SubjectsSubjects(version: 964)
Courses overview, academic year 2024/2025
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sort in descending ordersort in ascending orderCodesort in descending ordersort in ascending orderTitlesort in descending ordersort in ascending orderSemesterParent course supplying teachingHours per week, examinationDepartmentFacultyVirtual mobilityCapacity4EU+
detail RDIK0404 Methodology of Research Work 2 winter winter s.:16/0, MC [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RD443 Sociology of religion winter winter s.:2/0, Ex [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPKN111 Introduction in Social Work winter winter s.:4/4, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPKN112 Health and Illness summer summer s.:8/0, MC [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPKN113 Theories of Social Work summer summer s.:4/4, Ex [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPKN114 Methods of the Social Work 1 summer summer s.:6/6, Ex [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPKN121 Psychology of the Personality winter winter s.:10/0, Ex [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPKN122 Social and Developmental Psychology summer summer s.:8/0, Ex [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPKN123 Sociology winter winter s.:5/5, MC [HS]
summer s.:10/0, Ex [HS]
27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPKN124 Research Methods summer summer s.:8/0, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPKN151 Professional Practice in Block 1 winter winter s.:0/30, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPKN152 Professional Practice in Block 2 summer summer s.:0/150, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPKN153 Methodological and Supervision Seminar 1 winter winter s.:0/12, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPKN154 Methodological and Supervision Seminar 2 summer summer s.:0/12, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPKN211 Social Services winter RPK211 winter s.:4/4, Ex [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPKN212 Introduction to the Social politics winter RPK212 winter s.:8/0, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPKN214 Methods of the Social Work winter RPK214 winter s.:6/6, Ex [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPKN215 Social Administration and social Security summer RPK215 summer s.:4/4, Ex [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPKN217 Social Work with the Family summer RPK217 summer s.:4/4, Ex [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPKN221 Clinical Psychology winter RPK221 winter s.:4/4, MC [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPKN222 Sociological Exercises summer RPK222 summer s.:0/10, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPKN223 Introduction to Law winter RPK223 winter s.:8/0, C [HS]
summer s.:8/0, Ex [HS]
27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPKN224 Research Methods 2 winter RPK224 winter s.:5/5, Ex [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPKN251 Professional Practice in Block 3 winter winter s.:0/60, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPKN252 Professional Practice in Block 4 summer summer s.:0/180, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPKN253 Methodical Seminar and Supervision 3 winter winter s.:0/12, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPKN254 Methodical Seminar and Supervision 4 summer summer s.:0/12, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPKN311 Social work in the field of socially pathological phenomena winter RPK311 winter s.:5/5, Ex [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPKN312 Social Policy in international Perspective summer RPK312 summer s.:5/5, Ex [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPKN313 Social Worg with Minorities summer RPK216 summer s.:5/5, MC [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPKN433 Religious Freedom summer RP5401 summer s.:0/12, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPKN434 Helping victims of sexual offences in a religious context summer RP5402 summer s.:6/6, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPKN441 Social Economy summer RPK452 summer s.:6/6, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPKN442 Selected topics from community work winter RPK453 winter s.:6/6, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPKN444 Social work in churches and church organisations summer RP463 summer s.:6/6, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPKN445 Interdisciplinary social work case studies winter winter s.:0/12, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPKN448 Basics of crisis intervention summer RPK321 summer s.:12/0, Ex [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPKN5106 Introduction to debt counseling summer RPK5106 summer s.:0/4, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPK211 Social Services winter winter s.:8/0, Ex [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPK212 Introduction to the Social Politics winter winter s.:8/0, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPK214 Methods of the Social Work 2 winter winter s.:12/0, Ex [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPK215 Social Administration and Social Security summer summer s.:8/0, Ex [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPK216 Social Work with Minorities summer summer s.:8/0, MC [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPK217 Social Work with the Family summer summer s.:8/0, Ex [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPK221 Clinical psychology winter winter s.:8/0, MC [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPK222 Sociological Practical Class winter winter s.:0/8, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPK223 Introduction to Law winter winter s.:8/0, C [HS]
summer s.:8/0, Ex [HS]
