RA170007 (26)
Mathematical Analysis - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0541TA170018 (1)
Mathematical analysis - doctoral - 0541VD170016 (4)
Mathematical and computer modeling - doctoral - 0541VD170011 (4)
Mathematical Modelling in Physics and Technology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0541TA170019 (1)
Mathematical Structures - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0541TA170020 (1)
Mathematics Education - doctoral - 0111VD300006 (2)
Mathematics for Information Technologies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0541TA170021 (1)
Media and Area studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0388TA180002 (1)
Media and Communication studies - doctoral - 0321VD180004 (2)
Media and Communication studies - doctoral - 0321VD180005 (2)
Media Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0321TA180003 (2)
Media Studies - Bachelor's - 0321RA1800050011 (1)
Medical Biology and Genetics - doctoral - 0511VD350001 (4)
Medical Biophysics - doctoral - 0912VD110002 (7)
Medical Microbiology - doctoral - 0912VD350026 (2)
Medical Pharmacology - doctoral - 0912VD350089 (2)
Medical Psychology and Psychopathology - doctoral - 0313VD350002 (2)
Medicinal Chemistry - Bachelor's - 0531RA130006 (1)
Medicinal Chemistry - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0531TA130005 (1)
Medieval and Neo-Latin Studies - doctoral - 0232VD090055 (1)
Intercultural Communication: Czech and German for Translation and Interpreting - Bachelor's - 0231RA090078 (1)
Area Studies - doctoral - 0312VD200010 (2)
International Relations - doctoral - 0312VD200001 (2)
International Relations - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0312TA200034 (1)
Microbiology - doctoral - 0511VD030030 (5)
Microbiology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0511TA030027 (1)
Microbiology - doctoral - 0511VD030029 (6)
Modelling of Chemical Properties on Nano- and Biostructures - doctoral - 0531VD130044 (4)
Modelling of Chemical Properties on Nano- and Biostructures - doctoral - 0531VD130043 (4)
Modern Economic and Social History - doctoral - 0222VD120045 (2)
Modern history - doctoral - 0222VD120013 (2)
Modern history - doctoral - 0222VD120014 (2)
Modern Economic and Social History - doctoral - 0222VD120044 (2)
Molecular and Cellular Biology, Genetics and Virology - doctoral - 0511VD030040 (10)
Molecular and Cellular Biology, Genetics and Virology - doctoral - 0511VD030039 (11)
Molecular Biology and Biochemistry of Organisms - Bachelor's - 0511RA030015 (1)
Music Education for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - 0114RA320007 (6)
Musical Theory and Education - doctoral - 0111VD300017 (2)
Musicology - doctoral - 0215VD320006 (1)
Museum studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0322TP320001 (2)
Religion and Social Sciences for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - 0114RA100002 (1)
German for Translation and Interpreting - Bachelor's - 0231RA0900190039 (1)
German and French Philosophy - doctoral - 0223VD100003 (2)
German and Austrian Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0312TA2000130088 (1)
German and Central European Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0312TA200016 (1)
German Language and Litterature with Didactics - doctoral - 0111VD300007 (2)
German Language and Literature for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - 0114RA090009 (3)
German Language for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - 0114RA090016 (13)
Neurology - doctoral - 0912VD350018 (1)
Neurology, Psychiatry and Mental Health - doctoral - 0912VD350154 (2)
Neurosciences - doctoral - 0912VD350105 (5)
Neurosciences - doctoral - 0912VD350104 (6)
Dutch Studies - Bachelor's - 0231RA0900750165 (1)
Modern Greek Language and Literature - Bachelor's - 0231RA0900220051 (1)
Computational mathematics - doctoral - 0541VD170010 (4)
Computational Mathematics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0541TA170022 (1)
Nutritional and Metabolic Sciences - doctoral - 0912VD360001 (4)
Nutritional Therapy - Bachelor's - 0915RP360012 (1)
Nutritional Therapy - Bachelor's - 0915RP360003 (2)
Nutritional and Metabolic Sciences - doctoral - 0912VD360002 (3)
General and Comparative Literature - doctoral - 0232VD090050 (2)
General Anthropology - doctoral - 0314VD030001 (2)
