| | |  |
|  Code |  Title |  Semester | Hours per week, examination | Department | Faculty | Virtual mobility | Capacity | 4EU+ |
CCOCA0012 |
Behavioral Pharmacology |
summer |
summer s.:0/30, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CCOCA0013 |
Large psychiatric Cases from the current Perspective |
summer |
summer s.:0/15, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CCOCA0047 |
Palliative Care |
both |
0/30, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CCOCA0049 |
Sleep Medicine |
winter |
winter s.:0/15, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CCOCA0060 |
The relationship between brain and behavior (Fundamentals of social, cognitive neuroscience and effective) |
both |
0/30, C [HT] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CCOCA0079 |
Relationship between brain and behaviour (Basics of cognitive, affective and social neuroscience) |
winter |
winter s.:0/30, C [HS] summer s.:0/30, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CCOCA0097 |
Psychiatry and Society |
summer |
summer s.:0/15, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CCOCA0099 |
Can we prevent dementia? Introduction into epidemiology of neurodegenerative diseases. |
both |
0/30, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CCOCA0108 |
Experimental psychopharmacology, contemporary psychedelic research and psychedelic psychotherapy |
winter |
winter s.:0/15, C [HS] summer s.:0/15, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CCOC125 |
Psychologicaly challenging situations in medical practice |
summer |
summer s.:0/15, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CCOC127 |
Methodological aspects of student´s research activities |
summer |
summer s.:0/15, C [HT] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CCOC128 |
Psychopathology in (moving) pictures: film and mental illness |
winter |
winter s.:0/15, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CCOC5830 |
Relationships between Brain and Behaviour |
winter |
winter s.:0/26, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CCOC5963 |
Methodological aspects of students' research activities |
both |
0/15, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CCOC5963L |
m |
summer |
summer s.:0/15, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CCOC6875 |
Cognitive behavioural Methods at Managing Stress and Anxiety |
summer |
summer s.:0/15, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CCOC6876 |
Cognitive behavioural Methods at Managing Stress and Anxiety |
summer |
summer s.:0/15, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CCOC6893 |
Cognition functions - theory and assessment |
summer |
summer s.:0/30, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CCOC6971 |
Your brain: EEG, sleep and circadian rhythmicity |
both |
0/15, C [HT] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CCOC7847 |
Course in Biological Psychiatry |
winter |
winter s.:0/15, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CCOC7848 |
Course in Psychotherapeutic Methods |
winter |
winter s.:0/15, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CCOC8841 |
Cognitive behavioral therapy |
summer |
summer s.:0/15, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CCOC8899 |
Sociální psychologie |
summer |
summer s.:0/15, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CCOC8900 |
Assessment of psychopathology |
summer |
summer s.:0/15, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
Communication and Psychology |
winter |
winter s.:20/0, C [HS] summer s.:0/40, C+Ex [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
Communication and Psychology II. |
winter |
winter s.:20/0, C+Ex [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CDH008P1 |
Psychology and Communication |
winter |
winter s.:20/0, C [HS] summer s.:0/40, C+Ex [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CDH108P1 |
Psychology and Communication |
winter |
winter s.:20/0, C [HS] summer s.:0/40, C+Ex [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CEM002P2 |
Epidemiology of non-communicable diseases |
winter |
winter s.:1/1, C+Ex [HT] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CERA4P0044 |
ERASMUS - Neurobehavioral Sciences I. |
both |
22/120, C(+Ex) [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CERA4P0071 |
ERASMUS - Psychiatry (NS I.) |
both |
11/60, C(+Ex) [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CERA5P0086 |
ERASMUS - Neurobehavioral sciences - Psychiatry |
both |
0/66, C(+Ex) [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CERA5P0095 |
ERASMUS - Medical Psychology and communication |
both |
0/30, C(+Ex) [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
Medical psychology and pathopsychology |
winter |
winter s.:15/15, C [HT] summer s.:6/12, C [HT] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
Pain (IIC) - Psychology |
summer |
summer s.:0/2, other [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
Pain (IIC) - Psychiatry |
summer |
summer s.:0/3, other [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CMCP0434 |
IIC - 4. Mental Disorders |
winter |
winter s.:0/90, other [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
Mental disorders (IIC) - psychiatry |
winter |
winter s.:0/80, other [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
Dyspnoea and chest pain (IIC) - psychiatry |
winter |
winter s.:0/3, other [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
IE - Basic Scientific Methodology |
winter |
winter s.:0/16, other [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
Modul IE - Metodology |
winter |
winter s.:0/51, C+Ex [HT] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
Pathopsychology of Personality |
winter |
winter s.:0/18, other [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
Clinical prodedeutics (IIB) - Psychiatry |
summer |
summer s.:0/14, other [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
Module of Neurobehavioral Scieces - Psychiatry |
winter |
winter s.:0/50, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
State final examination - part Neurobehavioral sciences |
summer |
summer s.:0/0, STEX [HT] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
Basic Humanities (Psychology) |
winter |
winter s.:15/15, other [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
Psychology in nursing |
winter |