27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPK224 Research Methods 2 winter winter s.:10/0, Ex [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPK231 Introduction to the Bible Interpretation summer summer s.:8/0, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPK235 Religious Studies 2 winter winter s.:8/0, MC [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPK241 Philosophical and Theological Anthropology summer summer s.:6/0, MC [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPK242 Ethics for Social Work winter winter s.:8/0, Ex [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPK251 Professional Practice and Supervision 3 winter winter s.:0/8, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPK252 Professional Practice and Supervision 4 summer summer s.:0/8, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPK311 Deviant social groups winter winter s.:8/0, Ex [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPK312 Global social policy summer summer s.:8/0, Ex [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPK321 Crisis intervention summer summer s.:8/0, Ex [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPK331 Systematic theology 1 winter winter s.:8/0, Ex [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPK332 Systematic theology 2 summer summer s.:0/8, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPK341 Christian Social Ethics winter winter s.:8/0, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPK351 Specialization Professional Practice winter winter s.:0/120, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPK352 Supervision of the Specialisation Professional Practice summer summer s.:0/10, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPK361 Bachelor thesis seminar summer summer s.:0/20, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPK362 Professional diploma practice summer summer s.:0/12, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPK423 Help for victims of sexual offenses in a religious context summer RP5402 summer s.:12/0, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPK441 Social Problems in Contemporary Society summer summer s.:8/0, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPK451 - summer summer s.:0/4, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPK452 Social Economy summer summer s.:0/8, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPK453 Selected Topics of Community Work winter winter s.:8/0, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPK454 Health and social boundaries summer summer s.:8/0, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPK462 Interdisciplinary social casework winter winter s.:0/9, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPK463 Social work in churches and church organizations summer summer s.:6/0, C [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPK464 Professional prerequisites of social work summer summer s.:0/8, C [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPK5106 Introduction to debt counseling summer summer s.:0/4, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPN111 Introduction in Social Work winter winter s.:1/1, C [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPN112 Health and Illness summer summer s.:2/0, MC [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPN113 Theories of Social Work summer summer s.:1/1, Ex [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPN114 Methods of the Social Work 1 summer summer s.:2/1, Ex [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPN121 Psychology of the Personality winter winter s.:2/0, Ex [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPN122 Social and Developmental Psychology summer summer s.:2/0, Ex [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPN123 Sociology winter winter s.:1/1, MC [HT]
summer s.:2/0, Ex [HT]
27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPN124 Research Methods 1 summer summer s.:1/1, C [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPN131 Introduction to the Christian Theology winter winter s.:1/1, C [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPN151 Professional Practice in Block 1 winter winter s.:0/30, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPN152 Professional Practice in Block 2 summer summer s.:0/150, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPN153 Methodical Seminar and Supervision 1 winter winter s.:0/2, C [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPN154 Methodical Seminar and Supervision 2 summer summer s.:0/2, C [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPN211 Social Services winter RP211 winter s.:2/0, Ex [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPN212 Introduction to the Social Politics winter RP212 winter s.:2/0, C [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPN214 Methods of the Social Work winter RP214 winter s.:2/1, Ex [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPN215 Social Administration and Social Security summer RP215 summer s.:1/1, Ex [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPN217 Social Work with the Family summer RP217 summer s.:1/1, Ex [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPN221 Clinical psychology winter RP221 winter s.:1/1, MC [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPN222 Sociological Exercises summer RP222 summer s.:0/2, C [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPN223 Introduction to Law winter RP223 winter s.:2/0, C [HT]
summer s.:2/0, Ex [HT]
27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPN224 Research Methods 2 winter RP224 winter s.:1/1, Ex [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPN251 Professional Practice in Block 3 winter winter s.:0/60, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPN252 Professional Practice in Block 4 summer summer s.:0/180, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPN253 Methodical Seminar and Supervision 3 winter winter s.:0/2, C [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPN254 Methodical Seminar and Supervision 4 summer summer s.:0/2, C [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPN311 Social work in the field of socially pathological phenomena winter RP311 winter s.:1/1, Ex [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPN312 Social Policy in International Perspective summer RP312 summer s.:1/1, Ex [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPN313 Social Work with Minorities summer RP216 summer s.:1/1, MC [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPN351 Professional practice block specialization winter RP351 winter s.:0/120, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPN352 Supervision of professional practice summer RP351 summer s.:0/2, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPN431 