General Geography - doctoral - 0532VD330018 (2)
General Linguistics - Bachelor's - 0232RA090010 (1)
General Linguistics - doctoral - 0232VD090019 (2)
General Linguistics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0232TA090010 (1)
General Mathematics - Bachelor's - 0541RA170011 (1)
General Questions of Mathematics and Computer Science - doctoral - 0541VD170013 (4)
Ophthalmology - doctoral - 0912VD350039 (1)
Environmental Protection - Bachelor's - 0521RA030006 (1)
Environmental Protection - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0521TA030006 (1)
Optics and Optoelectronics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0533TA110022 (1)
Optics and Optoelectronics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0533TA110023 (1)
Oral History - Contemporary History - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0222TA120023 (2)
Organic Chemistry - doctoral - 0531VD130034 (4)
Organic Chemistry - doctoral - 0531VD130033 (4)
Organic Chemistry - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0531TA130024 (1)
Orthopaedics - doctoral - 0912VD350092 (6)
Parasitology - doctoral - 0511VD030043 (5)
Parasitology and Infection Biology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0511TA030047 (1)
Parasitology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0511TA030029 (1)
Parasitology - doctoral - 0511VD030044 (6)
Particle and Nuclear Physics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0533TA110024 (1)
Particle and Nuclear Physics - doctoral - 0533VD110021 (4)
Pastoral and Social Work - Bachelor's - 0923RP240004 (2)
Pathology - doctoral - 0912VD350095 (2)
Pathology - doctoral - 0912VD350094 (2)
Pathological Anatomy - doctoral - 0912VD350032 (1)
Educational and School Psychology - doctoral - 0313VD230009 (2)
Education - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0111TA190011 (2)
Education - doctoral - 0111VD190006 (4)
Education - Bachelor's - 0111RA190018 (14)
Education - Bachelor's - 0111RA190010 (2)
Pedagogy of Pre-school Age - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0111TA190017 (1)
Paediatric Nursing - Bachelor's - 0913RP360003 (1)
Personalized Diagnostics and Therapy in Oncology - doctoral - 0912VD350158 (2)
Personalized Diagnostics and Therapy in Oncology - doctoral - 0912VD350157 (2)
Pharmaceutical Analysis - doctoral - 0916VD080010 (4)
Pharmaceutical Chemistry - doctoral - 0916VD080011 (4)
Pharmaceutical Technology - doctoral - 0916VD080005 (4)
Pharmacognosy and Nutraceuticals - doctoral - 0916VD080003 (4)
Pharmacology and Toxicology - doctoral - 0916VD080026 (2)
Pharmacology and Toxicology - doctoral - 0916VD350002 (5)
Pharmacology and Toxicology - doctoral - 0916VD080012 (2)
Pharmacy - Master's - 0916tA080002 (1)
German and French Philosophy - doctoral - 0223VD100004 (2)
Philosophy - doctoral - 0223VD100019 (2)
Philosophy and History of Science - doctoral - 0223VD030002 (2)
Philosophy of Education - doctoral - 0111VD190014 (2)
Philosophy of Religion - doctoral - 0223VD100015 (2)
Phonetics - doctoral - 0232VD090053 (1)
Physical Geography and Geoecology - doctoral - 0532VD330021 (4)
Physical Chemistry - doctoral - 0531VD130037 (4)
Physics Education and General Problems of Physics - doctoral - 0111VD110003 (3)
Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0533TA110025 (1)
Physics of Condensed Matter and Materials Research - doctoral - 0533VD110027 (4)
Physics of nanostructures and nanomaterials - doctoral - 0533VD110026 (4)
Physics of Plasmas and Ionized Media - doctoral - 0533VD110013 (4)
Physics of Surfaces and Interfaces - doctoral - 0533VD110016 (4)
Physics of the Earth and Planets - doctoral - 0533VD110012 (4)
Physiology and Pathological Physiology - doctoral - 0912VD350085 (4)
Physiotherapy - Bachelor's - 0915RA360006 (1)
Playing Instrument for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - 0114RA320005 (4)
Political Science - doctoral - 0312VD200015 (2)
Political and Regional Geography - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0314TA330003 (1)
Political Theories - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0312TA200028 (1)
Politics, Philosophy and Economics - Bachelor's - 0312RA200010 (1)
Political Science - doctoral - 0312VD200014 (4)
Political Science - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0312TA200011 (1)
Political Science - Bachelor's - 0312RA200021 (1)