winter s.:0/15, C [HS] summer s.:0/15, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
Psychology in nursing |
winter |
winter s.:0/20, C [HS] summer s.:0/10, C+Ex [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
Nursing in Psychiatry |
summer |
summer s.:0/10, C+Ex [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
Communication |
summer |
summer s.:0/10, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CNSK019P2 |
Nursing in Psychiatry |
winter |
winter s.:0/10, C+Ex [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
Nursing in Psychiatry |
summer |
summer s.:2/0, C [HT] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
Basic Communication. Psychology in Nursing |
winter |
winter s.:1/1, C [HT] summer s.:1/1, C [HT] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
Psychology in Nursing |
winter |
winter s.:2/1, C [HT] summer s.:1/1, C+Ex [HT] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CNS021P3 |
Nursing in Psychiatry |
winter |
winter s.:2/0, C+Ex [HT] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CNT009P1 |
Psychology and communication |
winter |
winter s.:20/0, C [HS] summer s.:0/26, C+Ex [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
Sociology and Psychology Applied in Medicine and Health Care |
winter |
winter s.:1/2, C+Ex [HT] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
Sociology and Psychology Applied in Medicine and Health Care I. |
summer |
summer s.:5/25, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
Psychology and Sociology of Medicine and Health |
winter |
winter s.:15/20, C+Ex [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CPHK007P2 |
Fundamentals of psychology and psychopathology |
winter |
winter s.:8/10, C+Ex [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CPH002P2 |
Fundamentals of psychology and psychopathology |
winter |
winter s.:15/15, C+Ex [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CPVL026 |
Palliative Care |
both |
0/30, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CPVL030 |
Mindfulness and compassion for helping professionals |
summer |
summer s.:0/15, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CPVL038 |
Course in Biological Psychiatry |
winter |
winter s.:0/15, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CPVL047 |
Assessment of psychopathology |
summer |
summer s.:0/15, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CPVL057 |
Applied chronobiology |
winter |
winter s.:0/15, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CPVL065 |
Children at risk and social neurosceience I |
winter |
winter s.:0/30, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CPVL066 |
Digital technologies and artificial intelligence methods in neuropsychiatry |
winter |
winter s.:0/15, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CPVL067 |
Digtial technologies and artificial intelligence methods in neuropsychiatry |
summer |
summer s.:0/15, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CPVL077 |
Experimental psychopharmacology, contemporary psychedelic research and psychedelic psychotherapy |
winter |
winter s.:0/15, C [HS] summer s.:0/15, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CPVL097 |
Selected chapters from child psychiatry in the context of mental health care reform |
summer |
summer s.:0/30, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CPVL098 |
Psychotherapy (from the first person perspective) |
summer |
summer s.:0/15, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CPVL116 |
Psychopathology in (moving) pictures: film and mental illness |
winter |
winter s.:0/15, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CPVL121 |
Large psychiatric Cases from the current Perspective |
summer |
summer s.:0/15, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CPVL122 |
Sleep Medicine |
summer |
summer s.:0/15, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CPVL135 |
Children at risk and social neuroscience II |
winter |
winter s.:0/30, C [TS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CPVL136 |
Virtual and mixed reality technology in psychiatry and mental health care |
summer |
summer s.:0/15, C [DS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
Basic Psychology |
winter |
winter s.:1/1, C [HT] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
Basic Psychology |
winter |
winter s.:1/1, C+Ex [HT] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
Psychiatry - physiotherapy |
winter |
winter s.:20/10, C+Ex [HT] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
Medical Psychology |
summer |
summer s.:1/1, C+Ex [HT] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
Medical Psychology |
winter |
winter s.:2/0, C+Ex [HT] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
Psychotherapy |
summer |
summer s.:1/2, C+Ex [HT] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CRH002P2 |
Psychology for physiotherapists |
winter |
winter s.:20/10, C [HS] summer s.:0/20, C+Ex [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
Použití neuronavigace v ovlivnění vizuálního kortexu pomocí transkraniální magnetické stimulace (TMS) |
both |
0/0, C [HT] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
Cognitive behavioural Methods |
winter |
winter s.:0/15, C [HS] summer s.:0/15, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
Cognition functions - theory and assessment |
summer |
summer s.:0/30, C [HT] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
Relationships between Brain and Behaviour |
summer |
summer s.:0/15, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CVOL0005 |
Psychopathology in (moving) pictures: film and mental illness |
winter |
winter s.:0/15, C [HS] summer s.:0/15, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CVOL0009 |
Relationship between brain and behaviour (Basics of cognitive, affective and social neuroscience) |
winter |
winter s.:0/30, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CVOL0023 |
Introduction to Research Methods in Psychiatry |
winter |
winter s.:0/16, C [HS] summer s.:0/16, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CVOL0073 |
Paliative Care |
both |
0/30, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CVOL0117 |
Sleep medicine |
summer |
summer s.:0/15, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CVOL0129 |
Relationship between brain and behaviour (Basics of cognitive, affective and social neuroscience) |