Application of the Law in Social Work winter RP421 winter s.:0/2, C [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPN433 Religious Freedom summer RP5401 summer s.:0/2, C [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPN434 Assistance for Victims of sexual Offences summer RP5402 summer s.:1/1, C [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPN441 Social Economy summer RP452 summer s.:1/1, C [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPN442 Selected topics in community work winter RP453 winter s.:1/1, C [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPN444 Social Work in Churches and church Organisations summer RP463 summer s.:2/0, C [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPN445 Case-based Social Work interdisciplinary winter winter s.:0/2, C [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPN448 Fundamentals of crisis intervention winter RP321 winter s.:1/1, Ex [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPN5106 Introduction to debt counseling summer RP5106 summer s.:0/2, C [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPZ04 International Social Work both 24/0, MC [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPZ04B International Social Work both RPZ04 24/0, MC [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPZ05 Social economy and social farming winter winter s.:0/2, MC [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPZ21 Social Work in Practice II winter winter s.:0/2, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RPZ23 Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare summer summer s.:0/1, C [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RP211 Social Services winter winter s.:2/0, Ex [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RP212 Introduction to the Social Politics winter winter s.:2/0, C [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RP214 Methods of the Social Work 2 winter winter s.:3/0, Ex [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RP215 Social Administration and Social Security summer summer s.:2/0, Ex [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RP216 Social Work with Minorities summer summer s.:2/0, MC [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RP217 Social Work with the Family summer summer s.:2/0, Ex [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RP221 Clinical psychology winter winter s.:2/0, MC [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RP222 Sociological Exercises winter winter s.:0/2, C [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RP223 Introduction to Law winter winter s.:2/0, C [HT]
summer s.:2/0, Ex [HT]
27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RP224 Research Methods 2 winter winter s.:2/0, Ex [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RP231 Introduction to the Bible Interpretation summer summer s.:2/0, C [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RP235 Religious Studies 2 winter winter s.:2/0, MC [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RP241 Philosophical and Theological Anthropologyfor Helping Professions summer summer s.:2/0, MC [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RP242 Ethics for Social Work winter winter s.:2/0, Ex [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RP251 Professional Practice and Supervision 3 winter winter s.:0/2, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RP252 Professional Practice and Supervision 4 summer summer s.:0/2, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RP311 Deviant social groups winter winter s.:2/0, Ex [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RP312 Global social policy summer summer s.:2/0, Ex [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RP321 Crisis intervention summer summer s.:2/0, Ex [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RP331 Systematic theology 1 winter winter s.:2/0, Ex [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RP332 Systematic theology 2 summer summer s.:0/2, C [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RP341 Christian Social Ethics winter RETN5008 winter s.:2/0, C [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RP351 Professional practice block specialization winter winter s.:0/120, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RP352 Supervision of professional practice practice winter RP351 winter s.:0/2, C [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RP361 Bachelor thesis seminar summer summer s.:0/2, C [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RP362 Professional diploma practice summer summer s.:0/60, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RP421 Applied Law in Social Work winter winter s.:0/2, C [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RP441 Serious social problems in contemporary society winter winter s.:2/0, C [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RP451 Research workshop summer summer s.:0/2, C [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RP452 Social economy summer summer s.:2/0, C [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RP453 Selected Topics of Community Work winter winter s.:2/0, C [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RP454 Health and social boundaries summer summer s.:2/0, C [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RP462 Interdisciplinary social casework winter winter s.:0/2, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RP463 Social work in churches and church organizations summer summer s.:2/0, C [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RP464 Professional prerequisites of social work summer summer s.:0/2, C [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RP5106 Introduction to debt counseling summer summer s.:0/2, C [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RP5401 Religious freedom summer summer s.:0/12, C [HS] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RP5402 Help for victims of sexual offenses in a religious context summer summer s.:0/0, C [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RP5600 Choral singing summer summer s.:0/2, C [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
detail RP5700 Diversity and Social Inclusion winter winter s.:4/0, C [HT] 27-PSP 11270 no no
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