Political Science and International Relations - Bachelor's - 0312RA200008 (1)
Political Science and Public Policy - Bachelor's - 0312RA200009 (1)
Polish Studies - Bachelor's - 0231RA0900230063 (1)
Auxiliary Historical Sciences - doctoral - 0322VD120001 (2)
Midwifery - Bachelor's - 0913RP360042 (1)
Midwifery - Bachelor's - 0913RP360014 (1)
Practical and Ecumenical Theology and Theological Ethics - doctoral - 0221VD100019 (2)
Practical and Ecumenical Theology and Theological Ethics - doctoral - 0221VD100018 (2)
Applied Geobiology - Bachelor's - 0532RA330024 (1)
Probability and statistics, econometrics and financial mathematics - doctoral - 0542VD170001 (4)
Probability, Mathematical Statistics and Econometrics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0541TA1700230000 (1)
Law and Jurisprudence - Master's - 0421tA220006 (1)
Orthodox Theology - Bachelor's - 0221RA100010 (7)
Orthodox Theology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0221TA100011 (7)
Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology - doctoral - 0912VD350068 (4)
Preventive Medicine - doctoral - 0912VD350149 (2)
Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology - doctoral - 0912VD350067 (6)
Probability and statistics, econometrics and financial mathematics - doctoral - 0542VD170002 (4)
Probability, Mathematical Statistics and Econometrics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0541TA1700240000 (1)
Protestant Theology - Bachelor's - 0221RA100017 (1)
Protistology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0511TA030038 (1)
Translation Studies: Czech – English - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0231TA0900700218 (1)
Translation Studies: Czech – French - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0231TA0900700219 (1)
Translation Studies: Czech – German - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0231TA0900700220 (1)
Translation Studies: Czech – Russian - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0231TA0900700221 (1)
Translation Studies: Czech – Spanish - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0231TA0900700222 (1)
Psychiatry - doctoral - 0912VD350037 (1)
Psychology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0313TA230003 (1)
Psychology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0313TA230007 (1)
Psychology - doctoral - 0313VD23A4474 (2)
Psychology - Bachelor's - 0313RA230006 (1)
Psychology with special pedagogy extension - Bachelor's - 0313RA230008 (1)
Psychology - doctoral - 0313VD23A4476 (1)
Public and Social Policy - doctoral - 0312VD250013 (2)
Public and Social Policy Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0314TA250016 (1)
Public History - doctoral - 0222VD120031 (2)
Quantum Optics and Optoelectronics - doctoral - 0533VD110018 (4)
Radiological assistance - Bachelor's - 0914RP360020 (1)
Radiology - doctoral - 0912VD350035 (1)
Early Christian Studies - doctoral - 0221VD100027 (2)
Regional and Political Geography - doctoral - 0532VD330028 (2)
Regional and Political Geography - doctoral - 0532VD330029 (2)
Religious Studies - doctoral - 0221VD100024 (2)
Religious Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0221TA1000100000 (1)
Religious Studies - Bachelor's - 0221RA100002 (6)
Religious Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0221TA100002 (6)
Religious Studies - Bachelor's - 0221RA100014 (1)
Reproduction and Developmental Biology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0511TA030010 (1)
Romance Languages - doctoral - 0232VD090061 (1)
Romance Literatures - doctoral - 0232VD090045 (1)
Romance Languages - doctoral - 0232VD090060 (2)
Romance Literatures - doctoral - 0232VD090044 (2)
Romani Studies - Bachelor's - 0231RA0900230064 (1)
Russian and Euroasian Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0312TA1200010178 (1)
Russian Language and Literature - Bachelor's - 0231RA090024 (1)
Russian Language and Literature - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0231TA090061 (1)
Russian Language for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - 0114RA090010 (2)
Russian Language for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - 0114RA090017 (10)
Russian for Translation and Interpreting - Bachelor's - 0231RA0900190040 (1)
Greek and Latin Studies - Bachelor's - 0231RA0900220000 (1)
Greek and Latin Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0231TA0900140000 (1)