winter |
winter s.:0/30, C [HS] summer s.:0/30, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CVOL0163 |
Psychiatry and Society |
summer |
summer s.:0/15, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CVOL0169 |
Can we prevent dementia? Introduction into epidemiology of neurodegenerative diseases. |
both |
0/30, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CVOL0179 |
Experimental psychopharmacology, contemporary psychedelic research and psychedelic psychotherapy |
winter |
winter s.:0/15, C [HS] summer s.:0/15, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CVOL0192 |
Delivering serious news |
summer |
summer s.:0/15, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CVOL0216 |
Children at risk and social neuroscience I |
winter |
winter s.:0/30, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CVOL0246 |
Applied chronobiology |
winter |
winter s.:0/15, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CVOL0247 |
Problem areas and new approaches in the psychiatric treatment |
summer |
summer s.:0/15, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CVOL0270 |
Selected chapters from child psychiatry in the context of mental health care reform |
summer |
summer s.:0/30, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CVOL0271 |
Theory consciousness: from philosophy to neuroscience (and back again) |
summer |
summer s.:0/20, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CVOL0272 |
Cognitive and social neuroscience course |
summer |
summer s.:0/21, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CVOL0280 |
Psychotherapy (from the first person perspective) |
summer |
summer s.:0/15, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CVOL0281 |
Digtial technologies and artificial intelligence methods in neuropsychiatry |
winter |
winter s.:0/15, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CVOL0282 |
Digtial technologies and artificial intelligence methods in neuropsychiatry |
summer |
summer s.:0/15, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CVOL0352 |
Mindfulness and compassion for helping professionals |
summer |
summer s.:0/15, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CVOL0362 |
Children at risk and social neuroscience II |
winter |
winter s.:0/30, C [TS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CVOL0363 |
The rules of war: an interdisciplinary perspective on modern conflicts for health and humanitarian workers |
winter |
winter s.:0/24, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CVOL0364 |
Virtual and mixed reality technology in psychiatry and mental health care |
summer |
summer s.:0/15, C [DS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CVOL1023 |
Course in Biological Psychiatry |
winter |
winter s.:0/15, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CVOL123 |
Assessment of psychopathology |
summer |
summer s.:0/15, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CVOL256 |
Large psychiatric Cases from the current Perspective |
summer |
summer s.:0/15, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CVOL29 |
Cognitive behavioral therapy |
summer |
summer s.:0/15, C [HT] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CVOL89 |
Psychologicaly challenging situations in medical practice |
summer |
summer s.:0/15, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CVO041P2 |
Nursing care in psychiatry |
summer |
summer s.:2/0, C [HT] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CVO045P2 |
Psychology in nursing I. |
winter |
winter s.:2/0, C [HT] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CVO046P2 |
Psychology in nursing II. |
summer |
summer s.:0/2, C+Ex [HT] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CVSE4P0028 |
Neurobehavioral Sciences I. |
both |
22/118, C+Ex [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CVSE4P0037 |
Medical Psychology |
summer |
summer s.:14/0, C [HT] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CVSE5P0054 |
Neurobehavioral sciences - Psychiatry |
both |
6/60, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CVSE5P0059 |
Neurobehavioral sciences II. |
both |
0/0, STEX [HT] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CVSE5P0065 |
Medical Psychology |
both |
0/18, C+Ex [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
CVSE5P0070 |
Medical Psychology and communication |
both |
0/30, C+Ex [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
C1DH008 |
Psychology and Communication |
winter |
winter s.:20/0, C [HS] summer s.:0/40, C+Ex [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
C2FY005 |
Psychology for physiotherapists |
winter |
winter s.:20/10, C [HS] summer s.:0/20, C+Ex [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
C3FY008 |
Psychiatry - physiotherapy |
winter |
winter s.:20/10, C+Ex [HT] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
C3SVA23 |
Student Research Activity |
winter |
winter s.:0/60, C [HT] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
C4SVA0024 |
Student Research Activity |
summer |
summer s.:0/90, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
C4SVA0026 |
Student Research Activity |
summer |
summer s.:0/90, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
C4SVA0028 |
Student Research Activity |
summer |
summer s.:0/90, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
C4SVA23 |
Student Research Activity |
winter |
winter s.:0/90, C [HT] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
C4VL007 |
Neurobehavioral Sciences I. |
both |
22/118, C+Ex [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
C5SVA1005 |
Student Research Activity |
summer |
summer s.:0/90, C [HT] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
C5VL010 |
Medical Psychology and communication |
both |
0/42, C+Ex [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
C5VL012 |
Neurobehavioral sciences II. |
summer |
summer s.:26/130, C+Ex [HT] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
C5VL023 |
Neurobehavioral sciences II. |
both |
0/0, STEX [HT] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
Nursing in Psychiatry |
summer |
summer s.:0/10, C+Ex [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
Lékařská psychologie |
summer |
summer s.:10/0, C [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |
Medical Psychology |
winter |
winter s.:0/10, C [HS] summer s.:0/10, C+Ex [HS] |
12-PCHI |
11120 |
no |
no |