SubjectsSubjects(version: 964)
Courses overview, academic year 2024/2025
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sort in descending ordersort in ascending orderCodesort in descending ordersort in ascending orderTitlesort in descending ordersort in ascending orderSemesterHours per week, examinationDepartmentFacultyVirtual mobilityCapacity4EU+
detail CCOCA0026 Patophysiology in case studies summer summer s.:0/30, C [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CCOCA0045 Molecular biology of obesity, insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome summer summer s.:0/15, C [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CCOCA0083 Cellular and gene therapy: theory and practical applications summer summer s.:0/15, C [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CCOCA0084 Sports medicine: diagnostics and exercise therapy summer summer s.:0/15, C [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CCOCA0098 Basic and advanced methods of optical microscopy in medicine and biology winter winter s.:0/30, C [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CCOC6911 Case reports in pathophysiology of nervous system summer summer s.:0/15, C [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CCOC8896 Obesity and Eating Disorders summer summer s.:0/15, C [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CCOC8921 Pathophysiology in Case Reports summer summer s.:0/30, C [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CDHPF2 Pathological Physiology summer summer s.:20/10, C+Ex [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CDH012P2 Pathological Physiology summer summer s.:20/10, C+Ex [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CDH112P2 Pathological Physiology summer summer s.:20/10, C+Ex [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CERA0P0047 ERASMUS - Sport Medicine both 0/15, C(+Ex) [HT] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CMCP113TL Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases (IIC) - Sport Medicine summer summer s.:0/4, other [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CNT032P2 Pathology and Pathologic Physiology II summer summer s.:14/28, C+Ex [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CPGS004 Basics of Medical Sciences summer summer s.:0/45, other [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CPGS006 Basic and advanced methods of optical microscopy in medicine and biology winter winter s.:0/30, other [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CPGS007 Advanced methods in metabolic research winter winter s.:0/15, other [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CPHKPP1 Basic Patological Physiology summer summer s.:5/20, C+Ex [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CPHK005P2 Fundamentals of Pathological Physiology summer summer s.:15/20, C+Ex [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CPHK006P3 Exercise Medicine summer summer s.:5/5, C [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CPHPF2 Basic Pathological Physiology summer summer s.:30/15, C+Ex [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CPHPP2 Basic Pathological Physiology winter winter s.:1/1, C [HT]
summer s.:1/1, C+Ex [HT]
12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CPH002P3 Exercise Medicine summer summer s.:0/15, C [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CPRVTV26 Sport Medicine - Subcourse winter winter s.:0/0, other [HT] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CPVL060 Scientific Writing course – Scientific Digests I. both 0/30, C [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CPVL068 Wikilectrues I. both 0/30, C [HT] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CPVL069 Wikilectrues II. both 0/30, C [HT] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CPVL073 Molecular biology of obesity, insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome summer summer s.:0/15, C [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CPVL076 Basic and advanced methods of optical microscopy in medicine and biology winter winter s.:0/30, C [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CPVL095 Case reports in pathophysiology of nervous system summer summer s.:0/15, C [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CPVL096 Pathophysiology of Ion Channels both 0/30, C [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CPVL100 Pathophysiology in case studies summer summer s.:0/30, C [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CPVL134 Mitochondrial Medicine summer summer s.:0/30, C [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CRHBPH2 Pathological Physiology winter winter s.:5/40, C [HS]
summer s.:45/0, C+Ex [HS]
12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CSVA03 Student Research Activity winter winter s.:0/90, C [HT] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CTBSPF13 IIA - Pathological Physiology winter winter s.:27/45, other [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CVOL0003 Pathophysiology in Case Reports summer summer s.:0/30, C [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CVOL0020 Case reports in pathophysiology of nervous system summer summer s.:0/15, C [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CVOL0027 Molecular biology of obesity, insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome summer summer s.:0/15, C [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CVOL0093 Peripheral Nerve Injury Course summer summer s.:0/30, C [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CVOL0094 Peripheral Nerve Injury Course winter winter s.:0/30, C [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CVOL0097 Peripheral Nerve Injury Course summer summer s.:0/30, C [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CVOL0102 Practical course: methods of cell and gene therapy summer summer s.:0/40, C [HT] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CVOL0115 Sports medicine: diagnostics and exercise therapy summer summer s.:0/15, C [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CVOL0204 Advanced methods in metabolic research winter winter s.:0/15, C [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CVOL0262 Scientific Writing course – Scientific Digests I. both 0/30, C [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CVOL0285 Wikilectrues I. both 0/30, C [HT] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CVOL0286 Wikilectrues II. both 0/30, C [HT] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CVOL0300 Outline of the history of European heritage I. winter winter s.:0/24, C [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CVOL0314 Outline of the history of European heritage II. summer summer s.:0/24, C [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CVOL0317 Pathophysiology of Ion Channels both 0/30, C [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CVOL0344 Pathophysiology in case studies summer summer s.:0/30, C [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CVOL264 Thyroxine-induced oxidative stress both 0/60, C [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CVOL30 Obesity and Eating Disorders summer summer s.:0/15, C [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail CVO014P1 Pathological Anatomy and Physiology summer summer s.:40/0, C+Ex [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail C1SVA100 Student Research Activity both 0/45, C [HT] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail C2DH012 Pathological Physiology summer summer s.:20/10, C+Ex [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail C2FY014 Pathological Physiology winter winter s.:5/40, C [HS]
summer s.:45/0, C+Ex [HS]
12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail C3SVA03 Student Research Activity both 0/60, C [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail C3SVA255 Student Research Activity both 0/60, C [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail C4SVA0010 Student Research Activity summer summer s.:0/90, C [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail C4SVA0027 Student Research Activity summer summer s.:0/90, C [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail C4SVA03 Student Research Activity both 0/90, C [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail C4SVA1001 Student Research Activity summer summer s.:0/90, C [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
detail C4SVA25 Student Research Activity both 0/90, C [HS] 12-UFYP 11120 no no
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