Management - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0988TA2400020032 (2)
Choral Singing for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - 0114RA320004 (2)
Science - Bachelor's - 0588RA130002 (1)
Semiotics and Philosophy of Communication - doctoral - 0223VD100027 (2)
Semiotics and Philosophy of Communication - doctoral - 0223VD100026 (2)
North American Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0312TA2000130089 (1)
Chinese Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0231TA090054 (1)
Chinese Studies - Bachelor's - 0231RA090070 (1)
Scandinavian Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0231TA0900670203 (1)
Scandinavian Studies - Bachelor's - 0231RA0900750163 (1)
Slavic Philology - doctoral - 0232VD090064 (1)
Slavic Literature Studies - doctoral - 0232VD090048 (2)
Social Ecology - doctoral - 0388VD030002 (2)
Social Geography and Regional Development - doctoral - 0532VD330030 (2)
Social Sciences - Bachelor's - 0314RA250014 (1)
Social and Charity Work - Bachelor's - 0923RA240001 (1)
Social and Charity Work - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0923TA240001 (2)
Social and Cultural Ecology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0319TA250001 (1)
Social Anthropology - Bachelor's - 0314RA2500050017 (1)
Social Ecology - doctoral - 0388VD030001 (2)
Social Epidemiology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0588TA330001 (1)
Social Geography and Geoinformatics - Bachelor's - 0532RA3300070025 (1)
Social Geography and Regional Development - doctoral - 0532VD330031 (2)
Social Geography and Regional Development - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0314TA330005 (2)
Social Pedagogy - Bachelor's - 0114RP190001 (1)
Social Work - doctoral - 0923VD240008 (2)
Social Work - Bachelor's - 0923RA240003 (1)
Society, Communication and Media - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0314TA250008 (1)
Sociology - Bachelor's - 0314RA250018 (1)
Sociology - doctoral - 0314VD250005 (2)
Sociology - doctoral - 0314VD250012 (2)
Sociology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0314TA2500170000 (1)
Sociology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0314TA250005 (1)
Sociology a Social Policy - Bachelor's - 0314RA250004 (1)
Sociology - doctoral - 0314VD250004 (2)
Sociology - doctoral - 0314VD250013 (1)
Sociology of Contemporary Societies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0314TA2500180000 (1)
Contemporary History - Bachelor's - 0312RA2000110016 (1)
Contemporary European Cultural History - doctoral - 0222VD120011 (2)
Special Education - doctoral - 0111VD190012 (2)
Special Education - Bachelor's - 0111RA190012 (2)
Special Education - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0111TA190014 (2)
Special Education - doctoral - 0111VD190013 (2)
Special Education for Lower and Upper Secondary School Teachers - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0113TA300002 (3)
Special Education for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - 0113RA190001 (2)
Special Education/Speech Therapy - Bachelor's - 0111RA190014 (1)
Sport Management - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0413TA280003 (1)
Stomatology - doctoral - 0911VD350007 (2)
Dentistry - doctoral - 0911VD350004 (1)
Stomatology - doctoral - 0911VD350008 (2)
Strategic communication - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0414TA180003 (1)
Medieval Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0288TA120003 (1)
Longevity Studies - doctoral - 0388VD250001 (2)
New Media Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0321TA180008 (1)
Studies of Civil Society - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0314TA250013 (2)
Civil Sector Studies - doctoral - 0312VD250001 (2)
Studies of Contemporary Societies - Bachelor's - 0314RA2500050018 (1)
Humanities and Social Sciences - Bachelor's - 0288RA250001 (2)
Supervision - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0988TA2400020033 (1)
Surface and Plasma Physics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0533TA110026 (1)
School Management - Bachelor's - 0413RA190001 (1)
Spanish Language and Literature for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - 0114RA090011 (2)
Spanish for Translation and Interpreting - Bachelor's - 0231RA0900190041 (1)
