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sort in descending ordersort in ascending orderCodesort in descending ordersort in ascending orderTitleLanguage of instruction:Guarantor(s)Taught:Max. number of students:Min. number of students:sort in descending ordersort in ascending orderSemesterHours per week, examination4EU+
detail DA1103002 Methodology of science and bioinformatics Czech doc. RNDr. Karel Fišer, Ph.D. taught winter winter s.:22/6, C [HS] no
detail DV01051 OS - An introduction to R and data analysis Czech doc. RNDr. Karel Fišer, Ph.D. taught winter winter s.:0/20, C [HS] no
detail DV01141 OS - Advances in Bioinformatics Czech doc. RNDr. Karel Fišer, Ph.D. taught both 0/20, C [HS] no
detail DV01152 OS - Artificial neural networks in biomedical research Czech Mgr. Jan Stuchlý, Ph.D. taught winter winter s.:0/20, C [HS] no
detail DV01242 OS - Scientific methology and Bioinformatics Czech doc. RNDr. Karel Fišer, Ph.D. not taught winter winter s.:0/20, C [HS] no
detail DV11254 OS - Artificial intelligence in Medicine - Basics Czech Mgr. Martin Modrák, Ph.D. taught summer summer s.:0/20, C [HS] no
detail DV11255 OS - Bayesian statistical modelling and workflow in Stan Czech Mgr. Martin Modrák, Ph.D. taught summer summer s.:0/20, C [HS] no
detail DV11256 Basics of programming and data analysis in Python Czech doc. RNDr. Karel Fišer, Ph.D. taught summer summer s.:0/20, C [HS] no
detail D1103002 Methodology of science and bioinformatics Czech doc. RNDr. Karel Fišer, Ph.D. taught winter winter s.:22/6, C [HS] no
detail D1503029 Fundamentals of Scientific Research Methodology and Statistics Czech doc. RNDr. Karel Fišer, Ph.D. taught summer summer s.:14/15, C+Ex [HS] no