SubjectsSubjects(version: 957)
Courses overview, academic year 2023/2024
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sort in descending ordersort in ascending orderCodesort in descending ordersort in ascending orderTitlesort in descending ordersort in ascending orderSemesterHours per week, examinationDepartmentFacultyVirtual mobilityCapacity4EU+
detail CCOCA0059 Current issues neurophysiological research winter winter s.:0/30, C [HT]
summer s.:0/30, C [HT]
12-UFYZ 11120 no no
detail CMBM9721 Methodology Basics in Medicine winter winter s.:0/33, C [HT]
summer s.:0/33, C [HT]
12-UFYZ 11120 no no
detail CMCPFY33 Pathological Physiology - Lecture summer summer s.:45/0, --- [HS] 12-UFYZ 11120 no no
detail CMCP013FY Infectious and Febrile Conditons (IIC) - Pathological Physiology summer summer s.:0/3, other [HS] 12-UFYZ 11120 no no
detail CMCP023FY Pain (IIC) - Pathological Physiology summer summer s.:0/2, other [HS] 12-UFYZ 11120 no no
detail CMCP023PE Pain (IIC) - Cl. Children and Adolescents summer summer s.:0/1, other [HS] 12-UFYZ 11120 no no
detail CMCP034FY Poruchy nervového systému (IIC) - patologická fyziologie winter winter s.:0/6, other [HS] 12-UFYZ 11120 no no
detail CMCP054FY Dušnost a bolest na hrudníku (IIC) - patologická fyziologie winter winter s.:0/12, other [HS] 12-UFYZ 11120 no no
detail CMCP064FY GIT a břišní potíže (IIC) - patologická fyziologie winter winter s.:0/0, other [HS] 12-UFYZ 11120 no no
detail CMCP083FY Disorders of Renal Function and Edemas (IIC) - Pathological Physiology summer summer s.:0/7, other [HS] 12-UFYZ 11120 no no
detail CMCP093FY Bleeding (IIC) - Pathological Physiology summer summer s.:0/2, other [HS] 12-UFYZ 11120 no no
detail CMCP113FY Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases (IIC) - Pathological Physiology summer summer s.:0/5, other [HS] 12-UFYZ 11120 no no
detail CMCP123FY Locomotion Disorders (IIC) - Pathological Physiology summer summer s.:0/6, other [HS] 12-UFYZ 11120 no no
detail CMCP134FY Senzorické poruchy (IIC) - patologická fyziologie winter winter s.:0/1, other [HS] 12-UFYZ 11120 no no
detail CMCP154FY Úrazy (IIC) - patologická fyziologie summer summer s.:0/2, other [HS] 12-UFYZ 11120 no no
detail CMCP184FY Stárnutí a umírání (IIC) - patologická fyziologie summer summer s.:0/6, other [HS] 12-UFYZ 11120 no no
detail CSFBXX41 Structure and functions of human body 1 winter winter s.:0/0, C [HT]
summer s.:0/0, C [HT]
12-UFYZ 11120 no no
detail CSFBXX42 Structure and functions of human body 2 winter winter s.:0/0, C [HT]
summer s.:0/0, C+Ex [HT]
12-UFYZ 11120 no no
detail CSFBXX42F Structure and Functions of Human Body 2 - Physiology winter winter s.:0/0, other [HT]
summer s.:0/0, other [HT]
12-UFYZ 11120 no no
detail CSVA34CD Jsou potomci drogově závislých matek laboratorního potkana citlivější k drogám? both 0/0, C [HT] 12-UFYZ 11120 no no
detail CSVA34KN Vytvoření fenotypicky definovaných skupin potkanů podle kognitivních schopností a nocicepční senzitivity a vliv stárnutí both 0/0, C [HT] 12-UFYZ 11120 no no
detail CSVA34LP Ovlivňuje metamfetamin sociální chování laboratorního potkana? both 0/0, C [HT] 12-UFYZ 11120 no no
detail CSVA34PE Vliv prenatální expozice drogám na kognitivní funkce both 0/0, C [HT] 12-UFYZ 11120 no no
detail CSVA34SD . both 0/0, C [HT] 12-UFYZ 11120 no no
detail CTBSPF13L IIA - Pathological Physiology summer summer s.:45/0, other [HS] 12-UFYZ 11120 no no
detail CVOLPF2 Pathophysiology in Case Reports summer summer s.:0/30, C [HS] 12-UFYZ 11120 no no
detail C3SVA101 Student Research Activity both 0/60, C [HS] 12-UFYZ 11120 no no
detail C3SVA102 Student Research Activity both 0/60, C [HS] 12-UFYZ 11120 no no
detail C3SVA57 Student Research Activity both 0/60, C [HS] 12-UFYZ 11120 no no
detail C4SVA101 Student Research Activity both 0/90, C [HS] 12-UFYZ 11120 no no
detail C4SVA102 Student Research Activity both 0/90, C [HS] 12-UFYZ 11120 no no
detail CHSPH1 Fyziologie summer summer s.:20/0, C+Ex [HS] 12-UFYZ 11120 no no
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