Teacher Education of Educational Sciences for Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0114TA300140 (4)
Teacher Education of English Language for Lower and Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0114TA300136 (7)
Teacher Education of Choral Singing - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0114TA300137 (2)
Teacher Education of Musics for Lower and Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0114TA300138 (8)
Teacher Education of Playing Instrument - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0114TA300141 (4)
Physical Education for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - 0114RA280007 (10)
Physical Education and Sport for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - 0114RA3000500000 (14)
Theological Studies - Bachelor's - 0221RA100013 (1)
Theological Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0221TA100012 (1)
Theology of Christian Traditions - Bachelor's - 0221RA100018 (1)
Theoretical and Evolutionary Biology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0511TA030040 (1)
Theoretical and Evolutionary Biology - doctoral - 0511VD030037 (2)
Theoretical Physics - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0533TA110027 (1)
Theoretical Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics - doctoral - 0533VD110019 (4)
Theoretical Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence - doctoral - 0619VD140003 (4)
Theoretical Legal Sciences - European Law - doctoral - 0421VD220007 (2)
Theoretical Legal Sciences - Financial Law and Financial Science - doctoral - 0421VD220006 (2)
Theoretical Legal Sciences - International Law - doctoral - 0421VD220010 (2)
Theoretical Legal Sciences - Private International Law and International Trade Law - doctoral - 0421VD220009 (2)
Theoretical Legal Sciences - Civil Law - doctoral - 0421VD220011 (2)
Theoretical Legal Sciences - Business Law - doctoral - 0421VD220012 (2)
Theoretical Legal Sciences - Employment Law and Social Security Law - doctoral - 0421VD220013 (2)
Theoretical Legal Sciences - History of Law and Roman Law - doctoral - 0421VD220014 (2)
Theoretical Legal Sciences - Environmental Law - doctoral - 0421VD220015 (2)
Theoretical Legal Sciences - Administrative Law and Administrative Science - doctoral - 0421VD220008 (2)
Theoretical Legal Sciences – Theory, Philosophy and Sociology of Law - doctoral - 0421VD220017 (2)
Theoretical Legal Sciences - Criminal Law, Criminology and Criminalistics - doctoral - 0421VD220016 (2)
Theoretical Legal Sciences - Constitutional Law and Politics - doctoral - 0421VD220018 (2)
Theoretical and Research Psychology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0313TA230005 (1)
Area Studies - Bachelor's - 0312RA2000110015 (1)
Area Studies - Bachelor's - 0312RA2000110014 (1)
Theoretical and Evolutionary Biology - doctoral - 0511VD030038 (2)
Theoretical Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence - doctoral - 0619VD140004 (4)
Theoretical Legal Sciences - Law and Legal Theory in European Context - doctoral - 0421VD220019 (2)
Theoretical Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics - doctoral - 0533VD110020 (4)
Translation Studies - doctoral - 0231VD090011 (1)
Translation Studies - doctoral - 0231VD090008 (2)
Coach - Bachelor's - 1014RA280004 (2)
Teaching - History Education - doctoral - 0111VD300010 (2)
Teacher Education of English Language and Literature for Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0114TA300057 (2)
Teacher Education of English Language for Lower and Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0114TA300087 (20)
Teacher Education of Biology for Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0114TA300109 (9)
Teacher Education of Biology for Lower and Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0114TA300088 (9)
Teacher Education of Czech Language and Literature for Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0114TA300058 (2)
Teacher Education of Czech Language for Lower and Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0114TA300089 (22)
Teacher Education of Czech as a Second Language for Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0114TA300144 (1)
Teacher Education of History for Lower and Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0114TA300090 (19)
Teacher Education of Descriptive Geometry for Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0114TA300064 (1)
Teacher Education of Philosophy for Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0114TA300143 (1)
Teacher Education of French Language and Literature for Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0114TA300059 (2)
Teacher Education of French Language for Lower and Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0114TA300091 (12)
Teacher Education of Physics for Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0114TA110003 (3)
Teacher Education of Geography for Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0114TA300003 (7)
Teacher Education of Geology for Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0114TA300107 (5)
Teacher Education of History for Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0114TA300060 (1)
Teacher Education of Playing Instrument - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0114TA300120 (2)
Teacher Education of Musics for Lower and Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0114TA300092 (11)
Teacher Education of Chemistry for Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0114TA300108 (7)
Teacher Education of Chemistry for Lower and Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0114TA300093 (8)
Teacher Education of Information and Communication Technology for Lower and Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0114TA300094 (9)
Teacher Education of Computer Science for Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0114TA300065 (1)
Teacher Education of Latin Language and Literature for Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0114TA300061 (1)
Teacher Education of Mathematics for Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0114TA300066 (10)
Teacher Education of Mathematics for Lower and Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0114TA300095 (20)
Teacher Education of Religion and Social Sciences for Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0114TA100002 (1)
Teacher Education of German Language for Lower and Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0114TA300096 (13)
Teacher Education of Educational Sciences for Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0114TA300097 (15)
Teacher Training in Vocational Education and Training - Bachelor's - 0114RP300002 (1)
Teacher Training for Nursery Schools - Bachelor's - 0112RA300008 (2)
Teacher Training For Primary Schools - Master's - 0113tA300005 (2)
Teacher Education of Russian Language for Lower and Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0114TA300098 (6)
Teacher Education of Choral Singing - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0114TA300121 (2)
Teacher Education of Spanish Language and Literature for Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0114TA300063 (1)
Teacher Education of Physical Education and Military Physical Education for Upper Secondary School - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0114TA300047 (2)
Teacher Education of Physical Education for Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0114TA3000480000 (6)
Teacher Education of Physical Education for Lower and Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0114TA300122 (10)
Teacher Education of Education towards Health for Lower and Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0114TA300099 (12)
Teacher Education of Art Education for Lower and Upper Secondary Schools and Basic Art Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0114TA300100 (10)
Teacher Education of Social Sciences for Lower and Upper Secondary Schools - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0114TA300101 (12)
Earth Sciences - Bachelor's - 0532RA330026 (1)
Public and Social Policy - doctoral - 0312VD250012 (2)
Public and Social Policy - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0312TA2500020000 (2)
Public Administration and Record Management - Bachelor's - 0322RP120001 (1)
Public Administration and Record Management - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0322TP120001 (1)
Public Health - doctoral - 0912VD350019 (2)
Internal Medicine - doctoral - 0912VD350065 (1)
Internal Medicine - doctoral - 0912VD350102 (2)
Military Physical Education, Physical Education and Sport for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - 1014RA280009 (2)
General Medicine - Master's - 0912tA350008 (1)
General Medicine - Master's - 0912tA350003 (1)
General Medicine - Master's - 0912tA350011 (1)
General Medicine - Master's - 0912tA350012 (1)
General Medicine - Master's - 0912tA350005 (1)
General Nursing - Bachelor's - 0913RP360027 (1)
General Nursing - Bachelor's - 0913RP360041 (1)
General Nursing - Bachelor's - 0913RP360001 (1)
General Nursing - Bachelor's - 0913RP360002 (1)
East European Studies - Bachelor's - 0231RA0900200000 (1)
East European Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0231TA0900130000 (1)
Education towards Health for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - 0114RA190002 (18)
Out-of-school upbringing - Bachelor's - 0111RP190005 (1)
Art Education for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - 0114RA320002 (10)
Developmental and Cell Biology - doctoral - 0511VD030045 (7)
Child and Adult Nutrition - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0915TA360006 (2)
Xenobiochemistry and Pathobiochemistry - doctoral - 0916VD080023 (4)
Xenobiochemistry and Pathobiochemistry - doctoral - 0916VD080013 (2)
Xenobiochemistry and Pathobiochemistry - doctoral - 0916VD080014 (2)
Xenobiochemistry and Pathobiochemistry - doctoral - 0916VD080024 (2)
Social Sciences for Teacher Education - Bachelor's - 0114RA100003 (12)
West European Studies - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0312TA2000130090 (1)
Imaging and irradiating technologies in radiodiagnostics, nuclear medicine and radiotherapy - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0914TP360006 (1)
Imaging Methods in Medicine - doctoral - 0914VD350005 (4)
Zoology - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0511TA0300360000 (1)
Zoology - doctoral - 0511VD030026 (4)
Zoology - doctoral - 0511VD030027 (4)
Dentistry - Master's - 0911tA350002 (1)
Dentistry - Master's - 0911tA350007 (1)
Dentistry - Master's - 0911tA350004 (1)
Dentistry, Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery - doctoral - 0912VD35A4518 (2)
Jewish Studies - doctoral - 0288VD120001 (2)
Journalism - Bachelor's - 0321RA1800050012 (1)
Journalism - Master's (post-Bachelor) - 0321TA1800070000 (1)
Audio-visual techniques and media production - 0211 (2)
Biochemistry - 0512 (25)
- 0519 (1)
Biology - 0511 (163)
Economics - 0311 (16)
Pharmacy - 0916 (75)
Philosophy and ethics - 0223 (52)
Physics - 0533 (97)
History and archaeology - 0222 (61)
Music and performing arts - 0215 (9)
Medicine - 0912 (193)
Chemistry - 0531 (69)
- 0619 (18)
- 0588 (2)
- 0388 (9)
- 0288 (15)
- 0988 (23)
- 0688 (24)
- 0239 (1)
Library, information and archival studies - 0322 (18)
Medical diagnostic and treatment technology - 0914 (19)
Literature and linguistics - 0232 (51)
Management and administration - 0413 (4)
Marketing and advertising - 0414 (1)
Mathematics - 0541 (65)
Religion and theology - 0221 (95)
Language acquisition - 0231 (50)
Nursing and midwifery - 0913 (8)
Education science - 0111 (79)
Political sciences and civics - 0312 (55)
Law - 0421 (29)
Teacher training without subject specialisation - 0113 (7)
Training for pre-school teachers - 0112 (2)
Teacher training with subject specialisation - 0114 (636)
Psychology - 0313 (17)
Social work and counselling - 0923 (8)
Sociology and cultural studies - 0314 (47)
- 0319 (1)
Sports - 1014 (17)
Statistics - 0542 (9)
Dental studies - 0911 (12)
Therapy and rehabilitation - 0915 (21)
Earth sciences - 0532 (63)
Environmental sciences - 0521 (10)
Fine arts - 0213 (12)
Software and applications development and analysis - 0613 (32)
Journalism and reporting - 0321 (12)
Language of instruction:
English (550)
Czech (1336)
French (2)
German (8)
Russian (3)
Length of studies (in years):
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Online (1899)
Paper (573)
Possible admission without entrance examination (371)
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Only subject areas with studies starting on 1.10.2025 (1647)
Only doctoral subject areas with studies starting on 1.3.2025 (FM1, FMP, FPHK, FMP), 1.4.2025 (FS) (252)
Subjects within combined double-subject studies only (336)
Only study branches with AP conditions additionally amended following under section 8 of Act N. 67/2022 Sb., governing measures
in education in relation to the armed conflict on the territory of Ukraine caused by the invasion of troops of the Russian Federation (64)
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